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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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accelerate-stop distance available; ASDA
an fad atá ar fáil don luasghearú/stopadh
cell bank
button-cell battery
ceallra cnapchille
debt cancellation; debt forgiveness
cealú fiach; maitheamh fiach
miscellaneous current transfers
aistrithe reatha ilghnéitheacha
LC; Lord Chancellor; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Ard-Seansailéir; LC; Tiarna Ard-Seansailéir na Breataine Móire
additional depreciation; extraordinary depreciation; system of accelerated depreciation
córas dímheasa luathaithe; dímheas breise; dímheas urghnách
scientific excellence
sármhaitheas eolaíochta
CELS; Centre for Legal and Social Studies
CELS; Ionad um Staidéar Dlí agus Sóisialta
multinucleated giant cell
ollchill ilnúicléatach
wine cellar
siléar fíona
package; parcel post
somatic cell therapy
teiripe cille sómaí
Celtic League
an Conradh Ceilteach
hESC; human embryonic stem cell
gaschill shuthach dhaonna
ICD; I-cell disease; ML II; mucolipidosis II
múcailipideois II
Cedar; Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition
an tIonad Barr Feabhais um Anailís agus Aithint Doiciméad; CEDAR
miscellaneous revenue
ioncam ilghnéitheach
Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Bailíocht Póstaí a Cheiliúradh agus a Aithint
SCC; somatic cell count
áireamh ceall sómach
Cancellation Division; Revocation Division
an Rannán Cúlghairme
low-energy particle accelerator
luasaire cáithníní lagfhuinnimh
accelerating tube
feadán luasghéaraithe
cell culture
saothrán cille
Protocol concerning Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas; SPA Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Barcelona a bhaineann le limistéir na Meánmhara atá faoi Chosaint Speisialta
Agreement concerning Postal Parcels
Comhaontú maidir le Beartáin Phoist
soilire easnach
photovoltaic cell; PV cell
cill fhótavoltach; cill PV
solar cell
Convention to Facilitate the Celebration of Marriages Abroad
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Ceiliúradh Póstaí Thar Lear a Éascú
Barcelona Convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht agus Réigiún Cósta na Meánmhara; Coinbhinsiún Barcelona
centre of excellence; CoE
ionad barr feabhais
CELEX; Córas Idirinstitiúideach Ríomhairithe Doiciméadúcháin le haghaidh Dhlí an Chomhphobail
linear accelerator
luasaire líneach
Outer Space Treaty; Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Conradh ar na Prionsabail lena rialaítear Gníomhaíochtaí Stát i dTaiscéalaíocht agus in Úsáid an Chianspáis, lena n-áirítear an Ghealach agus Reanna Neimhe eile; an Conradh Cianspáis
H.E.; Her Excellency; His Excellency; Your Excellency
A Oirirceas; a Shoilse; A.O.; A.S.
prizes for excellence
duais dearscnaitheachta; duais sármhaitheasa
CELAD; European Committee to Combat Drugs
an Coiste Eorpach chun Drugaí a Chomhrac
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Comhaontú chun Státghníomhaíochtaí ar an nGealach agus ar Reanna Neimhe eile a rialú
accelerated procedure
nós imeachta brostaithe
SOFC; solid oxide fuel cell
breosla-chill ocsaíde soladaí; SOFC
porcelain articles
earra poircealláin
His Excellency
A Oirirceas
primary cells and primary batteries
cill phríomhúil agus ceallra príomhúil
primary cells and primary batteries
ceallra leictreach, tirim; cill phríomhúil agus ceallra príomhúil
animals vaccinated against brucellosis
ainmhithe atá vacsaínithe in aghaidh na brúsalóise
mounted piezo-electric crystals; photocells
criostal písileictreach suite; fótaichill
Standing Technological Conference of European Local Authorities; STCELA; STECLA
Buanchoiste Teicneolaíoch na nÚdarás Áitiúil san Eoraip
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Seansailéir an Státchiste
NAIRU; non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment
NAIRU; ráta dífhostaíochta gan éifeacht ar bhoilsciú
Iceland; Republic of Iceland
an Íoslainn; Poblacht na hÍoslainne
PC; planning cell; WEU planning cell
cill phleanála AIE
State Chancellery
an tseansailéireacht stáit
Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area; Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway an
an Prótacal lena gcoigeartaítear an Comhaontú ar an Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch
Barcelona Process; EuroMed Partnership; Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
an Chomhpháirtíocht Eora-Mheánmhara; EUROMED
Barcelona Declaration
Dearbhú Barcelona
