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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Torthaí beachta Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
liquidation proceedings
imeachtaí leachtaithe
liquidate assets
leachtaigh sócmhainní; leachtaigh stoc
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
Córas Comhphobail d'fhaoisimh ó dhleacht chustaim
financial implications
impleacht airgeadais
conflict of interest
coimhlint leasa; coinbhleacht leasa
provisional anti-dumping duty; provisional duty
dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach
import duty; import tariff; import tax
dleacht allmhairiúcháin
code of good agricultural practice; code of good farming practice
cód dea-chleachtais feirmeoireachta; cód dea-chleachtais talmhaíochta
eugenic practice
cleachtas eoiginice
party to a conflict
páirtí i gcoinbhleacht
AAAI; American Association for Artificial Intelligence; Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
an Comhlachas Meiriceánach faoi choinne na hIntleachta Saorga
liquid asset; liquid capital; quick asset; realizable asset
sócmhainn leachtach
duty relief; duty-free provision; relief from customs duty; relief from duty
faoiseamh ó dhleacht; faoiseamh ó dhleacht chustaim
conflict free
saor ó choinbhleacht
excise good
táirge faoi réir dleacht mháil
inward processing drawback procedure; inward processing drawback system; inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback system
nós imeachta aisíocaíochta dleachta próiseála isteach
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; ADME
ADME; ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht agus eisfhearadh
Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict; SRSG/CAAC
Ionadaí Speisialta an Ard-Rúnaí maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
collective intelligence
intleacht chomhchoiteann
experienced reviser of translations
athcheartaitheoir cleachta aistriúchán; duine a bhfuil taithí aige ar aistriúcháin a athléamh
experienced translator or interpreter
aistritheoir nó ateangaire a bhfuil taithí aige nó aici; aistritheoir nó ateangaire cleachta
accounting convention; accounting practice
cleachtas cuntasaíochta
anti-subsidy duty; countervailing duty; CVD
dleacht frithchúitimh
port dues
dleacht calafoirt
excise duty; excise tax
dleacht mháil
International Bureau; International Bureau of Intellectual Property; International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation; International Bureau of WIPO; WIPO Secretariat
an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta EDMI; an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta um Maoin Intleachtúil; Biúró Idirnáisiúnta na hEagraíochta Domhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil
experienced office worker
oibrí oifige a bhfuil taithí aige; oibrí oifige cleachta
to lower (duty); to reduce
ísligh (dleacht); laghdaigh (dleacht)
duties on
dleachtanna is inchurtha ar
basic duty
Working Party on Intellectual Property
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil
Agreement on the Temporary Importation, free of duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for use on free loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment
an Comhaontú maidir le Trealamh Míochaine, Máinliachta agus Saotharlainne a Allmhairiú go Sealadach, Saor ó Dhleacht, lena Úsáid ar Saoriasacht in Ospidéil agus in Institiúidí Leighis eile ar mhaithe le Fáthmheas nó Cóireáil
liquidated damages
damáistí leachtaithe
relief from import duties
faoiseamh ó dhleachtanna ar allmhairí
intellectual property; IP
maoin intleachtúil
Additional Protocol to the Agreement on the Temporary Importation, free of duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on free loan in Hospitals and Other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Trealamh Míochaine, Máinliachta agus Saotharlainne a allmhairiú go sealadach, Saor ó Dhleacht, lena úsáid ar Saoriasacht in Ospidéil agus in Institiúidí Leighis eile ar mhaithe le Fáthmheas nó Cóireá
Coinbhinsiún Bhenelux maidir le haontú dleachtanna máil
Convention concerning the issue of certain extracts from civil status records to be sent abroad; Convention on the Issue of Certain Extracts from Civil Status Records for Use Abroad
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Sleachta Áirithe as Achtanna na gClár Breitheanna, Básanna agus Póstaí lena gCur Thar Lear
Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Sleachta Ilteangacha as Taifid Stádais Shibhialta
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
an Coinbhinsiún forlíontach maidir le cealú na sclábhaíochta, trádáil sclábhaithe agus institiúidí agus cleachtaí cosúil leis an sclábhaíocht
Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le maoin chultúrtha a chosaint i gcás coinbhleacht armtha
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II)
Prótacal breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive an 12 Lúnasa 1949 agus a bhaineann le híospartaigh coinbhleachtaí armtha neamh-idirnáisiúnta a chosaint (Prótacal II)
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive den 12 Lúnasa 1949, agus a bhaineann le hÍospartaigh Coinbhleachtaí Armtha Idirnáisiúnta a Choimirciú (Prótacal I)
AEGPL; European Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association
an Cumann Eorpach um Ghás Peitriliam Leachtaithe
trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights; TRIPS
gnéithe de chearta maoine intleachtúla a bhaineann le trádáil; TRIPS
unfair trade practice; unfair trading practice
cleachtas éagórach trádála
Washington Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits
Conradh Washington um Chosaint Maoine Intleachtúla i leith Ciorcad Iomlánaithe
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Patents)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Paitinní)
liquefied natural gas; liquid natural gas; LNG
gás nádúrtha leachtaithe; GNL
fluid fertiliser
leasachán leachtach
WIPO; World Intellectual Property Organization
an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil; EDMI
liquid sugar; sugar solution
síoróip shiúcra; siúcra leachtach
definitive anti-dumping duty; definitive duty
dleacht frithdhumpála chinntitheach
dock charges and dues
muirir agus dleachtanna duga
customs duty of a fiscal nature
dleachtanna custaim de chineál fioscach
the corresponding duties
an dleacht chomhfhreagrach; an dleacht chomhréireach
to decide to alter the duty
cinneadh an dleacht a athrú
duties applicable to the products ...
