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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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infectious disease in cattle, water buffalo, and bison, usually caused by Brucella abortus, less frequently by B. melitensis, and occasionally by B. suis, characterised by one or more of the following signs: abortion, retained placenta, orchitis, epididymitis and, rarely, arthritis, with excretion of the organisms in uterine discharges and in milk
GAtriceamónóis bain2
gu triceamónóise
venereal disease in cattle caused by Tritrichomonas foetus, a flagellate protozoan parasite and which is asymptomatic in bulls while in cows it is characterised by infertility, abortion, embryonic and early fetal death, fetal maceration, pyometra and vaginal discharge
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
beef; bovine meat
bovine animal
ainmhí buaibheach; bó-ainmhí
Arrangement regarding Bovine Meat
Comhshocraíocht maidir le Feoil Bhuaibheach
bovine somatotrophin; bovine somatotropin; BST
BST; sómatatróipin bhuaibheach
live animal of the bovine species; live bovine animal
ainmhithe beo den speiceas buaibheach
Arrangement regarding bovine meat; International Bovine Meat Agreement
Socrú maidir le Feoil Bhuaibheach
B.S.A.; bovine serum albumin
albaimín séirim buaibheach
FBS; fetal bovine serum
séiream féatais buaibheach
Arrangement regarding Bovine Meat
Comhshocraíocht maidir le Feoil Bhuaibheach
infectious bovine pustulovaginitis; infectious pustular vulvovaginitis; infectious pustular vulvo-vaginitis; IPV
bált-fhaighníteas puchóideach ionfhabhtaíoch
bovine tuberculin
tiúibeirclin bhuaibheach
beef cysticercosis; beef measles; bovine cysticercosis; cysticercosis; measles
bovine malignant catarrh; catarrhal fever; gangrenous coryza; malignant catarrhal fever; malignant head catarrh; MCF; snotsiekte
catarra urchóideach buaibheach; réama urchóideach buaibheach
bovine TB; bovine tuberculosis; Mycobacterium bovis infection; Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis
eitinn bhólachta
<i>Brucella abortus</i> infection; Bang's disease; bovine brucellosis; contagious abortion; infectious abortion
brúsalóis bhólachta
BGC; bovine genital campylobacteriosis; bovine venereal campylobacteriosis; BVC
campalabaictéaróis ghinitiúil bhuaibheach
EBL; enzootic bovine leukosis
liúcóis bhólachta eansótach
IBR; IBR/IPV; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis
rineatraicéíteas tógálach buaibheach
BEF; bovine ephemeral fever; bovine epizootic fever; ephemeral fever; three-day sickness
fiabhras buaibheach gearrshaolach
haemorrhagic bovine septicaemia; haemorrhagic septicaemia; haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattle; Pasteurella multocida infection; pasteurellosis of cattle; septicaemic pasteurellosis
seipticéime fuilreatha bólachta
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; mad cow disease
einceifileapaite spúinseach bhólachta; ESB; galar na bó buile
BFK; bovine fetal kidney cell
duánchill fhéatach bhuaibheach
bovine serum factors; BSF
fachtóir séirim bhuaibhigh
bovine anaplasmosis
anaplasmóis bhuaibheach
bovine babesiosis
baibéasóis bhuaibheach
bovine viral diarrhoea; bovine virus diarrhoea; BVD
buinneach víreasach bhuaibheach
PEGbG-CSF; pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí peigealáitithe buaibheacha
bLF; bovine lactoferrin
lachtaifeirin bhuaibheach
BCOP; Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability assay; Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability test
Measúnacht ar Thréscaoilteacht agus Teimhneacht Coirní Bhólachta
bovine anasarque; bovine besnoitiosis; bovine elephantiasis
eilifintiáis bhuaibheach