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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
electricity consumption; energy consumption; energy consumption of Energy-using Products
ídiú leictreachais
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
tacit knowledge
eolas neamhinste
eMARS; Major Accident Reporting System; MARS
Córas Tuairiscithe ar Mhórthionóiscí; MARS
illegal drug; illicit drug
druga aindleathach
financial capacity; financing capacity
acmhainn maoinithe; cumas maoinithe
European Communities residence card; residence card; residence card of a family member of a Union citizen
cárta cónaithe; cárta cónaithe duine de theaghlach saoránaigh den Aontas
European Citizens' Charter
Cairt na Saoránach Eorpach
developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach
tocsaineacht imdhíonachta
illicit trade in cultural objects; illicit trafficking in cultural goods; illicit trafficking of cultural property; trafficking of cultural goods
gáinneáil aindleathach ar earraí cultúrtha
legal drug; licit drug
druga dleathach
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
vertically integrated electricity undertaking; vertically integrated undertaking
gnóthas atá comhtháite go hingearach
hours of rest
uaireanta scíthe
citations and recitals; preamble
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
illicit antiquities trade; illicit trade in antiquities; illicit trafficking in antiquities; trade in illicit antiquities
gáinneáil aindleathach ar sheaniarsmaí
citrus mosaic badnavirus; citrus mosaic virus; citrus yellow mosaic virus
víreas mósáice buí citris
citrange stunt virus; citrus tatter leaf capillovirus; citrus tatter leaf virus; tatter leaf virus
víreas stialldhuilleoige an chrainn citris
lending capacity
acmhainn chun iasacht a thabhairt; acmhainn iasachtaithe
inflation forecast
réamhaisnéis bhoilscithe
NADPH; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
FDAN+; fosfáit dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde dhí-ocsaídithe
accumulated deficit; accumulated loss
caillteanas carntha
schizoaffective disorder
neamhord scitseamothachtálach
ACR+; ACRR; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management; Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
ACR+; Comhlachas na gCathracha agus na Réigiún um Bainistiú Inbhuanaithe Acmhainní
WEM; wholesale electricity market
margadh mórdhíola leictreachais
unsolicited commercial communication
cumarsáid tráchtála gan iarraidh
MLRO; Money Laundering Reporting Office; MROS
MLRO; Oifig Tuairiscithe um Sciúradh Airgid
crann ciotrón
sweet lemon
crann citris limetta; crann líomóidí milse
deficit financing
buiséadú easnaimh
deficit of the nation on current account
easnamh an náisiúin sa chuntas reatha
trade deficit; trade gap
bearna sa trádáil
inflationary pressure
brú boilscitheach
to improve the competitive capacity
cumas iomaíochta a fheabhsú
Expert Group on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting; Group of Experts on International Standards of Acccounting and Reporting; Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting; UN ISAR Group
Meitheal Idir-Rialtasach de Shaineolaithe ar Chaighdeáin Idirnáisiúnta Chuntasaíochta agus Tuairiscithe
incapacity for work
éagumas chun oibre
incapacity for employment; incapacity for work; incapacity to work
éagumas chun fostaíochta
absorption capacity; absorptive capacity
acmhainn ionsúcháin
earning capacity
cumas tuillimh
Scientific Advisory Committee on the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds; Scientific Advisory Committee to examine the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical compounds
Coiste Comhairleach Eolaíoch chun tocsaineacht agus éiceatocsaineacht chomhdhúl ceimiceach a scrúdú
CITES; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Washington Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta i Speicis Fauna agus Flora Fiáine i mBaol; CITES; Coinbhinsiún Washington
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property; UNESCO Convention on Cultural Property; UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Modhanna chun Allmhairiú, Onnmhairiú agus Aistriú Aindleathach Úinéireachta Maoine Cultúrtha a Thoirmeasc agus a Chosc; Coinbhinsiún UNESCO maidir le Maoin Chultúrtha
Convention on the Issuance of a Certificate of Matrimonial Capacity
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Teastais Inniúlachta i dtaca leis an bPósadh
in a personal capacity; in their individual capacity; in their personal capacity; on his own behalf; personally speaking
i gcáil phearsanta
ICES; International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
an Chomhairle Idirnáisiúnta um Thaiscéalaíocht na Mara; CITM
carrying capacity
acmhainn iompair
UCITS; UCITS fund; undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities
GCUI; gnóthas le haghaidh comhinfheistíocht in urrúis inaistrithe
fishing capacity
cumas iascaireachta
ICES rectangle; ICES statistical rectangle; statistical rectangle
dronuilleog staidrimh CITM; dronuilleog staitistiúil CITM (an Chomhairle Idirnáisiúnta um Thaiscéalaíocht na Mara)
deflationary gap
bearna dhíbhoilscitheach
ICB; international commodity body
CIT; comhlacht idirnáisiúnta tráchtearraí
neutron velocity selector
roghnóir luas neodrón
single-dose toxicity
tocsaineacht aon dáileoige amháin
acute toxicity
subacute toxicity
tocsaineacht mheathghéar
monetary capacity
acmhainn airgeadaíochta
reduction of capacity
laghdú acmhainne
engine capacity
toilleadh sorcóra
citrus for processing
toradh citris le próiseáil
irrigated area
limistéar uiscithe
Convention concerning Weekly Rest in Commerce and Offices; Weekly Rest (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1957
Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Scíth Sheachtainiúil sa Tráchtáil agus in Oifigí
net capacity
in their capacity as Contracting States
ina gcáil mar Stáit Chonarthacha...
