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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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gu bleachta
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gu bleáin
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
competence of the Member States
inniúlacht na mBallstát
marine environment
notified body
comhlacht dá dtugtar fógra
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
accreditation body; approval body
comhlacht ceadúcháin; comhlacht creidiúnaithe
useful efficiency
éifeachtúlacht úsáideach
right to be different
ceart na héagsúlachta
linguistic diversity
éagsúlacht teanga; éagsúlacht teangacha
Federal Law Gazette; Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria; Official Journal of the Republic of Austria
Iris Oifigiúil Phoblacht na hOstaire
principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
prionsabail na dlíthiúlachta agus na comhréireachta i dtaca le cionta coiriúla agus pionóis
self-regulatory body; self-regulatory organisation; SRO
CFR; comhlacht féinrialála; eagraíocht féinrialála; EFR
certificate of professional competence
deimhniú ar inniúlacht ghairmiúil
general competence
inniúlacht ghinearálta
B2C; business-to-consumer
gnólacht le tomhaltóir
BINUCA; BONUCA; United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic; United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in the Central African Republic
BINUCA; Oifig na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chothú Comhtháite Síochána i bPoblacht na hAfraice Láir
hostile environment
timpeallacht naimhdeach
legality and regularity
dlíthiúlacht agus rialtacht
efficiency; principle of efficiency
prionsabal na héifeachtúlachta
to adjust a monopoly
coigeartaigh monaplacht
efficient energy use; energy efficiency
éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh
legal body; legal entity
comhlacht dlítheanach; eintiteas dlítheanach
local body
comhlacht áitiúil
Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods; SAD Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le foirmiúlachtaí i leith trádáil earraí a shimpliú
productivity bargaining
margáil faoi tháirgiúlacht
business combination
comhcheangal gnó; comhcheangal idir gnólachtaí
1974 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt; Coinbhinsiún Heilsincí
cost efficiency
cost-éifeachtúlacht; éifeachtúlacht costais
Governing Body of the ILO; ILO Governing Body
Comhlacht Rialaithe EIS; Comhlacht Rialaithe na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta Saothair
aptitude test
triail inniúlachta
shared competence
inniúlacht roinnte
independent review body
comhlacht athbhreithnithe neamhspleách
energy efficiency
éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh
business environment
timpeallacht an ghnó
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Ato; EURATOM/IAEA Verification Agreement; VA; Verification Agreement
an Comhaontú Fíorúcháin; an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach agus an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do hui
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; Schengen Agreement
an Comhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile; Comhaontú Schengen
social environment
timpeallacht shóisialta
mutual association; mutual society; mutual undertaking
comhlacht árachais frithpháirteach
juridical person; legal person
comhlacht corpraithe; duine dlítheanach; eintiteas dlítheanach
professional body
comhlacht gairmiúil
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
ambient noise; environmental noise
torann timpeallachta
utility certificate
deimhniú fóntais; teastas áirgiúlachta
Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Assistance between Customs Administrations; Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities; Naples I
an Coinbhinsiún idir an Bheilg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Fhrainc, an Iodáil, Lucsamburg agus an Ísiltír maidir le Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Chustaim na dTíortha sin
Convention concerning Fishermen's Certificates of Competency; Fishermen's Competency Certificates Convention, 1966
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Deimhnithe Inniúlachta Iascairí
Convention on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice with the adjustments made to them by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontú na Poblachta Heilléanaí don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille leis na hoiriúnuithe a
European Convention relating to the Formalities Required for Patent Applications
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Foirmiúlachtaí is gá le haghaidh Iarratas ar Phaitinní
Convention concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra ar Inniúlacht Daoine Óga i gcomhair Fostaíochta i Mianaigh Faoi Thalamh
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún a leathnaíonn inniúlacht na n-údarás atá cáilithe chun cleamhnacht leanaí neamhdhlisteanacha a thaifeadadh
Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment; Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sábháilteacht agus Sláinte Cheirde agus leis an Timpeallacht Oibre
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
Convention on the Issuance of a Certificate of Matrimonial Capacity
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Teastais Inniúlachta i dtaca leis an bPósadh
Barcelona Convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht agus Réigiún Cósta na Meánmhara; Coinbhinsiún Barcelona
Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign Companies, Firms, Associations and Foundations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pearsantacht Dhlítheanach Cuideachtaí, Gnólachtaí, Comhlachas agus Fondúireachtaí Coigríche a Aithint
COCON Working Party; Working Party on Consular Affairs
an Mheitheal um Ghnóthaí Consalachta; Meitheal COCON
principle of legality
prionsabal na dlíthiúlachta
genetic diversity
éagsúlacht ghéiniteach
biodiversity; biological diversity
utility model
cuspa áisiúlachta; samhail áisiúlachta