dleachtanna is infheidhme ar na táirgí; dleachtanna is infheidhme maidir leis na táirgí ...
conventional duty
dleacht choinbhinsiúnta
duties applied in practice
dleachtanna arna gcur i bhfeidhm go hiarbhír
liquidation; winding up
foirceannadh; leachtú
the customs duties which are payable
an dleacht chustaim is iníoctha
measures of relief from customs duty
beart faoisimh ó dhleachtanna custaim
alteration of duties
athrú dleachtanna
zero rate tariff ceilings
uasteorainneacha taraife saor ó dhleacht
administrative procedures and practices
gnásanna agus cleachtais riaracháin
proceeds of the liquidation of real estate investments
fáltais a thig as leachtú infheistíochtaí eastáit réadaigh
to levy customs duty on ...
dleacht chustaim a thobhach ar ...
rate of duty
ráta dleachta
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Survivors' Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Éigeantach Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings; Survivors' Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá fostaithe i nGnóthais Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old-age and Widows' and Orphans' Insurance; Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Bunú Scéime Idirnáisiúnta um Chothabháil na gCeart maidir le hÁrachas Easláine, Seanaoise, Baintrí agus Dílleachta
liquefied natural gas carrier; LNG carrier; LNG tanker; LNG transporter; LNGC; methane carrier
iompróir gáis nádúrtha leachtaithe; iompróir GNL
restrictive practices
cleachtas sriantach
conflict resolution
réiteach coinbhleachta
excess liquidity
liquidity assistance
cúnamh leachtachta
unfair commercial practice
cleachtas tráchtála éagórach
cosaint maoine intleachtúla
stamp duty
dleacht stampála
preferential duty; preferential duty rate; preferential rate; preferential rate of duty
dleacht tosaíochta
duty suspension; tariff suspension
fionraí dleachtanna
import charge
dleacht ar allmhairí; muirear ar allmhairí
customs duties on imports and exports
dleachtanna custaim ar allmhairí agus onnmhairí
mixed duty
dleacht mheasctha
orphan's pension
pinsean dílleachta
ad valorem customs duty; ad valorem duty; ad valorem tax
dleacht chustaim ad valorem
to levy customs duties or charges
toibhigh dleacht chustaim nó muirear
zero duty
dleacht nialasach
autonomous duty
dleacht uathrialach
Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State; Hague Convention on Hospital Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le díolúine longa ospidéil le linn cogaidh ó íocaíochtaí dleachtanna agus cánacha a gearradh ar mhaithe leis an stát; Coinbhinsiún na Háige i dtaobh Longa Ospidéil
exemption from all duties and charges
díolúine ó gach dleacht agus muirear
import and export duties
dleachtanna ar allmhairí agus ar onnmhairí
elimination of the duties
díchur na ndleachtanna; díothú na ndleachtanna
liquids for hydraulic transmission
leachtanna le haghaidh traiseoladh hiodrálach
Community act having financial implications
gníomh Comhphobail a bhfuil impleachtaí airgeadais aige
practice designed to ...
cleachtas a bheidh ceaptha chun ...
