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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
air operator; operator
trip fuel
breosla turais
final reserve fuel
breosla cúltaca deiridh
reserve fuel
breosla cúltaca
healthcare benefit; sickness benefit in kind
sochar breoiteachta comhchineáil
solid fuel
breosla soladach
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
fuel pressure regulator; fuel regulator
brúrialtán breosla
conventional fossil fuel
breosla iontaise traidisiúnta; gnáthbhreosla iontaise
breosla adhmaid
energy crop; fuel crop
barr breosla; barr fuinnimh
addressograph operator
oibreoir seoladhghraif
nuclear fuel
breosla núicléach
fossil fuel
breosla iontaise
depleted fuel; impoverished fuel; INF; irradiated fuel; irradiated nuclear fuel; SNF; spent fuel; spent nuclear fuel
breosla bochtaithe; breosla ionradaithe; breosla laghdaithe; breosla núicléach ionradaithe; breosla núicléach spíonta; breosla spíonta
core pressure vessel; pressure vessel; reactor pressure vessel; reactor vessel; RPV
árthach brú imoibreora
fossil fuel power plant; fossil-fired plant; fossil-fired power plant
gléasra cumhachta breosla iontaise
alternative fuel
breosla ionadúil
Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Agricultural Workers; Sickness Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1927
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Breoiteachta d'Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Workers in Industry and Commerce and Domestic Servants; Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention, 1927
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Breoiteachta d''Oibrithe in earnáil na Tionsclaíochta agus in earnáil na Tráchtála agus d''Oibrithe Tí
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field
Coinbhinsiún na Ginéive le haghaidh Feabhsú Staid an Lucht Créachtaithe agus an Lucht Breoite i bhFórsaí Armtha ar an Machaire
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea
Coinbhinsiún na Ginéive le haghaidh feabhsú staid na gComhaltaí créachtaithe, breoite agus longbhriste d'Fhórsaí armtha ar muir
international thermonuclear experimental reactor; ITER
Imoibreoir Trialach Teirmeanúicléach Idirnáisiúnta; ITER
reactor line; reactor type
aicme imoibreoirí; cineál imoibreoirí
fuel; motor fuel
console operator
oibreoir consóil
INFCE; International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation
an Mheastóireacht Idirnáisiúnta ar Réim Breosla Núicléigh; INCE
reactor dynamics
dinimic imoibreora
Convention on the Liability of Operators of Nuclear Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Oibreoirí Long Núicléach
Management and Co-ordination Advisory Committee on Nuclear Fission Energy: Reactors and Safety, Control of Fissile Materials
Coiste Comhairleach Bainistíochta agus Comhordúcháin um Fhuinneamh Eamhnach Núicléach: Imoibreoirí agus Sábháilteacht, Rialú Ábhar Inscoilte; Coiste Comhairleach maidir le Bainistíocht agus Comhordúchán um Fhuinneamh Eamhnach Núicléach: Imoibreoirí agus Sábháilteacht, Rialú Ábhar Inscoilte
absenteeism due to illness
neamhláithreacht de dheasca breoiteachta
Convention on the Constitution of the European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels - EUROCHEMIC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bunú na Cuideachta Eorpaí chun Breoslaí Ionradaithe a Phróiseáil go Ceimiceach - EUROCHEMIC
bunker fuel; bunker oil
breosla umair; ola umair
Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamen; Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Breoiteachta do Mhairnéalaigh
radio officer; radio operator
oibreoir raidió; oifigeach raidió
reactor safety
sábháilteacht imoibreora
aircraft operator
oibreoir aerárthaigh
high-power reactor; power reactor
imoibreoir cumhachta
SOFC; solid oxide fuel cell
breosla-chill ocsaíde soladaí; SOFC
reactor with a high fast-neutron flux
imoibreoir ardfhlosca mearneodróin; imoibreoir ardfhlosca neodróin mear
