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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAcos bain2
gu coise, ai cosa, gi cos
(nodaireacht an cheoil)
ENstem s
(musical notation)
GAcos bain2
gu coise, ai cosa, gi cos
(ball coirp)
ENfoot s
(body part)
cos imreora eile a chnagadh
tap the foot of another player
cos an imreora eile a shracadh
pull the foot of the other player
Cuimil do chosa le do thoil.
Please wipe your feet.
GAcos bain2
gu coise, ai cosa, gi cos
ENpes s
pl pedes
Cos an duine, nó an chuid deiridh chomhfhreagrach de ghéag dheiridh ainmhí veirteabraigh
The human foot, or the corresponding terminal segment of the hindlimb of a vertebrate animal.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
feistigh an chóimeáil buin agus coise ar chóimeáil phanna an tsuíocháin
attach the foot and leg assembly to the seat-pan assembly
GAcos bain2 iata le faomhadh/for approval
(ar ghreadtóir)
(of whisk)
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
barrier beach
barra amach ón gcósta; barra amuigh
cost reduction
laghdú costais
continuous braking
coscánú leanúnach
diagonal split braking system; diagonally-split braking circuit
córas coscánaithe trasnánach-scoilte
inertia braking; overrun braking
coscánú forthiomána; coscánú táimhe
S-cam brake
coscán cheam S
semi-continuous braking
coscánú leathleathnúnach
split braking circuit; split braking system
córas coscánaithe scoilte
brake carrier
iomprán coscáin
transport cost
costas iompair
NADEFCOL; NATO Defence College; NDC
Coláiste Cosanta ECAT
Scientific Committee on Cosmetology
an Coiste Eolaíoch Cosmaideolaíochta
Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union; Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union; COSAC
an Chomhdháil de na Coistí Parlaiminteacha um Ghnóthaí an Aontais de chuid Pharlaimintí an Aontais Eorpaigh; an Chomhdháil de na gCoistí um Ghnóthaí Eorpacha
replacement cost
costas athsholáthair
aquatic ecosystem; water ecosystem
éiceachóras uisceach
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
Decree on protection against waste
Foraithne maidir le Cosaint in aghaidh Dramhaíola
nitrification inhibitor
coscaire nítriúcháin
roll-over protection structure; rollover protective structure; ROPS
ROPS; struchúr cosanta i gcás iompaithe
selling, general and administrative costs; selling, general and administrative expenses; SG&A costs; SGA expenses
costais díola, ghinearálta agus riaracháin; costais SGA
antiballistic-missile screen; antiballistic-missile shield; antimissile defence shield; antimissile screen; defence shield; defence umbrella; missile-proof shield; space-shield
córas cosanta frithdhiúracán
chafing; protection piece
ball cosanta
brake servo unit; brake-power assist unit
searbhaonad coscáin
brake drum
druma coscáin
brake actuator
gníomhróir coscáin
protection of infants; protection of minors
cosaint mionaoiseach
leg iron; leg-iron
geimheal cos
prevention of the crime of genocide
coir an chinedhíothaithe a chosc; cosc ar choir an chinedhíothaithe
labour cost
costas lucht oibre; costas saothair
protection services; services for the protection of public figures
seirbhísí cosanta do phearsana aithnidiúla
LOCOM; lower of cost or market value
an luach is ísle idir costas agus margadhluach; LOCOM
LCC; life-cycle costing; whole life costing; WLC
costáil saolré
AFCOS; anti-fraud cooperation service; Anti-Fraud Coordination Service
AFCOS; Seirbhís Comhordúcháin Frith-Chalaoise
operating costs; operating expenses
costas oibriúcháin; speansas oibriúcháin
orange-fronted pimpleback mussel
diúilicín goiríneach cos-fhlannbhuí
Parliamentary Party of Kosovo; PPK
Páirtí Parlaiminteach na Cosaive
offshore patrol vessel; OPV
OPV; soitheach patróil amach ón gcósta
bodyguard; close protection officer; close protection operative; CPO; personal protection officer
garda cosanta
picosat; picosatellite; pico-satellite
AICESIS; International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions
AICESIS; Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta na gComhairlí Eacnamaíocha agus Sóisialta agus Institiúidí Cosúla
FPI; Front Pembela Islam; Islamic Defenders Front
Fronta na gCosantóirí Ioslamacha
protective clause; safeguard clause
clásal coimirce; clásal cosanta
cost of labour; labour cost
costas lucht oibre; costas saothair
opportunity cost
European Convention for the Protection of Animals for Slaughter
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe le Marú
crop protection product; pesticide; phytopharmaceutical product; plant health product; plant protection product; PPP
táirge cosanta plandaí
cost accounting
cuntasaíocht chostála
1974 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt; Coinbhinsiún Heilsincí
CCA; current cost accounting
cuntasaíocht chostas reatha
cost efficiency
cost-éifeachtúlacht; éifeachtúlacht costais
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
Comhaontú Mhaidrid chun cosc a chur ar Fhaisnéis Bhréagach nó Mhíthreorach a bheith ar Earraí faoina dTionscnamh
offshore exploration
taiscéalaíocht amach ón gcósta
conditions similar to
dálaí cosúil le
civil contingency planning; civil protection
cosaint shibhialta
NATO Agreement on the Communication of Technical Information for Defence Purposes
Comhaontú ECAT maidir le Páirtiú Faisnéise Teicniúla chun Críocha Cosanta
Agreement for the Mutual Safeguarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which Applications for Patents have been made
