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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
method of preparation
modh ullmhúcháin
composite; composite packaging
pacáistíocht ilchodach
perpetual inventory method; PIM
modh an stoc-chuntais shíoraí
carbon balance method; CBM
an modh comhardaithe carbóin
composite structure
struchtúr comhchodach
BRE Environmental Assessment Method; BREEAM
BREEAM; Modh Measúnaithe Comhshaoil BRE
indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; slow-growing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin leasc; liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin mallfháis
solar fraction
GPMT; Guinea-Pig Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman method
tástáil uasmhéadúcháin ar mhuc ghuine; tástáil uasmhéadúcháin Magnusson agus Kligman
Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard; METS
Caighdeán Ionchódaithe agus Tarchurtha Meiteashonraí
iodometric method
modh iadaiméadrach
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; Harmonised System; HS
CC; Córas Comhchuibhithe; Córas Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
composite name; composite term
ainm ilchodach
ways and means advances
airleacain mhodhanna agus mheán
Head of Delegation; HoD
Ceann Toscaireachta
Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling
an Coiste Codex um Modhanna Anailíse agus Samplála
Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences; Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences
an Cód Iompraíochta do Línéarchomhdhálacha; an Coinbhinsiún um Chód Iompraíochta do Línéarchomhdhálacha
International Convention for the Unification of Methods for the Analysis and Appraisal of Wines
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta um aontú modhanna maidir le hanailís agus measúnú fíona
HS Convention; International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; International Convention on the Harmonised System
Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar an gCóras Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe um iompar ilmhódach earraí go hidirnáisiúnta
genetically modified organism; GMO
OGM; orgánach géinathraithe; orgánach géinmhodhnaithe
genetically modified micro-organism; GMM
miocrorgánach géinmhodhnaithe
Convention concerning the Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks; Dock Work Convention, 1973
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIarmhairtí Sóisialta na Modhanna Nua um Láimhseáil Lasta i nDugaí
in a non-discriminatory manner
ar dhóigh neamh-idirdhealaitheach; ar mhodh neamh-idirdhealaitheach
loan repayable by instalments
iasacht is iníoctha i dtráthchodanna
uniform methods of calculation
modh comhionann áirimh; modh comhionann ríomhaireachta
Agreement between the Member States of the European Communities on the Simplification and Modernisation of Methods of Transmitting Extradition Requests; San Sebastian Agreement; Telefax Agreement
Comhaontú idir Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le simpliú agus nuachóiriú modhanna chun iarrataí ar eiseachadadh a tharchur
photovoltaic module; photovoltaic solar module; solar module
grianmhodúl; modúl fótavoltach
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member Stat
Nuair a ghlacfaidh na Ballstáit na bearta sin, beidh iontu tagairt don Treoir sin nó gabhfaidh an tagairt sin leo tráth a bhfoilsithe oifigiúil. Is iad na Ballstáit a leagfaidh síos na modhanna ina ndéanfar an tagairt sin
to introduce these methods into the Community
glacadh leis na modhanna sin sa Chomhphobal; na modhanna sin a thabhairt isteach sa Chomhphobal
method of financing the stocks
modh maoinithe na stoc
in a uniform manner
ar bhealach rialta; ar mhodh comhionann
to take signals through a decoder
comharthaí a ghlacadh trí dhíchódóir
1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of chemical and biological weapons; CBW; Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
Prótacal maidir le húsáid gás aisfisceach, nimhiúil nó eile i gcogadh, mar aon le modhanna baictéareolaíocha cogaíochta, a thoirmeasc; Prótacal na Ginéive (1925) a thoirmisceann airm cheimiceacha agus bhitheolaíocha a úsáid i gcogadh
rate harmonised according to a uniform method
ráta arna chomhchuibhiú de réir cómhodha
importation by instalment
