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Auxilliary glossaries
call to order
glaoigh chun oird
point of order
pointe oird
Doctors Without Borders; Médecins Sans Frontières; MSF
Médecins Sans Frontières; MSF
border resident; frontier zone inhabitant
cónaitheoir teorann
cross-border crime; transnational crime
coireacht thrasnáisiúnta
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
ODP; Orderly Departure Programme
Clár um Imeacht Ordúil
birth defect; congenital anomaly; congenital defect; congenital disease; congenital disorder; congenital malformation
éalaing bheirthe; neamhord ó bhroinn
mental disability; mental disorder; mental health disability; mental health disorder; mental impairment
lagú meabhrach; míchumas meabhrach; neamhord meabhrach; neamhord sláinte meabhraí
Reporters Without Borders; Reporters Without Borders International; RWB
RSF; Tuairisceoirí gan Teorainneacha
bulleted list; UL; unordered list
liosta le hurchair
disorders of sex development; DSDs; hermaphroditism; intersex
schizoaffective disorder
neamhord scitseamothachtálach
compulsive gambling; gambling addiction; gambling disorder; pathological gambling
andúil cearrbhachais
cash with order
airgead le hordú; airgead leis an ordú
Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning the Waiver of Passport Control at the Intra-Nordic Frontiers; Convention on the Abolition of Passport Controls at Intra-Nordic Borders; Nordic Passport Agreement
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú Pasanna a chur ar ceal ag Teorainneacha idir Tíortha Nordacha
to be expanded
ordú go bhfairsingeofar...
cross-border commuter; cross-border worker
oibrí trasteorann
maritime border; sea border
teorainn farraige; teorainn mhuirí
border post
trasphointe teorann
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; Schengen Agreement
an Comhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile; Comhaontú Schengen
Convention concerning measures to be taken by the Member States of the Western European Union in order to enable the Agency for the Control of Armaments to carry out its control effectively and making provision for the due process of law in accordance wit
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bearta a bheidh le glacadh ag ballstáit Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa a chumasóidh an Ghníomhaireacht um Armálacha a Rialú rialú a fheidhmiú go héifeachtach agus foráil a dhéanamh maidir le próiseas cuí dlí de réir Phrótacal Uimh. IV
adjudication order
ordú féimheachta
abolition of border controls; abolition of internal border controls
díothú an rialaithe ag teorainneacha inmheánacha; rialuithe teorann a dhíothú; rialuithe teorann inmheánaí a dhíothú
illegal entry; irregular border crossing; irregular entry; unauthorised border crossing; unauthorised crossing of a border; unauthorised entry
iontráil neamhdhleathach; teacht isteach neamhdhleathach
MSD; musculoskeletal disorder
neamhord matánchnámharlaigh
Reshaping the international order; RIO
athstruchtúrú an oird idirnáisiúnta; RIO
LBT; local border traffic; local frontier traffic
trácht teorann áitiúil
AEBR; Association of European Border Regions
Comhlachas Réigiúin Teorann na hEorpa; CRTE
UNBRO; United Nations Border Relief Operation
Oibríocht Fóirithinte Teorann na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNBRO
c.w.o.; cash with order
airgead le hordú; airgead leis an ordú
reasoned order
ordú réasúnaithe
Ministerial Order
Ordú ón Aire
in chronological order
in ord croineolaíoch
Community legal order; Union legal order
dlíchóras an Aontais
in order to
chun; d'fhonn
in order to...
chun; d'fhonn...
