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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAmona-eistear fir1
gu mona-eistir, ai mona-eistir, gi mona-eistear
monai-eistear fir1 dímholta/superseded
gu monai-eistir, ai monai-eistir, gi monai-eistear
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
L-tartaric acid and its mono- and di-basic salt of sodium, potassium and calcium
aigéad l-tartarach agus a shóidiam, potaisiam agus cailciam aonbhunata agus débhunata
monolithic IC; monolithic integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe monailiotach
to adjust a monopoly
coigeartaigh monaplacht
monopoly delegated by the State to others
monaplacht a tarmligeadh ón Stát
State monopoly of a commercial character
Stát-mhonaplacht de chineál tráchtálach
monounsaturated fatty acid
aigéad sailleach monai-neamhsháithithe
dextrose monohydrate
monaihiodráit deastróis
fiscal monopolies
monaplacht fhioscach
glycerol monoacetate
mona-aicéatáit ghliocróil
monosodium salt
salann monasóideach
styrene monomer
monaiméir stiréine
dichloromethane; vinylidene chloride monomer
déchlóireitéin; monaiméir de chlóiríd vinilídéine
for monochrome pictures (positives)
do phictiúir mhonacrómacha (dearbhchlónna)
subject to a State monopoly
faoi réir Stát-mhonaplachta
cranberry; European cranberry; small cranberry
government monopoly; State monopoly
monaplacht stáit
American cranberry; cranberry; large cranberry
dwarf breams; monocle breams; THD; thread-fin breams
garbhánach snáitheiteach
monophosphoric acid; orthophosphoric acid; phosphoric acid
aigéad fosfarach
polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate; polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate; polysorbate 20
polasorbáit 20
polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate; polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate; polyoxyethylen-sorbitan-monooleat; polysorbate 80
monapalmatáit soirbíotáin pholocseitiléine; polasorbáit 80
polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate; polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate; polysorbate 40
monapalmatáit soirbíotáin pholocseitiléine
polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate; polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate; polysorbate 60
monaistéaráit soirbíotáin pholocseitiléine; polasorbáit 60
sorbitan monostearate
monaistéaráit soirbíotáin
sorbitan monolaurate
monaláráit soirbíotáin
sorbitan monooleate
mona-óláit soirbíotáin
sorbitan monopalmitate
monapalmatáit soirbíotáin
carbon monoxide
aonocsaíd charbóin
monosaccharide; monosaccharose
monopoly of coastal trade
monaplacht na trádála cósta
monogastric; nonruminant; non-ruminant
monolayer; monolayer culture
saothrán cille aonchisil
trade monopoly
monaplacht trádála
retail sales monopoly
monaplacht ar an miondíol
discriminating monopoly
monaplacht idirdhealaitheach
monopolistic competition
iomaíocht mhonaplach
bilateral monopoly
monaplacht dhéthaobhach
monopoly supplier of a service
soláthraí monaplach seirbhíse; soláthróir monaplach seirbhíse
oil monopoly
monaplacht ola
monopoly for manufactured tobacco
monaplacht in earraí monaraithe tobac
State monopoly of a commercial character
Stát-mhonaplacht de chineál tráchtálach
monopolistic behaviour by firms
iompraíocht mhonaplach gnólachtaí
export monopoly
monaplacht onnmhairiúcháin
regulated monopoly
monaplacht rialáilte
public monopoly; state monopoly
monaplacht stáit
monogerm seed
síol monageirme
ethane-1,2-diol; ethanediol; ethylene glycol; mono ethylene glycol; monoethylene glycol
gliocól eitiléine
Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character
déanfaidh na Ballstáit coigeartú ar aon Státmhonaplachtaí de chineál tráchtálach
confluent cell monolayer culture; confluent monolayer cell culture
saothrán cille aonchisil cumarach
tobacco monopoly
monaplacht tobac
<I>Listeria monocytogenes</I> infection; circling disease; listerellosis; listeria infection; listeriosis; silage sickness
delegated state monopoly
