Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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Airgeadas Conradh is féidir a dhíol ar aghaidh le daoine lasmuigh trí dhéantóirí margaidh ar phraghas a athraíonn de réir an choibhneasa atá idir bunphraghas an chonartha agus an ghluaiseacht i mbunphraghas na scaire thar an tréimhse.
Finance A contract which can be sold on to outsiders through market makers at a price which varies according to how the original contract price relates to the movement in the underlying share price over the period.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
internationally non-tradable goods and services; non-tradable goods and services; non-tradables
earra neamh-intrádála
tradable goods
earraí intrádála
traded commodities
tráchtearra intrádála
Nontraded tradable; Tradable but nontraded
earra intrádála nach dtrádáltar
Nontraded tradable; Tradable but nontraded
earra inallmhairithe neamhallmhairithe; earra intrádála neamhthrádáilte
non-tradable sector
earnáil na n-earraí neamh-intrádála