Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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Príomhchathair reachtach Phoblacht na hAfraice Theas.
Legislative capital of Republic of South Africa.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
Biscayan right whale; black right whale; North Atlantic right whale; North Cape whale
ceartmhíol mór an tuaiscirt; míol mór an oighir
CAPEX; capital expenditure
caiteachas caipitiúil
Cape fur seal
rón fionnaidh na hAfraice Theas
Cape Verde; Republic of Cape Verde
Poblacht Rinn Verde; Rinn Verde
Cape mountain zebra
séabra sléibhe na Rinne
Cape gooseberry; ground cherry
físealach Peiriúch
Cape elephantfish
iasc eilifintiúil na Rinne
deep-water Cape hake
colmóir domhainmhara na Rinne
bonnetmouth; Cape bonnetfish; red-bait
boinéadbhéal na Rinne
COT; galjoen fishes; galjoens
coracinus capensis; COT; gaileoin
Cape redfish; false jacopever
péirse mhara na Rinne
Cape gurnard; GUC
cnúdán na Rinne
European Landscape Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Thírdhreach na hEorpa
Cape monk; devil anglerfish; MOK
láimhíneach na rinne
Cape razor clam; RAC
RAC; scianbhreallach na Rinne
Cape Hope squid; CHO; chokker squid
scuid na Rinne
Cape Town Convention; Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment
an Coinbhinsiún ar Leasanna Idirnáisiúnta i dTrealamh Soghluaiste; Coinbhinsiún Cape Town
Cape mountain zebra
séabra sléibhe na rinne
Cape teal
praslacha cheannliath
landscape unit
aonad tírdhreacha
landscape beauty
áilleacht tírdhreacha
landscape quality
cáilíocht tírdhreacha
landscape structure
struchtúr tírdhreacha
outdoor landscape
tírdhreach allamuigh
visible landscape
tírdhreach infheicthe
landscape texture
uigeacht tírdhreacha
escape velocity
treoluas éalaithe
digital environment; digital landscape; digital sphere
timpeallacht dhigiteach
launch escape tower
túr éalaithe don lainseáil
crew escape system; launch abort system; launch escape system
córas éalaithe don lainseáil
Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape; FOEFL; SAEFL; Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
Gníomhaireacht Eilbhéiseach don Chomhshaol, do na Foraoisí agus don Tírdhreach
Cape elephantfish
iasc eilifintiúil na rinne
Cape Town
Cape Town
Cape hakes
colmóir na Rinne
EEBD; emergency escape breathing device
EEBD; feiste análaithe le haghaidh éalu éigeandála
Cape Town Principles; Cape Town Principles and Best Practices
Prionsabail agus Dea-chleachtais Cape Town
landscape review
athbhreithniú lánléargais
equity escape provision; equity escape rule
foráil éalaithe cothromais
ENISA Threat Landscape; ETL; Threat Landscape Report
Tuarascáil ENISA ar thimpeallacht na bagartha
emergency escape sign
comhartha éalaithe éigeandála
shallow-water Cape hake
colmóir éadomhain na rinne; colmóir na rinne
Cape horse mackerel
bolmán na Rinne
threat landscape
timpeallacht na bagartha
Cape rock lobster; Caps rock lobster; LBC
gliomach carraige na Rinne
light anti-gas cape
cába éadrom frithgháis (fir4)
cába (fir4, gu: cába, ai: cábaí, gi: cábaí)
landscape target
targaid tírdhreacha (bain2)
gas escape
gáspholl (fir1, gu: gásphoill, ai: gásphoill, gi: gáspholl)
steam-escape hole
poll éalaithe gaile (fir1)
miniature replica of a landscape target
mionsamhail de thargaid tírdhreacha (bain3)
permit escape of prisoners
ligean do phríosúnaigh éalú
miniature replica of a landscape target
mionmhacasamhail de thargaid tírdhreacha (bain3)
ceann tíre (fir1)
rinn (bain2, gu: rinne)
tírdhreach (fir3, gu: tírdhreacha, ai: tírdhreacha, gi: tírdhreach)
muirdhreach (fir3, gu: muirdhreacha, ai: muirdhreacha, gi: muirdhreach)
connive at the escape of a prisoner
cúlcheadaigh éalú príosúnaigh
permit escape of prisoners
lig do phríosúnaigh éalú