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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
change-over point; COP
pointe aistrithe
raon feidhme
conformity of production; CoP
comhréireacht táirgeachta
copra expeller
asbhrúchán copra
copra, extracted
copra úsctha
classification of individual consumption by purpose; COICOP
aicmiú tomhaltais aonair de réir cuspóra
Copenhagen political criteria
critéir pholaitiúla Chóbanhávan
creeping functionality; feature creep; focus creep; kitchen sink syndrome; requirements creep; scope creep
leathadh téaltaitheach scóipe
apple proliferation mycoplasm; apple proliferation mycoplasma-like organism; apple proliferation phytoplasma; apple witches' broom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma iomadaithe an chrainn úll
pear decline mycoplasm; pear decline mycoplasma-like organism; pear decline phytoplasma
fíteaplasma meatha an chrainn piorraí
palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm; palm lethal yellowing mycoplasma-like organism; palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma
fíteaplasma buíochana marfaí na pailme
peach little peach MLO; Peach red suture MLO; peach yellows mycoplasm; peach yellows phytoplasma; peach yellows virus
fíteaplasma buíochana an chrainn péitseog
peach X-disease mycoplasm; peach X-disease phytoplasma; Western X-disease phytoplasma
fíteaplasma X-ghalair an chranin péitseog
GCT; Gran Telescopio de Canarias; GranTeCan; Great Canary Telescope; GTC
GranTeCan; GTC; Teileascóp Gran Canaria; Teileascóp na nOileán Canárach
EuroCOP; European Confederation of Police
Cónaidhm Eorpach na bPóilíní
audit scope; scope of the audit
raon an iniúchta
elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm; elm phloem necrosis phytoplasma
fíteaplasma neacróise fhléam an leamháin
ambit; coverage; scope
authentic copy; authenticated copy
cóip bharántúil; cóip fhíordheimhnithe
private copying
cóipeáil phríobháideach
territorial field of application; territorial scope
raon feidhme críochach
Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pharmacopoeia Eorpach a Mhionsaothrú
COPO; PC; Political Committee
an Coiste Polaitiúil; COPO
Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union
Coiste na nEagraíochtaí Talmhaíochta Gairmiúla san Aontas Eorpach; COPA
control copy
cóip rialaithe
certified copy; certified true copy
cóip dheimhnithe; cóip dhílis dheimhnithe
copper sulphate; cupric sulphate
sulfáit chopair
UCC; Universal Copyright Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Uilechoiteann um Chóipcheart
facsimile; fax; fax message; telecopy
facs; teachtaireacht facs
Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Chopar
theoretical macroscopic neutron physics
fisic neodrónach macrascópach teoiriciúil
simple metal leaf electroscope
leictreascóp simplí duillí miotail
the meaning or scope of a judgment
brí nó raon feidhme breithiúnais; brí nó scóip breithiúnais
scope of the licence
raon an cheadúnais
CAC; Common Appeal Court; Community Patent Appeal Court; COPAC
an Chomhchúirt Achomhairc
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Copyright)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Cóipcheart)
authors' rights; copyright
Eurodac; European fingerprinting system; European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
Córas Eorpach chun comparáid a dhéanamh idir taifid dhachtalascópacha iarrthóirí tearmainn; Córas Eorpach méarlorgaireachta; Eurodac
Protocol to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Pharmacopoeia Eorpach a Mhionsaothrú
COPS; Working Party of Chief Plant Health Officers
Meitheal na bPríomhoifigeach Folláine Plandaí; Meitheal na bPríomhoifigeach Sláinte Plandaí
material field of application; material scope; scope in relation to subject matter; scope ratione materiae; substantive scope
raon feidhme ábhartha; raon feidhme substainteach
giant scops owl
rí-ulchabhán beag
European Convention relating to Questions on Copyright Law and Neighbouring Rights in the framework of Transfrontier Broadcasting by Satellite