allmhairiú i dtráthchodanna; allmhairiú ina thráthchodanna
Working Party on Codification of Legislation
an Mheitheal um Chódú Reachtaíochta
CDS; Chief of Defence; Chief of the Defence Staff; CHOD
an Ceann Foirne; Ceann Cosanta; Ceann Foirne na bhFórsaí Cosanta; Ceann Foirne Óglaigh na hÉireann; COS
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach an 20 Nollaig 1994 - Modh oibre luathaithe chun téacsanna reachtacha a chódú go hoifigiúil
codifying directive
treoir chódúcháin
Guide to official codification
Treoir don chódúchán oifigiúil
an Leas-Ardstiúrthóir do Reachtaíocht Chódaithe san Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Chodú agus um Chomhar Dlí Idirnáisiúnta
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Methods of Analysis and Sampling)
Meitheal Codex Alimentarius (Modhanna Anailíse agus Samplála)
Working Party on Transport - Intermodal Questions and Networks
an Mheitheal um Iompar - Ceisteanna Idirmhódula agus Gréasáin
OMC; open method of coordination
MOC; modh oscailte an chomhordaithe; modh oscailte comhordúcháin
profit split method; TPSM; transactional profit split method
modh scoilte brabúis; modh trasghníomhaíochta scoilte brabúis
agreement in the form of an exchange of notes
comhaontú ar mhodh malartú nótaí
public transmission; public transmission by audiovisual means
tarchur poiblí; tarchur poiblí trí mhodhanna closamhairc
mid-square method
modh na gcearnuithe láir
adventitious buds-method
modh na mbachlóg aidbhinteach
stop codon; termination codon
códón deiridh; stopchódón
administration method; method of administration; mode of administration
modh riartha
DCF method; discounted cash flow method; discounted cash flow model
modh an tsreabhaidh airgid lascainithe
malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin urchóideach
gravimetric analysis; gravimetric filter analysis; gravimetric method; gravimetry
modh meá-mhéadrach
multi-modal distribution
dáileadh ilmhódach
variable effective rain method
modh na báistí éifeachtaí ar bhonn athraitheach
method of scaling cross-polar discrimination
modh chun idirdhealú traspholach a scálú
assay method; test method
modh tástála
basket of currencies; composite currency; composite of currencies; currency cocktail
airgeadra ilchodach
principal method of formation
príomh-mhodh foirmiúcháin
CEM; current exposure method
modh na risíochta reatha
OEM; original exposure method
modh na neamhchosanta tosaigh
accounting methods; accounting practice; accounting procedures
cleachtais chuntasaíochta
NHL; non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin
method to be used for compiling data
modh tiomsaithe sonraí
Deputy Head of Delegation; DHoD
Leas-Cheann Toscaireachta
pyrometallurgical method; pyrometallurgical process
próiseas pirimhiotalóireachta
permanent emission default mode
buanmhód réamhshocraithe i leith astaíochtaí
undifferentiated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamhdhifreáilte neamh-Hodgkin
orthodontic treatment
cóireáil ortódóntach
tariff components
comhchodanna taraife
one-part tariff
taraif aon choda
multi-part tariff
taraif ilchodach
phase contrast microscope
micreascóp paschodarsnachta
PDE; phosphodiesterase
fosfaideistearáis; PDE
genetically modified higher plant; GMHP
planda uasal géinmhodhnaithe; UPGM
closing rate method; current rate method
modh an ráta reatha
consolidation methods
modh comhdhlúthúcháin
equity method
modh an chothromais
straight line depreciation; straight-line method of depreciation
dímheas de réir méid chothroim
instalment debt
fiachas tráthchoda
composite entry; summary posting
iontráil ilchodach
mortgage debt repayable in predetermined instalments; mortgage repayable by instalments
fiach morgáiste iníoctha ina thráthchodanna réamhchinntithe; morgáiste iníoctha ina thráthchodanna
method of net presentation
modh léirithe an ghlanmhéid
method of gross presentation
modh neamhchúitimh; modh um olltíolacadh
lower value method
modh an íosluacha
bookkeeping methods
modhanna leabharchoimeádta
East Coast fever; Rhodesian fever; theileriosis of cattle
teiléaróis eallaí
inspection by attributes; method by attributes
cigireacht de réir tréithe; modh de réir tréithe
inspection by defect-counting; method by defect-counting
iniúchadh de réir áireamh fabhtanna
inspection by variables; method by variables; variables inspection