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Frithpháirteach a dhéanamh ar Rúndacht na nAireagán a bhaineann le Cosaint agus a bhfuil Iarratais ar Phaitinní déanta ina leith
cost of production
costas táirgthe
cossette; sugar beet chips
sliseog bhiatas siúcra
cost allocation
leithdháileadh na gcostas
average national production costs
meánchostais táirgthe náisiúnta
Land-Based Sources and Activities Protocol; Land-Based Sources Protocol; LBS Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities
Prótacal maidir le Cosaint na Meánmhara ar Thruailliú ó Fhoinsí agus Gníomhaíochtaí ar Talamh
offshore fishing
iascaireacht amach ón gcósta
International Plant Protection Convention; IPPC
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Cosanta Plandaí; IPPC
Convention concerning the Powers of Authorities and the Law Applicable in respect of the Protection of Infants
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cumhachtaí na nÚdarás agus leis an Dlí is infheidhme i leith Cosaint Leanaí
European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a Choinnítear le haghaidh Feirmeoireachta
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
an Coinbhinsiún forlíontach maidir le cealú na sclábhaíochta, trádáil sclábhaithe agus institiúidí agus cleachtaí cosúil leis an sclábhaíocht
European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe Veirteabracha a úsáidtear chun críocha Turgnaimh nó chun críocha eile Eolaíochta
Fourth Geneva Convention; Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
Coinbhinsiún na Ginéive maidir le Cosaint Daoine Sibhialta in Aimsir Chogaidh
Convention concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agents; Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus Rialú Priacal Ceirde ar Substaintí agus Oibreáin Carcanaigineacha is cúis leis; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAilse Cheirde
Convention concerning the Guarding of Machinery; Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Innealra
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities; CPPNM; CPPNMNF
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Fhisiceach Ábhair Núicléach; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Fhisiceach Ábhair Núicléach agus Saoráidí Núicléacha
Agreement for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution; Convention for the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution; Rhine Chemical Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint na Réine i gcoinne truailliú ceimiceach
Benzene Convention, 1971; Convention concerning Protection against Hazards of Poisoning Arising from Benzene
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint in aghaidh Guaiseanna Nimhiúcháin a Eascraíonn ó Bheinséin
Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships (Revised), 1932; Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932
an Coinbhinsiúnmaidir le cosaint i gcoinne tionóisce a thabhairt d''oibrithe atá fostaithe chun longa a luchtú nó a dhíluchtú (Athbhreithnithe 1932)
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations; Radiation Protection Convention 1960
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint i gCoinne Radaíochta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Oibrithe i gCoinne Radaíochtaí Ianúcháin
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
Convention concerning the Prevention of Occupational Accidents to Seafarers; Prevention of Accidents (Seafarers) Convention, 1970
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc Tionóiscí Ceirde do Mharaithe
Barcelona Convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht agus Réigiún Cósta na Meánmhara; Coinbhinsiún Barcelona
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorised Duplication of their Phonograms; Phonograms Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint táirgeoirí fónagram i gcoinne dhúbláil neamhúdaraithe a gcuid fónagram; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fónagraim
inside dealing; insider dealing; insider trading
déileáil cos istigh; trádáil chos istigh
CIF; cost, insurance and freight
CAL; costas, árachas agus last-táille
CFR; cost and freight
c&l; costas agus last-táille
coastal State
Stát cósta
COST; European Cooperation in Science and Technology; European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
an Comhar Eorpach san Eolaíocht agus sa Teicneolaíocht; COST
Economic and Social Council; ECOSOC
an Chomhairle Eacnamaíoch agus Shóisialta
falling-object protective structure; FOPS
struchtúr cosanta ar rudaí atá ag titim
funding costs
costais chistithe
safeguard; safeguard measure
beart coimirce; beart cosanta
sugar sweepings
cosamar siúcra
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft; Hijacking Convention; Unlawful Seizure Convention
an Coinbhinsiún chun cosc a chur le hurghabháil neamhdhleathach aerárthaí
Protocol to the European Convention on Consular Functions concerning the Protection of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Cosaint Dídeanaithe
estimated cost
costas measta
cost accounting
cuntasaíocht chostála
distribution costs
costais dáileacháin
administrative expenses; administrative overheads
costais riaracháin; forchostais riaracháin
social security contributions; social security costs
costais slándála sóisialta; ranníocaíochtaí slándála sóisialta
exemption from costs or expenses
díolúine ó chostais nó ó speansais