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Ceisteanna faoi Dhlí an Chóipchirt agus Cearta Tadhlacha i gcreat an Chraolacháin Trasteorann le Satailít
comprehensive safeguards agreement; CSA; full scope safeguards agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Cuimsitheach
Conference of the Parties; COP
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe; COP
Conference of the Parties; Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe; Comhdháil Pháirtithe Chreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP
WCT; WIPO Copyright Treaty
Conradh WIPO um Chóipcheart
accession criteria; Copenhagen criteria
critéir Chóbanhávan
International Organisation for the French-Speaking World; International Organisation of La Francophonie
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta do Dhomhan na Fraincise
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes and the inclusion of the registration number of the means
Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir leis an raon feidhme atá le sciúradh na bhfáltas sa Choinbhinsiún ar úsáid na teicneolaíochta faisnéise chun críocha custaim agus maidir le cláruimhir an mheáin iompai
COPEN; Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters
an Mheitheal um Chomhar in Ábhair Choiriúla
Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America; Commission on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture for Latin America and the Caribbean; COPESCAALC; COPESCAL
an Coimisiún um Iascach Intíre agus Dobharshaothrú do Mheiriceá Laidineach agus an Muir Chairib
copper shark
siorc rua
Copernicus; European Earth monitoring programme; European Earth Observation Programme; Global Monitoring for Environment and Security; GMES; Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
clár an Aontais um fhaire agus um fhaireachán na Cruinne; Copernicus; GMES; Monatóireacht Dhomhanda don Chomhsaol agus don tSlándáil
copper breams; CPP
bran copair
Cape redfish; false jacopever
péirse mhara na Rinne
SecOPs; Security Operating Procedures
Nósanna Imeachta Oibríochtaí Slándála; SecOps
Gingerbread; National Council for One-Parent Families; National Council for the Unmarried Mother and her Child; NCOPF
Comhairle Náisiúnta na Riochta Aontaithe um Theaghlaigh Aontuismitheora; Gingerbread
peach rosette mycoplasm; peach rosette phytoplasma; peach rosette virus
fíteaplasma róiséadach an chrainn péitseog
ICP; ICP-AES; ICP-OES; inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy; inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
ICP-AES; speictriméadracht astaíochta adamhaí le plasma cúpláilte go hionduchtach
audit extent; audit scope
raon an iniúchta
neighbouring right; related right; right related to copyright
ceart gaolmhar
copolarized beacon
rabhchán comhpholaraithe
copolar channel
cainéal comhpholach
depolarization of the copolar signal
dípholarúchán den chomhartha comhpholach
fading copolar signal
comhartha comhpholach maolaitheach
crosspolar channel locked to the copolar signal
cainéal traspholach glasáilte ar an gcomhartha comhpholach
ionscópacht drólainne
giant scops owl
rí-ulchabhán beag
Continuously Offered Payment Rights in Swiss Francs(COPS)
Cearta Íocaíochta arna dTairiscint go Leanúnach i bhFrancanna Eilbhéiseacha
attested copy; certified copy; certified photocopy
cóip dheimhnithe; cóip dhílis dheimhnithe
authenticated copy of the order
cóip fhíordheimhnithe den ordú
space telescope
short rotation coppice; SRC
roschoill ghearruainíochta
coefficient of performance; COP
comhéifeacht feidhmiúcháin
autogiro; autogyro; gyrocopter; gyroplane
copyright holder; copyright owner
úinéir cóipchirt
CIS; copper indium diselenide
désheiléiníd indiam chopair
dissecting microscope; dissection scope; stereo microscope; stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope
micreascóp diosctha; micreascóp steiréascópach
phase contrast microscope
micreascóp paschodarsnachta
copy appeal
mealltacht cóipe
copy department
rannóg cóipe
copy research
taighde cóipe
MPS VII; mucopolysaccharidosis type VII; Sly disease; Sly syndrome
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál VII
refracting telescope; refractor