Marine Environment Protection Committee; MEPC
an Coiste chun an Mhuirthimpeallacht a Chosaint; an Coiste um Chaomhnú an Chomhshaoil Mhuirí
ECDIN; Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network
an Líonra um shonraí agus um fhaisnéis faoi cheimiceáin sa timpeallacht; ECDIN
merger between companies or firms
cumasc idir cuideachtaí nó gnólachtaí
principle of annuality; principle of the annual nature of the budget
prionsabal bhliantúlacht an bhuiséid; prionsabal na bliantúlachta
ICB; international commodity body
CIT; comhlacht idirnáisiúnta tráchtearraí
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties
Ionstraim i dtaobh Choinníollacha Aontachais Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus oiriúnuithe na gConarthaí
Textiles Surveillance Body; TSB
Comhlacht Faireachais um Theicstílí
PIACT; Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
an Clár idirnáisiúnta chun na dálaí oibre agus an timpeallacht oibre a fheabhsú
GDR; German Democratic Republic
Poblacht Dhaonlathach na Gearmáine
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR
Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha
to reduce (formalities)
laghdaigh (foirmiúlachtaí)
administrative, management or supervisory body; administrative, managerial or supervisory body
comhlacht riaracháin, bainistithe nó maoirseachta
monopoly delegated by the State to others
monaplacht a tarmligeadh ón Stát
exclusive competence
inniúlacht eisiach
import formalities
foirmiúlachtaí allmhairiúcháin
céannacht; féiniúlacht
to impose (formalities)
forchuir (foirmiúlachtaí)
State-guaranteed public body
comhlacht poiblí Stát-urraithe
VCCR; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
Coinbhinsiún Vín ar Chaidreamh Consalachta
State monopoly of a commercial character
Stát-mhonaplacht de chineál tráchtálach
central body
comhlacht lárnach
to respect existing powers
na hinniúlachtaí atá ann cheana a urramú
Cartagena Convention; Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an timpeallacht mhuirí i mór-réigiún Mhuir Chairib a chosaint agus a fhorbairt
Convention concerning the Rights of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers; Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta Comhlachais agus Cuallachtais Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
professional competence
inniúlacht ghairmiúil
Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships; Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an íoscheanglas inniúlachta gairmiúla do mháistrí agus d'oifigigh ar bord long trádála
Convention concerning Medical Examination for Fitness for Employment in Industry of Children and Young Persons; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le scrúdú dochtúra ar inniúlacht leanaí agus daoine óga i gcomhair fostaíochta in earnáil na tionsclaíochta
Convention concerning Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for Fitness for Employment in Non-industrial Occupations; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra ar Inniúlacht Leanaí agus Daoine Óga i gcomhair fostaíochta i Slite Beatha Neamhthionsclaíocha
cost-éifeachtúlacht; éifeachtúlacht costais
non-profit organisation; non-profit-making body; NPO
comhlacht neamhbhrabúsach; eagraíocht neamhbhrabúsach
spatial planning
pleanáil spáis; pleanáil spásúlachta
fiscal monopolies
monaplacht fhioscach
economic efficiency
éifeachtúlacht eacnamaíoch
GEF; Global Environment Facility; Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Áis do Thimpeallacht na Cruinne; GEF
to review the legality of acts
athbhreithnigh dlíthiúlacht; déan léirmheas ar dhlíthiúlacht
1990 Schengen Convention; CISA; Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement; Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; CSA; Schengen Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena ndéantar Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile a c; Coinbhinsiún Schengen
jurisconsults of recognised competence
dlí-eolaí a n-aithnítear a inniúlacht
body governed by public law; public law body
comhlacht dlí phoiblí; comhlacht faoi rialú an dlí phoiblí; comhlacht poiblí
legal capacity
inniúlacht dhlíthiúil
economic environment
timpeallacht eacnamaíoch
Action programme to promote foreign language competence in the European Community; LINGUA; LINGUA programme
Clár gníomhaíochta chun inniúlacht i dteanga iasachta a chur ar aghaidh sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; LINGUA
the law of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporate
dlí cuideachtaí agus comhlachtaí corpaithe nó neamhchorpraithe eile
status and legal capacity of natural persons
stádas agus inniúlacht dhlíthiúil daoine nádúrtha
International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir le simpliú foirmiúlachtaí custaim
verification of the authenticity of the decision
fíorú ar bharántúlacht an chinnidh
the Document on the European Identity
an Cháipéis ar an bhFéiniúlacht Eorpach
body dependent on a public authority
comhlacht atá spleách ar údarás poiblí
advisory body; consultative body
comhlacht comhairleach
formalities imposed on trade
foirmiúlachtaí a fhorchuirtear ar an trádáil
car company
comhlacht mótardhéantúis
special nature of artistic pursuits
sainiúlacht an tsaothair ealaíonta
external audit body
comhlacht seachtrach iniúchóireachta
specialised bodies attached to them
sainchomhlachtaí a ghabhann leo
the Court shall have jurisdiction in actions to have ... declared void on grounds of lack of competence
beidh dlínse ag an gCúirt i gcaingne chun dearbhú a fháil go bhfuil ... ar neamhní mar gheall ar easpa inniúlachta
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context; EIA Convention; Espoo Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Measúnacht Tionchair Timpeallachta i gComhthéacs Trasteorann; Coinbhinsiún Espoo
the cultural identity of Europe
féiniúlacht chultúrtha na hEorpa
subject to a State monopoly
faoi réir Stát-mhonaplachta
formal procedure for certifying the authenticity of a signature
nós imeachta foirmiúil trína ndéantar barántúlacht an tsínithe a dheimhniú
SAVE; Special Action programme for Vigorous Energy Efficiency; Specific Actions for Vigorous Energy Efficiency