Electricity Supply Board; ESB
Bord Soláthair an Leictreachais; BSL
entrepreneurial capacity
scil fhiontraíoch
democratic deficit
easnamh daonlathach
external deficit
easnamh eachtrach
control of inflation
rialú an bhoilscithe
geothermal electricity; geothermoelectric power
leictreachas geoiteirmeach
Convention concerning the Application of the Weekly Rest in Industrial Undertakings; Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention; Weekly Rest (Industry) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Scíth Sheachtainiúil a Chur i bhFeidhm i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha
Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships; Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an íoscheanglas inniúlachta gairmiúla do mháistrí agus d'oifigigh ar bord long trádála
bout of inflation
babhta boilscithe
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
chronic toxicity; long-term toxicity
tocsaineacht ainsealach; tocsaineacht fhadtéarmach
current account deficit; external deficit
easnamh sa chuntas reatha
anti-inflationary measures
beart frithbhoilscithe
reporting threshold
tairseach tuairiscithe
drug trafficking; illicit drug trafficking; narcotrafficking
gáinneáil ar dhrugaí
single-dose toxicity test; single-dose toxicity testing
tástáil tocsaineachta aon dáileoige
repeat-dose toxicity; repeated-dose toxicity
tocsaineacht ildáileog
electric power generation; electricity generation; electricity production; power generation
giniúint leictreachais
European citizenship
saoránacht Eorpach
advisory capacity
cáil chomhairleach
incapacity for any gainful employment
éagumas chun fostaíocht shochrach
subchronic toxicity
tocsaineacht mheathainsealach
acting in an advisory capacity
ag gníomhú i gcáil chomhairleach
legal capacity
inniúlacht dhlíthiúil
competitive capacity; competitive position
cor iomaíoch
a deficit in the budget
easnamh ar an mbuiséad; easnamh sa bhuiséad
go sainráite
status and legal capacity of natural persons
stádas agus inniúlacht dhlíthiúil daoine nádúrtha
printed matter for publicity purposes (including travel publicity)
ábhar clóite le haghaidh poiblíochta (lena n-áirítear poiblíocht taistil)
nicotine sulphate
sulfáit nicitín
cutback in production capacity
gearradh siar ar an gcumas táirgthe
verification of the authenticity of the decision
fíorú ar bharántúlacht an chinnidh
expansion of productive capacity
leathnú na gcumas táirgthe
in the manner described above
mar a thuairiscítear thuas
the Community reiterates its appeal to all its citizens
impíonn an Comhphobal ar a shaoránaigh athuair; tathantaíonn an Comhphobal ar a shaoránaigh athuair
the members ... shall be appointed in their personal capacity
ceapfar comhaltaí ... ina gcáil phearsanta
essential oils of citrus fruits; resinoids
blátholaí as torthaí ciotrais; roisíneoidí
to refer explicitly to
tagairt shainráite a dhéanamh do ...
