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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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MDA; minimum descent altitude
íosairde na tuirlingthe; MDA
MDH; minimum descent altitude/height; minimum descent height
íosairde na tuirlingthe
handling agent
gníomhaire láimhseála
emergency landing; forced landing
tuirlingt éigeandála
landing gear strut
teanntóg fearais tuirlingthe
cochall an innill; cochall innill
sublingual tablet
táibléad fotheangach
rolling noise
torann rollta
willingness-to-pay; WTP
fonnmhaireacht chun íoc; toilteanas chun íoc
postáil bholscaireachta; postáil fógraíochta
coolant; cooling fluid
coupling ball
meall cúplála
coupling head
ceann cúplála
dynamic rolling radius
ga rollacháin dinimiciúil
full cycling
timthriall iomlán
sailing ship; sailing vessel
long seoil; soitheach seoil
filling up; topping; topping up
CL; computational linguistics
environmental labelling
lipéadú comhshaoil
selling, general and administrative costs; selling, general and administrative expenses; SG&A costs; SGA expenses
costais díola, ghinearálta agus riaracháin; costais SGA
extrajudicial execution; extrajudicial killing; extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions; summary execution
bású achomair; bású seachbhreithiúnach
ceiling price
blowing through; bubbling
legal advice; legal counselling
comhairleoireacht dhlíthiúil
flour milling
muilleoireacht plúir
linguistic diversity
éagsúlacht teanga; éagsúlacht teangacha
poll card; polling card; voting card
cárta vótála
active tooling unit
aonad uirlisithe gníomhach
dismantling information
faisnéis díchoimeála
e-billing; EBPP; eInvoicing; e-invoicing; electronic bill presentment and payment; electronic billing; electronic invoicing
collateral pooling system
córas comhthiomsaithe comhthaobhachta
signalling lamp
lampa comharthaíochta
West Indian whistling-duck
feadlacha na nIndiacha Thiar
black-bellied whistling-duck
feadlacha tharrdhubh
white-faced whistling-duck
feadlacha aghaidhbhán
online sales; online selling; sales made over the internet
díolacháin ar líne
MESA; MEST; Mouse Ear Swelling Assay; Mouse Ear Swelling Test
measúnacht at chluas na luchóige; tástáil at chluas na luchóige
compulsive gambling; gambling addiction; gambling disorder; pathological gambling
andúil cearrbhachais
ACR+; ACRR; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling; Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management; Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management
ACR+; Comhlachas na gCathracha agus na Réigiún um Bainistiú Inbhuanaithe Acmhainní
ASP; average sales price; average selling price
meánphraghas díola
district heating and cooling system
córas téimh agus fuaraithe ceantair
racial profiling
próifíliú ciníoch
sample item; sampling unit
aonad samplála
sampling risk
riosca samplála
monetary unit sampling; MUS
sampláil aonad airgeadra
audit sampling; sampling
sampláil míreanna iniúchta
sterling area
limistéar steirling
debarment; loss of rights for failing to observe a time-limit
clearance of accounts; settling of accounts
imréiteach cuntas
filing clerk
cléireach comhdaithe
anti-subsidy duty; countervailing duty; CVD
dleacht frithchúitimh
exclusive dealing agreement; exclusive trading agreement
comhaontú déileála eisiach; comhaontú trádála eisiach
handling charge(s)
táille láimhsithe
indicative ceiling
uasteorainn tháscach
cooling-off period
tréimhse mharana
to give a preliminary ruling
réamhrialú a thabhairt
anti-subsidy measure; countervailing measure
beart frithchúitimh; beart frith-fhóirdheontais
refresher training; updating training; upskilling; workplace training
oiliúint leanúna; uasghrádú scileanna; uas-sciliú
sprinkling appliance
fearas spréite
nutrition labelling; nutritional labelling
lipéadú cothúcháin
case referred for a preliminary ruling
cás tarchurtha i gcomhair réamhrialaithe
Agreement on Interpretation and Application of Articles VI, XVI and XXIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures; Code on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
an Comhaontú maidir le Fóirdheontais agus le Bearta Frithchúitimh; Cód maidir le Fóirdheontais
Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances; Bonn Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar faoi Dhéileáil le Truailliú na Mara Thuaidh ag Ola agus ag Substaintí Dochracha Eile; Comhaontú Bhonn
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures; ASCM; SCM Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Fóirdheontais agus le Bearta Frithchúitimh
doorstep sales; doorstep selling; door-to-door sale; door-to-door selling
díol ó dhoras go doras; mangaireacht tairsí
Atlantic cod; cod; codfish; codling
trosc; trosc an Atlantaigh
usual form of handling
gnáthfhoirm láimhseála
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
climate modelling
samhaltú aeráide
Protocol on the Authentic Quadrilingual Text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944)
Prótacal maidir le téacs barántúil ceithretheangach an Choinbhinsiúin um eitlíocht shibhialta idirnáisiúnta (Chicago, 1944)
Codex Committee on Food Labelling
an Coiste Codex um Lipéadú Bia
Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling
an Coiste Codex um Modhanna Anailíse agus Samplála
Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Sleachta Ilteangacha as Taifid Stádais Shibhialta
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; BTWC; BWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Thocsaine; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Tocsaine agus maidir lena nDíothú; BTWC
inside dealing; insider dealing; insider trading
déileáil cos istigh; trádáil chos istigh
illegal immigrant smuggling; migrant smuggling; smuggling of migrants
smuigleáil imirceach; smuigleáil inimirceach neamhdhleathach
career counselling; career guidance; occupational guidance; vocational guidance
gairmthreoir; treoir ghairme
tariff dismantling
díchur taraifí
vessel flying the flag of ...; vessel sailing under the flag of ...
soitheach faoi bhratach ...
trawl fisheries; trawling
compulsory education; compulsory school attendance; compulsory schooling
freastal scoile éigeantach
falling-object protective structure; FOPS
struchtúr cosanta ar rudaí atá ag titim
enabling clause
alt cumasúcháin; clásal cumasúcháin
Spanish ling
langa Spáinneach
blue ling
langa gorm
fivebeard rockling
donnán cúig ribe
fourbeard rockling
donnán ceithre ribe
question referred for a preliminary ruling
ceist a tharchuirtear le haghaidh réamhrialaithe
reference for a preliminary ruling
tarchur chun réamhrialú
text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts; text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts
téacs ar chuir meitheal na saineolaithe dlí/teanga bailchríoch air; téacs ar chuir na saineolaithe dlí/teanga bailchríoch air
for the purpose of controlling immigration
d'fhonn inimirce a rialú
failing this; in the absence thereof
ina éagmais sin
failing unanimity
in éagmais na haontoilíochta
cooling apparatus
gaireas fuaraithe
waters falling within the jurisdiction of
uiscí a thagann faoi dhlínse ...
linguistic reference
tagairt teanga
Convention concerning the Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks; Dock Work Convention, 1973
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIarmhairtí Sóisialta na Modhanna Nua um Láimhseáil Lasta i nDugaí
International Whaling Commission; IWC
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Sheilg Míolta Móra
ICRW; International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling; International Whaling Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta um Sheilg Míolta Móra; ICRW
zero rate tariff ceilings
uasteorainneacha taraife saor ó dhleacht
Committee for Directives relating to Textile Names and Labelling; Committee on directives relating to textile names and labelling
an Coiste um Threoracha maidir le hAinmneacha Teicstílí agus le Lipéadú
propelling pencils and sliding pencils
pionsail tochrais agus pionsail sleamhnáin
preliminary ruling
the rulings contained in the case-law
an rialú atá sa chásdlí
selling price
praghas díola; praghas díolta
preliminary ruling procedure; preliminary ruling proceedings
nós imeachta um réamhrialú
products falling within regulation...
táirgí a thagann faoi réim...