gníomhaíochtaí sonracha um éifeachtúlacht bhríomhar fuinnimh; SAVE
cultural diversity
éagsúlacht chultúrtha; ilchineálacht chultúrtha
the unity, consistency and effectiveness of action by the Union
aontacht, comhchuibheas agus éifeachtúlacht ghníomhaíocht an Aontais
CBD; Convention on Biological Diversity
Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Éagsúlacht Bhitheolaíoch
Croatia; Republic of Croatia
an Chróit; Poblacht na Cróite
Republic of Slovenia; Slovenia
an tSlóivéin; Poblacht na Slóivéine
Afghanistan; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
an Afganastáin; Poblacht Ioslamach na hAfganastáine
Albania; Republic of Albania
an Albáin; Poblacht na hAlbáine
Algeria; People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
an Ailgéir; Daon-Phoblacht Dhaonlathach na hAilgéire
Angola; Republic of Angola
Angóla; Poblacht Angóla
Argentina; Argentine Republic
an Airgintín; Poblacht na hAirgintíne
Austria; Republic of Austria
an Ostair; Poblacht na hOstaire
Bangladesh; People's Republic of Bangladesh
an Bhanglaidéis; Daon-Phoblacht na Banglaidéise
Benin; Republic of Benin
Beinin; Poblacht Bheinin
Botswana; Republic of Botswana
an Bhotsuáin; Poblacht na Botsuáine
Belarus; Republic of Belarus
an Bhealarúis; Poblacht na Bealarúise
Brazil; Federative Republic of Brazil
an Bhrasaíl; Poblacht Chónaidhmitheach na Brasaíle
Bulgaria; Republic of Bulgaria
an Bhulgáir; Poblacht na Bulgáire
Cameroon; Republic of Cameroon
Camarún; Poblacht Chamarún
Cape Verde; Republic of Cape Verde
Poblacht Rinn Verde; Rinn Verde
CAR; Central African Republic
PAL; Poblacht na hAfraice Láir
Chad; Republic of Chad
Poblacht Shead; Sead
Chile; Republic of Chile
an tSile; Poblacht na Sile
China; CHN; People's Republic of China
an tSín; Daon-Phoblacht na Síne
Colombia; Republic of Colombia
an Cholóim; Poblacht na Colóime
Congo; Republic of the Congo
an Congó; Poblacht an Chongó
Costa Rica; Republic of Costa Rica
Cósta Ríce; Poblacht Chósta Ríce
Cuba; Republic of Cuba
Cúba; Poblacht Chúba
Cyprus; Republic of Cyprus
an Chipir; Poblacht na Cipire
India; Republic of India
an India; Poblacht na hIndia
Djibouti; Republic of Djibouti
Djibouti; Poblacht Djibouti
Dominican Republic
an Phoblacht Dhoiminiceach
Ecuador; Republic of Ecuador
Eacuadór; Poblacht Eacuadór
Arab Republic of Egypt; EGY; Egypt
an Éigipt; Poblacht Arabach na hÉigipte
El Salvador; Republic of El Salvador
an tSalvadóir; Poblacht na Salvadóire
Equatorial Guinea; Republic of Equatorial Guinea
an Ghuine Mheánchiorclach; Poblacht na Guine Meánchiorclaí
Ethiopia; Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
an Aetóip; Poblacht Dhaonlathach Chónaidhme na hAetóipe
Fiji; Republic of Fiji
Fidsí; Poblacht Fhidsí
Finland; Republic of Finland
an Fhionlainn; Poblacht na Fionlainne
France; French Republic
an Fhrainc; Poblacht na Fraince
Gabon; Gabonese Republic
an Ghabúin; Poblacht na Gabúine
Republic of The Gambia; The Gambia
an Ghaimbia; Poblacht na Gaimbia
Federal Republic of Germany; Germany
an Ghearmáin; Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine
Ghana; Republic of Ghana
Gána; Poblacht Ghána
Greece; Hellenic Republic
an Ghréig; an Phoblacht Heilléanach
Guatemala; Republic of Guatemala
Guatamala; Poblacht Ghuatamala
Guinea; Republic of Guinea
an Ghuine; Poblacht na Guine
Guinea-Bissau; Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Guine Bissau; Poblacht Ghuine Bissau
Cooperative Republic of Guyana; Guyana
an Ghuáin; Comharphoblacht na Guáine
Haiti; Republic of Haiti
Háítí; Poblacht Háítí
Honduras; Republic of Honduras
Hondúras; Poblacht Hondúras
Hungary; Republic of Hungary
an Ungáir; Poblacht na hUngáire
Iceland; Republic of Iceland
an Íoslainn; Poblacht na hÍoslainne
Indonesia; Republic of Indonesia
an Indinéis; Poblacht na hIndinéise
Iran; Islamic Republic of Iran
an Iaráin; Poblacht Ioslamach na hIaráine
Iraq; Republic of Iraq
an Iaráic; Poblacht na hIaráice
Italian Republic; Italy
an Iodáil; Poblacht na hIodáile
Kenya; Republic of Kenya
an Chéinia; Poblacht na Céinia
Kiribati; Republic of Kiribati
Cireabaití; Poblacht Chireabaití
Lao People's Democratic Republic; Laos
an Daon-Phoblacht Dhaonlathach Laoch; Laos
Lebanese Republic; Lebanon
an Liobáin; Poblacht na Liobáine
Liberia; Republic of Liberia
an Libéir; Poblacht na Libéire
Latvia; Republic of Latvia
an Laitvia; Poblacht na Laitvia
Madagascar; Republic of Madagascar
Madagascar; Poblacht Mhadagascar
Malawi; Republic of Malawi
an Mhaláiv; Poblacht na Maláive
Maldives; Republic of Maldives
Oileáin Mhaildíve; Poblacht Oileáin Mhaildíve
Mali; Republic of Mali
Mailí; Poblacht Mhailí
Malta; Republic of Malta
Málta; Poblacht Mhálta
Islamic Republic of Mauritania; Mauritania
an Mháratáin; Poblacht Ioslámach na Máratáine
Mauritius; Republic of Mauritius
Oileán Mhuirís; Poblacht Oileán Mhuirís
Mozambique; Republic of Mozambique
Mósaimbíc; Poblacht Mhósaimbíc
Burma; Burma/Myanmar; Myanmar; Myanmar/Burma; Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Burma/Maenmar; Maenmar; Maenmar/Burma; Poblacht Aontas Mhaenmar
Namibia; Republic of Namibia
an Namaib; Poblacht na Namaibe
Nauru; Republic of Nauru
Nárú; Poblacht Nárú
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal; Nepal
Neipeal; Poblacht Chónaidhme Dhaonlathach Neipeal
Nicaragua; Republic of Nicaragua
Nicearagua; Poblacht Nicearagua
Niger; Republic of Niger
an Nígir; Poblacht na Nígire
Federal Republic of Nigeria; Nigeria
an Nigéir; Poblacht Chónaidhme na Nigéire
Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Pakistan
an Phacastáin; Poblacht Ioslamach na Pacastáine
Panama; Republic of Panama
Panama; Poblacht Phanama
Paraguay; Republic of Paraguay
Paragua; Poblacht Pharagua
Peru; Republic of Peru
Peiriú; Poblacht Pheiriú
Republic of the Philippines; the Philippines
na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha; Poblacht na nOileán Filipíneach
Poland; Republic of Poland
an Pholainn; Poblacht na Polainne
Portugal; Portuguese Republic
an Phortaingéil; Poblacht na Portaingéile
Republic of Korea; South Korea
an Chóiré Theas; Poblacht na Cóiré