non-inflationary economic growth
fás eacnamaíoch neamhbhoilscitheach
potential for additional non-inflationary growth
an acmhainneacht forás neamhbhoilscitheach breise a ghnóthú
a State acting in its sovereign capacity
stát ag gníomhú ina cháil cheannasach
creative capacities
cumas cruthaitheach
in their official capacity
ina gcáil oifigiúil
formal procedure for certifying the authenticity of a signature
nós imeachta foirmiúil trína ndéantar barántúlacht an tsínithe a dheimhniú
Solicitor General
an tAturnae Ginearálta; Ard-Aturnae
sustainable and non-inflationary growth
fás inbhuanaithe neamhbhoilscitheach
excessive deficit; excessive government deficit
easnamh iomarcach; easnamh rialtais iomarcach
Chief State Solicitor
an Príomh-Aturnae Stáit
Vatican City; Vatican City State
Cathair na Vatacáine; Stát Chathair na Vatacáine
Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure
Prótacal maidir leis an nós imeachta um easnamh iomarcach
short-term repeated-dose toxicity; short-term toxicity
tocsaineacht ghearrthéarmach ildáileog
CHP; cogeneration; cogeneration of heat and electricity; combined electricity/heat production; combined heat and power; combined heat and power production; combined production of heat and power
comhghiniúint cumhachta agus teasa
ICA; international commodity agreement or arrangement
CIT; comhaontú nó comhshocraíocht idirnáisiúnta faoi thráchtearraí
capacity development
fothú acmhainneachta; fothú acmhainní; neartú acmhainní
golden conure; golden parakeet; Queen of Bavaria; Quenn of Bavaria's conure
pearaicít órga
Chatham island yellow-fronted Chatham island yellow-fronted parkeet; Forbes' kakariki; Forbes' parakeet, Forbes' kakariki, Chatham island yellow-fronted parkeet
pearaicít uchtbhuí Oileán Chatham
Mauritius ring-necked parakeet
pearaicít Oileán Mhuirís
the least-advantaged citizens
na saoránaigh is míbhuntáistiúla
illicit trafficking in motor vehicles
gáinneáil aindleathach ar mhótarfheithiclí
incitement to racial hatred
gríosú chun fuatha chiníoch
illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters
gáinneáil aindleathach ar shubstaintí hormónacha agus ar thionscnóirí fáis eile
illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials; trafficking in nuclear and radioactive substances
gáinneáil substaintí núicléacha agus radaighníomhacha
Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
an Comhaontú maidir le Gáinneáil Aindleathach ar Muir, a Chuireann chun Feidhme Airteagal 17 de Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
ICTR; International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violat; Rwanda Tribunal
an Binse Coiriúil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Ruanda
budget deficit; budgetary deficit; fiscal deficit
easnamh an rialtais; easnamh sa bhuiséad
capacity to dispose of property upon death; capacity to make a disposition of property upon death
cumas maoin a dhiúscairt tráth báis
illicit trafficking in arms, ammunition and explosives; illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives
gáinneáil aindleathach ar airm, armlón agus pléascáin
Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Ot
Reacht an Bhinse Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta do Ruanda; Reacht an Bhinse Chóiriúil Idirnáisiúnta um ionchúiseamh a dhéanamh ar dhaoine atá freagrach i gcinedhíothú agus sáruithe tromchúiseacha eile ar dhlí daoncháirdiúil idirnáisiúnta arna ndéanamh i gcríoch Ruanda agus ar shaoránaigh Ruandacha atá freagrach i
illicit trade in human organs and tissue
trádáil aindleathach in orgáin dhaonna agus fíochán daonna
illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiques and works of art; illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiquities and works of art
gáinneáil aindleathach ar earraí cultúir, lena n-áirítear seaniarsmaí agus saothair ealaíne
illicit trafficking in endangered animal species
gáinneáil aindleathach ar speicis ainmhithe atá i mbaol
illicit trafficking in endangered plant species and varieties
gáinneáil aindleathach ar speicis phlandaí agus cineálacha plandaí i mbaol
national citizenship
saoránacht náisiúnta
capacity for external action
cumas maidir le gníomhaíocht sheachtrach
the Council acts in its legislative capacity
tá/bíonn an Chomhairle ag gníomhú ina cáil reachtach
EDP; excessive deficit procedure
nós imeachta um easnamh iomarcach
structural deficit
easnamh struchtúrach
green electricity
leictreachas glas
provide citizens with a high level of safety
ardleibhéal sábháilteachta a chur ar fáil do shaoránaigh