dumping; dumping practice
cleachtas dumpála; dumpáil
to introduce a duty
tabhair isteach dleacht
cash or liquid assets
airgead nó sócmhainní insóinseáilte; airgead tirim nó sócmhainní leachtacha
liquid metal pump
caidéal leacht-mhiotail
elimination of customs duties; removal of customs duties
dleachtanna custaim a dhíchur; dleachtanna custaim a dhíothú
progressive elimination of their customs duties
díchur comhleanúnach a ndleachtanna custaim
drawback of customs duties; duty drawback
aisíocaíocht dleachta; aisíocaíocht dleachtanna custaim
authors' royalties; creators' royalties; royalties
liquidation of direct investments
leachtú infheistíochtaí díreacha
anhydrous ammonia; liquified ammonia
amóinia ainidriúil; amóinia leachtaithe
liquid smoke solution
tuaslagán leachtdeataigh
the level ruling in that market
an leibhéal atá ar gnáthchleachtadh sa mhargadh sin; an leibhéal atá faoi réim sa mhargadh sin
succession duties
dleacht chomharbais
the duty thus reduced
dleacht arna laghdú amhlaidh
cash position; cash(flow) situation; liquidity position; treasury position
staid airgid; staid leachtachta
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Copyright)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Cóipcheart)
assistant lecturer
léachtóir cúnta
liquefied gas tanker
tancaer gáis leachtaithe
liquidation proceeds; proceeds of a liquidation
fáltais an leachtaithe
DDU; delivered duty unpaid
dleacht seachadta neamhíoctha
DDP; delivered duty paid
seachadta le dleacht íoctha
ancillary liquid asset
sócmhainní leachtacha coimhdeacha
liquid egg
ubh leachtach
conflict of jurisdiction
coinbhleacht dlínse
rare disease
galar dílleachta; galar neamhchoitianta; tearcghalar
where the duty is not bound
nuair nach bhfuil an dleacht ceangailte
orphan drug; orphan medicinal product; orphan medicine
druga dílleachta; táirge íocshláinte dílleachta
Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; TRIPS Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Gnéithe de Chearta Maoine Intleachtúla a bhaineann le Trádáil; Comhaontú TRIPS
armed conflict
coinbhleacht armtha
post-conflict rehabilitation
athshlánú iarchoinbhleachta
liquidity risk
riosca leachtachta; riosca neamhleachtachta
Convention concerning Settlement of Conflicts between the Law of Nationality and the Law of Domicile
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Réiteach Coinbhleachtaí idir Dlí na Náisiúntachta agus Dlí an tSainchónaithe
liquidity support
tacaíocht leachtachta
customs duty offence
cion a bhaineann le dleachtanna custaim
provisional anti-dumping duty
dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach
best practice
goods infringing an intellectual property right; infringing goods
earraí a sháraíonn ceart maoine intleachtúla
matters with defence implications
ábhair a bhfuil impleachtaí cosanta acu
iasc bleachta
SARPs; Standards and Recommended Practices
caighdeáin agus cleachtais mholta; SARP
post-conflict peace-building
cothú na síochána i ndiaidh coinbhleachta
Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products; COMP
an Coiste um Tháirgí Íocshláinte Dílleachta
PoC; protection of civilians; protection of civilians in armed conflict
cosaint saoránach; cosaint saoránach i gcoinbhleacht armtha
éisc bhleachta
conflict prevention
coinbhleachtaí a chosc; cosc coinbhleachtaí
Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir leis an bpáirt a bhíonn ag leanaí i gcoinbhleacht armtha
major regional conflict; major theatre war; MTW
mórchoinbhleacht réigiúnach
conflict management
bainistíocht coinbhleachta
conflict prevention operation
oibríocht chun coinbhleachtaí a chosc
Ageing Working Group; AWG; Working Group on Ageing Populations and Sustainability; Working Group on the implications of ageing populations
an Mheitheal ar na hImpleachtaí a bhaineann le hAosú an Daonra; an Mheitheal um Aosú; an Mheitheal um Dhaonraí atá ag dul in Aois agus Inbhuanaitheacht; AWG
EU Programme on the Prevention of Violent Conflicts; Göteborg Programme
Clár AE um Chosc ar Choinbhleachtaí Foréigneacha; Clár Göteborg
blood diamond; conflict diamond; war diamond
diamaint choinbhleachta
orphan radiation source; orphan source
foinse dhílleachtach radaighníomhaíochta
operation having military or defence implications
oibríocht a bhfuil impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta aici
accepted market practice; AMP
AMP; cleachtas aitheanta margaidh
Athena; Athena mechanism; mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
Athena; sásra Athena; sásra riartha chun na costais choiteanna a bhaineann le hoibríochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh, a mbíonn impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta leo, a mhaoiniú
violent conflict
coinbhleacht fhoréigneach