Republic of Rwanda; Rwanda
Poblacht Ruanda; Ruanda
Republic of San Marino; San Marino
Poblacht San Mairíne; San Mairíne
Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe; São Tomé and Príncipe
Poblacht Dhaonlathach São Tomé agus Príncipe; São Tomé agus Príncipe
Republic of Senegal; Senegal
an tSeineagáil; Poblacht na Seineagáile
Republic of Seychelles; Seychelles
na Séiséil; Poblacht na Séiséal
Republic of Sierra Leone; Sierra Leone
Poblacht Shiarra Leon; Siarra Leon
Republic of Singapore; Singapore
Poblacht Shingeapór; Singeapór
Federal Republic of Somalia; Somali Republic; Somalia
an tSomáil; Poblacht na Somáile
Republic of South Africa; South Africa
an Afraic Theas; Poblacht na hAfraice Theas
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka
Poblacht Dhaonlathach Shóisialach Shrí Lanca; Srí Lanca
Republic of the Sudan; Sudan
an tSúdáin; Poblacht na Súdáine
Republic of Suriname; Suriname
Poblacht Shuranam; Suranam
Syria; Syrian Arab Republic
an tSiria; Poblacht Arabach na Siria
Togo; Togolese Republic
Poblacht Thóga; Tóga
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; Trinidad and Tobago
Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága; Poblacht Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága
Republic of Tunisia; Tunisia
an Túinéis; Poblacht na Túinéise
Republic of Turkey; Turkey
an Tuirc; Poblacht na Tuirce
Republic of Uganda; Uganda
Poblacht Uganda; Uganda
Tanzania; United Republic of Tanzania
an Tansáin; Poblacht Aontaithe na Tansáine
Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Vietnam
Poblacht Shóisialach Vítneam; Vítneam
Republic of Yemen; Yemen
Éimin; Poblacht Éimin
Republic of Zambia; Zambia
an tSaimbia; Poblacht na Saimbia
Republic of Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe
an tSiombáib; Poblacht na Siombáibe
Estonia; Republic of Estonia
an Eastóin; Poblacht na hEastóine
Lithuania; Republic of Lithuania
an Liotuáin; Poblacht na Liotuáine
Marshall Islands; Republic of the Marshall Islands
Oileáin Marshall; Poblacht Oileáin Marshall
Côte d'Ivoire; Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
an Cósta Eabhair; Poblacht an Chósta Eabhair
Moldova; Republic of Moldova
an Mholdóiv; Poblacht na Moldóive
Armenia; Republic of Armenia
an Airméin; Poblacht na hAirméine
Azerbaijan; Republic of Azerbaijan
an Asarbaiseáin; Poblacht na hAsarbaiseáine
Kazakhstan; Republic of Kazakhstan
an Chasacstáin; Poblacht na Casacstáine
Republic of Uzbekistan; Uzbekistan
an Úisbéiceastáin; Poblacht na hÚisbéiceastáine
Republic of Serbia; Serbia
an tSeirbia; Poblacht na Seirbia
Palau; Republic of Palau
Oileáin Palau; Poblacht Oileáin Palau
Burundi; Republic of Burundi
an Bhurúin; Poblacht na Burúine
HKSAR; Hong Kong SAR; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China
Hong Cong; Sainréigiún Riaracháin Hong Cong; Sainréigiún Riaracháin Hong Cong, Daonphoblacht na Síne; SAR Hong Cong
Republic of China; Taiwan
an Téaváin; Poblacht na Síne
Eastern Republic of Uruguay; Uruguay
Poblacht Oirthearach Uragua; Uragua
Republic of Vanuatu; Vanuatu
Poblacht Vanuatú; Vanuatú
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; Venezuela
Poblacht Bholavarach Veiniséala; Veiniséala
Republic of Tajikistan; Tajikistan
an Táidsíceastáin; Poblacht na Táidsíceastáine
Macao; Macao SAR; Macao Special Administrative Region; Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; MSAR
Macao; Sainréigiún Riaracháin Macao; Sainréigiún Riaracháin Macao, Daon-Phoblacht na Síne
mixed competence
inniúlacht mheasctha
Mairí; Poblacht Fhéinrialaitheach Mairí
an tSuvais; Poblacht na Suvaise
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Member States of the European Communities), the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, ; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre (Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach), Ríocht na Danmhairge, Éire, Ríocht na hIorua, agus Ríocht Aonta
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort; Treaty concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas na Poblachta Heilléanaí le Comhphobal Eacnamaiochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann (Ballstái
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties
Ionstraim i dtaobh choinníollacha aontachais na Poblachta Heilléanaí agus oiriúnuithe na gConarthaí
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile le Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thu
Kyrgyz Republic; Kyrgyzstan
an Chirgeastáin; Poblacht na Cirgise
Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Poblacht Fhéinrialaitheach na Crimé
1992 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt, 1992
ID; identity
céannacht; féiniúlacht
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; FYROM
Poblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
lactose powder
púdar lachtóis
hierarchy of Community acts
céimiúlacht ghníomhartha Comhphobail
Slovak Republic; Slovakia
an tSlóvaic; Poblacht na Slóvaice
Czech Republic; Czechia
an tSeicia; Poblacht na Seice
Protocol of Accession of the Hellenic Republic to Western European Union together with an Annex
Prótacal Aontachais na Poblachta Heilléanaí le hAontas Iarthar na hEorpa agus Iarscríbhinn ag gabháil leis
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic; Oslo-Paris Convention; OSPAR Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint mhuirthimpeallacht an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún OSPAR
Convention on the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters and to the Protocol on its Interpretation by the Court of Justice with the
Coinbhinsiún ar aontú Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille
Protocol on accession of the Government of the Portuguese Republic to the Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of controls at their
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Chomhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáíne agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile, ar
Agreement on the Accession of the Portuguese Republic to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince
recognised third-country investment firms
gnólachtaí infheistíochta aitheanta tríú tíortha
Agreement on Cooperation and Customs Union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar agus Aontas Custaim idir Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus Poblacht San Mairíne
Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir leis an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha arna oscailt lena shíniú sa Róimh ar an 19 Meitheamh 1980
Protocol for the accession of the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain to the Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence, signed at Brussels on 17 March 1948, as amended by the "Protocol modifying and complet
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus Ríocht na Spáinne leis an gConradh um Chomhoibriú Eacnamaíoch, Sóisialta agus Cultúrtha agus um Féinchosaint Chomhchoiteann a síníodh sa Bhruiséil an 17 Márta 1948, arna leasú leis an bPrótacal le
specialised advisory body
sainchomhlacht comhairleach
Declaration on European Identity
Dearbhú ar an bhFéiniúlacht Eorpach
quarrying and open-cast mining
cairéalacht agus mianadóireacht dromchla
Dispute Settlement Body; DSB
an Comhlacht um Réiteach Díospóidí
border control and formalities
rialú agus foirmiúlachtaí teorann
government monopoly; State monopoly
monaplacht stáit
Joint Supervisory Body; Joint Supervisory Body of Europol; JSB
an Comhchomhlacht Maoirseachta
the corresponding bodies shall work to strengthen contacts between them in an organised and regular manner
oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na tadhaill eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta; oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na teagmhálacha eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta
double criminality; dual criminality
coiriúlacht dhúbailte
macroeconomic conditions; macroeconomic context; macroeconomic environment
timpeallacht mhaicreacnamaíoch
Liner company (consortium)
comhlacht línéir (cuibhreannas)
regional body
comhlacht réigiúnach
Protocol on simplification of inspection and formalities in respect of carriage of goods
Prótacal maidir le cigireachtaí agus foirmiúlachtaí i leith iompar earraí a shimpliú
Appellate Body; Standing Appellate Body; WTO Appellate Body
Buanchomhlacht Achomhairc
SBI; Subsidiary Body for Implementation
an Fochomhlacht um Chur Chun Feidhme; SBI
SBSTA; Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
an Fochomhlacht um Chomhairle Eolaíoch agus Theicneolaíoch; SBSTA
third body
tríú comhlacht
national supervisory authority; national supervisory body
comhlacht náisiúnta maoirseachta; údarás maoirseachta náisiúnta
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht na hAfraice Theas
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; HELCOM; Helsinki Commission
an Coimisiún chun Muirthimpeallacht Mhuir Bhailt a Chosaint; Coimisiún Heilsincí; HELCOM
Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union
Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na hIorua, Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne leis an Aontas Eorpach
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Moldova; PCA with Moldova
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit agus Poblacht na Moldóive
ESDI; European Security and Defence Identity
Féiniúlacht Eorpach Slándála agus Chosanta; FESC
Energy Charter Protocol; Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects; PEEREA
an Prótacal um Chairt Fuinnimh; Prótacal um Chairt Fuinnimh maidir le héifeachtúlacht fuinnimh agus gnéithe gaolmhara comhshaoil
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Kazakhstan; PCA with Kazakhstan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit agus Poblacht na Casacstáine
third body
tríú comhlacht
energy labelling; energy-efficiency labelling
lipéadú fuinnimh; lipéadú maidir le héifeachtúlacht fuinnimh
Prótacal um Aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire don Chomhaontú idir Ríocht na hIsiltíre, Ríocht na Beilge, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Poblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a ch
Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Austria to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the
Comhaontú maidir le haontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire leis an gCoinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maid
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Túinéise, den pháirt eile
SBSTTA; Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
an Fochomhlacht um Chomhairle Eolaíoch, Theicniúil agus Theicneolaíoch; SBSTTA
DAS; statement of assurance; statement of assurance as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions
ráiteas urrúis; ráiteas urrúis i dtaobh bheachtas na gcuntas agus dhlíthiúlacht agus rialtacht na n-idirbheart is bun leo
institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
institiúidí, comhlachtaí, oifigí agus gníomhaireachtaí
Chairman of the Joint Supervisory Body
Cathaoirleach an Chomhchomhlachta Maoirseachta
airport managing body; airport operator; managing body of an airport; managing body of the airport
comhlacht bainistithe aerfoirt
Biosafety Protocol; Cartagena Protocol; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity; CPB
Prótacal Cartagena ar an mBithshábháilteacht; Prótacal Cartagena ar an mBithshábháilteacht a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir leis an Éagsúlacht Bhitheolaíoch
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part; PCA with Azerbaijan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hAsarbaiseáine den pháirt eile
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part; PCA with Armenia
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hAirméine den pháirt eile
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; Timor-Leste
Poblacht Dhaonlathach Thíomór Thoir; Tíomór Thoir
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part; PCA with Uzbekistan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hÚisbéiceastáine den pháirt eile
CEP; circle of equal probability; circular error probability; circular error probable