reactor control
rialú imoibreora
materials-testing reactor
imoibreoir tástála ábhar
homogeneous reactor
imoibreoir aonchineálach
experimental fuel fabrication
monarú turgnamhach breoslaí
reactor kinetics
cinéitic imoibreora
fuel-recycling equipment
trealamh athchúrsála breosla
development of a power reactor
forbairt imoibreora cumhachta
recycling of irradiated nuclear fuels
breoslaí núicléacha ionradaithe a thimthriall athuair
crushed or broken stone; flint
breochloch; cloch bhrúite
reactor simulator
ionsamhlóir imoibreora
WANO; World Association of Nuclear Operators
Comhlachas Domhanda na nOibreoirí Núicléacha
air operator certificate; air operator's certificate; AOC
teastas aeroibreora
landfill operator; operator
ETNO; European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association
an Comhlachas Eorpach d'oibreoirí líonraí teileachumarsáide; ETNO
the corresponding bodies shall work to strengthen contacts between them in an organised and regular manner
oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na tadhaill eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta; oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na teagmhálacha eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
an Coinbhinsiún Comhpháirteach maidir le Sábháilteacht i mBainistiú Breosla Spíonta agus maidir le Sábháilteacht i mBainistiú Dramhaíola Radaighníomhaí
Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in the engineering design activities for the international thermonuc
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach, Rialtas na Seapáine, Rialtas Chónaidhm na Rúise agus Rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le comhar i ngníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le dearadh innealtóireachta don imoibreoir trialach teirm
Japanese apricot
crann aibreog Seapánach
transmission system operator; TSO
OCT; oibreoir córais tarchurtha
ETSO; European Transmission System Operators
ETSO; Oibreoirí Chórais Tarchurtha na hEorpa
National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Fuels; ONDRAF
Gníomhaireacht Náisiúnta um Dhramhaíl Radaighníomhach agus Breoslaí Núicléacha; ONDRAF
fuel mix
meascán breosla
distribution system operator; DSO
OCD; oibreoir córais dáileacháin
economic actor; economic agent; economic entity; economic operator; EO
oibreoir eacnamaíoch
refinery fuel
breosla scaglainne
fuel supply pump; supply pump
caidéal soláthair breosla
MBR; membrane bioreactor
bith-imoibreoir scannáin
stores and fuel
soláthairtí agus breosla
postal operator; postal services operator
oibreoir poist
ashing crucible
breogán luaithrithe
platinum crucible
breogán platanaim
solid fuel heating
téamhchóras breosla sholadaigh
hydrogen cell; hydrogen fuel cell
breosla-chill hidrigine
boiling heavy water reactor; HBWR; heavy water boiling reactor
imoibreoir tromuisce fiuchta
gas reactor; gas-cooled reactor
imoibreoir gásfhuaraithe
SAFR; stoichiometric air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric fuel/air ratio; stoichiometric ideal air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric point; stoichiometric ratio
cóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach; pointe stócaiméadrach
MCFC; molten carbonate fuel cell
breosla-chill charbónáite leáite; MCFC
fuel trim
coigeartú breosla
crann aibreoige Sibéarach
crann plumaí aibreoige
average fuel consumption
meánídiú breosla
reactor with on-load refuelling
imoibreoir athbhreoslaithe leanúnaigh
compulsory sickness insurance
árachas éigeantach breoiteachta; árachas éigeantach sláinte
Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme; JSIS
Comhscéim Árachais Breoiteachta
sickness benefit
sochar breoiteachta
health insurance; medical insurance; sickness insurance
árachas breoiteachta; árachas sláinte
liquid fuel
breosla leachtach
breeder; fast breeder; fast breeder reactor; fast breeding reactor; FBR
imoibreoir; mear-imoibreoir pórúcháin