excessive (cost)
transport costs
costas iompair
costs or expenses
costas nó caiteachas
justification of the protective measures
cosaint na mbeart cosanta
defence; statement of defence
ráiteas cosanta
provisional, including protective, measures
bearta sealadacha, lena n-áirítear bearta cosantacha
Civil Aviation Convention; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
an Coinbhinsiún chun Cosc a chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Shábháilteacht na hEitlíochta Sibhialta
SDI; Star Wars; Star Wars program; Strategic Defense Initiative
SDI; Tionscnamh Straitéiseach Cosanta
cost control
rialú costas
to award costs or expenses
costais nó caiteachas a dhámhachtain
apportionment of costs
cionroinnt na gcostas
the protection of fundamental rights
cosaint na gceart bunúsach
protection of rights
cearta a chosaint; cosaint ceart
historical cost
costas stairiúil
cost-push inflation
boilsciú de bharr costbhrú
judicial protection; legal protection
cosaint dlí
Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise; Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Saoirse Comhlachais agus Cosaint an Chirt Eagrúcháin
cost and management accounting
cuntasaíocht chostála agus bhainistíochta
CPT; European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosc ar Chéasadh agus ar Íde agus ar Phíonós atá Mídhaonna nó Táireach; CPT
Charter on Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation concerning the Environment in the Mediterranean Basin; Nicosia Charter
an Chairt um Chomhar Eora-Mheánmhara maidir leis an gComhshaoil in Imchuach na Meánmhara; Cairt na Niocóise
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; Maritime Convention; SUA Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh shábháilteacht na loingseoireachta muirí; an Coinbhinsiún Muirí
(Shelved) Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention, 1929; Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint i gcoinne tionóisce a thabhairt d''oibrithe atá fostaithe chun longa a luchtú nó a dhíluchtú
Convention concerning the Protection of Wages; Protection of Wages Convention, 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Pá
Convention concerning the Protection and Integration of Indigenous and Other Tribal and Semi-Tribal Populations in Independent Countries; Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint agus Lánpháirtiú Pobal Dúchasach agus Pobal Treibheach agus Leath-Threibheach eile i dTíortha Neamhspleácha
Convention concerning Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarers; Health Protection and Medical Care (Seafarers) Convention, 1987
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Sláinte agus Cúram Leighis do Mharaithe
Convention concerning Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment; Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cur chun cinn na Fostaíochta agus leis an gCosaint in aghaidh na Dífhostaíochta
overhead costs
glucose syrup
síoróip ghlúcóis
incremental cost; marginal cost; MC
costas imeallach; MC
HFCS; iseaglúcós
cost of capital
costas caipitil
cost-éifeachtúlacht; éifeachtúlacht costais
long-term marginal cost
imeallchostas fadtéarmach
ULC; unit labour costs
costais aonad saothair
measure of protection; precautionary measure; preservation measure; protective measure
beart cosanta; beart um chosaint
cosaint maoine intleachtúla
employment protection; job protection
cosaint fostaíochta
semi-variable costs
costas leathathraitheach
plant protection
cosaint plandaí
cost of living index
innéacs costas maireachtála
primary prevention
cosc príomhúil
investment protection
cosaint infheistíochta
comparative costs
costais chomparáideacha
extra cost
costais bhreise
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; Diplomatic Agents Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus le Pionósú Coireanna in aghaidh Daoine atá Cosanta ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta, lena n-áirítear Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le cosaint cáblaí fomhuirí
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe; Convention on the Protection of the Waters of the Elbe
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Uiscí na hEilbe; an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCoimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Chosaint Uiscí na hEilbe
EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement; Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards (EUR-OPA); Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disasters
Comhaontú EUR-OPA maidir le Mórghuaiseacha; Comhaontú Páirteach Oscailte maidir le tubaistí a chosc, cosaint ina n-aghaidh, agus fóirithint a eagrú i gcás mórtubaistí nádúrtha agus teicneolaíocha
to secure the protection of persons
a áirithiú go gcosnófar daoine; cosaint daoine a áirithiú
protective clothing for surgeons and radiologists and divers' suits
díonéadach do mháinlianna agus do raideolaithe agus cultacha do thumadóirí; éadach cosantach do mháinlianna agus raideolaithe agus cultacha tumadóirí
prompt protective action
beart caomhnaitheach pras; beart cosantach pras
... plus carriage to destination
... móide costas iompair go dtí an ceann scríbe
defendant; defending party; respondent
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir le cosaint fhrithpháirteach in aghaidh an fhiabhrais deinge
total replacement cost
costas iomlán ar athsholáthar
cost component
comhchuid den chostas
