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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
N.D.; New Democracy
Daonlathas Nua
Community Reference Laboratory for Newcastle disease; EU reference laboratory for Newcastle disease
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Ghalar Newcastle
pine wilt nematode; pine wood nematode; pinewood nematode; PWN
néimeatóid ghiúise
New York Protocol; Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas Dídeanaithe
digital economy; e-economy; internet economy; new economy; online economy; web economy
New People's Army; NPA
APN; Arm Nua an Phobail
Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies; ITER
an Institiúid Teicneolaíochta agus Fuinneamh Inathnuaite; ITER
feed aggregator; feed reader; news aggregator; RSS aggregator; RSS reader
comhbhailitheoir fothaí; léitheoir RSS
new cocoyam; new coco-yam; yantia
cabáiste cairibeach
non-renewable energy source
foinse fuinnimh neamh-inathnuaite
new technologies
International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants; UPOV Convention
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta do chosaint cineálacha nua plandaí; Coinbhinsiún UPOV
annual fee; annuity; annuity fee; maintenance fee; renewal fee
táille bhliantúil
Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals Agreement
an Comhaontú um shíntiúis le nuachtáin agus tréimhseacháin
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards; New York Convention; United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dámhachtainí Eadrána Coigríche a Aithint agus a Fhorghníomhú
new information technologies; new information technology; NIT
NTF; nuatheicneolaíocht faisnéise
new approach directive
treoir um chur chuige nua
NCI; New Community Instrument
Nua-Ionstraim Chomhphobail
new and renewable sources of energy; NRSE
foinsí nua agus inathnuaite fuinnimh
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants; UPOV
an tAontas Idirnáisiúnta um Chosaint Cineálacha nua Plandaí
renewal of the Community patent
an phaitinn Chomhphobail a choimeád i bhfeidhm
Convention concerning the Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks; Dock Work Convention, 1973
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIarmhairtí Sóisialta na Modhanna Nua um Láimhseáil Lasta i nDugaí
process for obtaining a new product
próiseas chun táirge nua a fháil
new situation
cor nua; staid nua
new technologies
nuatheicneolaíocht; teicneolaíocht nua
regenerative sources of energy; renewable energy sources; renewable sources of energy; renewables; RES; RSE
athnuaiteáin; foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh
Charter of Paris; Charter of Paris for a New Europe
Cairt Pháras; Cairt Pháras le haghaidh Eoraip Nua
new employment opportunities
deis fostaíochta nua
disposal of new organisms
diúscairt orgánach nua
the new parabolic aerials
an aeróg nua pharabóileach
renewal fee
táille athnuachana
Nairobi Programme of Action; Nairobi Programme of Action for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy; NPA
Clár Gníomhaíochta Nairobi um Fhorbairt agus um Úsáid Foinsí Nua agus Inathnuaite Fuinnimh
New Zealand
an Nua-Shéalainn
Independent State of Papua New Guinea; Papua New Guinea
Nua-Ghuine Phapua; Stát Neamhspleách Nua-Ghuine Phapua
New Caledonia
an Nua-Chaladóin
UNCNRSE; UNERG; United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe ar Fhoinsí Fuinnimh Nua agus Inathnuaite
New World monkeys
New Zealand brown teal
praslacha dhonn Nua-Shéalannach
INTAS; International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta um chur chun cinn an Chomhair le hEolaithe ó Stáit Neamhspleácha Nua an Iar-Aontais Shóivéadaigh; INTAS
to mark a new stage
tús a chur le céim nua
New Transatlantic Agenda; NTA
an Clár Oibre Nua Trasatlantach
NAB; New Arrangements to Borrow
Socraíochtaí Nua Iasachta
Working Party on New Buildings
an Mheitheal um Fhoirgnimh Nua
New Deal
an Beart Nua
renewed referral to Parliament
Tarchur athnuaite chuig an bParlaimint
New Zealand dredge oyster
oisre leathan Nua-Shéalannach
New Zealand scallop
muirín Nua-Shéalannach
CNG; New Guinea crocodile
crogall Nua-Ghuineach
Basel II; Basel II Accord; New Basel Capital Accord