order form
foirm ordaithe
order of precedence
in ord tosaíochta
detention order
ordú coinneála
land border
teorainn talún
order of voting on amendments
an t-ord ina ndéanfar vótáil ar leasuithe
Community initiative concerning border areas; Interreg
Interreg; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le réigiúin teorann
1990 Schengen Convention; CISA; Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement; Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; CSA; Schengen Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena ndéantar Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile a c; Coinbhinsiún Schengen
EU internal border; internal border
teorainn inmheánach
external border
teorainn sheachtrach
BCP; border crossing point
pointe trasnaithe teorann
border crossing permit; document authorising border crossing
cead um thrasnú teorann
cross-border surveillance
faireachas trasteorann
mail order
border crossing; crossing of borders; crossing of frontiers
trasnú teorainneacha
in order of severity
in ord déine
to order a periodic payment by way of a penalty; to order a periodic penalty payment
íocaíocht phionósach thréimhsiúil a fhorchur
order that application of the contested act be suspended
a ordú go bhfionrófar feidhm an ghnímh a chonspóidtear
order matching system; trade matching system
córas meaitseála trádála
cross-border payment
íocaíocht trasteorann
final and unappealable order; final order
ordú críochnaitheach
mail order; mail order trading
ordre public; public order (<i>ordre public</i>); public policy; public policy (<i>ordre public</i>)
beartas poiblí; beartas poiblí (<i>ordre public</i>); ord poiblí
border control and formalities
rialú agus foirmiúlachtaí teorann
EURES cross-border partnership; EURES-T
comhpháirtíocht trasteorann EURES; EURES-T
cross-border cooperation
comhar trasteorann
cross-border crime; transnational crime
coireacht trasteorann
Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networks; Interreg II
Interreg II; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le forbairt réigiúin teorann, comhar trasteorann agus gréasáin fuinnimh roghnaithe
Agreement concerning Postal Money Orders
Comhaontú maidir le hOrduithe Airgid Poist
Phare CBC programme; Phare cross-border cooperation programme; programme for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Phare programme
clár PHARE um chomhar trasteorann
Money Orders Agreement (1994)
an Comhaontú maidir le hOrduithe Airgid (1994)
cross-border hot pursuit; hot pursuit
tóir thrasteorann
Protocol on Accession of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
an Prótacal um Aontachas Rialtas Ríocht na Danmhairge a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Díothú Rialúchán de réir a chéile ag a gComhtheorainneacha arna shíniú i Schengen, 14 Meitheamh 1985
Accession Agreement of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders, signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile, arna shíniú in Schengen an 19 Meitheamh
Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Finland to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Phoblacht na Fionlainne don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen an 19 Meithea
Agreement on the Accession of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengena n 14 Meitheamh 1985 maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen an 19 Meitheamh 1
Protocol on Accession of the Government of the Republic of Finland to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
Prótacal um Aontachas Rialtas Phoblacht na Fionlainne don Chomhaontú maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen ar 14 Meitheamh 1985
Protocol on Accession of the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
an Prótacal um Aontachas Rialtas Ríocht na Sualainne a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Díothú Rialuithe de réir a chéile ag a gComhtheorainneacha arna shíniú in Schengen, 14 Meitheamh 1985
BG; border guard; border official
garda teorann; oifigeach teorann
Schengen Consultation Network; Visa Inquiry Open-Border Network; Vision
Líonra Comhairliúcháin Schengen; Vision
Protocol on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external borders
Prótacal maidir le caidreamh eachtrach na mBallstát i dtaca le teorainneacha seachtracha a thrasnú
cross-border flow of personal data; transborder flow of personal data