the costs actually incurred
na costais a tabhaíodh iarbhír
rates and conditions involving any element of support or protection
rátaí agus coinníollacha nach bhfuil tacaíocht nó cosaint ar bith ag roinnt leo
the Commission may prevent the commitments ... from being undertaken
féadfaidh an Coimisiún cosc a chur le ceangaltais ... a ghabháil ar láimh; féadfaidh an Coimisiún cosc a chur le gealltanais ... a ghabháil ar láimh
the defending party having been duly summoned
páirtí na cosanta, arna thoghairm go cuí
provisionally protected patent right
ceart paitinne atá cosanta go sealadach
products similar to cod
táirge cosúil le trosc; táirge de shamhail troisc
engineers' protective spectacles
spéaclaí cosanta le haghaidh ealaíne agus ceirdeanna
Airport Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
Prótacal Aerfoirt; Prótacal maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha foréigin in aerfoirt a fhónann don eitliocht shibhialta idirnáisiúnta, forlíontach don Choinbhinsiún maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh shábháílteacht na heitlíoc
Fixed Platform Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
an Prótacal chun Cosc a Chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Sábháilteacht Ardán Seasta atá Suite ar an Scairbh Ilchríochach; an Prótacal maidir le hArdáin Seasta
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes; UNECE Water Convention; Water Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
compliance cost
costas comhlíonta
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Cosmetics)
an Mheitheal um Chomhchuibhiú Teicniúil (Cosmaidí)
data protection "Umbrella Agreement"; Data Protection Umbrella Agreement
an "Brat-Chomhaontú" faoi Chosaint Sonraí; Creat-chomhaontú maidir le Cosaint Sonraí; Scáth-Chomhaontú faoi Chosaint Sonraí
echinococcosis; hydatidosis
social protection system
córas cosanta sóisialta
stronger protection measures
bearta cosanta níos déine
Common Market of the South; Mercosur; Southern Common Market; Southern Cone Common Market
an Cómhargadh Theas; Mercosur
PFI; protection of the financial interests of the EU; protection of the financial interests of the European Union
CLA; cosaint leasanna airgeadais AE
Conference of bodies concerned with Community affairs in the Parliaments of the European Community; Conference of European Affairs Committees; COSAC
an Chomhdháil de na Coistí um Ghnóthaí Eorpacha; COSAC
Costa Rica; Republic of Costa Rica
Cósta Ríce; Poblacht Chósta Ríce
Côte d'Ivoire; Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
an Cósta Eabhair; Poblacht an Chósta Eabhair
integrated pollution prevention and control; integrated prevention and control of pollution; IPPC
cosc agus rialú comhtháite ar thruailliú
cos lettuce; romaine lettuce
protection of public health
cosaint na sláinte poiblí
proper social protection
cosaint shóisialta chuí
Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage; CPUCH
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha Fo-uisce
1992 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt, 1992
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a choimeádtar chun críocha Feirmeoireachta
Offshore Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil
Prótacal maidir le cosaint na Meánmhara i gcoinne Truailliú a tharlódh mar thoradh ar Thaiscéalaíocht agus ar Shaothrú na Scairbhe Ilchríochaí agus an Ghrinnill agus a Fho-ithreach
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic; Oslo-Paris Convention; OSPAR Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint mhuirthimpeallacht an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún OSPAR
spotted redshank
cosdeargán breac
Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Críoch Oileáin Cocos (Keeling); Oileáin Cocos (Keeling)
Turks and Caicos Islands
Oileáin na dTurcach agus Caicos
Costa Rican puma
púma Chósta Ríce
coscoroba; coscoroba coscoroba; coscoroba swan
elephant's foot
lus cos eilifinte
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers' Claims in the event of the Insolvency of their Employer; Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency) Convention, 1992
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Éileamh Oibrithe i gCás Dhócmhainneacht a bhFostóra
Working Party on Sugar and Isoglucose
an Mheitheal um Shiúcra agus um Iseaglúcóis
investor protection; protection of investors
cosaint infheisteoirí
the Community's overhead costs
forchostais an Chomhphobail
ICAM; ICM; ICZM; integrated coastal area management; integrated coastal management; integrated coastal zone management; integrated management of coastal zones
bainistiú comhtháite na limistéar cósta
costs accumulated outside the EEA
costais arna gcarnadh lasmuigh de LEE
labour tax wedge; tax wedge; tax wedge on labour; tax wedge on labour costs
ding chánach
Agreement on Safeguards; SG Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Bearta Cosanta
COSCE Working Party; Working Party on Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe; Working Party on OSCE and the Council of Europe
an Mheitheal um an Eagraíocht um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip agus um Chomhairle na hEorpa; an Mheitheal um ESCE agus um Chomhairle na hEorpa
defence planning
pleanáil cosanta; pleanáil maidir le cosaint
common European defence policy
Comhbheartas Eorpach Cosanta
Preliminary Conclusions on the Formulation of a Common European Defence Policy