capacity utilisation rate
ráta úsáide acmhainne
ECCAIRS; European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting Systems
an tIonad Comhordaithe Eorpach um Chórais Tuairiscithe ar Theagmhais Aerárthaigh
Model Regulations Concerning Laundering Offences Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offences
Samhailrialacháin maidir le Cionta Sciúradh Airgid a Bhaineann le Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí agus Mórchionta Eile
illicit arms trafficking; illicit trafficking in arms; illicit trafficking in weapons
gáinneáil aindleathach ar airm
CIFTA; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
an Coinbhinsiún Idir-Mheiriceánach i gcoinne déantúsaíocht neamhdhleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, armlón, pléascán, agus ábhar gaolmhar
eco-industry; EGSS; environment industry; environmental goods and services industry; environmental goods and services sector; environmental industry
Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime; UN Firearms Protocol; UNFP
Prótacal i gcoinne monarú aindleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, a bpáirteanna, a gcomhpháirteanna agus a n-armlón lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne coireacht eagraithe trasnáisiúnta
autonomous capacity
cumas uathrialach
United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Trádáil Aindleathach i Mionairm agus in Airm Éadroma i nGach Ceann dá Gnéithe
nicotine alkaloid; nicotinic alkaloid
alcalóideach nicitín
defence capability; defence capacity
cumas cosanta
TAK; tarakihi
TAC; taraicítí
financial solicitation
sirtheoireacht airgeadais
illicit enrichment
saibhriú aindleathach
active citizenship; participatory citizenship
saoránacht ghníomhach
Gaza City
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen; IPSC
an Institiúid um Chosaint agus Slándáil an tSaoránaigh
ECOS; European City Cooperation System
Córas Comhair idir Cathracha Eorpacha; ECOS
bona fide unsolicited order
ordú bona fide gan iarraidh
citizen participation; civic activism; civic engagement; civic participation
rannpháirtíocht saoránach
International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons; International Tracing Instrument; ITI
ionstraim idirnáisiúnta a chumasaíonn Stáit chun mionairm agus airm éadroma neamhcheadaithe a aithint agus a rianú go tráthúil agus go hiontaofa; ionstraim idirnaisiúnta rianaithe
International Organisation of Citrus Virologists; IOCV
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na Víreolaithe Citris
NADH; reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
foirm laghdaithe de dhénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde
citrate-phosphate dextrose; CPD
CPD; tuaslagadh ciotráit-deastrós-fosfáit; tuaslagadh ciotráite-deastróis-fosfáite
PBL; peripheral blood lymphocyte; peripheral lymphocyte
limficít fola forimeallach; PBL
solar electric power; solar electricity
grianchumhacht leictreach
total leucocyte count; total white blood cells; WBC; white blood cell count
áireamh fuilcheall bán; áireamh iomlán leocaicítí
erythrocyte count; RBC count; red blood cell count; red count; total red blood cells
áireamh eiritricítí; áireamh fuilcheall dearg
ICPI; intracerebral pathogenicity index
innéacs pataigineachta incheirbrí
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg; Hamburg
Cathair Shaor agus Hainseatach Hamburg; Hamburg
ethyl citrate; triethyl 2-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; triethyl citrate
eitil chiotráite; trí-eitil 2-hiodrocsaprópán-1,2,3-trícharbocsaláit; trí-eitil chiotráite
drained fruit
torthaí díscithe
storage capacity
toilleadh stórais
hold capacity
toilleadh an bhoilg
irrigated yield
táirgeacht uiscithe
irrigated area
limistéar uiscithe
ceiling of irrigated area
uasteorainn limistéir uiscithe
flow cytometry
cítiméadracht sreibhe
histocompatibility antigen; HLA; human leukocyte antigen
antaigin histea-chomhoiriúnachta; antaigin leocaicíte dhaonna; HLA
immunogenicity; immunological reactivity
D-glucitol syrup; sorbitol syrup
síoróip shoirbíotóil
smoke opacity
teimhneacht deataigh
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
DAN; dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde
unsolicited postal sale
díol poist gan iarraidh
illicit commercial practices
cleachtas trádála neamhcheadaithe
balance of payments deficit; payments deficit; trade deficit
easnamh i gcomhardú na n-íocaíochtaí
deficit country
tír easnaimh
inflationary gap
bearna bhoilscitheach
inflation spiral; inflationary spiral; wage-price spiral