iniúchadh de réir athróg
dilution method
modh caolaithe
active decoding
díchódú gníomhach
aircraft call sign
glao-chód aerárthaigh
cathodic pickling
picil chatóideach
composite error
earráid chomhfheidhmeach; earráid chumaisc; earráid ilchodach; earráid iomlán
composite noise rating
rátáil torainn ilchodach
composite noise rating
rátáil torainn ilchodach
composite propellant
tiomántán comhchodach; tiomántán ilchodach
Mach hold mode
Machmhód coinneála
loan repayable in instalments
iasacht inaisíoctha ina tráthchodanna
cathodic protection
cosaint chatóideach
peak envelope power; peak envelope power of a radio transmitter; PEP
cumhacht ag barr an imchlúdaigh mhodhnúcháin; PEP
directly heated cathode; directly heated cathode filament; filament; filamentary cathode; filament-type cathode
Delphi method; Delphi technique
modh Delphi
environmental impact of the evaporation method
tionchar an mhodha ghalaithe ar an gcomhshaol
direct recruitment method
modh díreach earcaíochta
exclusive sales method; exclusive sales technique
modh díola eisiach; teicníc díola eisiach
ageing method; aging method
modh aosaithe
Dorothy Reed cell; Hodgkin cell; Reed-Sternberg cell
cill Hodgkin; cill Reed-Sternberg
quantitative scale method
modh an scála chainníochtúil
value scale method
modh scála luacha
probabilistic method
modh dóchúlaíoch
cash basis method
modh ar bhonn airgid; modh bunaithe ar airgead
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
last in, first out; last in, first out method; LIFO
is déanaí isteach is túisce amach
machine hour method of depreciation
modh dímheasa de réir meaisín-uaireanta
average-cost method
modh an mheánchostais
annuity method; compound interest method of depreciation; sinking fund method
modh ús iolraithe an dímheasa
EFTAM; electronic file transfer access method; file transfer and access management; file transfer, access and management; FTAM
aistriú, rochtain agus bainistiú comhad; FTAM
hard of hearing
iteration; iterative method; iterative process
próiseas atriallach
non-invasive method; non-invasive procedure; non-invasive technique
gnáthamh neamhionrach
bronchodilatation; bronchodilation
Hodgkin granuloma; Hodgkin's disease; Hodgkin's lymphoma; Hodgkin's sarcoma; lymphogranuloma; lymphogranulomatosis; Reed-Hodgkin disease
liomfóma Hodgkin
isotope dilution analysis; isotope dilution method
anailís trí chaolú iseatópach
Kjeldahl method
modh Kjeldahl
nonsense mutation
sóchán míchódaithe neamh-inléite
bored tunnel construction method
modh togála tollán trí tholladh
caisson tunnel construction method
modh an chasúin le tolláin a dhéanamh
closed tunnel construction method
modh déanta tollán iata
composite desire line
mianlíne ilchodach
follow-through survey method
modh suirbhéireachta leantach
intermodal transfer
aistriú idirmhódúil
intramodel transfer
aistriú ionmhódúil
number-coded interlocking machine
meaisín comhghlasála uimhirchódaithe
operational control method
modh rialaithe oibriúcháin
signal-return-time measuring method
modh tomhais aga athfhillte comharthaí
survey method
modh suirbhéireachta
method of collection; technique of data collection
modh bailiúcháin; teicníc um bailiúchán sonraí
composite household
teaghlach ilchodach
method of sampling; sampling method; sampling procedure
modh samplála
MCT; multiple comparison method; multiple comparison test; multiple comparisons
a priori method; Gestalt method
modh a priori; modh Gestalt
preincubation method
modh réamhghoir
theoretical oxygen demand; ThOD
éileamh teoiriciúil ar ocsaigin; ThOD
cathode ray oscillograph; cathode-ray oscilloscope; CRO
ascalascóp ga-chatóideach
cathode ray tube; CRT
CRT; feadán ga-chatóideach
frequency-shift telegraphy
teileagrafaíocht mhodhnaithe minicíochta
great circle distance; orthodromic distance
fad mórchiorclach
method of settlement
modh réitigh
depreciation method
modh dímheasa
paired comparison method
modh comparáide péirí
impact method
modh tionchair
gross profit method
modh an bhrabúis chomhláin
moving-average cost method; moving-average method
modh an mheánchostais athraithigh
periodic inventory method
modh an stoc-chuntais thréimhsiúil
standard cost accounting; standard cost method
cuntasaíocht chostas caighdeánach
billing method
modh billeála
fractional charges
muirir chodánacha
