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# Chilean · Sileach # Santiago · Santiago # Chilean · Sileach # Chilean peso · peso na Sile # centavo · centavo
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Auxilliary glossaries
Andean huemal; Andean huemul; Chilean huemal; Chilean huemul; Chilean quemal; Peruvian huemal; Peruvian huemul; Peruvian quemal; taruca
Chile; Republic of Chile
an tSile; Poblacht na Sile
Chilean flamenco
lasairéan Sileach
three-keeled land tortoise; three-keeled land turtle; tricarinate hill turtle
toirtís talún thríchíleach
keel-scaled boa; Round Island boa
bua lannchíleach Oileán Round
alerce; Chilean false larch
Chilean jack mackerel
bolmán Sileach
Chilean flat oyster
oisre leathan Sileach
Chilean mussel; MYC
diúilicín Sileach
Chile saltpetre; cubic nitre; soda nitre; sodium nitrate
níotráit sóidiam
Chile nitrate
níotráit na Sile
bar keel
keel line
líne chíle
duct keel
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Chile on the participation of the Republic of Chile in the European Union military crisis management operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Operation ALTHEA)
Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na Sile maidir le rannpháirtíocht Phoblacht na Sile in oibríocht bainistithe géarchéime míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin (Oibríocht ALTHEA)
Chilean pudu; pudu; southern pudu
púdú deisceartach
Chilean Customs Tariff
Taraif Chustaim Shileach
Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee
Toscaireacht chun an Chomhchoiste Pharlaimintigh den AE agus den tSile
Chilean devil ray; sicklefin devil ray
diabhalroc Sileach
EU-Chile Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-na Sile
Chilean hake; South Pacific hake
colmóir Sileach
an tSile (bain4, gu: na Sile)