CEP; ciorcal na comhdhóchúlachta; ciorcal na dóchúlachta comhionainne; earráid chiorclach dhóchúil; earráid chiorclach dóchúlachta
startup; start-up; start-up company; start-up firm
cuideachta nuathionscanta; gnólacht nuathionscanta
key biodiversity indicator species
speicis ar eochairtháscairí bithéagsúlachta iad
Prótacal a ghabhann le Ceathrú Coinbhinsiún ACP-CE Lomé de bharr aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionnlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne leis an Aontas Eorpach
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protoco
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha, a osclaíodh chun a shínithe sa Róimh an 19 Meitheamh 1980, agus don Chéad Ph
Democratic Republic of the Congo; DRC
Poblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó
Interim Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; Interim Agreement between the USA and the USSR on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; SALT I agreement; SALT I Interim Agreement; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
an Comhaontú Eatramhach idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha maidir le Bearta Áirithe i ndáil le hAirm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Theorannú; Comhaontú Eatramhach SALT I; Comhaontú SALT I
SALT II; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Comhaontú idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha ar Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Theorannú; an Conradh um Theorannú Arm Straitéiseach; SALT II
START I; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha ar Laghdú agus Teorannú na nArm Ionsaitheach Straitéiseach; an Conradh um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START I
Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Finland to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Phoblacht na Fionlainne don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen an 19 Meithea
Protocol on Accession of the Government of the Republic of Finland to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
Prótacal um Aontachas Rialtas Phoblacht na Fionlainne don Chomhaontú maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen ar 14 Meitheamh 1985
CCC; cross-curricular competency; transversal competency
inniúlacht idirdhisciplíneach; inniúlacht traschuraclaim
CAB; conformity assessment body
comhlacht um measúnú comhréireachta
Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European Communities and of Europol; Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union
Prótacal maidir le suímh institiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh, suímh comhlachtaí, oifigí, gníomhaireachtaí agus ranna áirithe de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh a shocrú; Prótacal maidir le suímh institiúidí na gComhphobal Eorpach, suímh eagras agus ranna áirithe de chuid na gComhphobal Eorpach agus suíomh Europol a shocrú
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Yemen
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht Éimin
Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part
Prótacal a ghabhann le Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Moldóive, den pháirt eile
Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean; SPA and Biodiversity Protocol
LCS agus an Prótacal maidir le Bithéagsúlacht; Prótacal maidir le Limistéir atá faoi Chosaint Speisialta agus maidir le hÉagsúlacht Bhitheolaíoch sa Mheánmhuir
joint supervisory authority; joint supervisory body
comhchomhlacht maoirseachta; comhúdarás maoirseachta
MONUC; MONUSCO; United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
MCENAC; MENAC; Misean Cobhsúcháin Eagraíocht na Náisiún Aontaithe i bPoblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó; Misean Eagraíocht na Náisiún Aontaithe i bPoblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó
agricultural biological diversity; agrobiodiversity; agro-biodiversity
Working Party on Foodstuff Quality (Certificates of Specific Character)
an Mheitheal um Cháilíocht Earraí Bia (Deimhnithe de Thréithiúlacht Shonrach)
human rights treaty body; treaty body; treaty monitoring body
comhlacht monatóireachta conarthaí
central purchasing body; CPB
comhlacht lárnach ceannaigh
regulatory environment
timpeallacht rialála
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and development
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Daon-Phoblacht na Banglaidéise i dtaca le páirtnéireacht agus forbairt
Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus Poblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine, den pháirt eile
Council preparatory body
comhlacht ullmhúcháin na Comhairle
resource efficiency
éifeachtúlacht acmhainne
EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Agreement; Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Cróite, den pháirt eile
bank identifier code; BIC; business identifier code
BIC; Cód Aitheantais Bainc; Cód Aitheantais Gnólachta
regulatory body
comhlacht rialála
Joint Supervisory Body; Joint Supervisory Body of Eurojust
Comhchomhlacht Maoirseachta Eurojust
EER; energy efficiency ratio
cóimheas éifeachtúlachta fuinnimh
supporting competence
inniúlacht tacaíochta
impersonation; look-alike fraud
calaois bunaithe ar an gcosúlacht
EU Special Representative in FYROM; EU Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; European Union Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; EUSR in FYROM; EUSR in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lebanon, of the other part
an Comhaontú Comhlachais Eora-Mheánmhara idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Liobáine, den pháirt eile
EU Biodiversity Strategy; European Community biodiversity strategy
Straitéis Bhithéagsúlachta an Aontais
principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
prionsabal na barainneachta, na héifeachtúlachta agus na héifeachtachta
Tá na Tíortha is Iarrthóirí, an Tuirc, Poblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine*, Montainéagró*, an tSeirbia* agus an Albáin*; tír an Phróisis Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais agus tír a d'fhéadfadh a bheith ina hiarrthóir amach anseo, an Bhosnia agus an Heirsea