telephone coincidental method
modh comhtheagmhasach teileafóin
normalizing method
modh normalúcháin
cost plus method; cost plus pricing; cost plus pricing method; cost-plus pricing strategy; cost-plus pricing system
modh chun an costas <i>plus</i> a phraghsáil; praghsáil an chostais <i>plus</i>
stage I Hodgkin's disease
galar Hodgkin céim I
stage II Hodgkin's disease
galar Hodgkin céim II
stage III Hodgkin's disease
galar Hodgkin céim III
stage IV Hodgkin's disease
galar Hodgkin céim IV
sleep apnea syndrome; sleep apnoea syndrome
siondróm aipnia chodlata
DNA blot; Southern blot; Southern blotting; Southern method; Southern technique; Southern transfer
dabú Southern
Spearman-Kärber method
modh Spearman-Kärber
method based on odor complaints; method based on odour complaints; sampling based on odor complaints; sampling based on odour complaints
sampláil bunaithe ar ghearáin faoi bholaithe
olfactometry method
modh boltanaimhéadrachta
controlled-potential coulometry; controlled-potential coulometry method
modh cúlóiméadrachta an phoitéinsil rialaithe
analysis method for gaseous pollutants
modh anailíse do thruailleáin ghásacha
calibration method; calibration procedure
modh calabrúcháin
ionisation method; ionization method
modh ianúcháin
rotating cup method
modh an chupáin rothlaigh
long-path monitoring method; remote monitoring method
modh cianbhrathadóireachta
metering plunger method
modh na loine soghluaiste
ultraviolet light absorption method; UV absorption method
modh ionsúite solais ultraivialait
electrical conductivity method
modh seoltachta leictrí
thermal conductivity method
modh seoltachta teirmí
diffusion tube method; passive sampling method
modh idirleata; modh samplála éighníomhaí
UV-fluorescence method
modh fluaireasachta UV
infrared method; IR method
modh infridhearg
pH meter method
modh an mhéadair pH
pH measurement method
modh tomhais de réir pH
internal standardization method
modh an chaighdeánaithe inmheánaigh
permeation method
modh an tréscaoilte
saturation method
modh sáithiúcháin
potentiometric titration method
modh poitéinsiméadrach um thoirtmheascadh
spectral method
modh speictreach
static method
modh aicmeach; modh statach
thermal method
modh teirmeach
dynamic volumetric method
modh dinimiciúil toirtmhéadrach
static volumetric method
modh statach toirtmhéadrach
civil engineering method
modh na hinnealtóireachta sibhialta
amount fraction; amount-of-substance fraction; molar fraction; mole fraction; percentage by amount of substance
codán móil; mólchodán
percent by volume; percentage by volume; v/v; volume fraction; volume per volume; volume percent; volume-in-volume
toirtchodán; v/v
tracer method; tracing method
modh rianaire; modh rianúcháin
Instalment Shipments/Drawings
lastais/tarraingtí tráthchoda
method of allocating operating costs
modh chun costas oibriúcháin a leithdháileadh; modh leithdháilte costas oibriúcháin
method of allocating capital employed
modh leithdháilte an chaipitil atá faoi cheangaltas; modh leithdháilte an chaipitil in úsáid
accounting method used in the preparation of the accounts
modh cuntasaíochta chun cuntais a ullmhú
genetically modified herbicide tolerant crop; GMHT crop
barr luibhicídfhulangach géinathraithe; barr luibhicídfhulangach géinmhodhnaithe
obstructive sleep apnea; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; OSA; OSAS
siondróm aipnia chodlata bhacúil; siondróm aipnia chodlata toirmeascach
multimodal transport; multimodal transport of goods
iompar ilmhódach
intermodal transport
iompar idirmhódúil
MTO; multimodal transport operator
oibreoir iompair ilmhódaigh
bimodal semi-trailer (rail-road)
leathleantóir démhodhach
intermodal transport unit; ITU
aonad iompair ilmhódaigh
mobile method
modh gluaisteach
stationary method
modh seasta
unimodal transport system
córas iompair aonmhódúil
intermodal connectivity
nascacht idirmhódach
close proximity method; CPX method
modh garthomhais
BEM; boundary element method
modh na bhfóireilimintí
sand patch method
modh paiste gainimh
bimodal semi-trailer; rail-road bimodal semi-trailer
leathleantóir démhodhach
intermodal connection
nasc idirmhódúil
intermodal circulation system
córas cúrsaíochta idirmhódúil
intermodal center; intermodal centre
ionad idirmhódúil
intermodal interface management
bainistiú comhéadan idirmhódúil