procedure enabling those treaties to be revised
nós imeachta trínar féidir na conarthaí sin a athbhreithniú
computational modelling; computer modelling
samhaltú ar ríomhaire
motions calling for a matter to be declared inadmissible
neamh-inghlacthacht ábhair a thairiscint
tabling and moving of amendments
leasuithe a chur síos agus a thairiscint
model-building; modelling
process modelling
samhaltú próiseas
recycling; recycling of waste; waste recycling
pooling of resources
comhthiomsú acmhainní
request for a preliminary ruling
iarratas ar réamhrialú
Action programme to promote foreign language competence in the European Community; LINGUA; LINGUA programme
Clár gníomhaíochta chun inniúlacht i dteanga iasachta a chur ar aghaidh sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; LINGUA
remote handling equipment
trealamh cianláimhsithe
electric sound signalling apparatus
gaireas fuaimchomharthaíochta leictreach
to give a ruling
rialú a thabhairt; tabhair rialú
initial ceiling
uasteorainn tosaigh
fuel-recycling equipment
trealamh athchúrsála breosla
cancer-killing drug
cógas frith-ailse; druga frith-ailse
travelling festival
féile taistil; feis taistil
pooling of scientific research
comhthiomsú taighde eolaíoch
recycling of irradiated nuclear fuels
breoslaí núicléacha ionradaithe a thimthriall athuair
milling cutters and heads
gearrthóir agus ceann muilleála
rock drilling bits
béalmhír druileála carraige
gníomhaíochtaí athdhíola
the Member State responsible for controlling the entry of the alien
an Ballstát atá freagrach as iontráil an eachtrannaigh a rialú
silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling)
dramhshíoda (lena n-áirítear cocúin atá neamhoiriúnach lena dtochras)
the level ruling in that market
an leibhéal atá ar gnáthchleachtadh sa mhargadh sin; an leibhéal atá faoi réim sa mhargadh sin
railway rolling stock
rothra iarnróid
office responsible for settling claims; Settlements Office
an Oifig Socraíochtaí
Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Dlí/Teanga
filing cabinet
caibinéad comhad; comhadchaibinéad
cull; culling
SCNWA; Sealing Commission for the Northwest Atlantic
Coimisiún um Shealgaireacht Rónta an Atlantaigh Thiar Thuaidh
Chemical Weapons Convention; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; CWC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh, Stoc-Charnadh agus Úsáid Arm Ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú; an Coinbhinsiún um Airm Cheimiceacha; CWC
spotless starling
druid neamhbhallach
Cocos (Keeling) Islands; Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Críoch Oileáin Cocos (Keeling); Oileáin Cocos (Keeling)
black-billed Whistling Duck; West Indian whistling duck
feadlacha na nIndiacha Thiar
Bali minah; Rothschild's mynah; Rothschild's starling; white starling
míona Bali
bushy-tailed olingo
óiliongó scothánach
arms and drugs-dealing
ceannaíocht in airm agus i ndrugaí
the drilling industry
tionscal druileála
capping; landfill capping; surface sealing; top liner; top sealing
barrchaidhpeáil láithreáin líonta
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Food Labelling)
Meitheal Codex Alimentarius (Lipéadú Bia)
tadpole codling
coidlín torbáin
advance tax agreement; advance tax ruling; ATR; tax ruling
rialú cánach; socrú cánach
Declaration on Minorities; Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities
Dearbhú maidir le Cearta Daoine a bhaineann le Mionlaigh Náisiúnta nó Eitneacha, Creidimh agus Teanga
ground handling; ground-handling services
seirbhís ar an talamh; seirbhísí láimhseála ar an talamh
Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Coiste um Fhóirdheontais agus um Bearta Frithchúitimh
energy labelling; energy-efficiency labelling
lipéadú fuinnimh; lipéadú maidir le héifeachtúlacht fuinnimh
1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement; 1995 United Nations agreement concerning the conservation and management of straddling stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks; UN Fish Stocks Agreement; UNFSA
an Comhaontú maidir le Forálacha Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Dlí na Farraige an 10 Nollaig 1982 i ndáil le Caomhnú agus le Bainistiú Stoc Éisc Traslimistéir agus Stoc Éisc Mór-imirceach a chur chun feidhme; UNFSA
Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office
an Prótacal, arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le léiriú, trí réamhrialú, ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach
swindle; swindling
caimiléireacht; calaois
filing reference
tagairt chomhdaithe
car pooling; car sharing; lift sharing
roinnt gluaisteáin
BTWC Review Conference; Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Toscaine; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe de na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Toscaine agus maidir lena nDíothú
Chinese key; fingerroot; galingale
direct selling of transferable securities
díol díreach urrús inaistrithe
unscheduled landing
tuirlingt neamhsceidealta
molecular modelling
samhaltú móilíní
Protocol drawn up on the basis of article K.3 of the Treaty on the European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' f; Protocol on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests
an Prótacal, arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le léiriú, trí réamhrialuithe ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach, ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le leasanna airgeadais na gComhphobal Eorpach a chosaint
Protocol drawn up on the basis of article K.3 of the Treaty on the European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the use of information technology for customs
an Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir le léiriú, trí réamhrialuithe, ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach, ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le húsáid teicneolaíochta faisnéise chun críocha custaim
American lings; forkbeards
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction; Mine Ban Treaty; Ottawa Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Úsáid, Stoc-Charnadh, Táirgeadh agus Aistriú Mianach Frithphearsanra agus maidir lena nDíothú; Coinbhinsiún Ottawa
reshuffle; reshuffling
athdháileadh; athrú
influence peddling; trading in influence; trafficking in influence
mangaireacht tionchair
filing system; personal data filing system
córas comhdúcháin sonraí pearsanta
bubbling fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí boilgearnaí
GHS; Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals; Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
an Córas Comhchuibhithe Domhanda um Cheimiceáin a Aicmiú agus a Lipéadú; GHS
EUEB; European Union Ecolabelling Board
Bord Éicilipéadaithe an Aontais Eorpaigh
short sale; short selling; shorting
díol folamh
Palermo Protocol; Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; UN Protocol on Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
Prótacal in aghaidh Inimircigh a Smuigleáil ar Tír, ar Muir nó san Aer, ar Prótacal é lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta
LLU; local loop unbundling; unbundled access to the local loop; unbundling of local loop
díchuachadh na lúibe logánta
Working Party on Agricultural questions (Labelling of Processed Agricultural Products)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Talmhaíochta (Táirgí Talmhaíochta Próiseáilte a Lipéadú)
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Methods of Analysis and Sampling)
Meitheal Codex Alimentarius (Modhanna Anailíse agus Samplála)
AAR; aerial refuelling; airborne refuelling; air-to-air refuelling; IFR; in-flight refuelling
athbhreoslú san aer
Brazilian codling
coidlín Brasaíleach
honour killing
marú onóra
TSQ; Wellington flying squid
scuid eitilte Wellington
AFS Convention; International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Chórais Dhíobhálacha Frithsmálaithe ar Longa a Rialú; Coinbhinsiún AFS
dwarf chickling-vetch; flatpod peavine; flat-pod peavine; flat-podded vetchling; lesser chickpea.
peasairín dearg
caller location information; caller’s location information; calling line identity information; CLI; ECLI; emergency caller location information; LI; location information
faisnéis faoi shuíomh an ghlaoiteora
decoupling; decoupling of aid
díchúpláil cabhrach
Gaming Board for Sweden; National Gaming Board; Swedish Gambling Authority
Údarás Cearrbhachais na Sualainne
cash pooling
comhthiomsú airgid
failing state
stát atá ag loiceadh
dealing on own account
