Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Computers, Computer Science 1. A type of computer architecture involving a number of processors that are freed from any serial form of processing. Instead, each processor goes to work as data becomes available from other processors and shares the results of its work with other processors when it has finished. 2. (In SSADM) One of the elements of Data flow diagrams. The data flow shows a passage of data between two other elements, process, data store or external entity. At the lowest level, the data flows are simple flows, but at the higher levels they may be grouped together as composite flows, for ease of drawing.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Cineál ailtireacht ríomhairí ina mbíonn líon áirithe próiseálaithe atá saor ó phróiseáil srathach de shaghas ar bith. Ina ionad sin, téann gach próiseálaí ag obair de réir mar a chuireann próiseálaithe eile sonraí ar fáil agus roinneann sé toradh a chuid oibre ar phróiseálaithe eile nuair a bhíonn sé críochnaithe.
The statistics to be produced shall be grouped for transmission to the Commission (Eurostat) in accordance with the following data flows...
Déanfar an staidreamh a bheidh le táirgeadh a ghrúpáil lena tharchur chuig an gCoimisiún (Eurostat) i gcomhréir leis na sreafaí sonraí seo a leanas...
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Computers, Computer Science A data flow on a Data Flow Diagram which can be decomposed at a lower level into two or more separate data flows.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Sreabhadh sonraí ar Léaráid den Sreabhadh Sonraí ar féidir é a dhianscaoileadh ag leibhéal níos ísle ina dhá shreabhadh sonraí ar leith nó breis.
Computers, Computer Science A diagrammatic view of the functional view of the system under investigation. The notation comprises four elements: process, data store, external entity, and data flow. Its primary purpose is to communicate with the User the analyst's understanding of the scope of the system, the processing undertaken, and the interactions with the environment.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Léaráid d'amharc feidhmeach ar an gcóras atá á iniúchadh. Ceithre mhír atá i gceist sa nodaireacht: próiseas, stór sonraí, aonán seachtrach, agus sreabhadh sonraí. Is í an phríomhaidhm atá leis ná tuiscint an anailísí ar scóip an chórais, ar an bpróiseáil atá le déanamh, agus ar an idirghníomhaíocht leis an timpeallacht a chur in iúl don Úsáideoir.
Computers, Computer Science The description of the current physical environment, after all references to physical and contingent factors have been removed. The aim is to understand the business logic underlying the current practices, rather than simply to model the procedures in place, regardless of their validity. Typically, references to constraints caused by geographical considerations, machine-related procedures (e.g., photocopying, data prep.), office politics, or office procedures are removed from the Current Physical DFD, leaving just the business logic. This takes place in Step 150.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tuairisc ar an timpeallacht fhisiciúil reatha, tar éis gach tagairt d'fhachtóirí fisiciúla agus teagmhasacha a bhaint. Is í an aidhm atá leis ná an loighic gnó atá mar bhunús do chleachtais reatha a thuiscint, seachas samhail shimplí de na gnásanna atá i bhfeidhm a sholáthar, is cuma cé chomh bailí is atá siad. Go tipiciúil, baintear tagairtí do shriantachtaí a tharlaíonn de thoradh cúrsaí geografacha, gnásanna a bhaineann le meaisíní (e.g., fótachóipeáil, ullmhú sonraí), polaitíocht na hoifige, nó gnásanna oifige ón DFD Fisiciúil Reatha, agus ní fhágtar ann ach an loighic ghnó. Tarlaíonn sé seo ag Céim 150.
GAsamhail bain3 den sreabhadh sonraí córais atá de dhíth▼
gu samhla den sreabhadh sonraí córais atá de dhíth
Computers, Computer Science The version of the Data flow model that describes the processing in the new system.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An leagan sin de shamhail an tsreafa sonraí a thugann léiriú ar an bpróiseáil sa chóras nua.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
cross-border data flow; transborder data flow; transfrontier data flow; transnational data flow
sreabh sonraí trasteorann; sreabhadh trasteorann sonraí
data flow
sreabhadh sonraí
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Daoine Aonair a Chosaint i dtaca le Próiseáil Uathoibríoch Sonraí Pearsanta, sa mhéid a bhaineann le hÚdaráis Mhaoirseoireachta agus Sreafaí Sonraí Trasteorann
data flow
sreabhadh sonraí