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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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(overseas, etc.)
GAleathnú fir
gu leathnaithe
fairsingiú fir
gu fairsingithe
forleathnú fir
gu forleathnaithe
Business » Enterprise & Development An increase in the scope of the activities or the scale of the operations of a company, country, etc.
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Méadú i scóip na ngníomhaíochtaí nó sa scála oibríochtaí i gcás cuideachta, tíre nó eile.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
an addition to an existing role-playing game, tabletop game or video game
forlíontán le cluiche rólghlactha, cluiche boird nó físchluiche
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
clonal expansion
leathadh clónach
expansion of consumption
forleathnú an tomhaltais; forleathnú ar úsáid earraí
continuous and balanced expansion
forleathnú leanúnach cothrom
expansion of productive capacity
leathnú na gcumas táirgthe
to guarantee steady expansion
ráthaigh fairsingiú rianúil; urraigh forleathnú seasta
TEA; Trade Expansion Act
an tAcht um Fhairsingiú Trádála
expander; expander turbine; expander/turbo-generator; expansion turbine; turbine expander; turbo-expander
tuirbín borrthóra
credit expansion
fairsingiú creidmheasa; forleathnú creidmheasa; leathnú creidmheasa
expansion of an inquiry
forleathnú fiosrúcháin
expansion slot; I/O expansion slot
sliotán forlíontach
expansion; puffing
to impede the expansion of the volume of trade
bac a chur ar fhairsingiú na trádála
growth of money supply; increase in money supply; monetary expansion; monetary growth; monetary inflation; money growth; money-supply growth
fás airgeadaíochta; fás airgid
trade expansion
forleathnú trádála
expansion ratio
cóimheas forbartha; cóimheas forbraíochta; cóimheas forleathnúcháin; cóimheas leata
expansion tube
feadán borrtha
external expansion nozzle
buinne leata sheachtrach
expansion capital
caipiteal forbraíochta; caipiteal le haghaidh forleathnaithe
fiscal expansion; relaxation of fiscal policy
fairsingiú fioscach
low expansion foam
cúr beagbhorrtha
medium expansion foam
cúr meánbhorrtha
accommodative monetary policy; easy monetary policy; expansionary monetary policy; monetary accommodation
beartas airgid réidh
expansion device
gaireas borrtha
expansion chamber
cuasán borrtha
co-efficient of expansion
comhéifeacht leathnúcháin (bain3)
at (fir1, gu: ait, ai: atanna, gi: atanna)
leatacht (bain3, gu: leatachta)
expansion of gas
leatacht gháis (bain3)
expansion of the barrel
at an bhairille (fir)
expansion of extractors
at tarraingeoirí (fir1)