Réamhchonclúidí maidir le Foirmliú Comhbheartais Eorpaigh Cosanta
standard of data protection
caighdeán cosanta sonraí
sunk costs
costas báite
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta d'fhonn Cosaint Éifeachtach a thabhairt in aghaidh Gníomhaíochtaí Coiriúla ar a dtugtar "Gáinneáil ar Sclábhaithe Geala"
Convention regarding the Deprivation of Civil Rights and Similar Measures of Protection
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Díothú Ceart Sibhialta agus Beart Cosanta Comhchosúil
CDS; Chief of Defence; Chief of the Defence Staff; CHOD
an Ceann Foirne; Ceann Cosanta; Ceann Foirne na bhFórsaí Cosanta; Ceann Foirne Óglaigh na hÉireann; COS
data protection; personal data protection; protection of data privacy; protection of personal data
cosaint sonraí; cosaint sonraí pearsanta; sonraí pearsanta a chosaint
Working Party on Agricultural Questions (Pesticides/Plant Protection Products)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Talmhaíochta (Lotnaidicídí/Táirgí Cosanta Plandaí)
Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Southern Common Market and its Party States, of the other part; Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and Mercosur
an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Mercosur; an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach um Chomhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus an Cómhargadh Theas agus a Stáit Chomhpháirteacha, den pháirt eile
Joint and Cosponsored United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; UNAIDS
Clár Comhpháirteach na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le VEID/SEIF
collective defence
comhchosaint; cosaint chomhchoiteann
Euromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
Córas Eora-Mheánmhara chun tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine a mhaolú, a chosc agus a bhainistiú; Córas Eora-Mheánmhara um maolú, cosc agus bainistíocht tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine
EDTIB; European Defence Technological and Industrial Base
bonn tionsclaíoch agus teicneolaíoch na cosanta Eorpaí
temporary protection; temporary protection of displaced persons
cosaint shealadach; cosaint shealadach daoine easáitithe
Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children; Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children; Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of Children
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le dlínse, an dlí is infheidhme, aitheantas, forghníomhú agus comhar i dtaca le freagracht tuismitheoirí agus le bearta chun leanaí a chosaint, arna shíniú sa Háig an 19 Deireadh Fómhair 1996; Coinbhinsún na Háige, 1996, maidir le Cosaint Idirnáisiúnta Leanaí
EDEM; European Defence Equipment Market
EDEM; Margadh na hEorpa um Threalamh Cosanta
complementary forms of protection; subsidiary protection
cosaint choimhdeach
disaster prevention
cosc tubaistí
long-legged buzzard
clamhán cosfhada
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
endurance braking system
córas coscánaithe buanseasmhachta
TDI; trade defence instrument; trade remedy
ionstraim cosanta trádála; TDI
crime prevention; prevention of crime
cosc ar an gcoireacht
Protocol on protection and welfare of animals
Prótacal maidir le cosaint agus leas ainmhithe
matters with defence implications
ábhair a bhfuil impleachtaí cosanta acu
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe Veirteabracha a úsáidtear chun críocha Turgnaimh nó chun críocha Eolaíochta Eile
Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint an Chomhshaoil tríd an Dlí Coiriúil
secondary prevention
cosc tánaisteach
tertiary prevention
cosc treasach
front underrun protection device; front underrun protective device; FUPD
fobharra cosanta tosaigh
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; NTC; Nuclear Terrorism Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cosc a chur le Gníomhartha Sceimhlitheoireachta Núicléiche; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sceimhlitheoireacht Núicléach
CESDP; Common European Security and Defence Policy; Common Security and Defence Policy; CSDP; ESDP; European Security and Defence Policy
an Comhbheartas Slándála agus Cosanta; Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta; CBSC
DCI; Defence Capabilities Initiative
Tionscnamh na gCumas Cosanta
safeguard procedure
nós imeachta coimirce; nós imeachta cosanta
critical defence technology
teicneolaíocht ríthábhachtach cosanta
Cooperating and Supporting Nations; COSUNs
Náisiúin Tacaíochta agus Chomhoibríocha
Hazardous Wastes Protocol; Protocol on the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
Prótacal maidir le cosc a chur ar thruailliú na Meánmhara i ngeall ar bhogadh dramhaíola guaise thar teorann agus ar dhiúscairt dramhaíola guaise
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment
an Corpas Prionsabal maidir le Cosaint an uile Dhuine atá faoi Choinneáil de chineál ar bith nó i bPríosún
Convention on the International Protection of Adults
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Idirnáisiúnta Daoine Fásta
PoC; protection of civilians; protection of civilians in armed conflict
cosaint saoránach; cosaint saoránach i gcoinbhleacht armtha
right of defence; rights of the defence
cearta na cosanta
Working Party on Plant Health (Protection and Inspection)
an Mheitheal um Fholláine Plandaí (Cosaint agus Cigireacht); an Mheitheal um Shláinte Plandaí (Cosaint agus Cigireacht)