sreabh trasteorann sonraí pearsanta
border management
bainistiú teorainneacha
Handbook on cross-border police cooperation; police cooperation handbook; Schengen police cooperation handbook
lámhleabhar comhair póilíneachta; lámhleabhar maidir le comhar póilíneachta trasteorann
first line border check; first line check; first line control
seiceáil ar an gcéad líne
second line check; second line control; second-line border check
seiceáil ar an dara líne
border control
rialú ag teorainneacha; rialú teorann
border surveillance
faireachas teorainneacha
OB; ORBAT; order of battle
ORBAT; ord catha
improper matched order
ordú comhoiriúnaithe míchuí
Plan for the management of the external borders of the Member States of the European Union
an Plean chun teorainneacha seachtracha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh a bhainistiú
detention order
ordú coinneála
confiscation order
ordú coigistíochta
serious cross-border crime
coireacht thromchúiseach thrasteorann
bona fide unsolicited order
ordú bona fide gan iarraidh
EUIBM; European integrated border management; integrated border management; integrated management of the external borders
bainistíocht chomhtháite ar theorainneacha seachtracha; bainistiú comhtháite ar theorainneacha seachtracha; bainistiú comhtháite teorainneacha
integrated management system for external borders
córas comhtháite bainistíochta do theorainneacha seachtracha
orderly market
margadh ordúil
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union; Frontex
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach chun Comhar Oibríochtúil a Bhainistiú ag Teorainneacha Seachtracha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh; Frontex
freezing order
ordú calctha
ODD; oppositional defiant disorder
neamhord greannach freasúraíoch
fill or kill order; FOK
ordú “líon anois nó cealaigh”; ordú FOK
bordering area
limistéar críochantachta; limistéar tadhlach
maritime waters bordering both parties
uiscí farraige atá i dteorainn leis an dá pháirtí
banker's order; standing order
limit order
ordú teorann
orderly realization of assets
réadú ordúil sócmhainní
AID; autoimmune disease; autoimmune disorder
galar uath-imdhíonachta; neamhord uath-imdhíonachta
FDR; flight data recorder
taifeadán sonraí eitilte
recovery order
ordú gnóthaithe
repayment order
ordú aisíocaíochta
mail-order store
siopa postdíola
claim for judicial review; constitutional writ; prerogative order; prerogative writ
eascaire sainphribhléide
endocrine disorder; endocrine dysfunction; endocrine system disorder
neamhord an chórais inchrínigh
payment order
ordú íocaíochta
border price
praghas ag an teorainn
cross-border advertising
fógraíocht trasteorann
interim effect of the order
éifeacht eatramhach an ordaithe
statement of the form or order sought by the intervener in support of or opposing, in whole or in part, the form of order sought by one of the parties
ráiteas faoin saghas ordaithe atá á lorg ag an idiragraí, a dhéanann tacú leis an saghas ordaithe atá á lorg ag duine de na páirtithe, nó cur ina choinne go hiomlán nó go páirteach
form of order sought by the applicant
an saghas ordaithe atá á lorg ag an iarratasóir
form of order sought by the applicant
an saghas ordaithe atá á lorg ag an iarratasóir
authenticated copy of the order
cóip fhíordheimhnithe den ordú
interim measure; interim order
beart eatramhach
order of a Chamber
ordú Dlísheomra
order of resumption of proceedings
ordú um athchromadh ar na himeachtaí
order to stay
ordú baic
reasoned order
ordú réasúnaithe
order from which no appeal lies
ordú nach mbeidh aon ábhar achomhairc ann ina aghaidh
order which closes the proceedings
ordú a chuireann clabhsúr ar na himeachtaí
order the reopening of the oral procedure
ordaigh athoscailt an nós imeachta ó bhéal
order any measure of inquiry
aon bhearta fiosrúcháin a ordú
putting the application in order
an t-iarratas a chur in ord
order that the costs be shared
na costais a roinnt; ordú chun na costais a roinnt
give a decision on the action by reasoned order
breith a thabhairt de réir ordú réasúnaithe
efficiency of cross-border payments
éifeachtúlacht íocaíochtaí trasteorann
bleeding disorder
neamhord fuilreatha
CBC; cross-border cooperation
comhar trasteorann
heliograph; sunshine recorder
border measure
beart teorann
order for a reduction in prices
ordú maidir le laghdú ar phraghsanna
cross-border purchase