Community approach; Community method
modh Comhphobail
ICCVAM; Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods
an Coiste Comhordúcháin Idirghníomhaireachta um Bailíochtú Modhanna Malartacha
polarimetric method
modh polaraiméadrach
Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method
modh cuimsitheach comhthaobhach airgeadais
Financial Collateral Simple Method
modh simplí comhthaobhach airgeadais
by weight; mass fraction; percent by weight; percentage by mass; percentage by weight; w/w; weight by weight; weight for weight; weight-in-weight
maischodán; w/w
Working Party on Agricultural Questions (Genetically Modified Organisms); Working Party on Agricultural Questions (GMO)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Talmhaíochta (OGM); an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Talmhaíochta (Orgánaigh Ghéinmhodhnaithe)
blood component release
scaoileadh comhchoda fola
spread plate method; spread plate technique; surface count
modh an leata ar phláta
5'-noncoding region
réigiún neamhchódaitheach 5'; réigiún neamhchódúcháin 5'
4C; Common Code for the Coffee Community
Comhchód do Chomhphobal an Chaife
smoothing method
modh smúdála
maturity ladder; maturity ladder approach; maturity-based method
cur chuige na haibíochta céimnithe
amended gold treatment; modified gold method; modified gold treatment
modh leasaithe le hór a láimhseáil
credit assessment based method
modh bunaithe ar mheasúnú creidmheasa
ratings based method
modh bunaithe ar rátálacha
SFA; supervisory formula approach; supervisory formula method
modh an fhoirmle maoirseachta
internal pricing method
modh praghsála inmheánach
pour plate method; pour plate technique
modh an doirte ar phláta
future drawings
tarraingt thodhchaí
virtual testing method
modh fíorúil tástála
Community Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed; Community Reference Laboratory for GMOs; EU reference laboratory for genetically modified organisms; EU-RL GMFF; European Union Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Bia agus Beatha Géinmhodhnaithe
childhood Hodgkin's disease; childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma; paediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma; pediatric Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma Hodgkin péidiatraiceach
aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; fast-growing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; high-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin ionsaitheach
intergovernmental approach; intergovernmental method
modh idir-rialtasach
future collateral movements
gluaiseacht chomhthaobhach thodhchaí
future exposure
neamhchosaint thodhchaí
IMM; internal model method
Modh na Samhla Inmheánaí
SM; standardised method
modh caighdeánaithe
prudent valuation method
modh luachála stuama
risk weight based method
modh atá bunaithe ar ualach riosca; modh bunaithe ar ualach riosca
adverse market movement
gluaiseacht chodarsnach an mhargaidh
Future Group; High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil ar Thodhchaí an Bheartais Eorpaigh um Ghnóthaí Baile
Ad hoc Working Party on Genetically Modified Organisms
Meitheal Ad hoc um Orgánaigh Ghéinmhodnaithe (OGM)
acute toxic class method; ATC method
modh aicmithe géarthocsaineachta; modh ATC
produced by GMOs
arna tháirgeadh le horgánaigh ghéinmhodhnaithe; arna tháirgeadh le OGM
produced from GMOs
arna tháirgeadh as OGM; arna tháirgeadh as orgánach géinmhodhnaithe
energy balance method
modh na cothromaíochta fuinnimh
effusion method
modh eisleata
Mode S interrogator
córas ceistiúcháin Mhodh S
Mode S target
sprioc Mhód S
Mode S operator
oibreoir Mhód S
interrogator code application
iarratas ar chód córas ceistiúcháin
Mode S all call interrogation
ceistiú ghlaonna uile mhód S
Mode S all call reply
freagra ghlaonna uile mhód S
Mode S multisite lockout protocol message
teachtaireacht phrótacail mhód S chun il-láithreáin a ghlasáil
MLV vaccine; MLVV; modified live-virus vaccine
vacsaín bheo mhodhnaithe
multi-analyte method
modh ilanailíte
composite material
ábhar comhchodach
unimodal vibration
creathadh aonmhodach
gas saturation method
modh sáithiúcháin gáis
boot strap method; bootstrap method
modh an bhrógstrapa
photometric method
modh fótaiméadrach
confirmatory method
modh deimhniúcháin