duty to refuse to testify; to be prohibited from giving evidence,
cosc a chur ar dhuine fianaise a thabhairt; dualgas chun diúltú fianaise a thabhairt
Data Protection Officer; DPO
OCS; Oifigeach Cosanta Sonraí
diplomatic and consular protection
cosaint taidhleoireachta agus chonsalach
conflict prevention
coinbhleachtaí a chosc; cosc coinbhleachtaí
Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Prótacal maidir le hUisce agus Sláinte a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1992 maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
defence capability; defence capacity
cumas cosanta
whiteleg shrimp
séacla cosbhán
defence in depth
cosaint ar doimhneacht
European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le cosaint dhlíthiúil seirbhísí bunaithe ar rochtain choinníollach nó ar cuid de rochtain choinníollach iad
impersonation; look-alike fraud
calaois bunaithe ar an gcosúlacht
operation having military or defence implications
oibríocht a bhfuil impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta aici
principle of "costs lie where they fall"
prionsabal na gcostas ar an gcaiteoir
ECOS; European City Cooperation System
Córas Comhair idir Cathracha Eorpacha; ECOS
amach ón gcósta
COSI; Internal Security Committee; Standing Committee on Internal Security; Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security
An Buanchoiste um an gComhar Oibríochtúil sa tSlándáil Inmheánach; COSI
Athena; Athena mechanism; mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
Athena; sásra Athena; sásra riartha chun na costais choiteanna a bhaineann le hoibríochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh, a mbíonn impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta leo, a mhaoiniú
WACC; weighted average cost of capital
meánchostas ualaithe an chaipitil
HRD; human rights defender
cosantóir chearta an duine
EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders
Treoirlínte AE maidir le Cosantóirí Chearta an Duine
Asylum Procedures Directive; Directive 2013/32/EU on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection; Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status
Treoir 2005/85/CE maidir le caighdeáin íosta i ndáil le nósanna imeachta i mBallstáit chun stádas dídeanaí a dheonú nó a tharraingt siar; Treoir 2013/32/AE maidir le nósanna imeachta coiteanna chun stádas cosanta idirnáisiúnta a dheonú agus a tharraingt siar; Treoir maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Tearmainn
CMB; cosmic microwave background
cúlra micreathonnach cosmach
SPF; sun protection factor; sunburn protection factor
fachtóir cosanta ar an ngrian; FCG
ACE inhibitor; ACEI; angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitor
coscaire ACE; coscaire einsímí tiontaithe angaitheannaine
feeding cost
costas an bheathaithe
prepaid expenses; prepaid expenses and accrued income
costais réamhíoctha agus ioncam fabhraithe
cost of capital
costas an chaipitil
defensive cartelisation
cairtéaladh cosantach
general administrative expenses
costais ghinearálta riaracháin
historical cost convention
coinbhinsiún an chostais stairiúil
cos site
láthair COS
enzyme inhibition
cosc einsíme
arachic acid; arachidic acid; eicosanoic acid; icosanoic acid
aigéad araicise
absolute viscosity; dynamic viscosity
marine ecosystem
éiceachóras muirí
sugar sweepings; wastage sugar
cosamar siúcra
(<i>Z</i>)-docos-13-enoic acid; <i>cis</i>-13-docosenoic acid; erucic acid
aigéad éarúcach
inertia brake; overrun brake; overrunning type brake
coscán táimhe
topoisomerase inhibitor
coscaire topaisiméaráise
excessive administrative costs
róchostais riaracháin
dike; dyke; embankment; levee
cladán; claífort; fál cosanta; leibhé
environmental protection
cosaint an chomhshaoil
fluid brake; hydraulic brake
coscán hiodrálach
refugee protection
cosaint dídeanaithe
monopoly of coastal trade
monaplacht na trádála cósta
nominal cost
costas ainmniúil
SCCNFP; Scientific Committee for Cosmetic Products and Non-food Products intended for Consumers; Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for Consumers
an Coiste Eolaíoch um Tháirgí Cosmaideacha agus um Tháirgí Neamhbhia atá beartaithe do thomhaltóirí
kinematic viscosity
slaodacht chinéimiteach
legal expenses cover; legal expenses insurance; legal protection insurance; LEI
árachas costas dlí
coastal zone; CZ
limistéar cósta
ILI; influenza-like illness
tinneas atá cosúil leis an bhfliú
protective measures; safeguard measures
bearta coimirce; bearta cosanta
capital charges; capital cost; capital expenditure; capital investment; capital outlay
caiteachas caipitiúil; infheistíocht chaipitiúil
additional expenditure for packaging; increased packaging cost
caiteachas breise ar an phacáistíocht
fasting blood glucose; fasting blood sugar; fasting glucose; FBG; FBS
glúcós fola céalacain
Coscoroba swan
plantain eaters; touracos; touracous; turacos; turakoos
cost fixed as a flat rate
costas socraithe mar chothromráta; costas socraithe mar ráta comhréidh
to curtail expenses; to limit expenses; to reduce expenses
costais a laghdú
preproduction costing
costáil réamhtháirgthe; costáil roimh tháirgeadh
carrying charge; carrying cost; cost of carry
costas seilbhe
unit-managed costs
costais faoi bhainistíocht aonaid
company's management costs
costais bhainistíochta na cuideachta
costs and expenses incurred in performing the contract