ceannach trasteorann; ceannachán trasteorann
distance order
grouped orders
orduithe grúpáilte
cross-border link
nasc trasteorann
order number
genetic disease; genetic disorder
galar géiniteach
decision ordering recovery; recovery decision
cinneadh gnóthaithe
check to order; cheque to order; order check; order cheque
seic ordaithe
cheque not to order; not-order check; not-to-order cheque
seic neamh-inaistrithe
border disease; border disease of sheep; hairy shaker disease; ovine pestivirus infection
galar teorann
canons of inheritance; devolution upon death; order of succession
ord an chomharbais
fractile of a probability distribution; fractile of order p; quantile of a probability distribution
cuaintíl de dháileadh dóchúlachta; cuaintíl d'ord p
centred algebraic moment of order q; centred moment of order q
móimint ailgéabrach láraithe d'ord q; móimint láraithe d'ord q
centred absolute moment of order q
dearbhmhóimint láraithe d'ordú q
centred algebraic moments; centred moments; joint centred moment of orders q and s
móimintí ailgéabracha láraithe
centred absolute moments; joint centred moment of orders q and s
cómhóimint láraithe d'oird q agus s; dearbhmhóimint láraithe
empiric moment of order q; moment of order q; moment of order q about the origin
móimint eimpíreach d'ord q
centered moment of order q; empiric centered moment of order q
móimint láraithe d'ord q; móimint láraithe eimpíreach d'ord q
empiric joint moment of orders q and s; joint moment of orders q and s; joint moment of orders q and s about the origin
cómhóimint d'oird q agus s; cómhóimint d'oird q agus s faoin mbunphointe; cómhóimint eimpíreach d'oird q agus s
empiric joint moment of orders q and s about an origin a,b; joint moment of orders q and s about an origin a,b
cómhóimint d'oird q agus s faoin mbunphointe a,b; cómhóimint eimpíreach d'oird q agus s faoin mbunphointe a,b
order statistic
cloud base recorder
taifeadán néal-airde
flight path recorder
taifeadán conair eitilte
altitude recorder; recording altimeter
airdemhéadar taifeadta
order to pay the costs
ordú chun na costais a íoc
constitutional order
ord bunreachtúil
cross-border data flow; transborder data flow; transfrontier data flow; transnational data flow
sreabh sonraí trasteorann; sreabhadh trasteorann sonraí
franchisee's ordering procedure
nós imeachta ordúcháin an tsaincheadúnaí
mental disease; mental health disorder; mental illness
galar meabhrach; meabhairghalar; neamhord sláinte meabhraí
transfer order
ordú um aistriú
BIP; border inspection post
PCT; pointe cigireachta teorann
mass in running order; mass of the vehicle in running order
mais na feithicle in ord reatha
common ordering procedure
nós imeachta coiteann ordúcháin
ordú aonuaire
black box; flight recorder
taifeadán eitilte
delivery order
ordú seachadta
payment order
ordú íocaíochta
order book
leabhar orduithe
incoming orders; inflow of new orders
insreabhadh d'orduithe nua; orduithe inteachta; orduithe isteach
mail order business; mail order company; mail order firm; mail order house
gnólacht postdíola
new orders-total
orduithe isteach - iomlán
order form; order voucher
foirm ordaithe
bin card; inventory card; inventory record; stock order card; stock record card
cárta stoic
VCR; videocassette recorder
fístaifeadán caiséid; VCR
firm order
ordú daingean
back order
ordú neamh-chomhlíonta
mail-order selling
mail-order selling by catalog
postdíolachán trí chatalóg
rating in order of merit
rátáil in ord fiúntais
order office business
oifig dhíolacháin
order bureau
biúró orduithe
reorder; repeat; repeat order
disorder of the nervous system; nervous system disease; nervous system disorder; neurological disease; neurological disorder; neurological dysfunction
galar néareolaíoch; mífheidhmiú néareolaíoch; neamhord néareolaíoch
border customs office
oifig custaim teorann
border tax adjustment; BTA
coigeartú cánach teorann
day order; good for day order
ordú lae
limit order book
leabhar orduithe teorann
market-if-touched order; MIT
ordú "margaidh má shroichtear"; ordú MIT
all-or-none order; AON
AON; ordú “uile nó faic”
good-till-cancelled order; GTC; open order
ordú atá bailí go dtí tráth a chealaithe; ordú GTC
order matching; trade matching
comhoiriúnú trádála; meaitseáil orduithe
stop loss order; stop market order; stop order
at best order; market order
ordú ar an bpraghas is fearr
Asperger syndrome; Asperger's disorder; Asperger's syndrome
