Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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tar éis sortála nó i mbroinn ar bháid nó ar an ngabháil a thabhairt i dtír nó sa dá cheann le chéile, ná 20 faoin gcéad de réir meáchain den mhéid iomlán ronnach sa ghabháil nó sa sampla sin, de réir mar a bheidh.
after sorting or in the hold or on landing or both does not exceed 20 per cent. by weight of the total amount of mackerel in the said catch or sample, as the case may be.
narrow outer end of the uterus + front portion of the collum or neck which connects the head and trunk
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
chestnut-breasted negrofinch
dúghlasán broinndonn
white-breasted negrofinch
dúghlasán broinnbhán
white-breasted silver-eye
bánsúileach broinnbhán
green-billed toucan; red-breasted toucan
túcán broinnrua
ball broinne; comhartha cille; naevus
cancer of the cervix uteri; cervical cancer
ailse cheirbheacs; ailse i mbéal na broinne
uterus; womb
broinn; útaras
congenital peculiarity
comhartha broinne (fir4)
congenital peculiarities
comharthaí broinne