conflict transformation
trasfhoirmiú coinbhleachta
EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict
Treoirlínte AE maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
to break an emulsion
eibleacht a bhriseadh
IFTRA; International Fair Trade Practice Rules Administration
an Roinn Riaracháin um Rialacha maidir le Cleachtas Idirnaisúnta Cóirthrádála
intelligence quotient; IQ
sainuimhir intleachta
abnormal payment practice
cleachtas íocaíochta mínormálta
occurring of liquid striations
fabhrú stríoc leachtach
homogenised condensed fish; liquid fish
iasc comhdhlúite homaiginithe; iasc leachtach
alcaileacht na hithreach
compulsory liquidation; compulsory winding-up; forced liquidation
leachtú éigeantach
to close a position; to liquidate a position; to unwind a position in a financial instrument
leachtaigh suíomh
liquidity statement
ráiteas leachtachta
liquid rocket engine; liquid rocket motor; liquid-propellant rocket engine; liquid-propellant rocket motor
inneall roicéid leacht-tiomáinte
liquefied natural gas terminal; liquid natural gas terminal; LNG terminal
críochfort gáis nádúrtha leachtaithe; críochfort GNL
destocking; liquidation of stocks; running-down of stocks; stock disposal
leachtú stoic
valuation of liquid funds
luacháil cistí leachtacha
budgetary consequences; budgetary effects; budgetary impact; budgetary implications; impact on the budget; implications for the budget
impleachtaí buiséadacha
reduced rate of import duty
ráta laghdaithe dleachta ar allmhairí
zero rate of import duty
ráta nialasach dleachta allmhairiúcháin
customs duty
dleacht chustaim
amount of duty
méid dleachta
provisional countervailing duty
dleacht frithchúitimh shealadach
repayment; repayment of duty
aisíoc dleachta
remission; remission of duty
loghadh dleachta
GAAP; general accounting principle; generally accepted accounting principles
caighdeáin chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leo; cleachtas cuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh leis; cleachtas cuntasíochta a nglactar i gcoitinne leis; GAAP; prionsabail chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glactha leo go ginearálta
counter-purchase practices
cleachtas frithcheannaigh
Intellectual Property Rights Helpdesk; IPR Helpdesk
Deasc Chabhrach um Chearta Maoine Intleachtúla
liquidated damages
damáistí leachtaithe
hydrometeor in the liquid state
hidrimeitéar i bhfoirm leachtach; hidrimeitéar i riocht leachtach
liquid-nitrogen-cooled load
lód fuaraithe ag nítrigin leachtach
abattoir; slaughterhouse
illicit commercial practices
cleachtas trádála neamhcheadaithe
Official Journal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office; Official Journal of the Office; Official Journal of the Office for Harmonisation
Iris Oifigiúil na hOifige; Iris Oifigiúil Oifig Maoine Intleachtúla an Aontais Eorpaigh
dumping or other practices condemned by the Havana Charter
dumpáil nó cleachtais eile arna gcáineadh i gCairt Havana
ADD; anti-dumping duty
dleacht frithdhumpála
illiquid market; inactive market; narrow market; thin market
margadh neamhleachtach
first-pass metabolism
meitibileacht an chéad aistir
harmonized capital-duty rate
ráta dleachta caipitiúla comhchuibhithe
restriction of liquidity
srian ar leachtacht
illiquid asset; non-liquid asset
sócmhainn neamhleachtach
illiquid security
urrús neamhleachtach
liquidity provision
soláthar leachtachta
harbor fees; harbour dues; port charges; port dues
dleachtanna calafoirt
liquidity control
rialú leachtachta
liquidity crisis
cúngach leachtachta; géarchéim leachtachta
accounting methods; accounting practice; accounting procedures
cleachtais chuntasaíochta
cash risk; liquid-holdings risk
riosca airgid; riosca sealúchas leachtach
liquid chromatograph
crómatagraf leachta
DAI; distributed artificial intelligence
intleacht shaorga dháilte
fluid coking; fluidised bed coking
allowance for the maintenance of liquidity
lamháltas chun leachtacht a chothabháil
liquid scintillation counter
áiritheoir drithlíochta leachta
liquid-liquid extraction; solvent extraction
eastóscadh leachta-leachta
doctor; medical doctor; medical practitioner; physician
Code of Good Practice; Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards
Cód dea-chleachtais maidir le caighdeáin a ullmhú, a ghlacadh agus a chur i bhfeidhm
duty paid in excess of dumping margin
dleacht arna íoc de bhreis ar an gcorrlach dumpála
provisional duty paid or payable
dleacht shealadach íoctha nó iníoctha
Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices
Coiste um Chleachtais Frithdhumpála
exhaustion of intellectual property rights
cearta maoine intleachtúla a ídiú
collusive practice
cleachtas claonpháirteach
marketing practice
cleachtas margaíochta