teileascóp athraonta réalteolaíoch
reflecting telescope; reflector
frithchaiteoir; teileascóp frithchaiteach
common scops owl; Eurasian scops owl; scops owl
ulchabhán scopach
copernicium; ununbium
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; GC/MS; GC-MS
crómatagrafaíocht gháis/mais-speictriméadracht
sarcoplasmatic reticulum; sarcoplasmic reticulum; SR
líontán sarcaplasmach
Raman spectroscopy
speictreascópacht Raman
Classification of Outlays of Producers by Purpose; Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose; COPP
Aicmiú Eisíocaíochtaí Táirgeoirí de réir Cuspóra; COPP
tough pitch copper; TPC
cruachopar pice
alternating copolymer
comhpholaiméir ailtéarnach
asco-gyro; astrocompass directional gyro
réaltchompás gíreascópach
attitude gyro
gíreascóp sainstiúrach
azimuth gyro
gíreascóp asamait
copper beryllium alloy
cóimhiotal beirilliam copair
copper brazing
prásáil chopair
C scope
dry gyroscope
gíreascóp tirim
D scope
scóp D
electrically suspended gyro
gíreascóp leictrea-chrochta
helicopter lane
aerchonair héileacaptar
jet helicopter
laser gyro
gíreascóp léasair
M scope
scóp M
bootstrap gyro; sight line gyro
gíreascóp amharclíne
AAS; atomic absorption spectrometry; atomic absorption spectroscopy
speictreascópacht ionsú adamhaigh; speictriméadracht ionsú adamhaigh
inverted microscope
micreascóp aisiompaithe
microscopic examination; microscopy
micreascópacht; scrúdú micreascópach
endoscopy; organoscopy
HCP; hereditary coproporphyria
copraporfaire oidhreachtúil
chronic obstructive lung disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COLD; COPD
galar scamhóige toirmeascach ainsealach
Maroteaux-Lamy disease; Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome; MPS VI; mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
galar Maroteaux-Lamy; múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál VI
backup copy
cóip chúltaca
copy platform
cáipéis straitéise an fheachtais fógraíochta
copy testing
tástáil téacs
adapter; adaptor; copy adapter; copy adaptor
oiriúnóir cóipe
adapter; adaptor; copy adapter; copy adaptor
cóipchuibheoir; cuibheoir
mass spectroscopy
tástáil téacs
Hunter disease; Hunter syndrome; Hunter's syndrome; MPS II; mucopolysaccharidosis II
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál II
funduscope; ophthalmoscope
MPS III; mucopolysaccharidosis type III; Sanfilippo syndrome
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál III
biomicroscope; corneal microscope; slit-lamp microscope
micreascóp lampa scoiltínigh
to take a carbon copy; to trace
cóip charbóin a dhéanamh; rianaigh
cathode ray oscillograph; cathode-ray oscilloscope; CRO
ascalascóp ga-chatóideach
radio telescope
blue stone; blue vitriol; copper sulphate pentahydrate; copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate; cupric sulphate pentahydrate
cloch ghorm; peintihiodráit sulfáit chopair
coppice; coppice forest; coppice stand; copse; low forest; sprout forest
coppice selection; coppice selection system
roghnú péacán roschoille
coppice shoot; coppice sprout; stool shoot
péacán roschoille
composite forest system; coppice with standards; coppice with standards system
córas roschoille ina bhfuil crainn lánairde
coppice; resprout
atheascair; athphéac
simple coppice; simple coppice system
córas barrscoite simplí
coppice system; coppicing system
córas barrscoite
carbon copy
cóip charbóin
advertising copy
téacs fógraíochta
body copy; text
blind carbon copy
cóip charbóin fholaithe
customer's copy
cóip don chustaiméir
office copy
cóip oifige
dysostosis multiplex; gargoylism; Hurler syndrome; Hurler's disease; Hurler's syndrome; lipochondrodystrophy; MPS I; MPS I-H; mucopolysaccharidosis I; mucopolysaccharidosis type I-H; Pfaundler-Hurler syndrome
múcapolaisiúicríodóis de chineál 1-H
MPS; mucopolysaccharide disease; mucopolysaccharidosis
proctosigmoidoscopy; sigmoidoscopy
ionscópacht ar an siogmóideach
infrared spectrometry; infrared spectroscopy; IR spectroscopy
speictriméadracht infridhearg
compound microscope
micreascóp comhshuite
facsimile; fax; telecopy
garbhógach; Lycopodium spp.
