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Auxilliary glossaries
European Convention on the Abolition of Legalisation of Documents executed by Diplomatic Agents or Consular Officers
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Neamhní Dhleathú Doiciméad arna bhforghníomhú ag Taidhleoirí nó Oifigigh Chonsalacha
Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships; Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an íoscheanglas inniúlachta gairmiúla do mháistrí agus d'oifigigh ar bord long trádála
personal file of the official
comhad pearsanta an oifigigh
official's career
gairm oifigigh
parent institution of an official
máthairinstitiúid an oifigigh
immediate superior; immediate superior of the official; official's immediate superior
garoifigeach uachtarach an oifigigh
marriage of the official
pósadh an oifigigh
change of residence of the official
athrú ar áit chónaithe an oifigigh
Staff Regulations; Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communities; Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union; Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Union
Rialacháin Foirne Oifigigh an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Sheirbhísigh eile an Aontais; Rialacháin Foirne Oifigigh na gComhphobal Eorpach agus Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Sheirbhísigh eile na gComhphobal Eorpach
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gcomhrac i gcoinne éilliú a bhfuil oifigigh na gComhphobal Eorpach nó oifigigh Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh i dtreis ann
prosecuting/investigating officials specialising in the fight against organised crime
oifigigh ionchúisimh/imscrúdaithe atá ag sainfheidhmiú sa chomhrac i gcoinne na coirpeachta eagraithe
Anti-Bribery Convention; Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
an Coinbhinsiún in aghaidh na Breabaireachta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le comhrac in aghaidh oifigigh phoiblí eachtracha a bhreabadh in idirbhearta gnó idirnáisiúnta
clúimhín cait
official; status of official
stádas oifigigh
officials and other servants of the Court
oifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile na Cúirte
accounting officer's credit balance
iarmhéid sochair an oifigigh chuntasíochta
LSD; LSD-25; lysergic acid diethylamide; N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide
dé-eitiolaimíd aigéid líséirgigh; LSD
cerebral gigantism; Sotos syndrome
fathacht cheirbreach; siondróm Sotos
amplify; develop; expand
fairsingigh; forbair
Pension Scheme of Officials and Other Servants of the European Union; PSEO
Scéim Pinsin Oifigigh agus Sheirbhísigh eile an Aontais Eorpaigh
to conjugate
Officials and Temporary Staff Recruitment Unit
An tAonad um Oifigigh agus Gníomhairí Sealadacha a Earcú
giant virus; gigantic virus; girus
gigatonne CO<sub>2</sub>-equivalent; GtCO<sub>2</sub>-eq; Pg CO<sub>2</sub> equivalent
coibhéis gigeathonna CO<sub>2</sub>; GtCO<sub>2</sub>-eq
gig economy; task-based economy
geilleagar poistíneachta
European gigabit society
sochaí ghigighiotáin Eorpach
giolla oifigigh (fir4)
behaviour unbecoming the character of an officer
iompar nach cuí do charachtar oifigigh (fir1)
iaroifigeach (fir1, gu: iaroifigigh, ai: iaroifigigh, gi: iaroifigeach)
officer's personal file
comhad pearsanta oifigigh (fir1)
functions of Commanding Officer
feidhmeanna Oifigigh Cheannais (bain)
functional area of Commanding Officer
líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin Oifigigh Cheannais (fir4)
Ginearáloifigeach (fir1, gu: Ginearáloifigigh, ai: Ginearáloifigigh, gi: Ginearáloifigeach)
officer's gratuity
aisce oifigigh (bain4)
gun officer
gunna-oifigeach (fir1, gu: gunna-oifigigh, ai: gunna-oifigigh, gi: gunna-oifigeach)
petty officer [Rank Titles]
mionoifigeach (fir1, gu: mionoifigigh, ai: mionoifigigh, gi: mionoifigeach)
Commanding Officer's Parade
Paráid Oifigigh Cheannais (bain2)
officer's identification number
uimhir aitheantais oifigigh (bain5)
oath to be taken by officers
mionn atá le tabhairt ag oifigigh (fir3)
petty officer
mionoifigeach (fir1, gu: mionoifigigh, ai: mionoifigigh, gi: mionoifigeach)
petty officer
mionoifigeach (fir1, gu: mionoifigigh, ai: mionoifigigh, gi: mionoifigeach)
regular officer
buanoifigeach (fir1, gu: buanoifigigh, ai: buanoifigigh, gi: buanoifigeach)
mounted officer
marcoifigeach (fir1, gu: marcoifigigh, ai: marcoifigigh, gi: marcoifigeach)
officers of equal rank
oifigigh chomchéime (fir)
Sam Brown
crios oifigigh (fir3)
Sam Browne
crios oifigigh (fir3)
Commanding Officer's pool
tiomargain Oifigigh Cheannais (bain3)
potential non-commissioned officer
ábhar oifigigh neamhchoimisiúnta (fir1)
subordinate officer
fo-oifigeach (fir1, gu: fo-oifigigh, ai: fo-oifigigh, gi: fo-oifigeach)
officer officials
oifigigh feidhmeannaigh
officer prisoners
príosúnaigh oifigigh (fir)
officer's record
taifead oifigigh (fir1)
chief petty officer [Rank Titles]
ard-mhionoifigeach (fir1, gu: ard-mhionoifigigh, ai: ard-mhionoifigigh, gi: ard-mhionoifigeach)
Office of the General Officer Commanding the Brigade [Units and Sub-units: Camp Staff]
Oifig an Ghinearáloifigigh i gCeannas na Briogáide (bain2)
oifigeach (fir1, gu: oifigigh, ai: oifigigh, gi: oifigeach)
behaviour unbecoming the character of an officer
iompar nach cuí do charachtar oifigigh
in an official capacity equivalent to that of an officer
i gcáil oifigiúil is comhionann le cáil oifigigh
officers detailed to a fire unit must conform to the movements of the section
ní mór d'oifigigh a shonraítear do lámhachaonad, gluaiseachtaí an ghasra a leanúint
duties of officer superintending firing point
dualgas oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag an bpointe lámhaigh
inability of officer named as member of Court to attend
neamhábaltacht, éagumas oifigigh a ainmníodh mar chomhalta de Chúirt teacht i láthair
officers shall be liable to be attached to any unit of the Permanent Defence Force
féadfar oifigigh a cheangal le haonad ar bith de na Buan-Óglaigh
powers of a commanding officer
cumhachtaí oifigigh cheannais
successive commanding officers
oifigigh cheannais as diaidh a chéile
technical and supply officers
oifigigh theicniúla agus sholáthair
countersignature of the Officer Commanding
comhshíniú an Oifigigh i gCeannas
delegate command/ the powers of Commanding Officer (to)
ceannas/cumhachtaí Oifigigh Cheannais a tharmligean (chun)
dispense with the services of an officer
cuir seirbhísí oifigigh ar ceal
refer a case to a Commanding Officer
tarchuir cás chun Oifigigh Cheannais
summon officers for orders
gairm oifigigh le haghaidh orduithe
area officers in charge of records
oifigigh líomatáistí i bhfeighil taifead
vehicle in the charge of an officer
feithicil faoi chúram oifigigh
the age limits prescribed for the retirement of officers
na haoisteorainneacha atá forordaithe chun oifigigh a scor
charge the value of articles against an officer
cuir luach earraí in aghaidh oifigigh
duties of officer superintending at the butts
dualgais oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag na stopacháin