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Auxilliary glossaries
hepatocellular carcinoma; primary hepatic carcinoma
carcanóma heipiticeallach
cell proliferation; cellular proliferation
cellular radiator; honeycomb radiator
radaitheoir ceallach
alveolar plastic; cellular plastic; expanded cellular plastic; expanded plastic; foam; foam plastic; foamed plastic; micro-cellular plastic; plastic foam
cúr; cúr plaisteach
blood cell; blood corpuscle; cellular blood component; cellular component of blood
cill fola; coirpín; fuilchill; fuilchoirpín
cell-mediated immunity; cellular immunity
imdhíonacht trí mheán ceall
container (fully cellular) ship; container ship; fully cellular container ship; fully cellular ship
long choimeádán láncheallach
cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenase
dihidrigionáis mhiteacoindreach cheallach
intercellular lamellar lipid bilayer; intercellular lamellar lipid layer
ciseal lipide idircheallach lannógach; déchiseal lipidí idircheallacha lannógacha
cellular debris
fuíoll ceallach
hepatocellular effect
éifeacht heipiticeallach; iarmhairt heipiticeallach
subcellular localisation; sub-cellular location
suíomh focheallach
cellular xenotransplantation
xéinea-thrasphlandú ceallach
bone marrow cellularity
ceallacht smeara
cellular confinement; reclusion; segregation; solitary confinement
gaibhniú aonair