Postal Parcels Agreement (1994)
an Comhaontú um Beartáin Phoist (1994)
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach an 20 Nollaig 1994 - Modh oibre luathaithe chun téacsanna reachtacha a chódú go hoifigiúil
CEL; combined events list
Comhliosta Imeachtaí
stem cell line
Iceland catshark
catsúileach Íoslannach
Virtual Center of Excellence for NBC Weapons Defence
ionad barr feabhais fíorúil um chosaint i gcoinne arm CBN; ionad barr feabhais fíorúil um chosaint i gcoinne arm ceimiceach, bitheolaíoch agus núicléach
Federal Chancellor
Seansailéir na Cónaidhme
As regards Iceland and Norway, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of No
Maidir leis an Íoslainn agus leis an Iorua, is éard atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen, de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIo
ICRO; International Cell Research Organisation
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Thaighde Ceall
MCV; mean cell volume; mean corpuscular volume
MCV; meántoirt choirpíneach
Federal Chancellery
Seansailéireacht Chónaidhme
total leucocyte count; total white blood cells; WBC; white blood cell count
áireamh fuilcheall bán; áireamh iomlán leocaicítí
Federal Chancellery
Seansailéireacht Fheidearálach
erythrocyte count; RBC count; red blood cell count; red count; total red blood cells
áireamh eiritricítí; áireamh fuilcheall dearg
embryonic stem cell; ESC
gaschill shuthach
germ cell
comparison cell
cill chomparáide
measuring cell
cill tomhais
prokaryotic cell
cill phrócarótach
eukaryotic cell
cill eocarótach
photovoltaic array; solar cell array
eagar fótavoltach; eagar griancheall
stem cell
proliferating cell
cill iomadaithe
cancellation of appropriations
cealú leithreasuithe
cancellation signal
comhartha cealúcháin
adaptive cancellation system
córas cealúcháin oiriúnaithigh
hardware cross-polar cancellation network
líonra crua-earraí le haghaidh trasnaíocht thraspholach a chealú
acquired mutation; somatic cell mutation; somatic mutation
sóchán sómach
regenerated cellulose film
scannán ceallalóis athghinte
cellulose ethyl ether; ethyl cellulose; ethyl ether of cellulose
ceallalós eitile
mouse lymphoma cell
cill liomfóma luiche
primary cell culture
saothrán cille príomhúla
cell suspension
fuaidreán ceall
basal cell
ocellated turkey
turcaí súileach
cancellation of the holding
cealú an tsealúchais; cealú na páirtíochta
stromal cell
cill strómach
apoptosis; PCD; programmed cell death
memory cell; memory T cell; memory T lymphocyte
T-chill chuimhne
endothelial cell
cill intéileach
cancel the pecuniary penalty
pionós airgid a chealú
Bang's disease; brucelliasis; brucellosis; Cyprus fever; Gibraltar Fever; Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; Neapolitan fever; undulant fever
effusion cell
cill eisleata
cell strain
tréithchineál cille
organic solar cell
grianchill orgánach
photovoltaic conversion efficiency; photovoltaic efficiency; PV conversion efficiency; solar cell conversion efficiency
éifeachtúlacht fhótavoltach
SCP; single cell protein
próitéin aonchille
electrolytic cell; pot
cill leictrealaíoch
cell; electrochemical cell
cill leictriceimiceach
PEC; photoelectrochemical cell
cill fhótaileictriceimiceach
hydrogen cell; hydrogen fuel cell
breosla-chill hidrigine
H2-O2 cell
cill hidrigine-ocsaigine
CELADE; Latin American Demographic Centre
CELADE; Lárionad Déimeagrafaíochta Mheiriceá Laidinigh
MCFC; molten carbonate fuel cell
breosla-chill charbónáite leáite; MCFC
cell replication
macasamhlú ceall
natural killer cell; NK cell
cill NK; cill scriostóra nádúrtha
hepatocellular carcinoma; primary hepatic carcinoma
carcanóma heipiticeallach
mushroom spawn; mycelium
china clay; kaolin; kaolin clay; kaolinite clay; porcelain clay
caoilín; cré shíneach
cellulose nitrate; CN; nitrocellulose
acetyl cellulose; CA; cellulose acetate
aicéatáit cheallalóis
accelerator; particle accelerator
luasaire cáithníní
haematopoietic stem cell; haemopoietic stem cell; HSC
gaschill fhuilghinte; HSC
CAM; CAMs; cell adhesion molecule
CAM; móilín greamaithe ceall
cell proliferation; cellular proliferation
allogeneic cell
cill allaigineach
acceleration due to gravity; acceleration of gravity; gravity acceleration
luasghéarú de bharr domhantarraingthe
anti-fraude cell
cill frithchalaoise
epizootic cellulitis–pinkeye; epizootic lymphangitis pinkeye; equine typhoid; equine viral arteritis; EVA; infection with equine arteritis virus; pink eye
artairíteas víreasach eachaí; EVA
Sertoli cell
cill Sertoli
