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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
GAcógas fir1
gu cógais, ai cógais, gi cógas
Téigh i dteagmháil le do dhochtúir má tá cógas á thógáil agat agus nach bhfuil tú cinnte ar chóir duit leas a bhaint as na saoráidí seo
Anyone taking medication for any of the above conditions who is unsure as to the advisability of using such facilities, should consult her/his GP first
cógas fir1
gu cógais, ai cógais, gi cógas
leigheas fir1
gu leighis, iol leigheasanna
(earra as siopa poitigéara, oideas)
(medicinal preparation, prescription)
ábhar a ghlactar chun galar nó tinneas a leigheas
substance or preparation used in treating disease
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
active ingredient; active substance; pharmacologically active substance
substaint atá gníomhach ó thaobh na cógaseolaíochta de; substaint ghníomhach
medicinal product not subject to prescription; non-prescription medicinal product; non-prescription medicine; OTC drug; OTC medicine; over-the-counter drug; over-the-counter medicine
cógas thar an gcuntar
magistral formula
cógas foirmle ar oideas
generic; generic drug; generic medicinal product; generic medicine; generic pharmaceutical; generic pharmaceutical product; non-proprietary medicinal product
cógas cineálach; táirge íocshláinte cineálach
proprietary drug; proprietary medicinal product; proprietary medicine; proprietary pharmaceutical product; proprietary preparation
cógas dílseánaigh
Community pharmacy; dispensing chemist; dispensing pharmacy; pharmacy; pharmacy open to the public; retail pharmacy
cógaslann dáiliúcháin
ethical drug; medicinal product subject to medical prescription; POM; prescription drug; prescription medicine; prescription only medicine; prescription pharmaceutical; prescription-only medicinal product; Rx drug
cógas ar oideas amháin; druga ar oideas
cancer-killing drug
cógas frith-ailse; druga frith-ailse
General Sales List medicine; GSL medicine
cógas ar an Liosta Díolachán Ginearálta
pharmaceutical preparation
P medicine; pharmacy medicine
leigheas cógaslainne
DDS; drug delivery system
fearas tugtha cógas
concominant medication; concomitant therapy; concomitant treatment
cógas gaolmhaireachta; cóireáil ghaolmhaireachta
medication; pharmacological treatment; treatment
cóireáil; réim cógas
drug monitoring; drug safety monitoring; pharmacovigilance; PhV; PV
faireachas cógas
drug; drug product; medicinal product; medicine; pharmaceutical; pharmaceutical drug; pharmaceutical product
cógas leighis; táirge íocshláinte; táirge míochaine
antiretroviral; antiretroviral agent; antiretroviral drug; antiretroviral medicine; ARV
cógas frith-aisvíreasach
safety pharmacology
cógaseolaíocht na sábháilteachta
injectable; injectable drug; injectable medicinal product; injectable medicine; injectable preparation
cógas in-insteallta; in-insteallta
innovative drug; innovative medicinal product; innovative medicine
cógas leighis nuálach
Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Advisory Committee; Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee; PRAAC; PRAC
an Coiste Comhairleach um Measúnú Riosca maidir le Faireachas Cógas; an Coiste um Measúnú Riosca maidir le Faireachas Cógas
falsified medicinal product; falsified medicine
cógas leighis falsaithe; táirge íocshláinte falsaithe
pharmacologically assisted treatment
cóireáil le cuidiú cógaseolaíoch
respiratory drug; respiratory medicine
cógas riospráide
high-cost low-volume drug; high-cost low-volume medicine
cógas ardchostais tearcéilimh; druga ardchostais tearcéilimh
off-patent drug; off-patent medicinal product
cógas iarphaitinne
pharmacodynamic parameter; pharmacodynamic property
airí cógasdinimiceach
pharmacokinetic parameter; pharmacokinetic property
airí cógaschinéiteach
descriptive pharmacokinetics
cógaschinéitic thuairisciúil
misuse of medicines
míúsáid cógas
extemporaneous formulation; extemporaneous preparation; medicinal product prepared extemporaneously
cógas neamh-réamhullmhaithe; táirge íocshláinte neamh-réamhullmhaithe
cógas góchumtha
counterfeit medicinal product; counterfeit medicine
cógas góchumtha
cógas (fir1, gu: cógais, ai: cógais, gi: cógas)
cógaslann (bain2, gu: cógaslainne)