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Auxilliary glossaries
Office of the Commandant Military College [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Training Centre]
Oifig Cheannfort an Choláiste Mhíleata (bain2)
Camp Commandant
Ceannfort Campa (fir1)
Camp Commandant's staff
foireann Cheannfort Campa (bain2)
rank of commandant
céim cheannfoirt (bain2)
commandant [Rank Titles]
ceannfort (fir1, gu: ceannfoirt, ai: ceannfoirt, gi: ceannfort)
commandant [Rank Titles]
Cft. (gior)
Office of the Commandant Military College
Oifig Cheannfort an Choláiste Míleata (bain2)
depot commandant
ceannfort iosta (fir1)
the rank of commandant
céim cheannfoirt (bain2)
the Commandant, The Military College
an Ceannfort, An Coláiste Míleata
retire an officer with the rank of commandant
scoir oifigeach ina cheannfort