Stát-mhonaplacht arna tarmligean; Stát-mhonaplacht tharmligthe
low wing monoplane
eitleán monaplánach íos-sciathánach
mid-wing monoplane
eitleán monaplánach lársciathánach
monotonous work
obair leadránach
monopole aerial; monopole antenna; single-pole antenna; unipole aerial; unipole antenna
aeróg aonpholach
dugout; dugout canoe; logboat; monoxylon
bád scaobtha; crann snámha
monocanal cochlear implant; single-channel cochlear implant
ionchlannán cochla aonchainéil
monodispersed system
córas aoneasraithe
mAb; moAb; monoclonal antibody
antasubstaint mhonaclónach
sodium monohydrogen dicarbonate; sodium sesquicarbonate
sóidiam monaihidrigine décarbónáite
chlorodifluoromethane; difluorochloromethane; difluoromonochloromethane; fluorocarbon 22; HCFC-22; hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22; monochlorodifluoromethane; R-22; refrigerant 22
chloroethylene; VC; VCM; vinyl chloride; vinyl chloride monomer
clóireitiléin; clóiríd vinile; monaiméir clóiríde vinile; VCM
dinitrogen monoxide; dinitrogen oxide; laughing gas; nitrous oxide
gás gáire; monocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd nítriúil
mononitrogen monoxide; nitric oxide; nitrogen monoxide; NO
aonocsaíd nítrigine; ocsaíd nítreach
monovalent vaccine; univalent vaccine
vacsaín aonfhiúsach
monorail system
córas aonráille
saddle monorail system
córas aonráille diallaite
effective monopole radiated power; effective monopole radiated power in a given direction; EMRP
cumhacht choibhéiseach radaithe a sholáthraíonn aeróg aonpholach
2,2,2-trichloroethane-1,1-diol; chloral hydrate; trichloroacetaldehyde monohydrate
hiodráit chlórail
adenosine 5'-monophosphate; adenosine monophosphate; adenosine monophosphoric acid; adenosine-monophosphate
monafosfáit adanóisín
cAMP; cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate; cyclic AMP
AMP timthriallach; monafosfáit adanóisín thimthriallach
monomode fiber; monomode fibre; single-mode fiber; single-mode fibre
snáithín aonmhóid
monogenic disease; single gene defect disease; single gene disease
galar aonghineach
Advisory Committee on Restrictive Agreements and Dominant Position; Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions; Advisory Committee on restrictive practices and monopolies
Coiste Comhairleach um Chleachtais Shriantacha agus Riochtaí Ceannasacha
bond insurer; credit enhancer; monoline; monoline insurance company; monoline insurer; monoliner
cuideachta árachais aonlíne
mono-fuel vehicle; mono-fuelled vehicle; single fuel vehicle
feithicil aonbhreosla
mono fuel gas vehicle
feithicil aonbhreosla gháis
fetal lamb kidney cell monolayer; FLK cell monolayer
cill aonchisil FLK
immunoperoxidase monolayer assay; IPMA
measúnacht imdhíon-sárocsaíodáise aonchisil
peroxidase-conjugated MAb; peroxidase-conjugated monoclonal antibody
antasubstaint mhonaclónach atá comhchuingithe le sárocsaíodáis
magnetic bead
coirnín maighnéadach; mónóg mhaighnéadach
cell monolayer
cill aonchisil
monophasic strain
tréithchineál monapasach
confluent monolayer
aonchiseal cumarach
half confluent monolayer
aonchiseal leathchumarach
ethyl fluoride; fluoroethane; monofluoroethane
monopile; monopile foundation
aonphíle; aonphíleach
monoaminergic system
córas mona-aimínéirgeach
monopolar membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin aonpholaigh
polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether; polyoxyl stearyl ether
éitear stéirile polocsaile
potassium peroxomonosulphate
sárocsamonasulfáit photaisiam
cranberry false blossom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma bréagbhlátha na mónóige
cranberry ringspot; cranberry ringspot disease
galar spota fháinnigh mónóg
monoculture; one-crop system; single-crop farming; single-crop system
cranberry sauce
anlann mónóg (fir1)
leathshúileach (a1)
monotonous voice
glór aonréimeach (fir1)
monotonous voice
glór aontonach (fir1)
aonocsaíd (bain2, gu: aonocsaíde, ai: aonocsaídí, gi: aonocsaídí)
carbon monoxide
aonocsaíd charbóin (bain2)