BBAT; Brucella-buffered antigen test; buffered Brucella antigen test
tástáil antaigin brucella maolánaithe
accelerated depreciation; declining balance depreciation; degressive depreciation; reducing depreciation; regressive writing off
dímheas luathaithe; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh
cancellation of an entry; reversal of a posting; reversal of an entry; reverse entry
aisiompú iontrála
miscellaneous income; other income
ioncam ilghnéitheach
brucella count
áireamh brucella
confluent cell monolayer culture; confluent monolayer cell culture
saothrán cille aonchisil cumarach
ligno-cellulosic material
ábhar ligniceallalóis
gamete; reproductive cell
cill atáirgthe; gaiméit
cell biology; cytobiology; cytology
Brucella suis infection; contagious abortion of sows; porcine brucellosis; swine brucellosis
brúsallóis muc; forlao gabhálach cránacha
<i>Brucella abortus</i> infection; Bang's disease; bovine brucellosis; contagious abortion; infectious abortion
brúsalóis bhólachta
WCB; working cell bank
ceallbhanc infheidhme; WCB
master cell bank; MCB
NOCT; Nominal Operating Cell Temperature; normal operating cell temperature
gnáth-theocht oibriúcháin cille
CEL; CEPLA; Commission on Environmental Law; Commission on Environmental Policy, Law and Administration; WCEL; World Commission on Environmental Law
an Coimisiún Domhanda um Dhlí an Chomhshaoil; WCEL
CMC; critical concentration for micelle formation; critical concentration for micelles formation; critical micellar concentration; critical micelle concentration; critical micellisation concentration
CMC; tiúchan chriticiúil le haghaidh foirmiú míclí
accelerator heel point; heel point
accelerated ageing; accelerated aging
aosú luathaithe
accelerated stall
loiceadh luathaithe
acceleration atelectasis
ataileachtáis de bharr luasghéarú
acceleration error
earráid luasghéaraithe
acceleration insensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha nach bhfuil faoi réir luasghéaraithe
acceleration sensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha atá faoi réir an luasghéaraithe
acceleration squared sensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha atá íogair faoi réir luasghéarúcháin chearnaithe; ráta síobtha faoi réir luasghéaraithe chearnaithe
accelerating pump; accelerator pump
caidéal luasghéaraithe
angular acceleration sensitivity
íogaireacht luasghéaraithe uilligh
angular accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe uilligh
automatic celestial navigation
loingseoireacht réaltach uathoibríoch; uathloingseoireacht réaltach
benzyl cellulose
ceallalós beinsile
canopy cells
cealla téastair
celestial-inertial guidance
treorú támhúil neamhaí
celestial navigation
loingseoireacht réaltach
closed cell foam
plaisteach ceall iata
Coriolis acceleration
luasghéarú Coriolis
counting accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe comhairimh
cross acceleration
Faraday cell
cill Faraday
fluid parcel; parcel
blúirín sreabháin
cellular radiator; honeycomb radiator
radaitheoir ceallach
integrating accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe suimeála
lateral acceleration
luasghéarú cliathánach
linear accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe línigh
force balance accelerometer; torque balance accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe fórsachothromaíochta
photocell; photoelectric cell; photoelectric receptor
cill fhótaileictreach; fótaichill
cell nucleus; nucleus
sperm; sperm cell; spermatium; spermatozoon
speirm; speirmchill; speirmiteasón
acceleration pickup; accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe
load cell
cill ualaithe
cell line
saothrán aonchille
miscellaneous; other expenses
speansais ilghnéitheacha
miscellaneous income; OTHER income; OTHER item; sundry
ilghnéitheach; ioncam ilghnéitheach
lymph cell; lymphocyte
photoelectric tube; photoemissive cell; photosensitive tube; phototube
feadán fótaileictreach
LDR; light dependent resistor; photo resistor; photoconductive cell
friotóir solas-spleách
battery; primary cell
ceallra; cill phríomhúil
accumulator; secondary battery; secondary cell; storage cell
cill stórais
fuel cell
Dorothy Reed cell; Hodgkin cell; Reed-Sternberg cell
cill Hodgkin; cill Reed-Sternberg
regulatory T cell; suppressor T cell; suppressor T lymphocyte; T suppressor lymphocyte; T-suppressor cell
T-chill sochta; T-limficít sochta
killer T lymphocyte; natural killer T cell; NKT cell
limficít T scriostóra
B cell; B lymphocyte
limficít B
T cell; T lymphocyte; T-cell; thymus-dependent lymphocyte; thymus-derived cell; thymus-derived lymphocyte