road passenger transport operator
oibreoir iompair paisinéirí de bhóthar
boiling reactor
imoibreoir fiuchta
aircraft fuel system
córas breosla aerárthaigh
A/F ratio; AFR; air/fuel ratio; mixture ratio
cóimheas idir aer agus breosla
altitude decompression sickness
breoiteacht dí-chomhbhrúcháin airde
aromatic fuel
breosla aramatach
avcat; aviation carrier turbine fuel
avcat; breosla tuirbín eitlíochta d'iompróirí aerárthaí
aviation kerosene; aviation turbine fuel; avtur
avtur; breosla tuirbín eitlíochta
barometric fuel control
rialaitheoir baraiméadrach breosla
brake-specific fuel consumption; BSFC
ídiú sonrach breosla bunaithe ar each-chumhacht an choscáin
by-pass turbine engine
imoibreoir tuirbín; inneall tuirbín seach-chonaire; inneall turba-fean
chemical fuel
breosla ceimiceach
ídiú; ídiú breosla
flight operator
oibreoir eitilte
fuel accumalator
cnuasaitheoir breosla
fuel control unit
aonad rialaithe breosla
fuel evaporation ice; fuel ice
oighear mar gheall ar ghalú breosla
fuel grade
grád breosla
fuel manifold
ilphíobán breosla
fuel no air valve
ilphíobán breosla
fuel spillage
doirteadh breosla
fuel trimmer
rialtán breosla
unit injector
aonad insteallta breosla
atomic pile; nuclear reactor
imoibreoir núicléach
fast neutron reactor; fast reactor; FNR
research reactor
imoibreoir taighde
fuel cell
pressurised-water reactor; PWR
imoibreoir uisce bhrúchóirithe
heavy water reactor; heavy-water reactor; HWR
imoibreoir tromuisce
green fuel
breosla glas
franchise chain operators
oibreoirí i sraith saincheadúnas
diesel fuel
breosla díosail
light water reactor; light-water moderated reactor; LWR
imoibreoir éadromuisce
PHWR; pressurised heavy-water-moderated and cooled reactor
imoibreoir a mheasraítear agus a fhuaraítear le tromuisce brúchóirithe
RDF; refuse-derived fuel; residue-derived fuel; waste-derived fuel; WDF
breosla arna dhíorthú ó dhramhaíl
fuel cycle; nuclear fuel cycle
timthriall breosla; timthriall breosla núicléach
boiling water reactor; BWR
imoibreoir uisce fiuchta
wide cut fuel; wide-cut fuel
breosla hidreacharbóin mheasctha
minimum fuel
íosmhéid breosla
service fuel tank; service tank
umar breosla seirbhíse
farm manager; farm operator; independent farmer
oibreoir feirme
fixed-bed reactor
imoibreoir cisil fhosaithe
fuel oil tank; fuel tank
umar breosla
synfuel; synthetic fuel
breosla sintéiseach
independent system operator; ISO
oibreoir córais neamhspleách
fuel tank; gas tank; tank
umar; umar breosla
fuel injection; injection
instealladh breosla
heterogeneous phase bioreactor
bith-imoibreoir pas ilchineálach
sequencing batch reactor
imoibreoir baisceanna seicheamhaithe
CMA pond; completely mixed aerated pond; completely mixed reactor
imoibreoir lánmheasctha
dispersive mixing reactor
imoibreoir sprémheasctha
agitation reactor
imoibreoir suaite
tubular reactor for pyrolysis
freasaitheoir feadánach um pirealú; imoibreoir feadánach um pirealú
terminal operator
oibreoir críochfoirt
notified operator
oibreoir arna chur in iúl
absolute return required by operator
dearbhtháirgeacht arna héileamh ag an oibreoir; dearbhthoradh arna éileamh ag an oibreoir
statutory accounts of the operator
cuntais reachtúla an oibreora
cross-border interconnection between operators of established networks
idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí de líonraí bhunaithe; idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí líonraí bunaithe
carrier; haulier; transport operator
iompróir; oibreoir iompair; tarlóir
MTO; multimodal transport operator
oibreoir iompair ilmhódaigh
combined transport operator; CTO
oibreoir iompair traschórais
DRG operator; dynamic route guidance system operator
oibreoir córais don treoraíocht dhinimiciúil de bhóthar
oxygenated fuel
breosla ocsaiginithe
AEO; Authorised Economic Operator
oibreoir eacnamaíoch údaraithe
OHA; operator holding account
cuntas coinneála oibreora
bi-fuel vehicle
feithicil dhá fhoinse breosla
