Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
(traffic jam)
where the high costs associated with switching to a competing product prevent consumers from changing brands or technical systems
arrangement or situation in which someone is obliged only to deal with a particular company
socrú ina bhfuil iallach ar dhuine éigin gan déileáil ach le comhlacht ar leith
(on canal)
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
right of blocking; right to block; right to have data blocked
an ceart go mblocálfaí sonraí
blocked account
cuntas stoptha
Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirthurais na Stát Talamhiata
landlocked country; landlocked State
stát talamhiata
landlocked and other geographically disadvantaged States; LLGDS
Stáit thalamhiata agus Stáit eile atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste geografach
LDLIC; least developed, landlocked and island countries
na tíortha is lú forbairt, talamhiata agus oileánacha
phase-locked loop receiver
glacadóir faoi choinne lúb pasghlasáilte
crosspolar channel locked to the copolar signal
cainéal traspholach glasáilte ar an gcomhartha comhpholach
blocked space
suíocháin bhlocáilte
blocked loans from shareholders
iasachtaí bactha ó scairshealbhóirí; iasachtaí stoptha ó scairshealbhóirí
interlocked points
ladhróga comhghlasáilte
locked up capital
caipiteal seasta
block space agreement; blocked-space agreement
comhaontú maidir le suíocháin in áirithe
Store locked up.
Stóráil faoi ghlas.