economies of scope
barainneacht réimse
gyroscopic effect
iarmhairt ghíreascópach
Morquio disease; Morquio syndrome; Morquio-Brailsford disease; Morquio-Ullrich disease; MPS IV; mucopolysaccharidosis type IV
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál IV
geographical scope
raon feidhme geografach
mycoplasma gallisepticum
mycoplasma gallisepticum
product scope
raon táirge
EU COPPS; EUPOL COPPS; European Union Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support; European Union Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories
Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh do na Críocha Palaistíneacha
COP/CMP; United Nations Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide
Copenhagen Process
próiseas Chóbanhávan
delivery of the copy against a receipt
seachadadh na cóipe i gcoinne admhála
MPS I S; mucopolysaccharidosis type I; mucopolysaccharidosis type I S; Scheie syndrome
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál I
Hurler-Scheie syndrome; MPS I-H/S; mucopolysaccharidosis type I; mucopolysaccharidosis type I H/S
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál I H/S
MPS IX; mucopolysaccharidosis type IX; Natowicz syndrome
múcapolaisiúicrídeois cineál IX
private copy levy; private copying levy
tobhach ar chóipeáil phríobháideach
secure copy of the model
cóip dhaingean den tsamhail
15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 15; Copenhagen Conference on climate change; The COP15 Climate Conference; United Nations Climate Conference
an 15ú Comhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; Comhdháil Chóbanhávan ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP 15
coppice stool; coppice stump
stumpa barrscoite
immunising glycoprotein
gliceapróitéin imdhíonach
Copenhagen Accord; Copenhagen agreement
Comhaontú Chóbanhávan
collimation-telescope system
córas teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
collimation-telescope test
triail teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
strioscopic technique
teicníc striascópach
microscopic analysis
anailís mhicreascópach
microscopic detection
brath micreascópach
MAT; microscopic agglutination test
tástáil gleanúna mhicreascópach
epifluorescence microscope
micreascóp eipeafluaraiseachta
immunoelectron microscopy
leictreonmhicreascópacht imdhíonachta
avian mycoplasmosis
míceaplasmóis éanúil
melt microscope
microscope hot stage
teochéim mhicreascóip
microscope hot stage melting temperature apparatus
gaireas leáphointe teochéime micreascóip
garbhógach; Lycopodiaceae
raon feidhme
copy backup
cúltaca cóipeála
microscopic rate constants; rate constants
rátathairiseach micreascópach
anti-copy pattern; anti-scan pattern
patrún frithchóipeála; patrún frithscanta
helicopter; Helo
clearance of rights; copyright clearance
imréiteach cóipchirt
original copy
cóip bhunaidh
Committee on Equal Opportunities and Diversity; COPEC
an Coiste um Chomhionannas Deiseanna agus um Éagsúlacht; COPEC
Cooperation Programme on Drug Policies between Latin America and the European Union; COPOLAD
an Clár Comhair um Beartais maidir le Drugaí idir Meiriceá Laidineach agus an tAontas Eorpach; COPOLAD
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 17/CMP 7; Durban Climate Change Conference; United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
Comhdháil Durban; Comhdháil Durban na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an athrú aeráide
Creative Commons copyright licence; Creative Commons licence
ceadúnas cóipchirt Creative Commons
SIRCoP; SIRENE contact person
teagmhálaí de chuid Sirene
gE deleted vaccine; glycoprotein E-deleted vaccine
vacsaín gliceapróitéine E-scriosta
[6(2Z,3R)]-3-O-decyl-2-deoxy-6-O-[2-deoxy-3-O-(3-metoxydecyl)-6-methyl-2-[(1-oxo-11-octadecenyl)amino]-4-O-phosphono-β-D-glucopyranosyl]-2-[(1,3-dioxotetradecyl)amino]-α-D-glucopyranose 1-(dihydrogen phosphate) tetrasodium salt
