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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
imposing different conditions on the grounds of the country of origin or destination
coinníollacha difriúla a fhorchur mar gheall ar thír thionscnaimh nó ar thír cinn scríbe
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
coordination of all relevant government and private actors, usually by a public body with or without private participation, aimed at supporting tourism development in a destination by making strategic decisions, implementing policy actions, maintaining and promoting cultural and natural heritage and attractions, coordinating events/festivals, raising revenue for tourism-related projects, facilitating cooperation between businesses, ensuring infrastructure and service provisions, etc.
locally based, for-profit tourism business whose function is to provide groups - and individuals - with services to meet their travel, meeting, and entertainment interests and needs at a specific time and place
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
destination alternate
ceann scríbe malartach
destination management organisation; destination marketing organisation; DMO
DMO; eagraíocht margaíochta ceann scríbe
airport of destination
aerfort ceann scríbe
first place of destination
céadcheann scríbe
Member State of destination
Ballstát cinn scríbe
place of destination
ceann scríbe
country of destination
tír chinn scríbe
destination clause
clásal cinn scríbe
destination (product)
ceann scríbe (táirge)
... plus carriage to destination
... móide costas iompair go dtí an ceann scríbe
DEST; free at destination
DEST; saor ag ceann scríbe
destination; place of destination
ceann scríbe
Member State of destination
Ballstát cinn scríbe
country of destination
tír chinn scríbe
the country of origin or of destination of the goods
tír thionscnaimh nó tír chinn scríbe na n-earraí
first place of destination
ceann scríbe tosaigh
port of destination
calafort cinn scríbe
destination code
cód cinn scríbe
active destination sign
comhartha cinn scríbe gníomhach
destination station
stáisiún cinn scríbe
non-stop service; origin-destination service; origin-to-destination mode
seirbhís gan stad
point of destination
ceann scríbe
customs office of destination
oifig custaim chinn scríbe
third country of destination
tríú tír is ceann scríbe
destination of units
ceann scribe d'aonaid (fir1)
destination of unit
ceann scríbe aonaid (fir1)
destination of information
ceann scríbe eolais (fir1)