alternative fuel vehicle
feithicil breosla ionadúil
FCH Joint Undertaking; FCH JU; Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
an Comhghnóthas um Chealla Breosla agus um Hidrigin; Comhghnóthas FCH
AFUE; annual fuel utilisation efficiency
éifeachtúlacht bhliantúil úsáide breosla
Economic Operators Registration and Identification number; EORI number
uimhir chláraithe agus aitheantais oibreoirí eacnamaíochta; uimhir EORI
fuel line
píobán breosla
ENTSO for Electricity; ENTSO-E; European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
ENTSO-E; Líonra Eorpach d'Oibreoirí Córais Tharchurtha Leictreachais
ETP-ZEP; European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant
an Clár Oibre Eorpach Teicneolaíochta maidir le Gléasraí Cumhachta Breosla Iontaise atá Saor ó Astaíochtaí; ETP-ZEP
gas transmission company; gas transmission system operator; transmission system operator; TSO
oibreoir córais tarchurtha
commercial standard fuel
breosla tráchtála caighdeánach
controlled reactor
imoibreoir rialaithe
Mode S operator
oibreoir Mhód S
RFID application operator
oibreoir feidhmchláir RFID
operator; operator of a CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage site; operator of a storage site
process fuel
breosla próisis
highway authority; road operator
oibreoir bóthair
post-column reactor
imoibreoir iarcholúin
glass filter crucible
breogán scagaire gloine
glass filter crucible with fused sintered glass filter plate; sintered glass crucible
breogán gloine sintéaraithe
singleton reactor
imoibreoir aonair
ENTSO for Gas; ENTSOG; European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas
ENTSO-G; Líonra Eorpach d'Oibreoirí Córais Tarchurtha Gáis
fuel venting
scaoileadh breosla
aircraft operator holding account; AOHA
cuntas coinneála oibreora aerárthaigh
operator protection structure; operator protective structure; operators protection structure; OPS
OPS; struchtúr cosanta oibreora
fuel laundering
sciúradh breosla
laundered fuel
breosla sciúrtha
fuel laundering plant; laundering plant
monarcha sciúrtha breosla
terminal operator
oibreoir críochfoirt
casino operator
oibreoir casaíne
contingency fuel
breosla cúltaisce
fuel benchmark sub-installation
foghléasra le tagarmharc breosla
fuel benchmark
tagarmharc breosla
AEOC; authorised economic operator for customs simplifications; customs simplification authorised economic operator
oibreoir eacnamaíoch údaraithe "simplithe custaim"
AEOS; authorised economic operator for security and safety; security and safety authorised economic operator
oibreoir eacnamaíoch údaraithe "slándála agus sábháilteachta"
operator with significant market power; SMP operator
oibreoir a bhfuil cumhacht shuntasach sa mhargadh aige
blocáil breoslaithe
travelling wave reactor
imoibreoir toinne taistil
H-gas; high calorific fuel
breosla calrach ard; H-ghás
L-gas; low calorific fuel
breosla calrach íseal; L-ghás
conventional fossil kiln fuel
breosla iontaise traidisiúnta le haghaidh áithe
alternative fossil-based kiln fuel; fossil AFR
breosla iontaise ionadúil le haghaidh áithe
non-kiln fuel
breosla nach n-úsáidtear san áith
operator of a service facility
oibreoir saoráide seirbhísí
fuel economy
barainneacht breosla
fuel consumption (combined)
ídiú breosla (uirbeach agus neamhuirbeach)
fuel lever
luamhán breosla
professional operator
oibreoir gairmiúil
professional operator
oibreoir gairimiúil
official register of professional operators; register; register of professional operators
clár; clár oibreoirí gairmiúla; clár oifigiúil oibreoirí gairmiúla
fuel metering
méadrú breosla
trickle-bed reactor
imoibreoir sil-leapa
connecting CDSO; connecting closed distribution system operator
nasc-OCDD; oibreoir córais dáileacháin dhúnta nasctha
connecting distribution system operator; connecting DSO
nasc-OCD; oibreoir córais dáileacháin nasctha
market coupling operator; market coupling operator function; MCO
oibreoir margadhchúplála
