Torthaí beachta
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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
marine environment
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
arbitrary execution
bású treallach
giant clams
breallach mór; ollbhreallach
hostile environment
timpeallacht naimhdeach
1974 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt; Coinbhinsiún Heilsincí
arbitrary discrimination
idirdhealú treallach
business environment
timpeallacht an ghnó
social environment
timpeallacht shóisialta
hard clam; northern quahog
breallach crua
ambient noise; environmental noise
torann timpeallachta
Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment; Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sábháilteacht agus Sláinte Cheirde agus leis an Timpeallacht Oibre
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
Barcelona Convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht agus Réigiún Cósta na Meánmhara; Coinbhinsiún Barcelona
Marine Environment Protection Committee; MEPC
an Coiste chun an Mhuirthimpeallacht a Chosaint; an Coiste um Chaomhnú an Chomhshaoil Mhuirí
ECDIN; Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network
an Líonra um shonraí agus um fhaisnéis faoi cheimiceáin sa timpeallacht; ECDIN
sand gaper; softshell clam
breallach gainimh
pullet carpet shell
breallach croise eireogach
PIACT; Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
an Clár idirnáisiúnta chun na dálaí oibre agus an timpeallacht oibre a fheabhsú
Cartagena Convention; Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an timpeallacht mhuirí i mór-réigiún Mhuir Chairib a chosaint agus a fhorbairt
waters landward of the outer limits
uiscí atá laistigh de na teorainneacha forimeallacha
incremental cost; marginal cost; MC
costas imeallach; MC
peripheral region
réigiún forimeallach
GEF; Global Environment Facility; Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Áis do Thimpeallacht na Cruinne; GEF
live cattle
eallach beo
economic environment
timpeallacht eacnamaíoch
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context; EIA Convention; Espoo Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Measúnacht Tionchair Timpeallachta i gComhthéacs Trasteorann; Coinbhinsiún Espoo
1992 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt, 1992
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic; Oslo-Paris Convention; OSPAR Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint mhuirthimpeallacht an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún OSPAR
macroeconomic conditions; macroeconomic context; macroeconomic environment
timpeallacht mhaicreacnamaíoch
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; HELCOM; Helsinki Commission
an Coimisiún chun Muirthimpeallacht Mhuir Bhailt a Chosaint; Coimisiún Heilsincí; HELCOM
uncastrated cattle
eallach neamhchoillte
outlying emitter
astaíre forimeallach
donax clams
breallach donax
ocean quahog
breallach quahog
golden carpet shell
breallach croise órga
MAG; smooth mactra
breallach toinne mín
Cape razor clam; RAC
RAC; scianbhreallach na Rinne
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Oileáin Bheaga Fhorimeallacha na Stát Aontaithe
regulatory environment
timpeallacht rialála
Kiev Protocol; Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment; Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context; SEA Protocol
Prótacal maidir le Measúnacht Straitéiseach Timpeallachta; Prótacal maidir le Measúnacht Straitéiseach Timpeallachta a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Measúnacht Tionchair Timpeallachta i gComhthéacs Trasteorann
PBL; peripheral blood lymphocyte; peripheral lymphocyte
limficít fola forimeallach; PBL
ambient medium; environment compartment; environmental compartment; environmental medium; environmental sphere
meán comhthimpeallach
degree of heating of the surrounding
méid an téimh sa timpeallacht
marginal lending facility
saoráid iasachta imeallach
marginal efficiency of capital
éifeachtúlacht imeallach caipitil
arbitrary arrest; false arrest; unlawful arrest
gabháil threallach
external trading environment
timpeallacht trádála eachtrach
hepatocellular carcinoma; primary hepatic carcinoma
carcanóma heipiticeallach
marginal distribution; marginal distribution for k-dimensional random variables
dáileadh imeallach
ambient pressure
brú comhthimpeallach
ECS; environmental control system
córas rialaithe timpeallachta
flight environment
timpeallacht eitilte
cellular radiator; honeycomb radiator
radaitheoir ceallach
peripheral neuropathy
néarapaite imeallach
fringe benefits; wage supplements
sochair imeallacha
ambient noise; background din
torann timpeallach
exterior environment
timpeallacht amuigh
interior environment
timpeallacht inmheánach
quality objective for aquatic environment
sprioc cháilíochta faoi choinne timpeallacht uisceach
model environment conditions; pilot environment factors
treoirthosca timpeallachta
basal cell cancer; basal cell carcinoma; basal cell epithelioma; BCC; rodent ulcer
ailse bhonncheallach; carcanóma bonncheallach
ambient air temperature; ambient temperature
teocht an tseomra; teocht chomhthimpeallach
fringe parking; peripheral parking
páirceáil fhorimeallach
peripheral migration
imirce fhorimeallach
digital environment; digital landscape; digital sphere
timpeallacht dhigiteach
marginal efficiency
éifeachtúlacht imeallach
PCI; PCI bus; peripheral component interconnect
bus PCI; idirnasc comhpháirteanna forimeallach; PCI
SO2 concentration in ambient air; sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient air; sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient air
tiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
sanitary indicator
táscaire sláintíochta na timpeallachta
suspended matter in ambient air