manufacturing method; manufacturing process; manufacturing route; method of manufacture
modh monaraíochta
meniscus method
modh meiniscis
buoyancy method
modh buacachta
immersed body method
modh an choirp thumtha
analytical method
modh anailíse
plate method
modh an phláta
stirrup method
modh na stíoróipe
ring method
modh an fháinne
column elution method
ionladh colúin
flask method
modh fleascáin
shake-flask method
modh creatha fleascáin
live modified vaccine; modified live vaccine
vacsaín bheo mhodhnaithe
implementation method; method of implementation
modh cur chun feidhme
Alternative Method of Compliance; AMOC
AMOC; modh malartach comhlíonta
secondary methods of customs valuation
modhanna tánaisteacha luachála custaim
multimodal travel
iompar ilmhódach
intermodal passenger transport
iompar paisinéirí idirmhódúil
co-modal transport solution
réiteach iompair chómhódúil
cost of sales method
modh an chostais díolachán
actuarial valuation method
modh luachála achtúirí
amortisation method
modh amúchta
balance sheet liability method
modh dliteanais bunaithe ar chlár comhardaithe
consistency - alternative methods
comhsheasmhacht - modhanna malartacha
consolidation and equity method – potential voting rights and allocation of ownership interests
modh an chomhdhlúthaithe agus an chothromais – cearta féideartha vótála agus leithdháileadh leasanna úinéireachta
deferral method
modh an iarchurtha
depreciation methods
modhanna dímheasa
diminishing balance method
modh an iarmhéid laghdaithigh
direct method of reporting cash flows from operating activities
modh díreach chun sreabhadh airgid ó ghníomhaíochtaí oibriúcháin a thuairisciú
effective interest method
modh an úis ghlain
equity accounting method - recognition of losses
modh cuntasaíochta an chothromais - aithint caillteanas
equity method
modh an chothromais
indirect method of reporting cash flows from operating activities
modh indíreach chun sreabhadh airgid ó ghníomhaíochtaí oibriúcháin a thuairisciú
method of accounting
modh cuntasaíochta
nature of expense method
modh an chineál costais
percentage of completion method
céatadán an mhodha chomhlánaithe
projected unit credit method
modh na n-aonad réamh-mheasta creidmheasa
purchase method
modh ceannaigh
retail method
modh miondíola
standard cost method
modh costais chaighdeánaigh
straight-line method
modh an mhéid chothroim
translation method
modh aistriúcháin
allocation method
modh leithdháilte
step-by-step method
modh céim ar chéim
acquisition method
modh éadála
trend test; trend test method
modh tástála treochta; tástáil treochta
Effective Maturity under the Internal Model Method, for a netting set with maturity greater than one year
aibíocht iarbhír faoi mhodh na samhla inmheánaí, do thacar glanluachálacha agus aibíocht os cionn bliana leis
Mark-to-Market Method
cur chuige na marcála ón margadh
Winkler method; Winkler titration
modh Winkler
normalised method
modh normalaithe
equity accounted investment
infheistíocht a bhfuil cuntas déanta uirthi agus modh an chothromais á chur i bhfeidhm; infheistíocht mhodh an chothromais sa chuntas
inverse isotope dilution analysis; inverse isotope dilution method; inverse isotopes dilution method; reverse isotope dilution analysis; reversed isotope dilution analysis
anailís trí chaolú iseatópach aisiompaithe
Directorate 2 - Fisheries, Food and Health; Directorate 2 - Fisheries, Food chain and Veterinary questions
an Stiúrthóireacht um Struchtúir Talmhaíochta, Forbairt Tuaithe, Ceisteanna Agra-airgeadaíochta agus Agra-airgeadais, Sláinte Plándaí, Táirgí Orgánacha, Cáilíocht Bia, Orgánaigh Ghéinmhodhnaithe, Codex Alimentarius agus Cosaint Plándaí; Stiúrthóireacht 2 - Iascach, Bia agus Sláinte; Stiúrthóireacht 2- Iascach, Biashlabhra agus Ceisteanna Tréidliachta
plate incorporation method
modh corpraithe pláta
fluctuation method; fluctuation test
tástáil iomlaoide
suspension assay; suspension method
measúnacht fuaidreáin; modh fuaidreáin
Giemsa method
modh Giemsa
genetically engineered cell line
saothrán aonchille géinmhodhnaithe
serial sectioning method
modh sraithghearrtha
dye binding method
modh ceangail ruaime
comparator for GM plants; genetically modified plant comparator; GM plant comparator
comparadóir do phlandaí géinmhodhnaithe; comparadóir plandaí GM
me-too test; similar test method