costais agus caiteachais a thabhaítear i gcomhlíonadh an chonartha
acquisition cost
costas éadála
embodied cost
costas corpraithe
implicit cost; implied cost; imputed cost; opportunity cost
costas barúlach; costas intuigthe
marginal cost pricing
praghsáil imeallchostais
nonrecurrent expenses
costais neamh-athfhillteacha; speansais neamh-athfhillteacha
user cost
costas úsáide
domestic resource cost
costas acmhainní intíre
CCA; current cost accounting; current cost value accounting; current value accounting
cuntasaíocht chostas reatha
Effective protection coefficient
comhéifeacht ghlan cosanta
Least cost analysis
anailís ar íoschostas
Nominal protection coefficient
comhéifeacht na cosanta ainmniúla
Noncash expense
costas neamhairgid
inhalation corticosteroid; inhaled corticosteroid
cortacaistéaróideach análaithe
accused; accused person; defendant
agreement of the parties on costs
comhaontú na bpáirtithe maidir le costais
claim for costs
éileamh ar chostais
dispute concerning the costs to be recovered
díospóid i dtaobh na gcostas is inghnóthaithe
defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly served
cosantóir a ndearnadh doiciméad tionscanta imeachtaí a sheirbheáil air go cuí
recoverable costs
costais inghnóthaithe
costs of the expert's report
costais thuarascáil an tsaineolaí
costs of the proceedings
costais na n-imeachtaí
avoidable costs
costais inseachanta
excessive costs
costais iomarcacha
costs unreasonably or vexatiously caused; unreasonable or vexatious costs
costais mhíréasúnta nó chráiteacha
necessary expenses
costais riachtanacha
taxed costs
costais a ngearrtar cáin orthu; costais fhómhasta
sharing of costs
cionroinnt costas
costs shall be in the discretion of the Court
beidh na costais de rogha na Cúirte
reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses
aisíoc costas taistil agus cothaithe
reimbursement of expenses
aisíocaíocht costas
order that the costs be shared
na costais a roinnt; ordú chun na costais a roinnt
service of the application on the defendant
seirbheáil an iarratais ar an gcosantóir
give a decision as to costs
breith a thabhairt i dtaobh costas
bear its own costs; bear their own costs
costais a iompar; freagrach as costais
costs to be borne by the company
costais a íocfaidh an chuideachta
annualized capital cost
costas caipitil bliantúlaithe
aerodynamic brake; air brake
coscán eitilte
conveyor; moving pavement; moving sidewalk; moving walkway; pedestrian conveyor; speedwalk; travelator
cosán beo
prevention of circumvention of export subsidy commitments
cosc ar shárú ceangaltas a bhaineann le fóirdheontais onnmhairiúcháin
guarantee against increases in the cost of exported products
ráthaíocht in aghaidh arduithe i gcostas táirgí onnmhairithe
multilateral agreement on acquisition or maintenance of protection
comhaontú iltaobhach maidir le cosaint a fháil nó a chothabháil
protected layout-design
dearadh leagan amach cosanta
protection of undisclosed information
cosaint faisnéise neamhnochta
unwarranted curtailment of the period of protection
ciorrú na tréimhse cosanta gan údar
DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO); DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection; Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO); Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection; ECHO; EU humanitarian aid and civil protection department; humanitarian aid department of the European Commission; Humanitarian Aid DG
an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Chabhair Dhaonnúil agus Cosaint Shibhialta; Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Daonchabhrach
eligible costs
costais incháilithe
close-out costs
costais clabhsúir
historical cost convention
coinbhinsiún an chostais stairiúil
cost of the trade barriers
costas bacainní trádála; costas trádbhac
consumer protection
cosaint an tomhaltóra; cosaint tomhaltóirí
specificity in tariff protection
sainiúlacht i gcosaint taraifí
financing of support costs
maoiniú costas tacaíochta
financing of running costs; supplementary aid
cabhair bhreise
administrative cost of trade
costas riarthach trádála
subcommittee on protective measures
fochoiste um bearta cosantacha
rear underride protection; rear underrun protection; RUP
fobharra cosanta ar cúl
brake pad; pad
pillín coscáin
cost of transaction; transaction cost
costas idirbhirt
emission abatement cost
costas laghdaithe astaíochtaí
COL; cost of living
costas maireachtála
COLA; cost of living adjustment; cost of living allowance
liúntas costais maireachtála
medical chiropody
cosliacht mhíochaine
two-part costing
costáil dhépháirteach
three-part costing
costáil trípháirteach
demand-related cost
costas a bhaineann le héileamh
consumer-related cost
costas a bhaineann le tomhaltóirí
corn sirups; high fructose; high fructose corn sirups; isoglucose
mucosa; mucous membrane
múcós; seicin mhúcasach
glycoside; heteroside
gliocóisíd; heitrisíd
costume jewellery; imitation jewellery
seodra bréige
air pressure brake; compressed air brake
coscán aerbhrú
power assisted brake; power brake; power-assisted braking system; servo-brake
coscán cumhachtchúnta
automatic costing procedure
nós imeachta uathoibríoch costála; uathghnáthamh costála
inclusion of cost in prices
áireamh an chostais sa phraghas
UCLAF; Unit for the Coordination of Fraud Prevention
an tAonad chun an Cosc Calaoise a Chomhordú; UCLAF
cost plus basis
bonn costas plus
regulation...on protection against dumped imports...