Basel II; Comhaontú Nua Basel maidir le Caipiteal
Euro NCAP; European New Car Assessment Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Measúnú Gluaisteán Nua
extended newel
ráille staighre sínte
capital increase; increase of capital; increase of capital stock; new issue of capital
méadú caipitil
open-ended credit; renewable credit; revolving credit; revolving loan
creidmheas imrothlach
long-nosed echidna; New Guinea echidna
eicidneach socfhada
New Zealand parakeet; red-fronted kakariki; red-fronted parakeet
pearaicít uchtdearg
New World pigs; peccaries
new money facility
saoráid airgid nua
investment in new fixed assets
infheistíocht i sócmhainní dochta nua
news conference; press conference
comhdháil nuachta; comhdháil preasa; preasagallamh
new product
táirge nua
new financial service
seirbhís nua airgeadais
Community initiative to promote equal opportunities for women in the field of employment and vocational training; Employment-NOW; Employment-NOW (New Opportunities for Women); Employment-NOW Initiative
Fostaíocht NOW; Tionscnamh Comhphobail chun comhdheiseanna a chur chun cinn do mhná i réimsí na fostaíochta agus na gairmoiliúna
Altener programme; Specific actions for greater penetration of renewable energy sources
clár Altener; gníomhaíochtaí sonracha chun foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh a threá tuilleadh
new business
gnó nua; gnólacht nua
new planting right
ceart um plandú as an nua
balance carried; balance carried forward to new account; balance to be carried over; carry forward into subsequent period; carry-forward; opening balance; profit balance to be carried forward; profit carried forward; surplus carried forward to new account
iarmhéid atá le tabhairt ar aghaidh
allocation to renewal; provision for renewals; renewal fund; replacement fund; replacement reserve
cúlchiste athsholáthair
renewal of the herd
athnuachan an tréada
to breed a new type from an existing strain
tíopa nua a phórú as tréithchineál atá ann cheana
new exporter
turnover; water renewal
athnuachan uisce
new combustion plant
gléasra nua dócháin
new products test
tástáil táirgí nua
new value
luach nua
ráille staighre
to point; to round up the news
achoimrigh; tabhair achoimre ar an nuacht
neonatal screening; newborn screening
scagthástáil nuabheirthe; scagthástáil nua-naíoch
equine infectious bronchitis; equine influenza; Hoppengarten cough; laryngotracheobronchitis; Newmarket cough; shipping fever; the Cough
fliú eachaí
sinew; tendon
incoming orders; inflow of new orders
insreabhadh d'orduithe nua; orduithe inteachta; orduithe isteach
new orders-total
orduithe isteach - iomlán
newel; newel post; solid newel
lárchuaille staighre
an seomra nuachta
infection with Newcastle disease virus; Newcastle disease
galar Newcastle
renewal spur
spor athnuachana
new wine
fíon nua
newspaper wrapper; wrapper
newel; newel post
cuaille ráille staighre
couponing through newspaper advertisements
cúpónú trí fhógraí nuachtáin
new product introduction
seoladh táirge nua
newspaper advertising; press advertising
fógraíocht nuachtáin; fógraíocht preasa
newspaper advertising; press advertising
fógraíocht nuachtáin; fógraíocht preasa
newspaper campaign; press campaign
feachtas nuachtáin; feachtas preasa
special-interest newspaper
nuachtán sainspéise
standard newspaper
nuachtán caighdeánach
energy from renewable sources; renewable energy
fuinneamh inathnuaite; fuinneamh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite
toxicity test with continuous renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan leanúnach
toxicity test with periodic renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan thráthrialta
toxicity test without renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta gan athnuachan
non-renewable resource
acmhainn neamh-inathnuaite
renewable resource
acmhainn inathnuaite
New General Industrial Insurance Board
Bord Árachais Tionsclaíoch Ginearálta Nua
BNC; Working Group for the Assessment of New Commission Proposals
Grúpa Oibre BNC; Grúpa Oibre chun tograí nua ón gCoimisiún a mheasúnú
Altener II programme; Altener programme; Multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community