total suspension of duty
fionraíocht iomlán dleachta
partial suspension of duty
fionraí pháirteach ar dhleachtanna
remission of export duties
loghadh dleachtanna ar onnmhairí
remission of import duties
loghadh dleachtanna ar allmhairí
Community system of reliefs from customs duties
córas Comhphobail faoiseamh ó dhleachtanna custaim
subsequent recovery of import duties
dleachtanna ar allmhairí a ghnóthú iardain
subsequent recovery of export duties
dleachtanna ar onnmhairí a ghnóthú dá éis
advertising malpractice
míchleachtas fógraíochta
anti-dumping duty
dleacht frithdhumpála; dleacht in aghaidh dumpála
circumvention of anti-dumping duties
dleachtanna frithdhumpála a imchéimniú; dleachtanna in aghaidh dumpála a imchéimniú
anti-subsidy investigation; countervailing duty investigation
imscrúdú ar dhleacht frithchúitimh; imscrúdú frith-fhóirdheontais
database on restrictive commercial practices in non-member countries
bunachar sonraí ar chleachtais shriantacha tráchtála i dtíortha nach ballstáit iad
practice ammunition
armlón cleachtaidh
vulnerability analysis; vulnerability assessment
anailís leochaileachta; measúnú leochaileachta
liquid fuel
breosla leachtach
liquefied gas
gás leachtaithe
GCP; Good Clinical Practice
dea-chleachtas cliniciúil
advertising consultancy
comhairleacht fógraíochta
exclusionary practice by an undertaking in a dominant position
cleachtas eisiatach ag gnóthas a bhfuil ceannasacht aige
refund of anti-dumping duties
aisíocaíocht dleachtanna frithdhumpála
liquidity plan
plean leachtachta
all concerted practices which may affect trade
gach cleachtas comhbheartaithe ar dóigh dó dul i gcion ar an trádáil
discriminatory practices
cleachtas idirdhealaitheach
all practices designed to secure a privileged position
gach cleachtas atá ceaptha chun pribhléid a ghnóthú
balance sheet for liquidation purposes; liquidation balance sheet; statement of affairs for liquidation purposes
clár comhardaithe le haghaidh leachtú
stamp duty; stamp tax
dleacht stampála
liquid assets ratio; liquidity measurement ratio; liquidity ratio
cóimheas leachtachta
compound duty; mixed duty
dleacht iolraithe
ad valorem duty
dleacht ad valorem
animal for slaughter; slaughter animal
ainmhí lena mharú; sléachtstoc
pig for slaughter; slaughter pig
muc lena marú; sléachtmhuc
additional duty
dleacht bhreise
reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography; reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography; RP-HPLC
leachtchrómatagrafaíocht ardfheidhmíochta phas-aisiompaithe
LC-MS; liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
crómatagrafaíocht leachta in éineacht le mais-speictriméadracht; LC-MS
autogas; liquefied petroleum gas; LPG
gás peitriliam leachtaithe; GPL
liquid ring vacuum pump; liquid-ring pump
folúschaidéal fáinne leachta
absorption atelectasis
ataileachtáis trí ionsú
acceleration atelectasis
ataileachtáis de bharr luasghéarú
conflict detection
aimsiú coinbhleachta
conflict resolution
réiteach coinbhleachta
conflict search
cuardach coinbhleachta; cuardach coinbhleachtaí
liquid booster
treisroicéad leachta; treisroicéad leacht-tiomáinte
liquid conditioned suit
culaith leachtchóirithe
liquid honing
liquid metal embrittlement
brioscú leacht mhiotail; brioscú trí leacht mhiotail
lox-hydrogen engine
ineall faoi thiomáint ocsaigine leachtai agus hidrigine leachtaí; inneall ocsaigine-hidrigine leachtaí
liquid film
leachtsceo; sceo leachtach
reserved liquid funds
cistí leachtacha forchoimeádta
company in liquidation
cuideachta atá faoi leachtú
liquidation of the assets
leachtú na sócmhainní
intellectual work; non-manual work
obair intleachta
general medical practitioner; general practitioner; GP; primary care physician
DG; dochtúir ginearálta; liachleachtóir ginearálta
supernatant; supernatant liquid; supernatant liquor; supernatant solution; supernate
liquid injection incinerator
loisceoir insteallta leachta
landscape beauty
áilleacht tírdhreacha
highly inflammable liquid
leacht an-inadhainte
liquefied petroleum gas carrier; liquefied petroleum gas tanker; LPG carrier; LPG tanker
tancaer gáis pheitriliam leachtaithe
earraí indleachta
adanaimheigileacht; méadú faireoige
GMP; good manufacturing practice
dea-chleachtas déantúsaíochta; dea-chleachtas monaraíochta
LC; liquid chromatography; liquid column chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht leachta
conflict of interest; conflict of interests
coinbhleacht leasa
liquid market
margadh leachtach
LCD; liquid crystal display
LCD; taispeáint leachtchriostail
ex quay...duties on buyers'account
ex-cé ... dleachtanna ar chuntas an cheannaitheora
cheiropractic; cheiropraxis; chiropractic; chiropraxis
emulsion polymer
polaiméir eibleachta