[6(2Z,3R)]-3-O-deicil-2-dí-ocsa-6-O-[2-dí-ocsa-3-O-(2-meatocsaideicil)-6-meitil-2-[(1-ocsó-11-ochtaideicéinil)aimín]-4-O-fosfóna--β-D-glúcaipioranóisil]-2-[(1,3-dé-ocsóiteitrideicil)aimín]-α-D-glúcaipioranós 1-(fosfáit déhidrigine) salann teitreasóidiam
2-(4-methoxybenzyl)thiophen-3-yl β-D-glucopyranoside
2-(4-meatocsaibeinsil)tiaifein-3-il β-D-glúcaipioranóisíd
but-2-yne-1,4-diol -- methyl 1-C-[4-chloro-3-(4-ethoxybenzyl)phenyl]-α-D-glucopyranoside (1:1)
búit-2-ín-1,4-dé-ól -- meitil 1-C-[4-clórai-3-(4-eatocsaibeinsil)feinil]-α-D-glúcaipioranóisíd (1:1)
methyl 6-O-acetyl-4-O-(2-O-acetyl-3-O-benzyl-6-methyl-α-L-idopyranuronosyl)-3-O-benzyl-2-{[(benzyloxy)carbonyl]amino}-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranoside
meitil 6-O-aicéitil-4-O-(2-O-aicéitil-3-O-beinsil-6-meitil-α-L-ídipioranúrónóisil)-3-O-beinsil-2{[beinsiolocsa)carbóinil)aimín}-2-dí-ocsa-α-D-glúcaipioranóisíd
β-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid [oside]
aigéad ß-D-glúcaipioranóisiodúrónach [óisíd]
Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Fish
Meitheal Copa-Cogeca maidir le hÉisc
gross pathological finding
nochtadh macrascópach paiteolaíoch
scope of an internal model
raon feidhme na samhla inmheánaí
Europe's copyright regime
córas cóipchirt na hEorpa
gamma spectroscopy; gamma-ray spectroscopy
speictreascópacht gháma-ghathach
BCOP; Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability assay; Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability test
Measúnacht ar Thréscaoilteacht agus Teimhneacht Coirní Bhólachta
combat support helicopter
héileacaptar tacaíochta comhraic
PAFF Committee; SCoPAFF; Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed
Buanchoiste um Plandaí, Ainmhithe, Bia agus Beatha
returns to scope
torthaí ar réimse
scope of the register
raon feidhme an chláir
(ethyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate) copolymer; E 1206; Ethyl acrylate methyl methacrylate polymer; Ethyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate polymer; Ethyl acrylate, polymer with methyl methacrylate; Methyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate polymer; Methyl methacrylate, polymer with ethyl acrylate; neutral methacrylate copolymer; Poly(ethylacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) 2:1; Poly[(CH2:CHCO2CH2CH3)-co-(CH2:C(CH3)CO2CH3)]
Pola(eitiolaicrioláit-comh-meataicrioláit meitile)
AMC; anionic methacrylate copolymer; E 1207; Methacrylic acid, polymer with methyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate; Methyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate, methacrylic acid polymer; Poly (methyl acrylate-co-methylmethacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) 7:3:1; Poly[(CH2:CHCO2CH3)-co-(CH2:C(CH3)CO2CH3)-co-(CH2:C(CH3)COOH)]
Pola(aicrioláit meitile-comh-meitilmeataicrioláit-comh-aigéad meatacraileach)
AIRCOP; Airport Communication Programme
AIRCOP; Clár Cumarsáide Aerfort
copycatting; parasitic copying
Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity; COP; COP-CBD
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe sa Choinbhinsiúin maidir leis an mBithéagsúlacht; CP-CB
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties; COP/MOP
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe atá ag feidhmiú mar Chruinniú na bPáirtithe; COP/MOP
CIGS; copper indium gallium selenide
seiléiníd ghalliam indiam chopair
MLO; mycoplasma-like organism; phytoplasma
diaphanoscopy; transillumination
Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society; InfoSoc Directive
Treoir 2001/29/CE maidir le comhchuibhiú gnéithe áirithe den chóipcheart agus cearta gaolmhara sa tsochaí faisnéise; Treoir na Sochaí Faisnéise
single copyright title; single European copyright title