neamhord Asperger; siondróm Asperger
post-traumatic stress disorder; post-traumatic stress syndrome; PTSD; PTSS
neamhord struis iarthrámaigh; PTSD
ASD; autism; autism spectrum disorder; PDD; pervasive developmental disorder
neamhord ar speictream an uathachais; neamhord forleatach forbraíochta
PDD-NOS; pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
neamhord forleatach forbraíochta nach bhfuil sonraithe ar shlí eile
CDD; childhood disintegrative disorder
neamhord dítháthaíoch sa luath-óige
firing order; firing sequence; ignition order
seicheamh adhainte
Order of the Golden Ark
Ord na hÁirce Órga
international legal order
dlíchóras idirnáisiúnta
order point
pointe ordaithe stoic
cross-border interconnection service
seirbhís idirnaisc trasteorann
cross-border interconnection between operators of established networks
idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí de líonraí bhunaithe; idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí líonraí bunaithe
order status enquiry message; OSTENQ
teachtaireacht fiosrúcháin faoi stádas an ordaithe
order status report message; OSTRPT
teachtaireacht maidir le stádas an ordaithe
ORDCHG; purchase order change request message
ORDCHG; teachtaireacht achainí maidir le hathrú ar an ordú ceannacháin
ORDERS; purchase order message
teachtaireacht maidir le hordú ceannaigh
ORDRSP; purchase order response message
teachtaireacht maidir le freagra ar ordú ceannaigh
EDR; Embedded Data Recorder
taifeadán sonraí leabaithe
Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders; Schengen Borders Code; Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders
Cód Comhphobail maidir leis na rialacha lena rialaítear gluaiseacht daoine thar theorainneacha; Cód Teorainneacha Schengen; CTS
Council Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to confiscation orders; Framework Decision on the mutual recognition of confiscation orders
Cinneadh Réime maidir le haitheantas frithpháirteach a thabhairt d'orduithe coigistíochta
EOP; EPO; European order for payment; European payment order
ordú íocaíochta Eorpach
border check
seiceáil teorann
EBF; European External Borders Fund; External Borders Fund
Ciste um Theorainneacha Seachtracha
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and transborder data flows
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Daoine Aonair a Chosaint i dtaca le Próiseáil Uathoibríoch Sonraí Pearsanta, sa mhéid a bhaineann le hÚdaráis Mhaoirseoireachta agus Sreafaí Sonraí Trasteorann
border security
slándáil teorann
Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation; Prüm Treaty
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre agus Poblacht na hOstaire maidir le géarú comhar trasteorann, go háirithe chun an sceimhlitheoire; Conradh Prüm
ETSO; ETSO authorisation; European Technical Standard Order; European Technical Standard Order authorisation
Ordú um Chaighdeán Teicniúil Eorpach
European Union Border Assistance Mission
Misean Cúnaimh Teorann an Aontais Eorpaigh
EU BAM Rafah; European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point
Misean Cúnaimh Teorann an Aontais Eorpaigh do Phointe Trasnaithe Rafah
continuous auction order book trading system
córas trádála leabhair orduithe bunaithe ar cheant leanúnach
EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine; EUBAM Moldova and Ukraine
EUBAM an Mholdóiv/an Úcráin; Misean Cúnaimh Teorann AE chuig an Moldóiv agus an Úcráin
RABIT; Rapid Border Intervention Team
Foireann Mear-Idirghabhála Teorann
ESO; European Supervision Order
ordú maoirseachta Eorpach
execution of orders
ordú a fhorghníomhú
order removing the case from the register
ordú lena mbainfear an cás ón gclár
order in which cases are to be dealt with
ord ina ndéileálfar le cásanna
European Border Surveillance System; Eurosur
an Córas Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Theorainneacha; EUROSUR
ABC; automated border control; automated border control system
rialú uathoibrithe teorann
metabolic disorder
neamhord meitibileach
sucking and swallowing disorders
neamhoird diúil agus slogtha
sucking disorder
neamhord diúlta
dysphagia; swallowing disorder
integrated border management strategy
straitéis ar bhainistíocht chomhtháite teorainneacha
air border
aertheorainn; teorainn aeir
Working Party on Financial Services (Cross-border payments)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Íocaíochtaí Trasteorann)