bís bhoilscitheach; bís phá agus phraghsanna
inflation rate
ráta boilscithe
subacute toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta meathghéire
sub-chronic inhalation toxicity study
staidéar ar thocsaineacht ionanálaithe fho-ainsealach
homogeneity of variance; homoscedasticity; uniformity of variance
flow cytometer
cítiméadar sreibhe
New Zealand parakeet; red-fronted kakariki; red-fronted parakeet
pearaicít uchtdearg
horned parakeet
pearaicít adharcach
Mauritius parakeet; rose-ringed parakeet
pearaicít Oiléan Mhuirís; pearaicít rósbhráisléadach
blue-throated conure
pearaicít phíbghorm
Chatham Island yellow-fronted parakeet; Forbes kakariki; Forbes parakeet
pearaicít uchtbhuí Oileán Chatham
Norfolk Island parakeet; Norfolk parakeet
pearaicít Oileán Norfolk
presentation currency; reporting currency
airgeadra tuairiscithe
inflation forecast; inflation outlook; inflation projection
tuar boilscithe
spare capacity
acmhainn bhreise
reporting agent
gníomhaire tuairiscithe
capacity use; capacity utilisation; utilisation of capacity
úsáid acmhainne; úsáid acmhainneachta
export capacity
cumas onnmhairiúcháin
implicit cost; implied cost; imputed cost; opportunity cost
costas barúlach; costas intuigthe
import capacity; importing power
cumas allmhairiúcháin
price elasticity
reporting unit
aonad tuairiscithe
reported value
luach tuairiscithe
legal capacity to test; testamentary capacity
inniúlacht tiomnaithe
having capacity to make a will
inniúlacht ar uacht a dhéanamh
FRC; functional residual capacity
toilleadh iarmharach feidhmiúil
CEP; congenital erythropoietic porphyria; Günther's disease
galar Günther; porfaire eiritricítghinte ó bhroinn; porfaire eiritrighinte ó bhroinn
cíticeimic imdhíonachta
capacity credit
acmhainn cúitimh
installed capacity; installed power
toilleadh suiteáilte
citric acid cycle; Krebs cycle; TCA cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle
timthriall aigéid chitrigh; timthriall Krebs
wind speed; wind velocity
luas na gaoithe
wind velocity-duration curve
cuar le fad ama an treoluais gaoithe
free stream wind speed; free stream wind velocity
luas na gaoithe saorshrutha
induced velocity
treoluas ionduchtaithe
storage capacity
acmhainn stórála
Ah capacity; ampere-hour capacity; capacity
acmhainneacht aimpéaruaire
Solicitor General
Aturnae Ginearálta
seismic activity; seismicity; seismism
dermal toxicity
tocsaineacht dheirmeach
fleet overcapacity; overcapacity of the fleet
róthoilleadh cabhlaigh
specificity in tariff protection
sainiúlacht i gcosaint taraifí
excess capacity; overcapacity
citrus black spot; citrus black spot disease
galar spotaí dubha na gcitreas
nominal capacity of the main components of a generating set
toilleadh ainmniúil na bpríomh-chomhpháirteanna d'fhoireann gineadóireachta
equivalent nominal capacity of a steam generator of a thermal station
cumas ainmniúil coibhéiseach de ghineadóir gaile de chuid stáisiúin theirmigh
nominal capacity of a set
toilleadh ainmniúil foirne
maximum capacity of a thermal unit
toilleadh uasta aonaid theirmigh
available capacity of a thermal unit
toilleadh infheidhme d'aonad teirmeach
unavailable capacity of a thermal station
acmhainn do-úsáidte i stáisiún teirmeach
maximum capacity of interconnection
uastoilleadh idirnaisc
3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)pyridine; nicotine
2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid; citric acid
aigéad citreach
kettle; kettle furnace
mains electricity
leictreachas príomhlíonra
editorial publicity
poiblíocht eagarthóireachta
gan iarraidh
Dissemination of solicitations for custom
leathadh sirtheoireachtaí faoi chomhair custaiméirí; scaipeadh sirtheoireachtaí le haghaidh gnó
the competitive capacity of undertakings
cumas iomaíochta gnóthas
the principle of reciprocity
prionsabal na cómhalartachta
deficit in the budget
easnamh sa bhuiséad
rate of capacity utilization
ráta úsáid acmhainne
citizen of the European Union; citizen of the Union; EU citizen; European citizen; European Union citizen
saoránach den Aontas; saoránach Eorpach
citizenship of the European Union; citizenship of the Union; EU citizenship; European Union citizenship
saoránacht an Aontais
profit arising from inflation
brabús de bharr boilscithe
legal capacity
inniúlacht dhlítheanach; inniúlacht dhlíthiúil
assets not in use; idle capacity; slack capacity; unproductive capital
caipiteal neamhtháirgiúil
capacity usage variance
athraitheas in úsáid acmhainne
subnormal capacity usage
úsáid acmhainne fhonormálta
capacity to inherit
inniúlacht teacht in oidhreacht ar