déileáil ar a chuntas féin
conceptual modelling
samhaltú coincheapúil
enabling capabilities
acmhainní cumasaithe
Brussels IIa Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000
Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 2201/2003 ón gComhairle maidir le dlínse agus maidir le haithint agus forfheidhmiú breithiúnas in ábhair maidir le pósadh agus le freagracht tuismitheora, lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1347/2000; Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 2201/2003 ón gComhairle maidir le dlínse agus maidir le haithint agus forghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair maidir le pósadh agus le freagracht tuismitheora agus lena n-aisghairtear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 1347/2000; Rialachán IIa na Bruiséile
boiling point elevation
ardú an fhiuchphointe
work scheduling system; WSS
córas sceidealaithe oibre; WSS
SPB; Special Boiling Point
fiuchphointe speisialta
resistant to boiling
sampling superintendent
maoirseoir samplála
ceiling of irrigated area
uasteorainn limistéir uiscithe
minimum selling price
íosphraghas díola
cardan joint; Hooke's coupling; Hooke's joint; universal joint
alt uilíoch
mottle; mottling
fly angling
clover hulling; hulling
scamhadh; scilligeadh
milling stage
céim na muilleála
seithe lomracháin
lye peeling
scamhadh buaice
annealing; hybridisation; nucleic acid hybridisation; renaturation
ainéaladh; athnádúrúchán; hibridiú; hibridiú aigéid núicléasaigh
ceiling; upper limit
food labelling
lipéadú bia
provisional countervailing duty
dleacht frithchúitimh shealadach
frequency scaling
scálú minicíochta
method of scaling cross-polar discrimination
modh chun idirdhealú traspholach a scálú
chilling; refrigeration
district cooling
córas fuaraithe ceantair
Community trade mark regulation; Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 on the Community trade mark; CTMR; EU trade mark Regulation; European Union trade mark Regulation; Regulation (EU) 2015/2424 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 on the Community trade mark and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 on the Community trade mark, and repealing Commission Regulation (EC; Regulation on the Community trade mark
Rialachán (AE) 2015/2424 lena leasaítear Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 207/2009 maidir leis an trádmharc Comhphobail agus Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 2868/95 lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 40/94 maidir leis an trádmharc Comhphobail, agus lena n-aisghair; Rialachán maidir le trádmharc AE; Rialachán maidir le Trádmharc an Aontais Eorpaigh; Rialachán maidir leis an trádmharc Comhphobail
usual forms of handling
gnáthbhealaí láimhseála
folding box stapling machine
meaisín chun boscaí fillteacha a stápláil
cooling water
uisce fuarúcháin
electoral turnout; percentage turnout; polling rate; turnout rate; voter turnout; voter turnout rate
ráta vótála
bush-tailed olingo
óiliongó scothánach
fulvous whistling duck
fead-lacha odhar
borrowing limit; debt ceiling
teorainn fiachais
sale at a loss; selling at a loss
díol faoina luach
encircling gill net; encircling gillnet
eangach gheolbhaigh timpeallaithe
credit limit; lending ceiling
teorainn chreidmheasa
travelling establishment
bunaíocht taistil
rolling period
tréimhse rollach
overbilling; overinvoicing
compiling economy
geilleagar ina bhfuil na cuntais á dtiomsú
office of the President falling vacant
folúntas in oifig an Uachtaráin
preliminary ruling procedure
nós imeachta chun réamhrialú
give preliminary rulings
réamhrialú a thabhairt; réamhrialuithe a thabhairt
gel formation; gelation; gelification; gelling
aerated sparkling wine
fíon súilíneach aeraithe
cultural and linguistic diversity
éagsúlacht chultúrtha agus teanga
sampling spear with a long split
sleá shamplála le scoilt fhada
sampling spear with compartments
sleá shamplála le hurranna
annealing; annealing of primers; primer annealing
ainéaladh prímeálach
cargo handling; freight handling
láimhseáil lasta
U.S.P.; unique selling point
gné uathúil dhíolacháin
E.S.P.; emotional selling point
an ghné is meallacaí den táirge
Pyramid selling
díol pirimide
method to be used for compiling data
modh tiomsaithe sonraí
