Torthaí beachta
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Airgeadas Margadh a bhíonn gafa le hairgead a fháil agus a thabhairt ar iasacht go gearrthéarmach, ag cruthú naisc idir na forais airgeadais (bainc thráchtála, tithe lascaine, etc.), cuideachtaí agus an rialtas.
Finance A market engaged in the short-term lending and borrowing of money, linking together the financial institutions (commercial banks, discount houses, etc.), companies and the government.
Torthaí gaolmhara
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Airgeadas Oibríocht a dhéanann trádálaí nó déileálaí nuair is mian leis é/í féin a chosaint i riocht oscailte, go háirithe i ndíol nó i gceannach tráchtearra, airgeadra, urrúis, etc., ar móide go luaineoidh a phraghas le linn na tréimhse a bhfanfaidh an riocht sin oscailte.
Finance An operation undertaken by a trader or a dealer who wishes to protect an open position, especially a sale or a purchase of a commodity, currency, security, etc., that is likely to fluctuate in price over the period that the position remains open.
Airgeadas Ionstraimí fiachais gearrthéarmacha, a dhíolann rialtais, institiúidí airgeadais agus corparáidí, is ea urrúis mhargaidh airgid. Is é saintréith thábhachtach na n-urrús seo ná go mbíonn aibíochtaí acu ar uair a n-eisiúna, de bhliain amháin nó níos lú ná sin.
Finance Money market securities are short-term debt instruments sold by governments, financial institutions, and corporations. The important characteristic of these securities is that they have maturities of one year or less when issued.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
money market paper; money market security
urrús margadh airgid
cash market; spot market
margadh airgid; margadh airgid thirim; spotmhargadh
affiliated MMF; affiliated money market fund
ciste margadh airgid cleamhnaithe
extended maturity MMF; standard MMF
ciste margadh airgid aibíochta sínte