clár Altener II; clár ilbhliantúil chun foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh sa Chomhphobal a chur chun cinn
Programme to assist economic reform and recovery in the New Independent States and Mongolia
Clár chun cuidiú leis an athchóiriú agus an téarnamh eacnamaíoch sna Stáit Neamhspleácha Nua agus sa Mhongóil
New Delhi
Deilí Nua
New Zealand dollar; NZD
dollar na Nua-Shéalainne; NZD
Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market; Directive on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Internal Electricity Market; Renewables Directive; RES-E Directive
Treoir 2001/77/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 27 Meán Fómhair 2001 maidir le leictreachas arna tháirgeadh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh a chur chun cinn sa mhargadh inmheánach leictreachais; Treoir FIF-L; Treoir na bhFoinsí Inathnuaite
EREC; European Renewable Energy Council
An Chomhairle Eorpach um Fhuinneamh Inathnuaite; EREC
SCENIHR; Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks
an Coiste Eolaíoch um Rioscaí Sláinte Nua-Aitheanta atá ag teacht chun cinn
Agreement between the European Union and New Zealand on the participation of New Zealand in the European Union military crisis management operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Operation Althea)
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Nua-Shéalainn maidir le rannpháirtíocht na Nua-Shéalainne in oibríocht bainistithe géarchéime míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin (Oibríocht Althea)
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the Future: Renewable Sources of Energy - Green Paper for a Community Strategy
Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún - Fuinneamh don Todhchaí: Foinsí Inathnuaite Fuinnimh - Páipéar Uaine maidir le Straitéis Chomhphobail
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
Cumarsáid ón gCoimisiún: Fuinneamh don todhchaí: Foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh - Páipéar Bán maidir le straitéis Chomhphobail agus plean gníomhaíochta; Teachtaireacht ón gCoimisiún: Fuinneamh don todhchaí: Foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh - Páipéar Bán maidir le straitéis Chomhphobail agus plean gníomhaíochta
GEEREF; Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund
an Ciste Domhanda don Éifeachtúlacht Fuinnimh agus don Fhuinneamh Inathnuaite; GEEREF
multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies; Safer Internet plus
clár ilbhliantúil Comhphobail i dtaca le húsáid an Idirlín agus teicneolaíochtaí nua ar líne ar bhonn níos sábháilte; Safer Internet plus
Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America renewing a programme of cooperation in higher education and vocational education and training
Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá lena n-athnuaitear clár um chomhar san ardoideachas, sa ghairmoideachas agus sa ghairmoiliúint
renewed Lisbon strategy; renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs
stráitéis Liospóin athnuaite; straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith fáis agus fostaíochta
acquisition of new business
gnó nua a fháil
Barroso package; Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package; Climate and Energy Package; integrated energy and climate change package
pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus athrú aeráide; pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus um an athrú aeráide
Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC; Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources; RED; Renewable Energy Directive; Renewables Directive
an Treoir maidir le Fuinneamh Inathnuaite; Treoir 2009/28/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 23 Aibreán 2009 maidir le húsáid fuinnimh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite a chur chun cinn agus lena leasaítear agus lena n-aisghairtear ina dhiaidh sin Treoir 2001/77/CE agus Treoir 2003/30/CE
ACTA; Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement; Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Mexican States, the Kingdom of Morocco, New Zealand, the Republic of Singapore, the Swiss Confederation and t