modh comhchosúil tástála
Automotive Crisis Group; Future of the Automotive Industry Interregional Group; Interregional group on the Future of the Automotive Industry; Interregional Group on the Future of the Automotive Industry in our Territories
An Grúpa Idir-réigiúnach um Thodhchaí an Tionscail Gluaisteán
air fractionation
bioanalysis; bioanalytical method; biological analysis
modh bithanailíseach
community-led development; open development; open development method
forbairt oscailte
slope method
modh an chlaonta
overvoltage method
modh an róvoltais
semi-quantitative method
modh leath-chainníochtúil
expectation approach; expectation method
modh ionchais
first order decay; first order decay function; first order decay method; FOD method
feidhm an mheathlaithe den chéad ord
genetically modified plant; recombinant-DNA plant
PGM; planda géinmhodhnaithe
TOST; two one-sided tests; two one-sided tests methodology; two one-sided tests procedure
dhá thástáil leataobhacha
analytical performance; method performance
feidhmiú anailíseach
valuation method; valuation methodology
modh luachála
Future of Europe Group
an Grúpa ar Thodhchaí na hEorpa
Guidance document on a common methodology for the assessment of management and control systems in the Member States (2007-2013 programming period)
Treoirdhoiciméad maidir le modheolaíocht chomhchoiteann chun measúnú a dhéanamh ar chórais bhainistíochta agus rialaithe sna Ballstáit (clárthréimhse 2007-2013)
multi-level biometrics; multi-modal biometrics
bithmhéadracht ilmhódach
PEF method; product environmental footprint method
modh tomhais táirge maidir le lorg comhshaoil
OEF method; organisation environmental footprint method
modh tomhais eagraíochta maidir le lorg comhshaoil
implicit allocation method
modh leithdháilte intuigthe
amortised cost method
modh an chostais amúchta
rounding method
modh slánaithe
causality assessment; causality assessment method; causality method; imputability method
modh cúisíochta
causality assessment; causality assessment method
measúnú cúisíochta; modh measúnaithe cúisíochta
Panel for the Future of Science and Technology; Science and technology options assessment
An Painéal um Thodhchaí na hEolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta; Measúnú na Roghanna Eolaíocha agus Teicneolaíocha; Roghanna measúnaithe eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta (STOA); STOA
Business Analysis and Project Methods Service
An tSeirbhís um Anailís Ghnó agus um Modheolaíochtaí na dTionscadal
Solutions and Methods Service
An tSeirbhís um Réitigh agus um Modhanna
Publishing Methods and Automation Service
An tSeirbhís um Modhanna Foilsitheoireachta agus um Uathoibriú
Clients, Tools and Methods Unit
An tAonad um Chliaint, um Uirlisí agus um Modhanna
screening method
modh scagtha
NIMM; non-internal model method
modh na samhla neamh-inmheánaí
alternative valuation method
modh luachála comhroghnach
Task Force on the Future of Eurojust
Tascfhórsa ar Thodhchaí Eurojust
non-life catastrophe risk sub-module
fo-mhodúl rioscaí tubaiste neamhshaoil
trimmed Spearman-Karber method
modh mionathraithe Spearman-Kärber
imprint cytology; touch-prep method
cíteolaíocht inphrionta
sniffing method
modh eastósctha; smúrmhodh
deductive value; deductive value method
modh dealaithe
MAW method; moving averaging window method
modh meánaithe astaíochtaí laistigh d'achar ama ar leith
2013 KP Supplement; 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidelines Arising from the Kyoto Protocol; KP Supplement
Treoirlínte athbhreithnithe maidir le modhanna forlíontacha agus dea-chleachtas de bharr Phrótacal Kyoto (2013)
cathode stripping machine; stripping machine
meaisín scafa catóide
stainless steel cathode blank
crotán catóide cruach dosmálta
cathode casting
teilgean catóide
composite depreciation; pool depreciation
dímheas ilchodach; il-dímheas
common grid model methodology
modheolaíocht don tsamhail choiteann eangaí
risk-based method
modh rioscabhunaithe
lean startup methodology
modheolaíocht le haghaidh gnólachtaí nuathionscanta barainneacha
advanced combustion mode; advanced engine combustion mode
ardmhód dócháin
modchip; modification chip
slis mhodhnúcháin
Handbook for the processing of visa applications and the modification of issued visas; Visa Code Handbook; Visa Handbook
