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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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high molecular weight polysaccharide gum produced by a pure culture fermentation of a carbohydrate by Pseudomonas elodea, purified by recovery with ethanol or 2-propanol, dried, and milled
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
gumbo; okra
incapacity for work
éagumas chun oibre
incapacity for employment; incapacity for work; incapacity to work
éagumas chun fostaíochta
CCCPL; Codex Committee on Cereals, Pulses and Legumes
an Coiste Codex um Ghránaigh, Piseánaigh agus Léagúim; CCCPL
incapacity for any gainful employment
éagumas chun fostaíocht shochrach
guma coganta
durra; Indian millet
sorgum curaíochta
sorgum dédhathach
gummy shark
siorc mín Antartach
red gum
ruaghuma abhann
<I>Sterculia</I>; Gum <I>sterculia</I>; gum karaya; Kadaya; Karaya; karaya gum; Katilo; Kullo; Kuterra
guma karaya
degumming; demucilagination
determine the points on which the parties must present further argument
na pointí a chinneadh a gcaithfidh na páirtithe breis áitithe a dhéanamh ina leith
guma caisiú
natural gums
guma nádúrtha
leiocome; starch gum
deistrin stáirse; guma stáirse
British gum
guma Briotanach
legumes; leguminous vegetable
glasra léagúmach
legume; legume vegetable
Gumboro disease; IBD; infectious bursa disease; infectious bursal disease
galar tógálach saicíní
invalidity allowance; invalidity benefit
liúntas míchumais; sochar éagumais; sochar easláine
gum spirits; gum spirits of turpentine; gum turpentine; oil of turpentine; oleoresin; spirits of turpentine; turpentine; turpentine oil; turps
cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose; cross-linked cellulose gum; cross-linked CMC; cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; cross-linked sodium CMC
ceallalós carbocsaimeitile sóidiam trasnasctha
incapacitated subject
duine éagumasaithe
clarify the forms of order sought by the parties, their pleas in law and arguments
soiléiriú a dhéanamh ar fhoirmeacha an ordaithe atá á lorg ag na páirtithe, a bpléadálacha faoin dlí agus a n-argóintí dlí
devastating argument
argóint threascrach (bain2)
incapacitated by ill-health
éagumasach de dheasca easláinte (a1)
infirmity of body or mind
éagumas coirp nó aigne (fir1)
a child incapable of selfsupport
leanbh atá éagumasach ar fhéin-chothú (fir1)
incapacitated member
comhalta éagumasaithe (fir4)
physically incapacitated
faoi éagumas coirp (fr.dob.)
éagumas (fir1, gu: éagumais)
he became permanently incapacitated
ghabh éagumas buan é
inability of officer named as member of Court to attend
neamhábaltacht, éagumas oifigigh a ainmníodh mar chomhalta de Chúirt teacht i láthair
he became permanently incapacitated
ghabh éagumas buan é
be permanently incapacitated
bheith éagumasach go buan
be temporarily incapacitated from performing his duties
bheith éagumasach go sealadach ar a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh
be permanently incapacitated
bheith éagumasach go buan