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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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European Landscape Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Thírdhreach na hEorpa
landscape unit
aonad tírdhreacha
landscape beauty
áilleacht tírdhreacha
landscape quality
cáilíocht tírdhreacha
landscape structure
struchtúr tírdhreacha
outdoor landscape
tírdhreach allamuigh
visible landscape
tírdhreach infheicthe
landscape texture
uigeacht tírdhreacha
digital environment; digital landscape; digital sphere
timpeallacht dhigiteach
Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape; FOEFL; SAEFL; Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
Gníomhaireacht Eilbhéiseach don Chomhshaol, do na Foraoisí agus don Tírdhreach
landscape review
athbhreithniú lánléargais
ENISA Threat Landscape; ETL; Threat Landscape Report
Tuarascáil ENISA ar thimpeallacht na bagartha
threat landscape
timpeallacht na bagartha
landscape target
targaid tírdhreacha (bain2)
miniature replica of a landscape target
mionsamhail de thargaid tírdhreacha (bain3)
miniature replica of a landscape target
mionmhacasamhail de thargaid tírdhreacha (bain3)
tírdhreach (fir3, gu: tírdhreacha, ai: tírdhreacha, gi: tírdhreach)