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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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a semi-trailer [IATE:1876258 ] which is equipped with grappler pockets and can be lifted by conventional transshipment equipment
a semi-trailer [IATE:1876258 ] which is not equipped with grappler pockets and cannot be lifted by conventional transshipment equipment
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
TPE; transportable pressure equipment
brú-threalamh iniompartha
portable forges
ceárta iniompartha
portable electric battery and magneto lamps
lampaí leictreacha bataire agus maignéató iniompartha
portable electric typewriters
clóscríobhán leictreach iniompartha
MANPAD system; MANPADS; man-portable air defence system
córas aerchosanta iniompartha
man or crew-portable light weapon
arm éadrom iniompartha ag duine nó criú
luggable computer; mobile computer; portable computer
ríomhaire iniompartha
portable treatment system; PTS
córas cóireála iniompartha
portable speed warning system
luasbhraiteoir iniompartha
portable electric shock device
gléas turrainge leictrí iniompartha
data portability
iniomparthacht sonraí
loss absorbency; loss-absorbing capacity; loss-absorption capacity
acmhainn iniomparthachta caillteanas; acmhainn ionsúcháin caillteanais
PEMS; portable emissions measurement system; portable measurement equipment
córas iniompartha chun astaíochtaí a thomhas; PEMS
cross-border portability
Inaistritheacht trasteorann; iniomparthacht trasteorann
TLAC; total loss-absorbing capacity
acmhainn iniomparthachta caillteanas iomlán; TLAC
right to data portability
an ceart chun iniomparthacht sonraí
aer-iniompartha (a3)
air transportable unit
aonad aer-iniompartha (fir1)
portable cooking appliance
fearas cócaireachta iniompartha (fir1)
chemical portable cylinder
sorcóir iniompartha ceimiciúil (fir3)
portable forge
ceárta iniompartha (bain4)
portable mounting
seastán iniompartha (fir1)
portable battery operated instrument
airnéis iniompartha ceallraoibrithe (bain2)
aer-iniompartha (a3)
iniompartha (a3)