cell biology; cytobiology; cytology
scarcity of water; water scarcity
ganntanas uisce
psorosis; scaly bark
soróis citris
prolificacy; prolificity; prolificness
import-absorbing capacity
cumas glactha allmhairí
<i>Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis</i>; amphibian chytrid fungus; chytrid fungus
fungas cítride amfaibiach
CCITT; Consultative Committee on Innovation and Technology Transfer
CCITT; Coiste Comhairleach um Nuálaíocht agus Aistriú Teicneolaíochta
acoustic excitation
floscadh fuaimiúil
aircraft sound description system; ASDS
córas tuairiscithe fuaim aerárthaigh
all burnt velocity
treoluas ag deireadh an dócháin
angular velocity sensitivity
íogaireacht don treoluas uilleach
blind velocity
treoluas caoch
burnout velocity
luas ag deireadh dócháin
characteristic exhaust velocity
sainluas sceite; treoluas ag an bpointe fágála; treoluas sainiúil sceite
characteristic velocity; stage characteristic velocity
critical velocity
treoluas criticiúil
cut off velocity
descent velocity
treoluas na tuirlingthe
effective exhaust velocity
treoluas sceite éifeachtach
free-fall velocity
treoluas saorthitime
guidance system capacity
toilleadh an chórais treoraíochta
hypervelocity range
raon hipir-treoluais
inertial velocity
treoluas támhúil
limiting velocity
treoluas teorantach
rest period
scíth; sos
weekly day off; weekly rest day
lá saor seachtainiúil; lá scíthe seachtainiúil
delayed neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht mhoillithe
mutagenic potency; mutagenicity
carcinogenic potency; carcinogenicity
lymph cell; lymphocyte
D-glucitol; D-sorbitol; sorbitol
consumer; customer; electricity consumer
custaiméir; tomhaltóir
chromaticity coordinates; chromaticity co-ordinates
comhordanáidí crómatachta
anthracite; blind coal; coal; hard coal; stone coal
labour shortage; scarcity of labour; tight labor market
ganntanas saothair
nameplate capacity; nominal capacity; rated capacity
toilleadh ainmniúil
electric power transmission; transmission of electrical energy; transmission of electricity
tarchur leictreachais
reserve capacity
acmhainneacht chúltaca
transmission capability; transmission capacity
cumas tarchuradóireachta; toilleas tarchurtha
deficit of water
easnamh uisce
advertising goal; promotion goal; publicity purpose
sprioc fógraíochta
get-acquainted seminar; relaxation seminar
seimineár scíthe
regulatory T cell; suppressor T cell; suppressor T lymphocyte; T suppressor lymphocyte; T-suppressor cell
T-chill sochta; T-limficít sochta
killer T lymphocyte; natural killer T cell; NKT cell
limficít T scriostóra
B cell; B lymphocyte
limficít B
T cell; T lymphocyte; T-cell; thymus-dependent lymphocyte; thymus-derived cell; thymus-derived lymphocyte
limficít thímeasdíorthaithe; T-cill; T-limficít
CD4 lymphocyte; CD4 T cell; CD4 T-lymphocyte; CD4+; CD4+ T4 helper; CD4+ T4 lymphocyte; helper CD4 cell; helper cell; helper lymphocyte; helper T lymphocyte; helper T-cell; helper-inducer T-cell; inducer cell; inducer T-lymphocyte; T4 cell; T4 helper; T-helper cell
cill T4 limficíte
symplasm; syncytium
sincítiam; siomplasma
thrombocytopenia; thrombopenia
GCSF; G-CSF; granulocyte colony stimulating factor; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí
malignant histiocytosis
histicíotóis urchóideach; histicitóis urchóideach
excitation system
córas flosctha
external trade gap; foreign trade deficit; trade balance deficit; trade balance gap; trade deficit; trade gap; trade imbalance
easnamh i gcomhardú na trádála
reporting system
córas tuairiscithe
escape velocity
treoluas éalaithe
phagocyte; scavenger cell
erythrocyte; RBC; red blood cell; red blood corpuscle
eiritricít; fuilchill dhearg
oocyte; ovocyte
mental healing; psychotherapeutics; psychotherapy
síciteiripe; síciteiripic
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
neutrophil; neutrophil granulocyte; neutrophilic cell
granalaicít neodraifileach
alditol; glycitol; sugar alcohol
alcól siúcra
cytoarchitectonics; cytoarchitecture
actual line capacity
acmhainn iarbhír líne
berth capacity
toilleadh birt
capacity kilometres
ciliméadair faoi ualach
capacity restraint
srianadh toillte
consist capacity; train capacity
toilleadh na traenach
design capacity
toilleadh deartha
dynamic station capacity
toilleadh dinimiciúil stáisiúin
high-capacity bus
bus ardlín paisinéirí
high-capacity personal rapid transit
mearlíne ardtoillte paisinéirí
high-capacity vehicle
feithicil ardlín paisinéirí
marked vehicle capacity
toilleadh marcáilte na feithicle
outbound station capacity
toilleadh imeachtaí ó stáisiún
