Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
a measurement of the rate at which blood is pumped out of a filled ventricle
tomhas den ráta ag a ndéantar fuil a bhrú amach as méadailín líonta
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
motion for rejection; proposal for rejection; proposal to reject
tairiscint chun diúltú do [...]; togra chun diúltú do [...]
false reject rate; false rejection rate; FRR; insult rate; type I error
FRR; ráta diúltaithe bhréagaigh
CME; coronal mass ejection
eisteileagan maise corónaí
rejection criterion; rejection number
uimhir dhiúltúcháin
command ejection
eisteilgean ordaithe
design ejection envelope
imchlúdach deartha um eisteilgean
ejection angle
uillinn eisteilgin
ejection capsule
capsúl eisteilgin
ejection guide rails
ráille treorach eisteilgin
ejection gun
gunna eisteilgin
ejection gun time delay unit
amadóir moilliúcháin sa ghunna eisteilgin
ejection seat
suíochán eisteilgin
ejection sequence
seicheamh eisteilgin
linked ejection
eisteilgean nasctha
load rejection; load shedding; load throw-off
scoitheadh lóid
border rejection notification
fógra faoi chead thar teorainn isteach a dhiúltú
refusal of asylum application; refusal of refugee status; rejection of asylum application
diúltú d'iarratas ar dhearbhú mar dhídeanaí; diúltú iarratas ar thearmann
teilgean (fir1, gu: teilgin)
faulty ejection
teilgean lochtach (fir1)
ejection opening
oscailt (bain2, gu: oscailte)
ejection slot
sliotán (fir1, gu: sliotáin, ai: sliotáin, gi: sliotán)