ACTA; comhaontú trádála um fhrith-ghóchumadh
New Skills for New Jobs Initiative
Tionscnamh um Scileanna nua do Phoist nua
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change
an Tuarascáil Straitéiseach ar Straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith Fáis agus Fostaíochta: an Timthriall Nua á sheoladh (2008-2010) Lean de Luas na Leasuithe
NEDC; New European Drive Cycle; New European Driving Cycle
an tSraith Nua Eorpach Tiomána; NEDC; Timthriall Tiomána Nua Eorpach
feed; news feed; syndication format; web feed
fotha nuachta
EU Strategy for Central Asia; Strategy for a New Partnership with Central Asia
an Straitéis do Nuapháirtíocht leis an Áise Láir; Straitéis an Aontais Eorpaigh don Áise Láir
renewed social agenda; revised social agenda
an Clár Oibre Sóisialta Athnuaite
Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR); SESAR Joint Undertaking; SESAR JU; SJU
an Comhghnóthas chun glúin nua an chórais Eorpaigh um bainistíocht aerthráchta (SESAR) a fhorbairt; Comhghnóthas SESAR
New Caledonian parakeet; New Caledonian red-crowned parakeet; red-crowned parakeet
pearaicít dheargchorónach
International Renewable Energy Agency; IRENA
an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta um Fhuinneamh Inathnuaite; IRENA
renewable energy obligation
oibleagáid fuinneamh inathnuaite a úsáid
renewable energy support scheme; support scheme; support scheme to promote the use of energy from renewable resources
scéim tacaíochta; scéim tacaíochta um úsáid fuinnimh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite a chur chun cinn
NED; new and emerging democracies
stáit dhaonlathacha úra agus stáit dhaonlathacha atá ag teacht chun cinn
New Legislative Framework; New Legislative Framework for the marketing of products; NLF
Creat Reachtach Nua
new entrant
iontrálaí nua
NER; new entrants' reserve
cúlchiste le haghaidh iontrálaithe nua
renewed consensus on enlargement
comhthoil athnuaite i ndáil leis an méadú
agenda for new skills and jobs
clár oibre do scileanna nua agus do phoist; clár oibre do scileanna nua agus do phoist nua: an Rannchuidiú Eorpach sa lánfhostaíocht
renewal of a licence
athnuachan ceadúnais
New Horizon initiative
tionscnamh New Horizon
newly acquired asset
sócmhainní a fuarthas le déanaí
renewal rights
cearta athnuachana
Lisbon Council; Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
Comhairle Liospóin; Comhairle Liospóin um Iomaíochas Eacnamaíoch agus um Athnuachan Shóisialta
new exporter review
athbhreithniú onnmhaireora nua
NDM-1; New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1
miotalaibéite-lachtamáis Dheilí Nua; NDM-1
new psychoactive substance; novel psychoactive substance; NPS
substaint shícighníomhach nua
new psychoactive substance; NPS
substaint shícighníomhach nua
new synthetic drug
druga sintéiseach nua
decision on the admissibility of a new plea in law
cinneadh faoi inghlacthacht pléadála nua
new time-limit for the further steps in the proceedings
tréimhsí nua do na céimeanna eile sna himeachtaí
new media
meáin nua
úr don ghnólacht
úr don mhargadh
A New Strategy for the Single Market; Monti report
Stráitéis Nua don Mhargadh Aonair; Tuarascáil Monti
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (New legal framework)
an Mheitheal um Chomhchuibhiú Teicniúil (Creat dlíthiúil nua)
abandonment of a new-born infant
tréigean linbh nuabheirthe
Creative Europe; Creative Europe - A new framework programme for the cultural and creative sectors (2014-2020)
Eoraip na Cruthaitheachta; Eoraip na Cruthaitheachta - creatchlár nua d'earnálacha an chultúir agus na cruthaitheachta
high-renewables case; high-renewables scenario
cás ardúsáid foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh
New Deal; New Deal for engagement in fragile states; New Deal for Engagement with Fragile and Conflict Affected States
Beart Nua um Rannpháirtíocht i Stáit Leochaileacha
contribution of renewable energy sources; renewable energy source contribution; RES contribution
rannchuidiú tairbhe foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh
intermittent energy source; variable renewable energy; VRE
fuinneamh inathnuaite inathraitheach
ENTRi; Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management