developmental impairment; feeble-mindedness; intellectual disability; intellectual impairment; LD; learning disability; mental deficiency; mental retardation; mental subnormality; oligophrenia
lagú intleachta; míchumas foghlama; míchumas intleachta
duty on exportation; duty on exports; export duty
dleacht ar onnmhairí; dleacht chustaim ar onnmhairí; dleachtanna ar onnmhairí
dleacht bháis
allmhaire indleachta
liquid scintillation counting
áireamh drithlíochta leachta
ex quay duties on buyer's account
dleachtanna ex-cé ar chuntas an cheannaitheora
terms of liquidation
téarmaí an leachtaithe
trading practice
cleachtas trádála
specific duty
dleacht shonrach
duty free
saor ó dhleacht
cleared and customs duties paid
earraí imréitithe agus dleachtanna custaim íoctha
wet goods
earraí leachtacha
statement of affairs
ráiteas cúrsaí maidir le leachtú
FCC; fluid catalytic cracking
leachtscoilteadh catalaíoch
land parcel; parcel; parcel of land; patch; plot
dáileacht talún
dutiable good; dutiable product
earraí indleachta
liquefaction; liquefying
liquid cooling
fuarú leachtach
drinking milk
bainne leachtach
liquid pyrolysis
pirealú leachta
orphan site
suíomh dílleachtach
high performance liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; HPLC
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta; HPLC
Customary practice
gnás; gnáthchleachtas
sound business practice
dea-chleachtas gnó
tax-and duty-free commissary
coimeasár saor ó cháin agus ó dhleacht
liquidity forecast
réamhaisnéis leachtachta
Association of Dutch Sponsorship Consultancies
Comhlachas Chomhairleachtaí Urraíochta na hÍsiltíre
inflow of liquidity; liquidity inflow
insreabhadh leachtachta
p.d.; port duties
dleachtanna calafoirt
concerted practices
cleachtas comhbheartaithe
conflicting claim of jurisdiction; positive conflict; positive conflict of jurisdiction
coinbhleacht dheimhneach dlínse
bandang; bandeng; milkfish
iasc bleachta
visiting lecturer
léachtóir ar cuairt
agricultural parcel
dáileacht talmhaíochta
conflict of flows
coinbhleacht idir sreabha
free trade zone; free zone; FTZ
crios saor ó dhleacht
intellectual property right; IPR
ceart maoine intleachtúla; CMI
concerted practice
cleachtas comhbheartaithe
exclusionary practice
cleachtas eisiatach
CMO; collecting society; collection society; collective management organisation; collective management society
cumann bailithe dleachtanna
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Agreements and Dominant Position; Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions; Advisory Committee on restrictive practices and monopolies
Coiste Comhairleach um Chleachtais Shriantacha agus Riochtaí Ceannasacha
liquid bulk; liquid bulk cargo
bulclasta leachtach
anti-foaming emulsion
eibleacht frithchúrtha
duty exemption; exemption from customs duty
díolúine ó dhleacht chustam
exemption from import duties
díolúine ó dhleachtanna ar allmhairí
overall minimum excise duty
dleacht mháil íosta fhoriomlán
lesser duty rule
riail na dleachta is lú
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Design)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Dearadh)
eligible liquidity facility
saoráid leachtachta incháilithe
infringement of intellectual property rights; intellectual piracy; IP infringement; IPR infringement
píoráideacht intleachtúil; sárú ar chearta maoine intleachtúla
European Statistics Code of Practice
Cód Cleachtais an Staidrimh Eorpaigh
prohibition of drawback
toirmeasc ar aisíocaíocht dleachta custaim
conflict sensitivity
íogaireacht coinbhleachta
frozen conflict
coinbhleacht chalctha
LF; liquidity facility
saoráid leachtachta
EU plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings
Plean AE maidir le dea-chleachtais, caighdeáin agus nósanna imeachta chun gáinneáil ar dhaoine a chomhrac agus a chosc
internal business practice
cleachtas gnó inmheánach
EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
Cód Cleachtais AE maidir le Comhlántacht agus le Roinnt an tSaothair sa Bheartas Forbraíochta
imposition of duties
dleacht a fhorchur
liquidity risk
riosca leachtachta
liquidate collateral
leachtaigh comhthaobhacht
liquidation period
tréimhse leachtaithe
liquidity of a market; market liquidity
leachtacht an mhargaidh; leachtacht mhargaidh
fragility; situation of fragility; state fragility
liquidation of collateral
leachtú comhthaobhachta
duty suspension arrangement; excise duty suspension; excise duty suspension arrangement
socrú fionraí dleachtanna
aggregate liquidity; aggregated liquidity; AL
leachtacht chomhiomlán
liquid two-way market
margadh dhá threo leachtach
illiquidity of markets
neamhleachtacht margaí
CAAC; children affected by armed conflict
leanaí ar fhág coinbhleachtaí armtha a lorg orthu
ELA; emergency liquidity assistance
cúnamh leachtachta éigeandála; ELA