ábhar ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach
particles in ambient air
cáithníní san aer comhthimpeallach
suspended particulates in air; suspended particulates in ambient air
cáithnínigh ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach
background pollution monitoring site
stáisiún faireacháin ar thruailliú timpeallach
abiotic environment
timpeallacht aibitheach
roadway environmental sensing
brath na ndálaí timpeallachta ar bhóthar
pedestrian-oriented environment
timpeallacht dírithe ar choisithe
container (fully cellular) ship; container ship; fully cellular container ship; fully cellular ship
long choimeádán láncheallach
marginal costs
costais imeallacha
management environment
timpeallacht bhainistíochta
AAL; ambient assisted living
maireachtáil chuidithe chomhthimpeallach
farmed environment
timpeallacht feirmshaothraithe
peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour; pPNET
siad néareictideirmeach primitíbheach imeallach
market environment
timpeallacht an mhargaidh; timpeallacht mhargaidh
domestic environment
timpeallacht baile; timpeallacht tí
Electronic Theatre in Virtual Dramatic Environments; ETUDE
Amharclann Leictreonach i dTimpeallachtaí Drámata Fíorúla
peripheral clamping
clampáil fhorimeallach
peripheral zone
crios forimeallach
environmental resistance test; environmental-aggression resistance test; test of resistance to the environment
triail friotaíochta i dtaca leis an timpeallacht
GEF replenishment; Global Environment Facility replenishment; replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund; replenishment of the resources of the GEF Trust Fund
athshlánú Chiste Iontaobhais na hÁise do Thimpeallacht na Cruinne; athshlánú GEF
cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenase
dihidrigionáis mhiteacoindreach cheallach
intercellular lamellar lipid bilayer; intercellular lamellar lipid layer
ciseal lipide idircheallach lannógach; déchiseal lipidí idircheallacha lannógacha
bean solen
scianbhreallach pónaire
GEF Trust Fund; GET; Global Environment Facility Trust Fund; Global Environment Trust Fund
Ciste Iontaobhais Áise do Thimpeallacht na Cruinne; Ciste Iontaobhais GEF
cellular debris
fuíoll ceallach
marginal vein
féith imeallach
hepatocellular effect
éifeacht heipiticeallach; iarmhairt heipiticeallach
primary economic environment
príomh-thimpeallacht eacnamaíoch
PEI; Poverty-Environment Initiative
an Tionscnamh um an mBochtaineacht agus an Timpeallacht
peripheral blood cell
cill fola fhorimeallach; fuilchill fhorimeallach
interest rate on the marginal lending facility; marginal lending facility rate; marginal lending rate
ráta iasachta imeallach
Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions; CPMR
Comhdháil Réigiúin Mhuirí Fhorimeallacha na hEorpa; CPMR
environmental strategy
straitéis timpeallachta
peripheral nerve
néaróg imeallach
delayed polyneuropathy; OP-induced peripheral neuropathy; organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy
néarapaite imeallach orgánafosfáit-ionduchtaithe; polainéarapaite mhoillithe
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines; Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used
Treoirlínte deonacha Akwé:kon; Treoirlínte deonacha Akwé:kon maidir le stiúradh measúnaithe ar thionchar cultúrtha, timpeallachta agus sóisialta i gcás forbairtí atá beartaithe a chur i gcrích ar, nó ar dócha go mbeadh tionchar acu ar, ionaid shácráilte, agus ar thailte agus uiscí ar a
subcellular localisation; sub-cellular location
suíomh focheallach
ambient correction factor; ambient correction term
fachtóir ceartúcháin comhthimpeallachta
peripheral intravenous line; peripheral vascular catheter; peripheral venous catheter; peripheral venous line
cataitéar soithíoch forimeallach
enrichment; environmental enrichment
saibhriú timpeallachta
cellular xenotransplantation
xéinea-thrasphlandú ceallach
HEAT; Hostile Environment Awareness Training
Oiliúint maidir le Feasacht Timpeallachta Naimhdí
yearling store cattle
eallach bliana stóir
problem solving in technology-rich environments
réiteach fadhbanna i dtimpeallachtaí dlúththeicneolaíochta
bone marrow cellularity
ceallacht smeara
CPMR-IMC; IMC; Intermediterranean Commission; Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe
Coimisiún Idir-Mheánmhuirí de Chomhdháil Réigiúin Mhuirí Fhorimeallacha na hEorpa
TEnTs; translation environment tool
uirlis timpeallachta aistriúcháin
business-friendly environment
timpeallacht atá fabhrach do lucht gnó
ambient media
meáin thimpeallacha
ENISA Threat Landscape; ETL; Threat Landscape Report
Tuarascáil ENISA ar thimpeallacht na bagartha
housing environment; social housing environment
timpeallacht tithíochta sóisialta
energy-related environment
timpeallacht atá bainteach le fuinneamh
venerids; Venus clams
breallach maighdeogach; maighdeog
grooved carpet shell
breallach croise eitreach
Japanese carpet shell; Japanese littleneck clam; short-necked clam
breallach Seapánach; Ruditapes philippinarum
threat landscape
timpeallacht na bagartha
treallach (a1)
outer band
banda forimeallach (fir4)
thick-rimmed cartridge
cartús tiubhimeallach (fir1)
outer defence
cóir chosanta fhorimeallach (bain3)
timpeallacht (bain3, gu: timpeallachta, ai: timpeallachtaí, gi: timpeallachtaí)
outer gland
faireog fhorimeallach (bain2)
adharcimeallach (a1)
outer pan
beiste forimeallach (fir4)
surrounding medium
meán timpeallach (fir1)
muzzle attachment outer casing
cásáil fhorimeallach bhéalnascáin (bain3)
forimeallach (a1)
forimeallach (fir1, gu: forimeallaigh)
outer section
gasra forimeallach (fir4)
outer ring
crios na bhforimeallach (fir3)
outer ring
crios forimeallach (fir3)
outer elevating screw
scriú ardaithe forimeallach (fir4)
sporadic resistance
friotaíocht threallach (bain3)