limficít thímeasdíorthaithe; T-cill; T-limficít
CD4 lymphocyte; CD4 T cell; CD4 T-lymphocyte; CD4+; CD4+ T4 helper; CD4+ T4 lymphocyte; helper CD4 cell; helper cell; helper lymphocyte; helper T lymphocyte; helper T-cell; helper-inducer T-cell; inducer cell; inducer T-lymphocyte; T4 cell; T4 helper; T-helper cell
cill T4 limficíte
caprine and ovine brucellosis; ovine and caprine brucellosis
brúsallóis chaorach agus ghabhair
ovine brucellosis
brúsallóis chaorach
pulmonary eosinophilic granuloma; pulmonary histiocytosis X; pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis; pulmonary LCH; unifocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis
granalóma eoisinifileach scamhógach; HCL scamhógach; histicíotóis chealla Langerhans aonfhócasach; histicíotóis chealla Langerhans scamhógach; histicíotóis scamhógach X
accelerated depreciation
dímheas luathaithe
miscellaneous operating expenses
speansais oibriúcháin ilghnéitheacha
miscellaneous operating income
ioncam oibriúcháin ilghnéitheach
alveolar plastic; cellular plastic; expanded cellular plastic; expanded plastic; foam; foam plastic; foamed plastic; micro-cellular plastic; plastic foam
cúr; cúr plaisteach
phagocyte; scavenger cell
Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease; Abt-Letterer-Siwe syndrome; acute disseminated histiocytosis X; infectious reticulo-endotheliosis; Letterer-Siwe disease; multifocal multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis
galar Letterer-Siwe
basal cell cancer; basal cell carcinoma; basal cell epithelioma; BCC; rodent ulcer
ailse bhonncheallach; carcanóma bonncheallach
blood cell; blood corpuscle; cellular blood component; cellular component of blood
cill fola; coirpín; fuilchill; fuilchoirpín
Conway cell; Conway diffusion cell
cill Conway; cill idirleata Conway
epithelial cell
cill eipitéiliach
erythrocyte; RBC; red blood cell; red blood corpuscle
eiritricít; fuilchill dhearg
glia; glial cell; neuroglia
glia; néaraiglia
eosinophilic granuloma; eosinophilic granuloma of bone; isolated eosinophilic granuloma of bone; solitary eosinophilic granuloma of bone; unifocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis
granalóma eoisinifileach
haematocrit; Ht; HTC; packed cell volume; PCV
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome; Hand-Schüller-Christian triad; multifocal unisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis; normal cholesteraemic xanthomatosis
galar Hand-Schüller-Christian; granalóma eoisinifileach ilfhócasach
interstitial cell stimulating hormone; luteinising hormone
hormón lúitéinitheach
cell-mediated immunity; cellular immunity
imdhíonacht trí mheán ceall
somatic cell
cill shómach
exomphalos; omphalocele
neutrophil; neutrophil granulocyte; neutrophilic cell
granalaicít neodraifileach
spermatogonial cell; spermatogonial germ cell; spermatogonial stem cell; spermatogonium
cell cycle; cell-division cycle
timthriall cille
CD; celiac disease; coeliac disease; coeliac sprue; endemic sprue; gluten enteropathy; gluten intolerance; gluten-induced enteropathy; gluten-sensitive enteropathy; Huebner-Herter disease; non-tropical sprue
galar céiliach
prickle-cell layer; spinous layer; stratum spinosum
ciseal spíonach; stratum spinosum
galactocerebrosidase deficiency; galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase deficiency; Galc deficiency; GCL; globoid cell leukodystrophy; globoid cell leukoencephalopathy; Krabbe disease; Krabbe's disease
galar Krabbe
accelerating moving walkway
cosán beo luasghéaraithe
acceleration ramp
rampa luasghéaraithe
average vehicle acceleration
meán-luasghéarú feithicle
centrifugal acceleration
luasghéarú lártheifeach
deceleration ramp
rampa luasmhoillithe
emergency deceleration rate
ráta luasmhoilliúcháin an choscáin éigeandála
maximum vehicle acceleration
luasghéarú feithicle uasta; uas-luasghéarú feithicle
maximum vehicle deceleration
luasmhoilliú feithicle uasta; uas-luasmhoilliú feithicle
peak acceleration
luasghéarú uasta
nominal vehicle acceleration; normal acceleration; service acceleration
nominal vehicle deceleration; normal deceleration; service deceleration
small cell
stationary cell; stationary phase cell
cill chónaitheach; cill sa tréimhse chónaitheach
CD8 cell; CD8 lymphocyte; CD8 T lymphocyte; CD8+ cell; CD8+ T cell; cytotoxic T cell; cytotoxic T lymphocyte; T8 cell; T8 lymphocyte
limficít chíteatocsaineach
effector T cell
cill éifeachtóra T
cell transformation
trasfhoirmiú ceall