solar cooling; solar-assisted cooling
fuarú gréine
prevailing wind; prevailing wind direction
blade trailing edge; trailing edge
cúlfhaobhar lainne
cut-out speed; furling speed
luas an ghearrtha amach
supercooling; undercooling
EGR; exhaust gas recirculation; exhaust recycling
athshruthú an gháis sceite
boiling heavy water reactor; HBWR; heavy water boiling reactor
imoibreoir tromuisce fiuchta
antifouling; antifouling composition; antifouling paint
frithscreamhán; péint frithscreamha
selling and marketing of air transport services
seirbhísí aeriompair a dhíol agus a mhargú
bottling plant; bottling winery; establishment for bottling wines
monarcha buidéalaithe
bull trawling; pair trawling
trálaeireacht phéire
boiling point; boiling temperature
constant-volume sampling; CVS
sampláil thoirt-tairiseach
aid ceiling; maximum aid intensity
uasteorainn cabhrach; uasteorainn na cabhrach
judgment delivered under the preliminary ruling procedure
breithiúnas arna thabhairt faoin nós imeachta um réamhrialú
collective exclusive dealing arrangement
socrú um chomhdhéileáil eisiach
tariff ceiling
uasteorainn taraife
inside dealing; insider dealing; insider trading
déileáil chos istigh; trádáil taobh istigh
anti-subsidy investigation; countervailing duty investigation
imscrúdú ar dhleacht frithchúitimh; imscrúdú frith-fhóirdheontais
cigarette smuggling
smuigleáil toitíní; smuigléireacht toitíní
light-signalling device
deis comharthaíochta solais
coupling pin
pionna cúplála
reactor with on-load refuelling
imoibreoir athbhreoslaithe leanúnaigh
emission cap; emission ceiling
uasteorainn astaíochta
cold calling by telephone
fuarghlaoch ar an teileafón
distilling dregs and waste
dríodar agus fuíoll an driogtha
whale catcher; whaler; whaling ship; whaling vessel
bád míolta móra
selling manure
díol aoiligh
quality sparkling wine
fíon súilíneach ar ardchaighdeán
multilingual packaging; multilingually-labelled package
pacáistíocht ilteangach
purchase or selling prices
praghsanna ceannaithe nó díolta
countervailing measures applicable to trade between member States
bearta frithchúitimh is infheidhme maidir le trádáil idir na Ballstáit
specialisation agreements or joint-buying or joint-selling agreements
comhaontuithe speisialtóireachta nó comhaontuithe comhcheannaigh nó comhdhíola
retail distribution; retail sale; retail sales; retail trade; retailing; sale by retail
imdháileadh miondíola; trádáil miondíola
profit-pooling contract
conradh chun brabús a chomhthiomsú
distribution costs; marketing costs; selling expenses
costas díola
dwelling; dwelling house
accounting machine; billing machine; invoicing machine
meaisín le haghaidh sonraiscthe; meaisín sonraiscthe
casting unit; rolling machine
inneall rollta
isokinetic sampling; isokinetic source sampling
sampláil isicinéiteach
vacuum filling
immersion chilling
bearded reedling; bearded tit
meantán croiméalach
falling price
praghas ag titim
sampling error
earráid de thoradh samplála
direct drilling; direct seeding; no-tillage; no-tillage farming; zero tillage
síolú díreach
ensilage; ensilaging; ensiling; silaging
chaff; tailings
subsoil tillage; subsoiling
curaíocht fo-ithreach
ainmhí coiscthe; ainmhí scoite
<I>Listeria monocytogenes</I> infection; circling disease; listerellosis; listeria infection; listeriosis; silage sickness
rubbers; scrapie; the trembling; trotting disease
sailing agreement
comhaontú seoltóireachta
energy bill; energy billing
bille fuinnimh
glass ceiling
síleáil ghloine
deshelling; shelling
collective exclusive dealing
comhdhéileáil eisiach
bottom trawling
trálaeireacht ghrinnill
sampling without replacement
sampláil gan athsholáthar
stratified random sampling; stratified sampling
sampláil shrathaithe
multistage sampling; multi-stage sampling
sampláil ilchéime; sampláil ilchéimneach
sampling inspection
iniúchadh samplála
acceptance sampling plan
plean samplála roimh inghlacthacht
sequential sampling
sampláil sheicheamhach
boiling reactor
imoibreoir fiuchta
bacterial bed; percolating filter; trickling filter
scagaire bitheolaíoch
multi-stage cluster sampling
sampláil bhraisle ilchéime; sampláil bhraisle ilchéimneach
ablative cooling
fuarú eisídeach
absolute ceiling
acceptance sampling
sampláil inghlacthachta
advanced approach and landing system