ENTRi; Tionscnamh Nua Oiliúna Eorpach maidir le Bainistiú Sibhialtach Géarchéime
curtailment of renewable energy; curtailment of renewable energy generation; curtailment of renewable generation
ciorrú fuinnimh inathnuaite
NANDO Information System; NANDO system; New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System
córas faisnéise NANDO
EFNI; European Forum for New Ideas
Fóram Eorpach um Smaointe Nua
Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand
Toscaireacht don chaidreamh leis an Astráil agus leis an Nua-Shéalainn
Unit for Asia, Australia and New Zealand
An tAonad don Áise, don Astráil agus don Nua-Shéalainn
Mobility and New Solutions Service
An tSeirbhís um an tSoghluaisteacht agus um Réitigh Nua
New Legislative Framework Alignment Package
Pacáiste Ailíniúcháin don Chreat Nua Reachtach
emerging communicable disease; new communicable disease
galar teagmhálach atá ag teacht chun cinn
BRICS Development Bank; New Development Bank
an Banc Forbartha Nua
Vanguard Initiative; Vanguard Initiative for New Growth through Smart Specialisation
Tionscnamh Vanguard le haghaidh Fás Nua trí Speisialtóireacht Chliste
New European Financial Coalition against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Online
an Chomhghuaillíocht Airgeadais Eorpach Nua i gcoinne Teacht i dTír Gnéasach a Dhéanamh ar Leanaí Ar Líne
contract renewal option
rogha athnuachana conartha
aggregator; news aggregation service
seirbhís comhbhailiúcháin nuachta
news digest
coimriúchán nuachta
Newsroom; TV Newsroom
an Seomra Nuachta
European Union Internal Security Strategy 2015-2020; renewed EU Internal Security Strategy; renewed European Union Internal Security Strategy; renewed European Union Internal Security Strategy 2015-2020
Straitéis athnuaite Slándála Inmheánaí don Aontas Eorpach 2015-2020; Straitéis Slándála Inmheánaí AE 2015-2020; Straitéis Slándála Inmheánaí don Aontas Eorpach 2015-2020
card renewal index
innéacs athnuachana cárta
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy; new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Cúnant na Méaraí don Aeráid & d’Fhuinneamh; Cúnant nua comhtháite na Méaraí don Aeráid & d’Fhuinneamh
New Skills Agenda; New Skills Agenda for Europe
an Clár Oibre Eorpach do Scileanna Nua; Clár Oibre Nua Scileanna don Eoraip
renewal of a mother plant
athnuachan ar mháithreach phlandaí
EU Early Warning System on new psychoactive substances; EU EWS on NPS
Córas Réamhrabhaidh AE ar shubstaintí sícighníomhacha nua
New Urban Agenda
clár oibre uirbeach nua
New Deal for Migration
Beart Nua um an Imirce
NEV; new energy car; new energy vehicle
feithicil fuinnimh nua; NEV
New York Declaration; New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
Dearbhú Nua-Eabhrac; Dearbhú Nua-Eabhrac maidir le Dídeanaithe agus Imircigh
new market-based mechanism; NMM
sásra margadhbhunaithe nua
Renewed Action Plan on Return
plean gníomhaíochta athnuaite maidir le filleadh
CONE; cost of new entry
costas ar iontráil nua
fake news
non-renewal of the EU Blue Card
neamh-athnuachan Chárta Gorm AE
kangaroo apple; New Zealand nightshade; poroporo
fuath Nua-Shéalannach
new START; new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Cónaidhm na Rúise ar Bhearta chun Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Laghdú agus a Theorannú a Thuilleadh; an Conradh Nua um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START nua
mid-term renewal
athnuachan meántéarma
féitheog (bain2, gu: féitheoige)
renewal voucher
cruthúnacht athnuachana (bain3)
new guard
nuagharda (fir4, gu: nuagharda, ai: nuaghardaí, gi: nuaghardaí)
New Year
Athbhliain (bain3, gu: Athbhliana, ai: Athbhlianta, gi: Athbhlianta)
New Years Eve
Oíche Chaille (bain4)
renew the attack
athnuaigh an t-ionsaí (br)
news agency
gníomhaireacht nuachta (bain3)
New Zealand
an Nua-Shéalainn (bain2, gu: na Nua-Shéalainne)
Papua New Guinea
Nua-Ghuine Phapua (bain4)
New York
Nua-Eabhrac (fir4, gu: Nua-Eabhrac)
nuacht (bain3, gu: nuachta)
Talamh an Éisc (bain5, gu: Thalamh an Éisc)
New Guinea
an Nua-Ghuine (bain4, gu: na Nua-Ghuine)
New Ireland
Éire Nua (bain5, gu: na hÉireann Nua)
renew articles of equipment
athnuaigh earraí trealaimh