cell transformation test; cell-transformation assay; in vitro mammalian cell transformation test
tástáil trasfhoirmithe ceall
cell cycle kinetics
cinéitic an timthrialla chille
cellar man
feighlí siléir
bung; cellar plug(California)
dallán; spíle
cancelling machine; stamp canceller; stamp-cancelling machine
meaisín cealúcháin stampaí
lignified tissue; lignocellulose; wood substance
fíochán lignithe; ligniceallalós
parcel post receipt
admháil seachadta beartáin
standard of excellence/the
an caighdeán feabhais
land parcel; parcel; parcel of land; patch; plot
dáileacht talún
good-till-cancelled order; GTC; open order
ordú atá bailí go dtí tráth a chealaithe; ordú GTC
germ cell
squamous cell cancer; squamous cell carcinoma
ailse ceall gainneach; carcanóma ceall gainneach
histiocytosis X; histiocytosis X syndrome; Langerhans' cell granulomatosis; Langerhans cell histiocytosis; LCH
histicíotóis chealla Langerhans
point-contact cell; point-contact solar cell
grianchill teagmhálacha pointe
cell for continuous measurement
cill le haghaidh tomhas leanúnach
cell for discontinuous measurement
cill le haghaidh tomhas neamhleanúnach
sequential measurement cell
cill thomhais sheicheamhaigh
network of excellence; NoE
gréasán um thaighde barr feabhais
Federal Chancellor
Seansailéir na Cónaidhme
AFCAP; Microfinance Capacity Building Programme in Africa; Microfinance Capacity Building Programme in Africa: Building World Class Excellence in Africa's Microfinance Industry
Clár um Fhorbairt Acmhainní maidir le Micreamhaoiniú san Afraic
SCNT; somatic cell nuclear transfer; somatic cell nucleus transfer
aistriú núicléas cille sómaí; SCNT
cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose; cross-linked cellulose gum; cross-linked CMC; cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; cross-linked sodium CMC
ceallalós carbocsaimeitile sóidiam trasnasctha
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Ionad Barr Feabhais Jean Monnet
agricultural parcel
dáileacht talmhaíochta
accelerated pavement testing; APT
tástáil luathaithe ar dhromchla pábhála
accelerated dynamic pavement test
tástáil luathaithe dhinimiciúil ar dhromchla pábhála
accelerated pavement test facility
saoráid le haghaidh tástáil luathaithe ar dhromchla pábhála
container (fully cellular) ship; container ship; fully cellular container ship; fully cellular ship
long choimeádán láncheallach
CEDD; Centre of Excellence for Drug Discovery
CEDD; Ionad Barr Feabhais um Fhionnachtain Drugaí
meningomyelocele; myelomeningocele
meiningimiailicéil; miailmeiningicéil
ECACC; European Collection of Cell Cultures
Bailiúchán Eorpach de Shaothráin Cheall; ECACC
FCHV; fuel cell hybrid vehicle
feithicil bhreosla-chille hibrideach
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland establishing a framework for the participation of the Republic of Iceland in the European Union crisis-management operations
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne lena mbunaítear creat rannpháirtíochta do Phoblacht na hÍoslainne in oibríochtaí bainistíochta géarchéime an Aontais Eorpaigh
cross-acceleration clause
clásal um thras-luathú
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the surrender procedure between the Member States of the European Union and Iceland and Norway
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIorua maidir leis an nós imeachta um thabhairt suas idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh agus an Íoslainn agus an Iorua
automatic cancellation
unconditionally cancellable
inchealaithe go neamhchoinníollach
cancel unconditionally without notice
cealaigh gan choinníoll gan fógra
policy's cancellation terms
téarmaí cealúcháin an pholasaí
FCH Joint Undertaking; FCH JU; Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
an Comhghnóthas um Chealla Breosla agus um Hidrigin; Comhghnóthas FCH
accelerated procedure; expedited preliminary ruling procedure; expedited procedure
nós imeachta brostaithe
soybean hemicellulose; water soluble soybean fibre; water soluble soybean polysaccharides
heimiceallalós pónairí soighe
myelocele; myeloschisis; rachischisis
Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean; UfM; Union for the Mediterranean
an tAontas don Réigiún Meánmhuirí
mean fully developed deceleration; MFDD
meán-luasmhoilliú lánfhorbartha
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Iceland and Norway to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the f