ardchóras ascnaimh agus tuirlingthe; córas forbartha ascnaimh agus tuirlingthe
air cooling unit
aonad aerfhuarúcháin
aircraft marshalling area
limistéar cogairsithe aerárthach
aircraft refuel coupling
cúpláil athbhreoslaithe aerárthaigh; cúplán athbhreoslaithe aerárthaigh
alighting area
láthair thuirlingthe
angle of descent
uillinn na tuirlingthe
approach idling conditions
dálaí réchasta ascnaimh
automatic approach and landing
uath-ascnamh agus uatuirlingt
auxiliary landing gear
fearas tuirlingthe cúnta
baulked landing
tuirlingt loicthe
biased sampling
sampláil laofa
bicycle undercarriage
fearas tuirlingthe rothaí teaindim
blade cooling
fuarú lainne; fuarúchán lainne
cathodic pickling
picil chatóideach
chemical contouring; chemical milling; contour etching
eitriú ceimiceach; muilleáil cheimiceach
ceiling projector; cloud searchlight
CL weight; conventional landing weight
meáchan gnáth-thuirlingthe
continuous multi-level sampling plan
plean samplála leanúnach il-leibhéil
continuous single level sampling plan
plean samplála leanúnach aonleibhéil
cooling drag
cúltarraingt fuarúcháin
cooling film
scannán fuarúcháin
cooling slots
sliotáin fuarúcháin
coupling agent
oibreán cúplála
creep buckling
búcláil théaltaitheach
cross rolling
crosrolladh; trasrolladh
descent velocity
treoluas na tuirlingthe
ditching tank
umar tástálacha tuirlingthe
ducted cooling
fuarú duchtaithe
falling leaf
duilleog ag titim; duilleog chaoch; duilleog fheoite; duilleog mharbh; duilleog thitime
flight refuelling
athbhreoslú le linn eitilte
hovering ceiling
uas-airde foluana
impact point
pointe tuirlingthe
isothermal annealing of steel
ainéaladh isiteirmeach cruach
landing aid
áis tuirlingthe
landing angle
uillinn tuirlingthe
landing approach canopy
téastar ascnaimh tuirlingthe
landing brake parachute
paraisiút coscáin tuirlingthe
landing compass
compás tuirlingthe
landing flap
flapa tuirlingthe; plapa ciumhais deiridh
landing gear
fearas tuirlingthe
landing pads
ceapa tuirlingthe
landing point
pointe tuirlingthe
landing procedure
nós imeachta tuirlingthe
landing ground run; landing roll; landing run
fad stoptha tuirlingte
landing shock
turraing tuirlingthe
landing site
láithreán tuirlingthe
landing skid
sleamhnán tuirlingthe
landing surface
dromchla tuirlingthe
landing zone
crios tuirlingthe
maximum landing weight
uasmheáchan tuirlingthe
multiple sampling plan
plean um ilsampláil
single sampling plan
plean samplála single
stall speed; stalling speed
luas loicthe
sampling probe
tóireadóir samplála
travelling time
am taistil
rolling work hours
uaireanta oibre rollacha
tooling costs
costais an uirlisithe
foreign exchange and precious metals dealing; income from foreign exchange and precious metals
ioncam ó mhalairt eachtrach agus ó mhiotail lómhara
foreign exchange and bullion transactions; foreign exchange and precious metals dealing; trading in foreign exchange and precious metals
idirbhearta i malairt eachtrach agus i mbuillean; trádáil i malairt eachtrach agus i miotail lómhara
forward dealing in securities
réamhdhéileáil in urrúis
landing light
solas tuirlingthe
ILS; instrument landing system
córas tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
calling port; port of call
calafort cuarda
administrative ruling
rialú riarthach
wage ceiling
uasteorainn pá
income ceiling
uasteorainn ioncaim
gravitational settling
síothlú imtharraingthe
reskilling; retraining; vocational retraining
athoiliúint ghairmiúil
rate of recycling; recycling rate
ráta athchúrsála
noise labelling system
córas lipéadaithe um thorann
modelling of a dump
samhaltú carn fuílligh; samhaltú dumpa
fluid sampling instrument for solid toxic and dangerous waste
samplóir sreabhán le haghaidh dramhaíola soladaí atá contúirteach tocsaineach
toxic and dangerous waste recycling
athchúrsáil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
solid urban waste recycling
athchúrsáil dramhaíola soladaí uirbí
annealing; thermal annealing
horizontal drilling
druileáil chothrománach
angle drilling; deviated drilling; directional drilling; downhole deviation drilling
encircling net; surrounding net
eangach timpeallaithe
troll line; trolling line
dorú trálála
rolling hedge
fálú rollach
aggregative fluidization; bubbling
continuous sampling plan