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Albania on the activities of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in the Republic of Albania
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na hAlbáine maidir le gníomhaíochtaí Misin Faireacháin AE (EUMM) i bPoblacht na hAlbáine
CONCORDIA; European Union military operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Operation Concordia
Oibríocht Concordia; Oibríocht mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Kiev Protocol; Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment; Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context; SEA Protocol
Prótacal maidir le Measúnacht Straitéiseach Timpeallachta; Prótacal maidir le Measúnacht Straitéiseach Timpeallachta a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Measúnacht Tionchair Timpeallachta i gComhthéacs Trasteorann
European Union military operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Operation Artemis
Oibríocht Artemis; Oibríocht Mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands,; Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and; Treaty of Accession 2003; Treaty of Athens
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóvéine agus Phoblacht na Slóvaice l; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Poblacht na hOstaire, Pob; Conradh Aontachais 2003; Conradh na hAithne
As regards Iceland and Norway, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of No
Maidir leis an Íoslainn agus leis an Iorua, is éard atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen, de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIo
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Turkey on the participation of the Republic of Turkey in the European Union-led forces in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na Tuirce maidir le rannpháirtíocht Phoblacht na Tuirce i bhfórsaí faoi cheannas an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
EUPOL Proxima; European Union Police Mission in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; PROXIMA
EUPOL Proxima; Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of S
Ionstraim i dtaobh choinníollacha aontachais Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóivéine agus Phoblac
CPI; Joint Advisory Committee for Professional Incompetence; Joint Advisory Committee on Professional Incompetence
Comhchoiste Comhairleach um neamhinniúlacht ghairmiúil
Agreement between the European Union and Romania on the participation of Romania in the European Union-led forces (EUF) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Rómáin maidir le rannpháirtíocht na Rómáine i bhfórsaí faoi cheannas an Aontais Eorpaigh in iarPhoblacht Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Guidelines on criteria and modalities of implementation of structural funds in support of electronic communications; Guidelines on the use of structural funds in electronic communications
Treoirlínte maidir le critéir agus módúlachtaí chun cistí struchtúracha a chur chun feidhme mar thaca le cumarsáid leictreonach; Treoirlínte maidir le critéir agus rialacha mionsonraithe chun cistí struchtúracha a chur chun feidhme mar thaca le cumarsáid leictreonach
anailís ar chost-éifeachtúlacht
malolactic fermentation
coipeadh malalachtach
ESBL; extended-spectrum beta-lactamase; extended-spectrum β-lactamase
béite-lachtamáisí le speictream leathnaithe
sodium di(2-stearoyloxy)propionate; sodium di-2-stearoyl lactate; sodium stearoyl lactate; sodium stearoyl lactylate; sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
lachtaláit stéiril sóidiam
calcium di(2-stearoyloxy)propionate; calcium di-2-stearoyl lactate; calcium stearoyl lactate; calcium stearoyl lactylate; calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate
lachtáit stéiril chailciam; lachtaláit stéiril chailciam
éifeachtúlacht; tíosacht
monopoly of coastal trade
monaplacht na trádála cósta
equiprobability relation
coibhneas comhdhóchúlachta
degree of heating of the surrounding
méid an téimh sa timpeallacht
probability distribution of the stochastic variate
dáileadh dóchúlachta na hathráide stocastaí
scale inhomogeniety
neamh-aonchineálacht scála
equiprobability variance
athraitheas comhdhóchúlachta
harmfulness; noxiousness
inspection body
comhlacht cigireachta
criticality accident; criticality excursion; criticality incident
teagmhas criticiúlachta
trade monopoly
monaplacht trádála
retail sales monopoly
monaplacht ar an miondíol
start up firm; starting-up firm
gnólacht nua-thionscanta
discriminating monopoly
monaplacht idirdhealaitheach
labour productivity; productivity of labour
táirgiúlacht oibre
bilateral monopoly
monaplacht dhéthaobhach
marginal efficiency of capital
éifeachtúlacht imeallach caipitil
legal capacity to test; testamentary capacity
inniúlacht tiomnaithe
having capacity to make a will
inniúlacht ar uacht a dhéanamh
lactalbumin; milk albumin
lactose; milk sugar
lachtós; siúcra bainne
lactoprotein; milk protein
efficiency of cross-border payments
éifeachtúlacht íocaíochtaí trasteorann
cultural and linguistic diversity
éagsúlacht chultúrtha agus teanga
national and regional diversity
éagsúlacht náisiúnta agus réigiúnach
probability distribution of the variables
dáileadh dóchúlachta na n-athróg
beta-lactam; beta-lactam ring; β-lactam; β-lactam ring
body corporate; corporate body; corporate entity; corporation
comhlacht corpraithe
managing body of the port; port authority
comhlacht bainistíochta an chalafoirt; údarás calafoirt
Carnot efficiency
éifeachtúlacht Carnot
photovoltaic conversion efficiency; photovoltaic efficiency; PV conversion efficiency; solar cell conversion efficiency
éifeachtúlacht fhótavoltach
external trading environment
timpeallacht trádála eachtrach
international body or system
comhlacht nó córas idirnáisiúnta
regional body or system
comhlacht nó córas réigiúnach
central government body
comhlacht rialtais lárnaigh
local government body
comhlacht rialtais áitiúil