platform capacity
toilleadh ardáin
practical line capacity
toilleadh praiticiúil na líne
route capacity
toilleadh bealaigh
senior citizen's pass
pas seanóra
speed transition; velocity transition
athrú luais
standard intercity bus
bus caighdeánach idirchathrach
standing capacity
líon áiteanna seasaimh
station capacity
acmhainn an stáisiúin
system capacity
toilleadh an chórais
vehicle capacity
toilleadh feithicle
crush capacity; vehicle crush capacity
uastoilleadh feithicle
lateral velocity
treoluas cliathánach
deficit countries
tíortha easnaimh
citizenship; nationality
náisiúntacht; saoránacht
advertising costs; professional expenditure; professional expenses; publicity costs
costas fógraíochta
<i>Citrus</i> spp. fruit; citrus fruit
toradh citris
capital turnover; earning capacity; income on capital; investment income; profit-capital ratio; return from capital; return on capital; return on invested capital; unearned income; yield of a capital; yield on capital
toradh ar chaipiteal
rated heat output; rated heat output capacity
aschur teasa rátaithe
calcitonin gene-related peptide; CGRP
peiptíd gaolmhar le géin an chailceatoinin
CD8 cell; CD8 lymphocyte; CD8 T lymphocyte; CD8+ cell; CD8+ T cell; cytotoxic T cell; cytotoxic T lymphocyte; T8 cell; T8 lymphocyte
limficít chíteatocsaineach
bale capacity; bale cubic capacity; bale measure
toilleadh burlaí
deadweight; deadweight capacity; deadweight tonnage; DWT; tons deadweight
in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian in vivo micronucleus test; micronucleus test
tástáil micreanúicléis; tástáil micreanúicléis eiritricíte i mamaigh
polychromatic erythrocyte
eiritricít pholacrómatach
normochromatic erythrocyte
eiritricít normachrómatach
sub-chronic toxicity
tocsaineacht fho-ainsealach; tocsaineacht mheathainsealach
cytogenetic damage
damáiste cítiginiteach
combined chronic toxicity carcinogenicity test; combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity test
comhthástáil ar thocsaineacht ainsealach agus ar charcanaigineacht
primary culture of hepatocytes; primary hepatocyte culture; primary hepatocytes
saothrán príomhúil heipiticítí
CIPCE; Informations and Publicity Centre of the European Railways
Lárionad Faisnéise agus Poiblíochta do na hIarnróid Eorpacha
orbital velocity
treoluas fithiseach
avian infectious bronchitis; gasping disease; IB; infectious bronchitis; infectious bronchitis of poultry
broincíteas tógálach éanúil
dewatering press; dewatering screw press; screw press
scriúfháisceán dí-uiscithe
biologic capacity; biologic potential; biological capacity; biological potential; biotic potential; gross biologic capacity; gross biological capacity; gross reproductive capacity; reproductive capacity; reproductive potential
poitéinseal bitheach
germinating capacity; germination; germination percentage; germination rate; germinative capacity
céatadán péactha
deflationary pressure
brú díbhoilscitheach
city manager
bainisteoir cathrach
air traffic services reporting office; ARO
oifig tuairiscithe na seirbhísí aerthráchta
excitation current; field current; magnetising current
sruth réimse
absorptive capacity
cumas ionsú
accounting and reporting system
córas cuntasaíochta agus tuairiscithe
carrying capacity; traffic carrying capacity; transport capacity
acmhainn iompair
agglomeration; city region; conurbation
ceirtleán uirbeach
capacity factor
fachtóir toillte
peaking capacity
acmhainn buaice
electrical grid; electricity grid
eangach leictreachais
NADP; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
fosfáit dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde; NADP
lymphocytoma; pseudolymphoma
limficitóma; súdailiomfóma
BJ-DISC; disc space infection; discitis; intervertebral disc space infection; vertebral disc space infection
blood reticulocyte count; reticulocyte count
áireamh líontánaicítí
gross electricity generation; gross electricity production
olltáirgeacht leictreachais
anthracite; blind coal; hard coal; stone coal
linear speed; linear velocity; speed; velocity
treoluas líneach
live weight; load capacity; pay load
trapping capacity
cumas gaisteoireachta
ecotechnology; environmentally sound technology; green technology
éicitheicneolaíocht; teicneolaíocht ghlas
toxicity test with continuous renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan leanúnach
toxicity test with periodic renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan thráthrialta
toxicity test without renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta gan athnuachan
capacitance manometer
manaiméadar toillis
