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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
livestock production; livestock rearing; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; togáil stoic
livestock unit; LSU; LU
aonad beostoic
spreading of livestock effluents
leathadh eisilteach beostoic
Irish Livestock and Meat Board
CBF; Córas Beostoic agus Feola
Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance; HLCA
LCBS; Liúntas Cúiteach Beostoic Sléibhe
livestock farming
feirmeoireacht stoic; tógáil stoic
cattle show; livestock exhibition
seó eallaigh; taispeántas beostoic
cattle trade; trade in livestock
trádáil i mbeostoc
livestock statistics
staitisticí beostoic
livestock manure; manure
aoileach; eisilteach beostoic
farm manure; farm yard manure; farmyard manure; livestock manure
livestock show
seó beostoic
farm waste; livestock waste
dramhaíl feirme
livestock; livestock numbers; livestock population
Eastern Public Livestock Market
Margadh Poiblí Beostoic an Oirthir
grazing livestock; grazing stock