an Treoirleabhar chun iarratais ar víosaí a phróiseáil agus chun víosaí a eisíodh a mhodhnú; Lámhleabhar ar Víosaí
Council of Europe Forum for the Future of Democracy; Forum for the Future of Democracy
an Fóram um Thodhchaí an Daonlathais; Fóram Chomhairle na hEorpa um Thodhchaí an Daonlathais
TNMM; transactional net margin method
modh trasghníomhaíochta glanchorrlaigh; TNMM
standardised sorbent trap monitoring method
modh caighdeánaithe faireacháin trí ghaiste súiteáin
tripartite prospectus
réamheolaire tríchodach
fractionated payment
íocaíocht chodánaithe
non-genetically modified comparator; non-GM comparator
comparadóir do phlandaí neamh-ghéinmhodhnaithe; comparadóir neamh-ghéinmhodhnaithe
sleep deprivation
díth chodlata
method of instruction
modh teagaisc (fir3, ai: modhanna teagaisc)
appearance method
meas ó dhealramh (fir3)
basic element
bunchuid (bain3, gu: bunchoda, ai: bunchodanna, gi: bunchodanna)
back bearing method
modh na treo-uilline ar gcúl (fir3)
back bearing method
modh treo-uillinne ar gcúl (fir3)
forward bearing method
modh na treo-uilline ar aghaidh (fir3)
voice control method
modh rialaithe ó bhéal (fir3)
unmodulated frequency
minicíocht neamhmhodhnaithe (bain3)
unmodulated frequency
minicíocht neamh-mhodhnaithe (bain3)
clock horizontal ray method
modh ga an chloig chothrománaigh (fir3)
clock vertical ray method
modh ga an chloig ingearaigh (fir3)
dathchód (fir1, gu: dathchóid, ai: dathchóid, gi: dathchód)
crest method
cíormhodh (fir3, gu: cíormhodha, ai: cíormhodhanna, gi: cíormhodhanna)
fall of shot decoder
díchódóir urcharthitime (fir3)
degree method
céim-mhodh (fir3, gu: céim-mhodha, ai: céim-mhodhanna, gi: céim-mhodhanna)
direction method
treomhodh (fir3, gu: treomhodha, ai: treomhodhanna, gi: treomhodhanna)
director method
modh stiúrthóra (fir3)
sub-surface explosion
pléasc fhodhromchla (bain2)
finger method
méarmhodh (fir3, gu: méarmhodha, ai: méarmhodhanna, gi: méarmhodhanna)
modulated frequency
minicíocht mhodnaithe (bain3)
finger grip method
méarmhodh (fir3, gu: méarmhodha, ai: méarmhodhanna, gi: méarmhodhanna)
hose-pipe method of firing [Light Machine Gun]
lámhach ar mhodh óisfheadáin (fir1)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh lámhrotha (bain)
imitation method
modh aithrise (fir3)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh an lámhrotha (bain3)
bogshodar (fir1, gu: bogshodair)
method of judging distance
modh fadmheasa (fir3)
breaching method
modh tolgtha (fir3)
predicted method of fire
modh réamh-mheasta lámhaigh (fir3)
bisection method [Range Finder]
modh déroinnte (fir3)
platform method [Movement by Road]
modh léibhinn (fir3)
distant aiming point and post method
modh fadphointe díríochta agus cuaillí (fir3)
forward bearing method
modh treo-uillinne ar aghaidh (fir3)
horizontal clock ray method
modh gathanna an chloig chothrománaigh (fir3)
vertical clock ray method
modh gathanna an chloig ingearaigh (fir3)
method of adjustment
modh coigeartaithe (fir3)
method of firing
modh lámhaigh (fir3)
method of harmonization
modh comhchuibhithe (fir3)
peg or post method
modh pionnaí nó cuaillí (fir3)
method of signalling
modh comharthaíochta (fir3)
peg method
modh na bpionnaí (fir3)
modulated frequency
minicíocht mhodhnaithe (bain3)
cross modulation
trasmhodhnú (fir)
platform method
modh an léibhinn (fir3)
rear view point method
modh pointe cúlradhairc (fir3)
standard method [Nuclear Warfare]
modh caighdeánach (fir3)
states code
staidchód (fir1, gu: staidchóid, ai: staidchóid, gi: stadchód)
tracing paper method of resection
ateascadh le rianpháipéar (fir)
method of transmission
modh tarchuir (fir3)
known range method [Range Finder]
modh fad ar eolas (fir4)
tracing paper method of resection
modh ateasctha le rianpháipéar (fir3)
ceartchreidmheach (a1)
dímhodhnú (fir, gu: dímhodhnaithe)
cathode ray tube
feadán ga catóide (fir1)
cathode follower
leantóir catóide (fir3)
díchódóir (fir3, gu: díchódóra, ai: díchódóirí, gi: díchódóirí)
cathode ray
ga catóide (fir4)
díchódaigh (br, abr: díchódú, aidbhr: díchódaithe)
dímhodhnaigh (br, abr: dímhodhnú, aidbhr: dímhodhnaithe)
catóid (bain2, gu: catóide)
modh (fir3, gu: modha, ai: modhanna, gi: modhanna)
method of scoring
modh scórála (fir3)
Ródas (fir4, gu: Ródas)
target, observation post and gun method
modh targaide, poist bhreathnadóireachta agus gunna