NEMO; nominated electricity market operator
oibreoir ainmnithe margaidh leictreachais
less carbon intensive fossil fuel
breosla iontaise ar lú a lorg carbóin
more carbon intensive fossil fuel
breosla iontaise ar mó a lorg carbóin
solid fuel heat generator
gineadóir teasa breosla sholadaigh
gambling operator
oibreoir cearrbhachais
ALV; apricot latent foveavirus; apricot latent virus
VFA; víreas folaigh an chrainn aibreog
solid recovered fuel
breosla athshlánaithe soladach
refinery fuel gas; refinery gas; RFG
gás breosla scaglainne
FCH 2 Joint Undertaking; FCH 2 JU; Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
Comhghnóthas FCH 2; Comhghnóthas um Chealla Breosla agus um Hidrigin 2
fuel staging; fuel-staged combustion; reburning
dóchán breosla-chéimneach
relevant transmission system operator; relevant TSO
OCT ábhartha; oibreoir ábhartha córais tarchurtha
land-based gambling operator
oibreoir cearrbhachais thraidisiúnta
online gambling operator; operator
oibreoir cearrbhachais ar líne
ADMIE; Independent Power Transmission Operator; IPTO
Oibreoir Neamhspleách Córais Tarchurtha Cumhachta
waste management operator; waste operator
oibreoir bainistíochta dramhaíola; oibreoir dramhaíola
preparing for re-use operator
oibreoir a ullmhaíonn ábhar le haghaidh athúsáide
fuel injection rate shaping; injection rate shaping; rate shaping
rialú an ráta insteallta breosla
fuel surcharge
formhuirear breosla
PFI; port fuel injection
instealladh breosla béalóige
gasoline; MOGAS; motor gasoline; motor spirit; petrol
biotáille mhótair; breosla mótair; gásailín; peitreal
general sickness insurance scheme
scéim ghinearálta árachais breoiteachta
cash sickness benefit; sickness benefit in cash
sochar airgid thirim i leith breoiteachta; sochar breoiteachta airgid thirim
net total fuel utilisation
glanúsáid iomlán breosla
EU DSO entity; EU DSO entity for electricity; European entity for distribution system operators
eintiteas AE do OCDanna; eintiteas Eorpach d'oibreoirí córas dáileacháin
drop-in fuel
breosla intiteáin
fuel pre-drying
réamhthriomú breosla
fuel diet
comhdhéanamh breosla
fuel washing
níochán breosla
intermediary operator
oibreoir idirmheánach
OES; operator of essential services
oibreoir seirbhísí bunriachtanacha
low-carbon fuel
breosla ísealcharbóin
aibreog (bain2, gu: aibreoige, ai: aibreoga, gi: aibreog)
fuel depot
iosta breosla (fir4)
fuel and light account
cuntas breosla agus solais (fir1)
apricot jam
subh aibreoige (bain2)
sickness or disablement benefit
sochar breoiteachta nó míchumais (fir1)
sick and wounded
lucht breoite agus créachtaithe (fir4)
unavoidable illness
breoiteacht dhosheachanta (bain3)
extension of sick leave
fadú saoire breoiteachta (fir)
fuel tank
dabhach breosla (bain2)
breoite (a3)
breoiteachán (fir1, gu: breoiteacháin, ai: breoiteacháin, gi: breoiteachán)
sick list
liosta lucht breoite (fir4)
dúmas breoiteachta (fir1)
morning sick parade
paráid mhaidine an lucht breoite (bain2)
morning sick parade
paráid mhaidine lucht breoite (bain2)
sick and wounded of armies
lucht breoite agus créachtaithe in airm (fir4)
report sick
cuir breoiteacht in iúl (br)
absence from duty through illness without medical certification
neamhláithreacht ó dhualgas de dheasca breoiteachta gan deimhniú dochtúra (bain3)
lodging fuel and light allowance
liúntas lóistín, breosla agus solais (fir1)
breoiteacht (bain3, gu: breoiteachta)
breosla (fir4, gu: breosla, ai: breoslaí, gi: breoslaí)
lodging, fuel and light allowance
liúntas lóistín, breosla agus solais
monthly claim for lodging, fuel and light allowance
éileamh míosúil ar liúntas lóistín, breosla agus solais
absence from duty through illness permissible under subparagraph (i)
neamhláithreacht ó dualgas de dheasca breoiteachta, is incheadaithe faoi fhomhír (i)
petrol, fuel and oil account
cuntas peitril, breosla agus ola
be sick in quarters
bheith breoite i gceathrúna
to feign an illness (person)
ag dúmas bheith breoite