conservative substance; persistent substance; recalcitrant substance; refractory substance
substaint imchoimeádach
price elasticity of supply
praghasleaisteachas an tsoláthair
adverse balance; debit balance; deficiency; deficit
citizens' Europe; people's Europe
Eoraip na saoránach
incremental capacity cost
costas achmainneachta incriminteach
AFCAP; Microfinance Capacity Building Programme in Africa; Microfinance Capacity Building Programme in Africa: Building World Class Excellence in Africa's Microfinance Industry
Clár um Fhorbairt Acmhainní maidir le Micreamhaoiniú san Afraic
analytical specificity
sainiúlacht anailíseach
clean cities program; clean cities programme
clár na gcathracha glana
HCT; high capacity transit
iompar poiblí ardtoillte
capacity of an inland waterways transport passenger vessel; capacity of an IWT passenger vessel
toilleadh soithigh uiscebhealaí intíre
Guatemala City
Cathair Ghuatamala
Kuwait City
Cathair Chuáit
Mexico City
Cathair Mheicsiceo
Panama City
Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market; Directive on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Internal Electricity Market; Renewables Directive; RES-E Directive
Treoir 2001/77/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 27 Meán Fómhair 2001 maidir le leictreachas arna tháirgeadh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh a chur chun cinn sa mhargadh inmheánach leictreachais; Treoir FIF-L; Treoir na bhFoinsí Inathnuaite
ICE; intercity express
citrus longhorn beetle; citrus longhorned beetle; citrus long-horned beetle
ciaróg Áiseach
UCLG; United Cities and Local Governments; World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments
Cathracha agus Rialtais Áitiúla Aontaithe; UCLG
erythropoietic porphyria
porfaire eiritricítghinte
allocation; capacity allocation
leithdháileadh acmhainne
ERGEG; European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas
ERGEG; Grúpa na Rialtóirí Eorpacha um Leictreachas agus um Ghás
intelligence capacity
cumas faisnéise
European Week of Regions and Cities; EUWRC; OPEN DAYS
Seachtain Eorpach na Réigiún agus na gCathracha
illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing; illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; IUU fishing; IUUF
iascaireacht neamhdhleathach, neamhthuairiscithe, neamhrialáilte; iascaireacht NNN
Ad hoc Working Party on Fundamental Rights and Citizenship; Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens' Rights and Free Movement of Persons
an Mheitheal um Chearta Bunúsacha, um Chearta na Saoránach agus um Shaorghluaiseacht Daoine
correction of the excessive deficit
ceartú an easnaimh iomarcaigh
Europe for Citizens; Europe for Citizens Programme
an Clár um an Eoraip ar son na Saoránach
visa reciprocity
cómhalartacht víosa
Citrus psorosis ophiovirus; Citrus psorosis virus; CPsV
víreas soróise citris
Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship; SOC Section
an Rannóg Fostaíochta, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Saoránachta; an Rannóg um Fhostaíocht, Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Saoránacht; Rannóg SOC; SOC
JESSICA; Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas
an Tacaíocht Chomhpháirteach Eorpach um Infheistiú Inbhuanaithe i Limistéir Chathrach
EU SALW strategy; EU Strategy to combat illicit accumulation and trafficking of SALW and their ammunition
Straitéis an Aontais chun carnadh agus gáinneáil aindleathach i mionarmáin agus armáin éadroma agus ina n-armlón a chomhrac; Straitéis SALW AE
citizens' summary; layman's summary note; layperson's summary; summary for citizens
achoimre na saoránach
solicited credit assessment; solicited credit rating
measúnú creidmheasa iarrtha
managing of UCITS
bainistíocht GCUI; GCUI a bhainistiú
citizens' initiative; ECI; European citizens' initiative
tionscnamh ó na saoránaigh
acute dermal toxicity
géarthocsaineacht dheirmeach
acute inhalation toxicity
géarthocsaineacht ionanálaithe
acute oral toxicity
géarthocsaineacht bhéil
unused capacity
acmhainn neamhúsáidte
interruptible capacity
acmhainn in-idirbhriste
firm capacity
acmhainn dhocht
technical capacity
acmhainn theicniúil
booked capacity; contracted capacity
acmhainn chonarthach
available capacity
acmhainn atá ar fáil
reproduction toxicity; reproductive organ toxicity; reproductive toxicity; reprotoxicity
tocsaineacht maidir le síolrú
specific target organ toxicity; STOT
tocsaineacht sain-spriocorgáin
reported sales
díolachán tuairiscithe
disaster response capacity
cumas freagartha i gcás tubaistí