non-governmental body
comhlacht neamhrialtasach
recipient firm
gnólacht faighteora
modality for the treatment of liberalization
módúlacht chun déileáil le léirscaoileadh; riail mhionsonraithe chun déileáil le léirscaoileadh
Trade Policy Review Body
Comhlacht Athbhreithnithe ar an mBeartas Trádála
age-specific fertility rate; ASFR
ráta torthúlachta aois-sonrach; ráta torthúlachta sainaoise
crude fertility rate; general fertility rate
ráta ginearálta torthúlachta
fertility rate; TFR; total fertility rate
ráta iomlán torthúlachta
aid for start-ups; start-up aid
cabhair le haghaidh gnólachtaí nuathionscanta
biodiversity loss; loss of biodiversity; loss of biological diversity
cailliúint bithéagsúlachta; cailliúint na bithéagsúlachta
oil monopoly
monaplacht ola
agreement between third-country firms
comhaontú idir gnólachtaí tríú tíortha
specificity in tariff protection
sainiúlacht i gcosaint taraifí
monopoly for manufactured tobacco
monaplacht in earraí monaraithe tobac
State monopoly of a commercial character
Stát-mhonaplacht de chineál tráchtálach
monopolistic behaviour by firms
iompraíocht mhonaplach gnólachtaí
marketing capability of firms
cumas margaíochta gnólachtaí
export monopoly
monaplacht onnmhairiúcháin
exclusive external competence
inniúlacht eachtrach eisiach
regulated monopoly
monaplacht rialáilte
public monopoly; state monopoly
monaplacht stáit
new business
gnó nua; gnólacht nua
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of India on partnership and development
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht na hIndia i dtaca le comhpháirtíocht agus forbairt
Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character
déanfaidh na Ballstáit coigeartú ar aon Státmhonaplachtaí de chineál tráchtálach
legal capacity
inniúlacht dhlítheanach; inniúlacht dhlíthiúil
labor efficiency variance
athraitheas in éifeachtúlacht an lucht oibre; difríocht in éifeachtúlacht an lucht saothair
cost effective analysis; cost effectiveness study
anailís ar chost-éifeachtúlacht; anailís éifeachtúlacht costais
capacity to inherit
inniúlacht teacht in oidhreacht ar
increase in productivity; productivity growth; rise in productivity
méadú táirgiúlachta
tobacco monopoly
monaplacht tobac
bovine TB; bovine tuberculosis; Mycobacterium bovis infection; Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis
eitinn bhólachta
<i>Brucella abortus</i> infection; Bang's disease; bovine brucellosis; contagious abortion; infectious abortion
brúsalóis bhólachta
lactation; milk secretion
lachtadh; tál
delegated state monopoly
Stát-mhonaplacht arna tarmligean; Stát-mhonaplacht tharmligthe
B To B; B2B; business to business; business-to-business
gnólacht le gnólacht
conciliation body
comhlacht idir-réitigh
probability distribution of a random variable; probability distribution of an unidimensional random variable
dáileadh dóchúlachta athróige aontoisí randamaí; dáileadh dóchúlachta athróige randamaí
joint probability density function; probability density function for a continuous random variable
dlúsfheidhm chomhdhóchúlachta; dlúsfheidhm dhóchúlachta mar le athróg randamach leanúnach
fractile of a probability distribution; fractile of order p; quantile of a probability distribution
cuaintíl de dháileadh dóchúlachta; cuaintíl d'ord p
estimation of the expectation of a probability distribution
meastachán ar ionchas dáileacháin dóchúlachta
estimation of the variance of a probability distribution
meastachán ar athraitheas dáileacháin dóchúlachta
aerodynamic porosity
póiriúlacht aeraidinimiciúil
blade activity factor
comhéifeacht éifeachtúlachta na lainne
brake thermal efficiency
éifeachtúlacht theirmeach an choscáin
caprolactam; hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one
diffuser efficiency
éifeachtúlacht idirleatóra
ECS; environmental control system
córas rialaithe timpeallachta
flight environment
timpeallacht eitilte
survival probability function
feidhm dóchúlachta maireachtála
genetic variation; variation
éagsúlacht ghéiniteach
window-dressing operations
oibríochtaí dea-chosúlachta
end-year window-dressing operations
oibríochtaí dea-chosúlachta dheireadh na bliana
lamp efficacy; luminous efficacy
éifeachtacht solasfhoinse; éifeachtúlacht lonrúil
average current efficiency; CE; current efficiency
éifeachtúlacht srutha
energy conversion efficiency
éifeachtúlacht tiontaithe fuinnimh
body of creditors in bankruptcy
comhlacht creidiúnaithe i bhféimheacht; creidiúnaithe i bhféimheacht
capital risk society; venture capital firm
gnólacht caipitil fiontair
productivity agreement
comhaontú táirgiúlachta
toghlacht; toghthóirí
legislative body; legislature
comhlacht reachtach; reachtas
medical examination; medical examination for employment
scrúdú dochtúra ar inniúlacht duine i gcomhair fostaíochta
management body
comhlacht bainistíochta
purifying efficiency
éifeachtúlacht an íonúcháin
exterior environment
timpeallacht amuigh
interior environment
timpeallacht inmheánach
interception efficiency
éifeachtúlacht idircheaptha
atmospheric turbidity
moirtiúlacht an atmaisféir
quality objective for aquatic environment
sprioc cháilíochta faoi choinne timpeallacht uisceach
environmental audit efficiency
éifeachtúlacht iniúchadh comhshaoil
land management; land use planning; resource planning and development; spatial planning; town and country planning
bainistíocht talún; pleanáil agus forbairt acmhainní; pleanáil bhaile agus tuaithe; pleanáil spásúlachta; pleanáil úsáide talún
conveyance efficiency; water conveyance efficiency
éifeachtúlacht iompair; éifeachtúlacht iompair uisce
field application efficiency
éifeachtúlacht uisce a chur ar pháirc
model environment conditions; pilot environment factors
treoirthosca timpeallachta
franchise chain homogeneity
aonchineálacht sraith saincheadúnais
voluntary chain association; wholesale-and-retail association
comhlachas sreang-ghnólachtaí deonacha
franchisor's awareness; franchisor's notoriety
aitheantacht saincheadúnóra; aithne ar bhranda an tsaincheadúnóra; aithnidiúlacht saincheadúnóra
brand image uniqueness
uathúlacht na híomhá branda
local firm
gnólacht áitiúil