individual duty rate
dleachtráta aonair
orphan work
saothair dhílleachtacha
less liquid position
staid beagleachtach; staid is lú leachtacht
orphan medical device
feiste leighis dílleachta
orphan diagnostics
diagnóisic dílleachta; diagnóisic galair dhílleachta
injection of liquidity
instealladh leachtachta
liquidity buffer; liquidity cushion
maolán leachtachta
flammable liquid
leacht inlasta
milk shark
siorc bleachta
high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array; HPLC-PDA
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta - eagar fótaidhé-óide
bank liquidity line; banking liquidity line; liquidity line
líne leachtachta; líne leachtachta ó bhanc
funding gap; liquidity gap; liquidity mismatch
bearna leachtachta
post-conflict recovery
athshlánú iarchoinbhleachta
International Network on Conflict and Fragility
Líonra Idirnáisiúnta um Choinbhleacht agus um Leochaileacht
high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; HPLC-MS
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta in éineacht le mais-speictriméadracht
LC-MS/MS; liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry; liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
crómatagrafaíocht leachta in éineacht le mais-speictriméadracht
convergence of accounting practices
coinbhéirseacht cleachtas cuntasaíochta
lateral spirit level
leachtleibhéal cliathánach
spirit level
HPLC with fluorescence detection
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta le brath fluaraiseachta
liquid chromatographic column
colún leachtchrómatagrafach
liquidity horizon
tréimhse leachtachta ionchasach
ternary gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
leachtchrómatagrafaíocht ardfheidhmíochta phas-aisiompaithe ina mbaintear úsáid as grádáin thrínártha
liquid-liquid partition
deighilt leachta-leachta
cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography; cation exchange HPLC
crómatagrafaíocht leachtach ardfheidhmíochta malartaithe caitian; HPLC malartaithe caitian
double emulsion
liquid-phase blocking ELISA
ELISA bacainneach sa phas leachtach
clarified supernatant
forleacht gléghlanta
hybridoma tissue-culture supernatant
forleacht de shaothrán fíocháin hibriodóma
corrupt practice
cleachtas éillitheach
generally accepted market practice
cleachtas margaidh a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leis
emulsion in oil; W/O emulsion; water in oil emulsion
eibhleacht in ola
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Trademarks)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Trádmharcanna)
tonnage charge; tonnage due; tonnage fee
dleacht tonnáiste
accounting principle
cleachtas cuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh leis; prionsabal cuntasaíochta
involuntary liquidation
leachtú neamhdheonach
liquidity presentation
cur i láthair ar bhonn leachtachta
liquidity risk
riosca leachtachta
previous GAAP
cleachtas cuntasíochta a raibh glacadh leis roimhe seo
Extremely flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht fíor-inadhainte agus gal fhíor-inadhainte.
Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht an-inadhainte agus gal an-inadhainte.
Flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht inadhainte agus gal inadhainte.
scintillation liquid
leacht drithlíochta
joint chairmanship
liquidity transfer
aistriú leachtachta
liquidity transfer order
ordú um aistriú leachtachta
Good Plant Protection Practice
dea-chleachtas cosanta plandaí
Good Environmental Practice
dea-chleachtas comhshaoil
good experimental practice
dea-chleachtas turgnamhach
central bank liquidity
leachtacht bainc cheannais
aggregated liquidity agreement; AL agreement
comhaontú leachtachta comhiomláine
aggregated liquidity mode; AL mode
mód leachtachta comhiomláine
available liquidity; liquidity
Environmental and Social Practices Handbook; ESPH
ESPH; lámhleabhar maidir le cleachtais chomhshaoil agus shóisialta
biotransformation; metabolism
meitibileacht; meitibileacht druga
conflict prevention, management and resolution; CPMR
cosc, bainistiú agus réiteach coinbhleachtaí
best practice
liquid test procedure
nós imeachta leacht-tástála; nós imeachta tástála leachtaí
practice directions
treoracha cleachtais
skin metabolism
meitibileacht chraicinn
post-conflict management
bainistíocht iarchoinbhleachta
unrated liquidity facility
saoráid leachtachta neamhrátáilte
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode-array detection (DAD); high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection; HPLC-DAD; HPLC-diode array detection
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta le brath eagar dé-óide
water alkalinity
alcaileacht uisce
LCR; liquidity coverage ratio
cóimheas cumhdaigh ar leachtacht
liquidity conditions