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Íoslainn agus ón Iorua baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a thugann cúnamh don Choimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm
cell seed
síol ceall
somatic cell therapy medicinal product
táirge íocshláinte a bhaineann le teiripe cille sómaí
packaging cell line
saothrán aonchille pacáistíochta
Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units; CoESPU
CoESPU; Ionad Barr Feabhais faoi choinne na Stability Police Units
CCDCOE; Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
an tIonad Barr Feabhais um Chibearchosaint
ESCPC; European Satellite Communications Procurement Cell; SatCom Procurement Cell
an Oifig Eorpach Soláthair um Chumarsáid Satailíte
cELISA; competitive ELISA; competitive Elisa test; competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay; competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; solid-phase competitive ELISA
ELISA iomaíoch; ELISA iomaíoch sa phas soladach; imdhíonmheasúnacht einsímnasctha iomaíoch; measúnacht imdhíonsúiteachta einsímnasctha iomaíoch
Chancellor's Office
Oifig an tSeanailéara
Head of the Chancellor's Office
Ceann Oifig an tSeansailéara
Minister at the Federal Chancellery
Aire ag an tSeansailéireacht Chónaidhme
deceleration force
fórsa luasmhoilliúcháin
photoelectric cell
cill fhótaileictreach
virtual centre of excellence
ionad barr feabhais fíorúil
cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenase
dihidrigionáis mhiteacoindreach cheallach
cell viability
inmharthanacht ceall
intercellular lamellar lipid bilayer; intercellular lamellar lipid layer
ciseal lipide idircheallach lannógach; déchiseal lipidí idircheallacha lannógacha
quartz cell
cill ghrianchloiche
Vero cell
cill Vero
baby hamster kidney cell line; BHK cell line
saothrán aonchille BHK
BFK; bovine fetal kidney cell
duánchill fhéatach bhuaibheach
calf kidney cell; CK cell
duánchill lao
fetal lamb kidney cell monolayer; FLK cell monolayer
cill aonchisil FLK
master cell stock; MCS
stoc máistircheall
cellular debris
fuíoll ceallach
macrophage; macrophage cell
cill mhacrafagaigh
cell pellet
millín cille
giant cell
grid cell culture
saothrán cille ar eangacha
cell monolayer
cill aonchisil
contagious epididymitis; ovine epididymitis; ovine epididymitis (<i>Brucella ovis</i>)
eipididimíteas caorach
cur ar ceal
CELAC; Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
Comhphobal Stáit Mhuir Chairib agus Mheiriceá Laidinigh
differential blood count; differential leucocyte count; differential leukocyte count; white blood cell differential count
áireamh difreálach na bhfuilcheall bán; áireamh difreálach na leocaicítí
hepatocellular effect
éifeacht heipiticeallach; iarmhairt heipiticeallach
non-cancellable lease
léas neamh-inchealaithe
accelerated stress rupture test
tástáil réabtha struis luathaithe
cell density
dlús ceall
cell count
áireamh ceall
curved cell
cill chuar; cill chuarach; cill chuartha
oval cell; ovoid cell
cill ubhach
aggregates of nested chains of cells
cumascáin de shlabhraí neadaithe ceall
rod-shaped cell
cill shlatchruthach
EACCC; European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell
an tAonad Eorpach um Chomhordú Eitlíochta i gcás Géarchéime; EACCC
Barcelona objectives; Barcelona targets
spriocanna Barcelona
cell cycle duration; cell cycle length; cell cycle time
fad an timthrialla chille
polyploid cell
cill pholaplóideach
peripheral blood cell
cill fola fhorimeallach; fuilchill fhorimeallach
growing cell
cill fáis
human lymphoblastoid cell
cill limfeablastach dhaonna
germ cell cycle
timthriall gaiméití
differentiated cell
cill dhifreáilte
blood-testis barrier; Sertoli cell barrier
bacainn uirí fola; cillbhacainn Sertoli
metaphase cell
cill mheiteapais
genetically engineered cell line
saothrán aonchille géinmhodhnaithe
rapidly cycling cell
cill mhear-thimthrialla
cellulose column
colún ceallalóis
cell permeability
tréscaoilteacht ceall
cell replication system
córas chillmhacasamhlaithe; córas macasamhlaithe ceall
in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test
tástáil sócháin gaiméite in vitro i mamaigh
TK6 human lymphoblastoid cell
cill limfeablastóideach dhaonna TK6
subcultured cell
cill fhoshaothraithe
cell passage; cell passaging; cell splitting; passage; subcultivation
somatic cell mutagen
só-ghineach cille sómaí
cervical cell
cill cheirbheacsach
hepatocyte; liver cell
cill ae; heipiticít
cells in repair
cealla faoi dheisiú
whole cell counting
comhaireamh láncheall
relative cell viability
inmharthanacht choibhneasta ceall
cell depository
red blood cell photo-haemolysis test
