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Auxilliary glossaries
explosive atmosphere
atmaisféar pléascach
complex fluorine salts
salainn choimpléascacha fluairín
complex fertiliser
leasachán coimpléascach
fissile material cut-off treaty; FMCT; treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
an conradh um ábhar inscoilte a thoirmeasc; Conradh lena gcuirfear toirmeasc ar tháirgeadh ábhar inscoilte le haghaidh airm núicléacha nó feistí pléascacha núicléacha eile; FMCT
self-made bomb
gaireas pléascach seiftithe; IED
ERW; explosive remnants of war
ERW; fuílligh phléascacha chogaidh
explosion turbine
tuirbín pléascach; tuirbín pléasctha; tuirbín um pléascadh
explosive welding
táthú pléascach
chronic obstructive lung disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COLD; COPD
galar scamhóige toirmeascach ainsealach
specialised complex installations
sainsuiteálacha coimpléascacha
obstructive sleep apnea; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; OSA; OSAS
siondróm aipnia chodlata bhacúil; siondróm aipnia chodlata toirmeascach
Explosive; mass explosion hazard.
Pléascach; guais mhórphléasctha.
Explosive, severe projection hazard.
Pléascach, guais throm teilgin.
Explosive; fire, blast or projection hazard.
Pléascach; guais dóiteáin, phléasctha nó teilgin.
Explosive when dry.
Pléascach agus é tirim.
Explosive with or without contact with air.
Pléascach i dteagmháil le haer nó gan é.
In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.
Agus é á úsáid d’fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
May form explosive peroxides.
D’fhéadfadh sé sárocsaídí pléascacha a chruthú.
C-IED; Counter Improvised Explosive Device; Counter-IED
Bearta in aghaidh Feistí Pléascacha Seiftithe
command wire improvised explosive device; CWIED
feiste phléascach sheiftithe le cábla adhainte
explosive submunition
fomhuinisean pléascach
car bomb; VBIED; vehicle-borne IED; vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
carrbhuama; gléas pléascach seiftithe feithicil-iompartha
micronutrient complex fertiliser
leasachán coimpléascach micreachothaitheach
pléascach (a1)
explosive charge
lánán pléascach (fir1)
high explosive bomb
buama tréanphléascach (fir4)
interdiction zone
crioslach toirmeascach (fir1)
HE charge
lánán tréanphléascach (fir1)
high explosive charge
lánán tréanphléascach (fir1)
high explosive
tréanphléascach (fir1, gu: tréanphléascaigh, ai: tréanphléascaigh, gi: tréanphléascach)
ease of handing
éascacht láimhseála (bain3)
explosive content of bomb
ábhar pléascach i mbuama (fir1)
explosive mixture
meascán pléascach (fir1)
interdiction fire
lámhach toirmeascach (fir1)
high explosive grenade
gránáid tréanphléascach (bain2)
high explosive anti-tank
tréanphléascach fritanc (a1)
HEAT grenade
gránáid thréanphléascach fritanc (bain2)
high explosive anti-tank grenade
gránáid thréanphléascach fritanc (bain2)
high explosive
tréanphléascach (a1)
the H.E. bomb has a high degree of fragmentation
buama ardbhloghtrach is ea an buama tréanphléascach
12 lb high explosive shell
sliogán tréanphléascach 12 phunt
effective burst of H.E. shell
maidhm éifeachtach ó shliogán tréanphléascach