dálaí leachtachta
external vulnerability
leochaileacht sheachtrach
PCR; post-conflict reconstruction
atógáil iarchoinbhleachta
liquidity limit
teorainn leachtachta
reserve liquidity
standing instruction for liquidity reservation
treoir chaighdeánach le haghaidh forchoimeád leachtachta
standing instruction for dedication of liquidity
treoir chaighdeánach le haghaidh tiomnú leachtachta
liquidity pooling mode
mód comhthiomsaithe leachtaíochta
manage liquidity
bainistiú leachtachta
liquidity coverage requirement; liquidity requirement
ceanglas maidir le cumhdach leachtachta
liquidity fragmentation
ilroinnt leachtachta
PLL; Precautionary and Liquidity Line
an Líne Réamhchúraim agus Leachtachta
funding liquidity risk; funding risk
riosca leachtachta cistiúcháin
market liquidity risk
riosca leachtacht an mhargaidh
fluid coker
country particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change
tír a bhfuil leochaileacht faoi leith aici d'éifeachtaí díobhálacha an athraithe aeráide
practices similar to slavery
cleachtais cosúil le sclábhaíocht
draw on liquidity facilities
tarraing ar shaoráidí leachtachta
undrawn liquidity facility
saoráid leachtachta neamhtharraingthe
agricultural practice beneficial for the climate and the environment; greening practice
cleachtas glasúcháin
paludicultural practice
cleachtas riascshaothraithe
liquidity outflow
eis-sreabhadh leachtachta
counterbalancing capacity
cumas ionchais leachtachta
Montreux Document; Montreux Document on Pertinent International Legal Obligations and Good Practices for States related to Operations of Private Military and Security Companies during Armed Conflict; Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies
Cáipéis Montreux ar Oibleagáidí Idirnáisiúnta Dlíthiúla Ábhartha agus ar Dhea-Chleachtas do Stáit i ndáil le hOibríochtaí de Chuideachtaí Príobháideacha Míleata agus Slándála le linn Coinbhleachta Armtha
Cape Town Principles; Cape Town Principles and Best Practices
Prionsabail agus Dea-chleachtais Cape Town
internal conflict; non-international armed conflict
coinbhleacht inmheánach
a provisional commercial policy measure taking the form of a duty
beart sealadach beartais tráchtála i bhfoirm dleachta
application for remission of duty; remission application
iarratas ar loghadh dleachta
illiquid share
scair neamhleachtach
liquid share
scair leachtach
Liquid Shares Locate Confirmation and Measure
Deimhniú agus Bearta um Aimsiú Urrús le haghaidh Scaireanna Leachtacha
Liquid Shares Locate Arrangements and Measures
Socruithe agus Bearta um Aimsiú Urrús le haghaidh Scaireanna Leachtacha
non-ionic low osmolar contrast agent
leacht codarsnachta ísealosmólarach neamhianach
normal clinical practice
gnáthchleachtas cliniciúil
Conflict Prevention Group; CPG
an Grúpa chun Coinbhleachtaí a Chosc
bundling; bundling practice
cleachtas cruachta díolacháin
prearranged liquid financial resources
acmhainní airgeadais leachtacha réamhshocraithe
parcel planted
dáileacht phlandaithe
illiquidity premium risk
riosca préimhe neamhleachtachta
Benelux Office for Intellectual Property; BOIP
BOIP; Oifig Benelux um Maoin Intleachtúil
conflict mineral
mianra coinbhleachta
tax practitioner
cleachtóir cánach
Due Diligence Guidance; OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas
Treoir ECFE um Dhícheall Cuí i dtaca le Dícheall Cuí do Shlabhraí Soláthair Freagracha Mianraí ó Limistéir ina bhfuil Coinbhleacht agus ó Limistéir Ardriosca
liquidity squeeze
cúngach leachtachta
liquidity subgroup
foghrúpa leachtachta
natural run-off; run-off
caillteanas; leachtú nádúrtha
gear shifting behaviour
cleachtais athraithe giair an tiománaí
CAVOD; CAVOMP; Clinical Added Value for Orphan Medicinal products; Clinical Added Value of Orphan Drugs
Breisluach Cliniciúil do Tháirgí Íocshláinte Dílleachta; CAVOMP
GAPP; Generally Accepted Principles and Practices; Santiago Principles
Prionsabail agus Cleachtais a nglactar leo go ginearálta; Prionsabail Santiago
liquid-immersed transformer
claochladán leacht-tumtha
insolvency practitioner
cleachtóir dócmhainneachta
scrubbing liquid
leacht sciúrtha
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Trade Secrets)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Rúin Trádála)
taking up paid employment in breach of a condition of leave
cleachtadh gníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch gan cead fostaíochta
Good Veterinary Practice; GVP
an Cód Dea-Chleachtais Tréidliachta
green direct payment; green payment; greening component; greening payment; payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment
glasíocaíocht; íocaíocht do chleachtais talmhaíochta a dhéanann leas na haeráide agus an chomhshaoil; íocaíocht ghlas
practitioner network
líonra na gcleachtóirí