tástáil fótahaemalaithe d'fhuilchealla dearga
LNC; lymph node cell
cill nóid limfe
diffusion cell
cill idirleata
flow-through diffusion cell; flow-through system
cill idirleata tréshreafa
static cell system; static diffusion cell
córas cille statach
European design excellence label
Lipéad Eorpach Feabhais sa Dearadh
Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters; COE CSW
an tIonad Barr Feabhais um Oibríochtaí in Uisce Teoranta agus Uisce Éadomhain
permanent mouse fibroblast cell line
buansaothrán aonchille fibreablastach luiche
cancelled appropriation; cancelled commitment appropriation
leithreasú cealaithe; leithreasú gealltanais cealaithe
single cell suspension
fuaidreán ceall singil
circulating tumour cell; CTC
CTC; siadchill athfhillteach
baseline circulating tumour cell count; baseline CTC count
áireamh CTC bonnlíne; áireamh siadcheall athfhillteach bonnlíne
adult stem cell; adult tissue stem cell; ASC; somatic stem cell; tissue stem cell; TSC
gaschill aosach; gaschill shómach
celibacy clause; requirement of no intention to marry
clásal aontumha
celebration of marriage; solemnisation of marriage
sollúnú an tsearmanais phósta
Excellent science
eolaíocht den scoth
cell-based assay
measúnacht chillbhunaithe
AEM; AEM/CD; anode effect minutes / cell-day; anode effect minutes per cell day
nóiméid d’éifeacht anóideach in aghaidh an chill-lae
Bar Broken Center Work Prebake; center work pre-bake cell technology with bar brake; Centre Worked Prebake; Centre Worked Pre-bake Technology; CWPB
teicneolaíocht réamhbhácáilte lárshaoirsithe
subcellular localisation; sub-cellular location
suíomh focheallach
untransformed cell
cill neamh-thrasfhoirmithe
in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test; MNvit assay
tástáil micreanúicléis in vitro i gcealla mamach
binucleate cell; binucleated cell
cill dhénúicléatach
bucelipase alfa
búiceiliopáis alfa
tucotuzumab celmoleukin
túcotúsúmab cealmólúicin
Jean Monnet label of excellence
Lipéad Eorpach Ardchaighdeáin Jean Monnet
parcel planted
dáileacht phlandaithe
stem cell derivation
díorthú gascheall
induced pluripotent stem cell; iPS cell; iPSC
cill IPS; gaschill spreagtha ilchumasach; IPSC
Celtic Seas
na Farraigí Ceilteacha
viable cell
cill inmharthana
cellular xenotransplantation
xéinea-thrasphlandú ceallach
Convention of 6 February 1931 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden comprising international private law provisions on marriage, adoption and guardianship; Nordic Convention of 1931
an Coinbhinsiún Nordach 1931
Convention of 11 October 1977 with Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in the Field of Private Law; Nordic Convention of 1977
an Coinbhinsiún Nordach 1977
DSC; DSSC; dye solar cell; dye-sensitized solar cell; DYSC
grianchill ruaim-íograithe
accelerated storage
stóráil bhrostaithe
membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin
cell room
Hedayah; Hedayah Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism; International Center for CVE; International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism
Delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee
Toscaireacht don Chaidreamh leis an Eilvéis agus leis an Iorua, agus chun an Chomhchoiste Pharlaimintigh den AE-Íoslainn agus chun an Chomhchoiste Pharlaimintigh den Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch (LEE)
Barcelona Regional Office
Oifig Réigiúnach Barcelona
diaphragm cell technique
teicníc cille scannáin
mercury cell technique
teicníc chillmhearcair
membrane cell plant
planda cillscannáin
bipolar membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin dhépholaigh
monopolar membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin aonpholaigh
prioritised or accelerated examination of asylum application
nós imeachta tosaíochta le scrúdú a dhéanamh ar iarratas ar thearmann
polymer photovoltaic cell
grianchill pholaiméireach
thermophotovoltaic cell; thermophotovoltaic solar cell; TPV cell
cill fhótavóltach theirmeach
quantum dot solar cell
grianchill poncanna candamacha
multijunction cell; multijunction solar cell
grianchill ilchumair
reference cell
cill tagartha
Khorasan cell; Khorasan group
grúpa Khorasan
bone marrow cellularity
ceallacht smeara
Relative Increase in Cell Count; RICC
Ardú Coibhneasta san Áireamh Fuilcheall
acceleration notice
fógra brostaithe
terrorist cell
cill sceimhlitheoirí
FCH 2 Joint Undertaking; FCH 2 JU; Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking
Comhghnóthas FCH 2; Comhghnóthas um Chealla Breosla agus um Hidrigin 2
