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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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palliative care
cúram maolaitheach
measures of relaxation
beart um maolú
proceed to a relaxation in the rules
téigh i gceann maolú ar na rialacha
depart from; to derogate from
chun maolú ar
to derogate from a rule
maolú ó riail
substantial relaxation in the rules ...
maolú substaintiúil ar na rialacha...
the measures ... may involve derogations from ...
d'fhéadfadh na bearta ... maolú a thabhairt ar ...
mitigation of the damages
maolú damáistí
Member State with a derogation
Ballstát a bhfuil maolú aige
American bald eagle
iolar maol Meiriceánach
mitigation action; mitigation measure
beart maolaithe; gníomhaíocht mhaolaithe
Euromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
Córas Eora-Mheánmhara chun tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine a mhaolú, a chosc agus a bhainistiú; Córas Eora-Mheánmhara um maolú, cosc agus bainistíocht tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine
Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations
Coinbhinsiún Tampere maidir le Soláthar Acmhainní Teileachumarsáide le haghaidh Maolú Tubaistí agus Oibríochtaí Faoisimh
climate change mitigation; mitigation; mitigation of climate change
maolú; maolú ar an athrú aeráide
dimmed light; subdued light
solas maolaithe
phosphate buffer
maolán fosfáite
attenuation data
sonraí maolúcháin
fading copolar signal
comhartha comhpholach maolaitheach
radiometric estimate of attenuation
meastachán radaiméadrach ar an maolú
attenuation histogram
histeagram maolúcháin
regression analysis between concurrent values of attenuation
anailís chúlchéimnithe idir luachanna comhreathacha maolúcháin
negligible attenuation at microwave frequencies
maolúchán diomaibhseach ag minicíochtaí micreathonnacha
radar-predicted attenuation
maolú radarthuartha
VB; Veronal buffer
maolán Veronal
abrogate a derogation
maolú a aisghairm
elution buffer
maolán ionnalta
temporary derogation
maolú sealadach
BBAT; Brucella-buffered antigen test; buffered Brucella antigen test
tástáil antaigin brucella maolánaithe
blocking buffer
maolán bacainneach; maolán blocála
lysis buffer
maolán lísis
aerodynamic damping
maolú aeraidinimiciúil; maolúchán aeraidinimiciúil
attenuation vector
veicteoir maolúcháin
ballistic damping error
earráid de thoradh maolú balaistíoch
blade damper
maolaire lainne
Coulomb damping; dry friction damping
maolú Coulomb
flame damper
maolaire lasrach
gust alleviation factor
fachtóir maolaithe séideáin
lag damper
maolaire moillaga
buffer zone; protection zone
crios maolánach
moderated environmental impact
tionchar maolaithe ar an gcomhshaol
nutation damper
maolaire nútaithe
buffer; buffer memory; buffer storage; buffer store; data buffer
stóras maolánach
aqueous buffer; buffer; buffer solution
maolán; tuaslagán maolánach
buffer time
aga maolánach
track buffer
maolán riain
damper; shock absorber
maolaire turrainge
modified adsorption
asúchán maolaithe
natural attenuation
maolúchán nádúrtha; tanúchán nádúrtha
buffer zone
crios maolánach
COFC; container on flat car
coimeádán ar vaigín maol
buffer capital; capital buffer
caipiteal maolánach
recognition of credit risk mitigation on securitisation positions
maolú riosca creidmheasa ar shuíomhanna urrúsaithe a aithint
recognition of risk mitigation techniques
teicnící um maolú riosca a aithint
credit mitigation; credit risk mitigation; CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa
mitigation and adaptation policies
beartais um maolú agus um oiriúnú
risk mitigation techniques
teicnící um maolú riosca
liquidity buffer; liquidity cushion
maolán leachtachta
NAMAs; nationally appropriate mitigation actions
GMIN; gníomhaíochtaí maolúcháin atá iomchuí ar bhonn náisiúnta
BPW; Buffered Peptone Water
BPW; uisce peaptóin maolánaithe
vacuum buffer volume
toirt maoláin folúis
phosphate buffered saline glucose; PSG
glúcós sailíne atá maolánaithe le fosfáit
PBS; phosphate buffered saline
sailíne atá maolánaithe le fosfáit
2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazin-1-yl]ethanesulfonic acid; Hepes; HEPES buffer
maolán hepes
antigen coating buffer
maolán cumhdaigh antaigine
unguided length of an obtuse crossing
fad neamhthreoraithe ag crosaire maoluilleach
acid/alkali reserve; acid/alkaline reserve; buffer capacity; buffering capacity
acmhainneacht mhaolánaithe; comhábhar maolánaithe aigéadach/alcaileach; cúltaca aigéadach/alcaileach
mitigating device
gléas maolaitheach
capital conservation buffer; conservation buffer
caipiteal maolánach caomhantais
buffer locking
glasáil maolán
buffer guide
treoir i leith maoláin
phase-cut dimmer
maolaitheoir pasghearrtha
buffer zone
crios maolánach
shock absorber
maolaire turrainge
frame buffer bandwidth
bandaleithead maoláin fráma
NAV buffer
maolán an ghlanluacha sócmhainní
Decision No 377/2013/EU derogating temporarily from Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community; Decision No 377/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2013 derogating temporarily from Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community; Stop-the-Clock Decision
Cinneadh 377/2013/AE lena maolaítear go sealadach ar Threoir 2003/87/CE lena mbunaítear scéim um liúntais astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa a thrádáil laistigh den Chomhphobal; Cinneadh 377/2013/AE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 24 Aibreán 2013 lena maolaítear go sealadach ar Threoir 2003/87/CE lena mbunaítear scéim um liúntais astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa a thrádáil laistigh den Chomhphobal; Cinneadh Stad-an-Clog
lateral attenuation
maolú cliathánach
internationally transferred mitigation outcome; ITMO
toradh maolúcháin arna aistriú go hidirnáisiúnta
unfunded credit risk mitigation; unfunded CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa neamhchistithe
funded credit risk mitigation; funded CRM
maolú riosca creidmheasa cistithe
limited life derogation; limited life time derogation; LLD
maolú na saolré teoranta
attenuating factors
tosca maolaithe (bain)
maolaigh (br, abr: maolú, aidbhr: maolaithe)
maol (a1)
cheese-head screw
scriú maolcheannach (fir4)
damped galvanometer
galbháinmhéadar maolaithe (fir1)
decelerate speed
maolaigh luas (br)
extenuating circumstances
imthosca maolaitheacha (bain)
flat trajectory
ruthag maol (fir1)
moderating lens
lionsa maolaithe (fir4)
neutron attenuation
maolú neodróin (fir)
absorb a shock
maolaigh turraing (br)
maolaigh (br, abr: maolú, aidbhr: maolaithe)
maolaire (fir4, gu: maolaire, ai: maolairí, gi: maolairí)
shock absorber
maolaire turrainge (fir4)
obtuse angle
maoluillinn (bain2, gu: maoluillinne, ai: maoluillinneacha, gi: maoluillinneacha)
mitigation or partial mitigation of a sentence
maolú nó páirtmhaolú pianbhreithe
mitigate a punishment
maolaigh pionós
slow down (movement by road)
maolaigh luasráta