plean samplála leanúnach
bayonet coupling; bayonet mechanism; bayonet-type coupling
cúplán beaignite
lagoon ( for mining waste ); tailing pond
linn fuíll
waste handling; waste management
bainistiú dramhaíola
controlled tipping; deposition; landfilling
líonadh talún
sedimentation; settling
manual handling of loads
láimhsiú ualaí
gosling; young goose
éan gé; góislín
billeáil aonuaire
drawbar coupling
cúplán barra tarraingthe
fifth wheel coupling
cúplán an chúigiú roth
fifth wheel coupling pin; king pin
pionna ceann aise
controlling undertaking
gnóthas rialúcháin
organic recycling
athchúrsáil orgánach
biofouling; biological fouling; fouling
spraying; sprinkling
grinding; milling
styling elements
eilimintí stíleála
boiling water reactor; BWR
imoibreoir uisce fiuchta
gravity assist; slingshot
cooling equipment
trealamh fuaraithe
cosmopsarus regius; golden-breasted starling
druid órbhroinneach
biofouling organism; fouling organism
orgánach bithghiúrannach
felling; removal; timber-cutting; tree felling
leagan crann
distribution list; DL; mailing list
liosta seachadta
deafened; late deafened; post-lingually deaf
bodhraithe; duine a bhfuil bodhaire iar-urlabhra air
landing area; LDG
áit tuirlingthe
filling station; gas station; petrol station; service station
stáisiún peitril
desquamation; exfoliation; peeling; scaling
indwelling catheter
cataitéar cónaitheach; cataitéar lamhnáin
brown tumor; osteitis fibrosa; osteitis fibrosa cystica; von Recklinghausen disease of the bone
galar cnámh von Recklinghausen; oistéi-ítis fibrosa cystica
mental healing; psychotherapeutics; psychotherapy
síciteiripe; síciteiripic
multiple neurofibromatosis; neurofibromatosis; neurofibromatosis type 1; NF-1; von Recklinghausen's disease
galar von Recklinghausen; il-néaraifiobrómatóis; néaraifiobrómatóis; néaraifiobrómatóis cineál I
extumescence; swelling; tumefaction; tumescence; turgescence
waddling; waddling gait
boarding and alighting
bordáil agus tuirlingt
cab signal control system; cab signalling system
córas rialaithe le comharthaí sa chábán
calling on signal
comhartha stiúrtha
collection and distribution service
seirbhís bhailithe agus tuirlingthe
dynamic scheduling
sceidealú dinimiciúil
electronic coupling
cúpláil leictreonach
fouling movement
gluaiseacht bhactha
rolling stock unit
aonad rothstoic
interlocking route control; route control signalling
rialúchán bealaí comhghlasála
roving inspector; travelling ticket inspector
cigire ticéad
creep signalling; speed control signalling
comharthaíocht rialúcháin luais
trailing crossover
trasnasc cúil
trailing points
ladhróga cúil
landing distance available; LDA
an fad atá ar fáil don tuirlingt; fad infheidhme rúidbhealaigh
touch-and-go; touch-and-go landing
tuirlingt agus pras-imeacht
sampling plan; sampling scheme
plean samplála
ceiling of income; upper limit of income
uasteorainn ioncaim
method of sampling; sampling method; sampling procedure
modh samplála
stockbuilding; stock-building; stock-piling
random sampling; simple random sampling; SRS
sampláil randamach; sampláil randamach shimplí
geometric moving average; rolling geometric average; rolling geometric mean
meán geoiméadrach rollach
multilingualism; plurilingualism
ilteangachas; ilteangachas pobail
food handling
láimhseáil bia
automated shelf-edge labelling
uathlipéadú ar sheilfeanna
signaling; signalling
continuous ceiling
líneáil leanúnach
filling pipe
píobán líonta
roll; rolling
angle of heel; heeling angle
uillinn an tsíneacháin
drum load; hauling load
ualach druma
maintenance of rolling stock
cothabháil an rothstoic
signalling system
córas comharthaíochta
ANI; automatic number identification; caller ID; caller identification; calling line ID; calling line identification; calling line identity; CLI; CLID
aitheantas glaoiteora
traveling-wave tube; travelling wave tube; TWT
feadán toinne taistil; TWT
ILS glide path; instrument landing system glide path
conair eitilte um chóras tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
instrument landing system localiser; instrument landing system localizer
logaimsitheoir le haghaidh córas tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
traveling wave tube amplifier; TWTA
aimplitheoir feadáin toinne taistil; TWTA
barrelling; filling into casks
líonadh bairillí