Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
He did a back dive
Thug sé tumadh i ndiaidh a chúil
Thum sé i ndiaidh a chúil
She did a back dive
Thug sí tumadh i ndiaidh a cúil
Thum sí i ndiaidh a cúil
the amount of time an animal can spend under water without taking a breath
an méid ama ar féidir le hainmhí a chaitheamh faoi uisce gan anáil a ghlacadh
When executing a standing dive, the diver must not bounce on the board before the take-off.
Agus tumadh as seasamh á chur i gcrích ag an tumadóir, ní ceadmhach dó/di preabadh ar an gclár roimh imeacht.
The divers performed a total of three dives: a standing dive and two running dives.
Rinne na tumadóirí trí thumadh san iomlán: tumadh amháin as seasamh agus dhá riúdtumadh.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
Namaqua dove
colm Namaqua
mourning-collared dove
fearán baicdhubh gubhach
African collared-dove
fearán baicdhubh Afracach
laughing dove
colm gáiriteach
Nicobar dove or pigeon
colm Niceabrach
dove flower; dove orchid; Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost flower
magairlín an Spioraid Naoimh
handover point; point of handover
pointe aistrithe
black-billed wood dove
colm coille gobdhubh
blue-spotted wood dove
colm coille gormbhallach
blue-headed wood dove
colm coille ceannghorm
tambourine dove
colm tiompáin
red-eyed dove
colm súildearg
vinaceous dove
colm fíondaite
European turtle dove; turtle dove
aircraft handover
aistriú rialaithe aerárthaigh
common sole; Dover sole; sole
sól; sól coiteann
handover file
comhad aistrithe gníomhaireachta
dove-tailed slot
sliotán teangaithe (fir1)
dove-tailed slot
sliotán déadailt (fir1)