rialachán...maidir le cosaint i gcoinne allmhairí dumpáilte
to take,as a precaution,the necessary protective measures
na bearta cosantacha is gá a ghlacadh mar réamhchúram
national production costs in the Member State
costas náisiúnta táirgeachta sa Bhallstát
total protection
cosaint iomlán
agricultural protection
cosaint talmhaíochta
cost; cost price; first price; net price; prime price; self price
cost price calculation
ríomh de réir costphraghais
expense classification by type
rangú costas de réir cineáil
charges; expenditure; expenditures; expenses; revenue charges; total cost and expenses
exceptional non-recurring costs
costais neamh-athfhillteacha eisceachtúla
expenses paid in advance; prepaid expenses
costais réamhíoctha
costing supplement; overhead charge
forlíonadh i leith forchostas
analytical accounts; cost accounting; management accounting
cuntasaíocht chostála
cost control account; financial bookkeeping cost account
cuntas rialaithe costas
cost of acquisition; historical cost; initial costs
costas stairiúil; túschostas
average costs
regressive costs
costais chúlchéimnitheacha
differences between financial accounts and costing records
difríochtaí idir cuntais airgeadais agus taifid chostála
direct costing
costáil dhíreach
cost variance
athraitheas costas; costathraitheas
favourable estimate; overestimate of costs
rómheastachán ar chostais
acquisition costs; acquisition expenses
speansais éadála
deed costs
costas gníomhais
administrative expenses; costs of management; management expenses
costais bhainistíochta; costais riaracháin; costas riarthach
costs of increasing capital
costas a bhaineann le caipiteal a mhéadú
formation expenses; start-up expenses
costais tionscnaimh
running-in expenses; start-up expenses
costais tionscnaimh
advertising cost; advertising expenses; promotion expenses
caiteachas fógraíochta
installation costs; preliminary expenses; start-up expenses
costais tionscnaimh; réamhspeansais
distribution costs; marketing costs; selling expenses
costas díola
operating charges; operating costs; operating expenses
costais oibriúcháin
direct costs; direct product costs; prime costs
costas díreach
burden; indirect costs; overheads
actual cost
costas iarbhír; fíorchostas
semi-variable costs
costas leathathraitheach
progressive fixed costs; step costs
costais sheasta chéimnitheacha
cost apportionment
cionroinnt na gcostas
cost effective analysis; cost effectiveness study
anailís ar chost-éifeachtúlacht; anailís éifeachtúlacht costais
replacement cost; replacement price; replacement value
luach athsholáthair
budgeted cost
costas buiséadaithe
absorption costing
costáil ionsú
purchase cost
costas ceannaigh
total cost of production
costas iomlán an táirgthe
historical cost
costas stairiúil
standard cost
costas caighdeánach
cost apportionment; overhead absorption
cionroinnt na gcostas; ionsú forchostas
cost center; cost centre
lárionad costais
cost analysis; cost structure; structure of costs
anailís chostais
partial cost system
córas um chostais pháirteacha
cost apportionment statement
ráiteas ar chionroinnt na gcostas
activity unit; cost unit
aonad costais
protection zone
crios cosanta
long-legged buzzard
clamhán cosfhada
red-footed falcon
fabhcún cosdearg
to cover production costs
costais táirgeachta a chumhdach
beef cysticercosis; beef measles; bovine cysticercosis; cysticercosis; measles
cost of unloading
costas díluchtúcháin
cost and price difference
difríocht idir costas agus praghas
production costs
costais táirgeachta
cost of processing and storage
costas próiséala agus stórála
subsistence costs; subsistence expenses
costais chothaithe; speansais chothaithe
processing costs
costas próiseála
SPC; supplementary protection certificate
deimhniú forlíontach cosanta le haghaidh táirgí íocshláinte
ABS; anti-block braking system; anti-blocking system; anti-lock braking system
ABS; córas coscánaithe frithghlasála
thermal protection system; TPS
córas cosanta teirmeach
ACOST; Advisory Council on Science and Technology
ACOST; an Chomhairle Chomhairleach um Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht
metabolic inhibition
cosc meitibileach
costs and deductions
costais agus asbhaintí
viscosity gauge
tomhsaire slaodachta
specific viscosity; viscosity relative increment
breisíocht choibhneasta slaodachta; sainslaodacht
reduced viscosity; viscosity number
slaodacht laghdaithe; uimhir shlaodachta
secondary braking system
córas coscánaithe éigeandála
park brake system; park braking system; parking brake system; parking braking system
córas coscáin láimhe
braking system
córas coscánaithe
friction brake
coscán frithchuimilte
inertia braking system
córas coscánaithe táimhe
automatic leg restraint
cosabhac uathoibríoch; uath-chosabhac; uath-chosbhac
brake turbine cold air unit
aonad aeir fhuair le haghaidh tuirbín coscáin; aonad aeir fhuair tuirbín coiscthe; grúpa turbachuisneora; grúp-thurbachuisneoir
braking thrust
sá coscánaithe
burning inhibitor
coscaire dó
coasting flight
cóstáil; eitilt chóstála; eitilt gan tiomáint; saoreitilt
cosec antenna
aeróg chomhsheicint
dive braking flap; dive flap
coscán tumtha
landing brake parachute
paraisiút coscáin tuirlingthe
leg restraint lines
línte srianta cos
leg restraint system
córas srianta cos
leg strap
strapa cos
life cycle cost
costas saolré
bone-dome; protective helmet
clogad cosanta
sacrificial protection
cosaint anóideach; cosaint íobartach
body protection equipment; individual protective equipment; personal protecion equipment; personal protective device; personal protective equipment; personal safety equipment; PPE
TCP; trealamh cosanta pearsanta
amortisation of development costs
amúchadh costais forbraíochta; costais forbraíochta a amúchadh
capitalised R&D costs; R and D costs
costais chaipitlithe taighde agus forbraíochta; costais taighde agus forbraíochta
cost allocation accounting techniques
teicnící cuntasaíochta maidir le leithdháileadh na gcostas
cosmetic device
feiste chosmaideach
tooling costs
costais an uirlisithe
amounts to be written off; costs to be written off
costas atá le díscríobh; méid atá le díscríobh
fob costs
costais sab
ear defender; ear muff
cosantóir cluas