teideal aonair Eorpach cóipchirt
flexible sigmoidoscopy
ionscópacht sholúbtha ar an siogmóideach
gross description
scrúdú macrascópach
EHEST; European Helicopter Safety Team
EHEST; Foireann Sábháilteachta Héileacaptair na hEorpa
21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP21
21ú Chomhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP21
COP21/CMP11; Paris Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil Pháras maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP21/CMP11
copyright exception
eisceacht ó chóipcheart
EU copyright law; EU copyright legislation; EU copyright rules
an dlí maidir le cóipcheart AE
private copying exception
eisceacht maidir le cóipeáil phríobhaideach
single copyright code
cód cóipchirt aonair
copyright-protected content
ábhar atá faoi chosaint cóipchirt
copper infiltrated tungsten
tungstan copar-insíothlaithe
COP; Corporate Operational Plan; EIB Corporate Operational Plan
an Plean Oibriúcháin Corparáideach; Plean Oibríochta Corparáideach BEI; POC
CEMS; Copernicus Emergency Management Service; Copernicus EMS; Emergency Management Service
CEMS; seirbhís bainistithe práinne Copernicus
Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright Reform
an Mheitheal um Chearta Maoine Intleachtúla agus um Athchóiriú Cóipchirt
steiteascóp (fir1, gu: steiteascóip, ai: steiteascóip, gi: steiteascóp)
copar (fir1, gu: copair)
anti-aircraft ring sight telescope
teileascóp fáinnethreorach frith-aerárthaí (fir1)
copper beech
fáibhile rua (fir4)
copal varnish
vearnais chópail (bain2)
copper tape
téip chopair (bain2)
sighting telescope
teileascóp treorála (fir1)
stereoscopic telescope
teileascóp steireascópach (fir1)
telescopic sight
treoir theileascópach (bain5)
certified true copy
cóip dhílis dheimhnithe (bain2)
complimentary copy
cóip dhea-mhéine (bain2)
coping stone
cloch mhullaigh (bain2)
copper loss
caillteanas copair (fir1)
roisín (fir4, gu: roisín)
roschoill (bain2, gu: roschoille, ai: roschoillte, gi: roschoillte)
Helicopter Patrol Vessel Squadron [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
Scuadrún Árthach Patróil Héileacaptair (fir1)
cupro-nickel envelope
clúdach copar-nicile (fir1)
copper engraving
grábháil chopair (bain3)
file copy
cóip don chomhad (bain2)
claonscóp (fir1, gu: claonscóip)
comhthreoascóp (fir1, gu: comhthreoascóip, ai: comhthreoascóip, gi: comhthreoascóp)
stencilled copy
cóip stionsail (bain2)
steireascóp (fir1, gu: steireascóip)
telescopic sights
treoracha teileascópacha (bain)
true copy of attestation form
cóip dhílis d'fhoirm fianaithe (bain2)
typed copy
cóip chlóscríofa (bain2)
Cóbhanhávan (fir4, gu: Cóbhanhávan)
telescope holder
coimeádaire teileascóip (fir4)
to focus the telescope
cuimsigh an teileascóp (br)
to focus the telescope
tabhair an teileascóp chun cruinnis (br)
hard copy
cruachóip (bain2, gu: cruachóipe, ai: cruachóipeanna, gi: cruachóipeanna)
carbon copy
cóip charbóin (bain2, gu: cóipe carbóin, ai: cóipeanna carbóin)
leictreascóp (fir1, gu: leictreascóip, ai: leictreascóip, gi: leictreascóp)
micreascóp (fir1, gu: micreascóip, ai: micreascóip, gi: micreascóp)
peireascóp (fir1, gu: peireascóip, ai: peireascóip, gi: peireascóp)
scóip (bain2, gu: scóipe)
teileascóp (fir1, gu: teileascóip, ai: teileascóip, gi: teileascóp)
Helicopter Rescue Service
an tSeirbhís Tarrthála Héileacaptair (bain2)
copper sulphate
sulfáit chopair (bain2)
héileacaptar (fir1, gu: héileacaptair, ai: héileacaptair, gi: héileacaptar)
current copy of T.R. 11
cóip atá i bhfeidhm de Rialacháin Traenála 11
true copy of attestation form
cóip dhílis d'fhoirm fhianaithe
cause the rear of a column to 'telescope '
tabhairt ar dheireadh colúin leacadh ar a chéile
up-to-date copies of Defence Forces' Regulations
cóipeanna atá cothrom le dáta de Rialacháin Óglaigh na hÉireann