accelerator; accelerator programme; seed accelerator; start-up accelerator
clár luasaire; luasaire gnólachta nuathionscanta
Centres of Excellence initiative; EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative; European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative
Tionscnamh maidir le hIonaid Barr Feabhais AE chun riosca Ceimiceach, Bitheolaíoch, Raideolaíoch agus Núicléach a mhaolú
Tissues and Cells Regulatory Committee
an Coiste Rialála um Fhíocháin agus um Chealla
cell evolution
éabhlóid chille
Radicalisation Awareness Network Centre of Excellence; RAN-CoE
Ionad Barr Feabhais an Líonra um Fheasacht ar an Radacú
EU Hybrid Fusion Cell; fusion cell
Cill Chomhtháthaithe an Aontais Eorpaigh in aghaidh Bagairtí Hibrideacha
OCO; one-cancels-the-other order
ordú a gcealaíonn a chomhlíonadh ordú eile; ordú OCO
cellular confinement; reclusion; segregation; solitary confinement
gaibhniú aonair
cell administration
tabhairt ceall
CCTARC; Civilian Casualty Tracking, Analysis, and Response Cell
an Chill um Rianú Taismeach Sibhialtach, um Anailís agus um Fhreagairt; CCTARC
European Citizen's Prize Chancellery
an tSeansailéireacht um Dhuais Shaoránach na hEorpa
European Centre for Countering Hybrid Threats; European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
an Lárionad Eorpach um Chur i gCoinne Bagairtí Hibrideacha
cross-border parcel delivery service
seirbhís beartseachadta trasteorann
Hersch cell
cill Hersch
Rapid Alert System for Tissues and Cells; RATC
Córas Mear-Rabhaidh maidir le Fíocháin agus Cealla; RATC
accelerated examination procedure
nós imeachta scrúdúcháin brostaithe
electronic ankle bracelet; electronic ankle monitor
bráisléad rúitín leictreonach; monatóir rúitín leictreonach
cell phone tower; cell tower
crann cumarsáide fón móibíleach; crann cumarsáide fón póca
Iceland scallop; Icelandic scallop
muirín Íoslannach
single piece parcel
beartán aonta
accelerator pedal
troitheán luasaire (fir1)
celestial body
rinn neimhe (fir3)
braised celery
soilire galstofa (fir4)
voltaic cell
cadhain voltach (bain2)
primary cell
cadhain phríomha (bain2)
cells connected in parallel
caidhnte ceangailte go comhthreomhar (bain)
cells connected in parallel
caidhnte comhthreomhara (bain)
cells connected in series
caidhnte ceangailte go sraitheach (bain)
cells connected in series
caidhnte ceangailte ina sraith (bain)
cells connected in series
caidhnte sraitheacha (bain)
cells connected in series parallel
caidhnte ceangailte go sraitheach agus go comthreomhar (bain)
cells connected in series parallel
caidhnte sraitheacha comhthreomhara (bain)
cadhain (bain2, gu: caidhne, ai: caidhnte, gi: caidhnte)
cancel the hold fire
cealaigh an fóill lámhaigh (br)
cealúchán (fir1, gu: cealúcháin, ai: cealúcháin, gi: cealúchán)
cancel of additional pay
cealú pá sa bhreis (fir)
detention cell
cillín coinneála (fir4)
photo-electric cell
cadhain fótaileictreach (bain2)
secondary cell
fochadhain (bain2, gu: fochaidhne, ai: fochaidhnte, gi: fochaidhnte)
storage cell
cadhain taisce (bain2)
storage cell
taisc-chadhain (bain2, gu: taisc-chaidhne, ai: taisc-chaidhnte, gi: taisc-chaidhnte)
decelerate speed
maolaigh luas (br)
dry cell
cadhain thirim (bain2)
dry cell
tirimchadhain (bain2, gu: tirimchaidhne, ai: tirimchaidhnte, gi: tirimchaidhnte)
thar barr (fr.r.)
inert cell
cadhain éinirt (bain2)
internal resistance of a cell
friotaíocht inmheánach de chadhain (bain3)
miscellaneous duty
dualgas ilghnéitheach (fir1)
particle accelerator
brostaitheoir cáithníní (fir3)
photo-electric cell
cill fhótaileictreach (bain2)
cells in series
cadhainte ina sraith (bain)
accelerate speed
brostaigh (br, abr: brostú, aidbhr: brostaithe)
accelerate speed
géaraigh an luas (br)
accelerate speed
luathaigh (br, abr: luathú, aidbhr: luathaithe)
accelerate speed
tapaigh (br, abr: tapú, aidbhr: tapaithe)
maolaigh (br, abr: maolú, aidbhr: maolaithe)
storage cell
cill taisce
storage cell
taisc-chill (bain2, gu: taisc-chille)
Celsius (s)
ilghnéitheach (a1)
luathú (fir, gu: luathaithe)
luasaire (fir4, gu: luasaire, ai: luasairí, gi: luasairí)
cealaigh (br, abr: cealú, aidbhr: cealaithe)
cillín (fir4, gu: cillín, ai: cillíní, gi: cillíní)
an Íoslainn (bain2, gu: na hÍoslainne)
brostaithe (a3)
cill (bain2, gu: cille, ai: cealla, gi: ceall)
Celtic Sea
an Mhuir Cheilteach (bain2, gu: na Mara Ceiltí)
soilire (fir4, gu: soilire)
miscellaneous staff establishments
bunaíochtaí ilghnéitheacha foirne
a disease accelerated by a wound
galar a brostaíodh de dheasca créachta