legal migration; orderly migration; regular migration
imirce dhleathach
cross-border group
grúpa trasteorann
machined border
ciumhais mheaisínithe
flash order; flash trading
splanc-ordú; splancthrádáil
interim payment order
ordú íocaíochta eatramhach
borderline serum
séiream teorannach
EPO; European protection order
Ordú Cosanta Eorpach
Council Decision 2008/615/JHA of 23 June 2008 on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime; Prüm Decision
Cinneadh 2008/615/CGB ón gComhairle an 23 Meitheamh 2008 maidir le comhar trasteorann a ghéarú, go háirithe maidir le sceimhlitheoireacht agus le coireacht thrasteorann a chomhrac; Cinneadh Prüm
Council Decision 2008/616/JHA on the implementation of Decision 2008/615/JHA on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime; Prüm implementing Decision
Cinneadh 2008/616/CGB ón gComhairle um Chur Chun Feidhme Chinnidh 2008/615/CGB maidir le comhar trasteorann a ghéarú, go háirithe maidir le sceimhlitheoireacht agus le coireacht thrasteorann a chomhrac
Manual on cross-border operations
Lámhleabhar maidir le hoibríochtaí trasteorann
cross-border healthcare
cúram sláinte trasteorann
internal border controls
rialuithe teorann inmheánaí
control of the external border of the European Union; external border control
rialú ag teorainneacha seachtracha
dealing order; trading order
ordú déileála
subscription order
ordú um shuibscríobh
redemption order
ordú fuascailte
EIO; European Investigation Order
OIE; Ordú Imscrúdaithe Eorpach
serious cross-border threats to health
bagairtí tromchúiseacha trasteorann ar shláinte
coulometric recorder
taifeadán cúlóiméadrach
order of kinetics; order of reaction
ord cinéitice
pseudo first-order rate constant; pseudo-first order rate coefficient
tairiseach ráta den bhréagchéad ord
first order kinetics; first order reaction rate
cinéitic den chéad ord; imoibriú den chéad ord
pseudo-first order reaction
imoibriú den bhréagchéad ord
Directorate 1 - Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders, Schengen; Directorate 1 - Home Affairs; Directorate for Asylum, Visas, Immigration, Borders and Schengen
Stiúrthóireacht 1 - Tearmann, Víosaí, Inimirce, Teorainneacha
liquidity transfer order
ordú um aistriú leachtachta
offsetting payment order
ordú íocaíochta fritháirimh
warehoused payment order
ordú íocaíochta stóráilte
Automated Fast Track Crossing at External Borders; PARAFE
Mear-thrasbhealach Uathoibrithe ag Teorainneacha Seachtracha; PARAFE
gender dysphoria; gender identity disorder; GID
diosfóiria inscne
psycho-social disorder
neamhord síceasóisialta
credit transfer order
ordú creidmheasa bainc
non-settled payment order
ordú íocaíochta neamhshocraithe
statement of the form of order of the intervener
ráiteas an idiragraí; ráiteas faoin saghas ordaithe atá á lorg ag an idiragraí
statement of the forms of order sought by the parties
ráiteas faoi na saghsanna ordaithe atá á lorg ag na páirtithe
clarify the forms of order sought by the parties, their pleas in law and arguments
soiléiriú a dhéanamh ar fhoirmeacha an ordaithe atá á lorg ag na páirtithe, a bpléadálacha faoin dlí agus a n-argóintí dlí
behavioural abnormality; behavioural disorder
mínormáltacht iompraíochta
border rejection notification
fógra faoi chead thar teorainn isteach a dhiúltú
direction order
ordú ordacháin
conditional order
ordú coinníollach
cross-border licensing
ceadúnúchán trasteorann
border procedure
nós imeachta teorann
local border traffic permit
cead tráchta teorann áitiúil
local border traffic regime
córas an tráchta teorann áitiúil
Smart Borders Initiative
an Tionscnamh Teorainneacha Cliste
smart border
teorainn chliste
EAPO; European account preservation order
Ordú Eorpach um Chaomhnú Cuntas
normal payment order
gnáthordú íocaíochta
urgent payment order
ordú íocaíochta práinneach
highly urgent payment order
ordú íocaíochta ardphráinneach
rights deriving from a residence order; rights of custody
cearta caomhnóireachta; cearta coimeádta; cearta maidir le coimeád an pháiste
right of access; right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the child; rights deriving from a contact order
ceart rochtana
child supervision
maoirseacht pháiste; ordú maoirsithe; special care order
extract a payment order
bain ordú íocaíochta
border effect
éifeacht na teorann
border adjustment measure
beart maidir le coigeartú teorann
RECSA; Regional Centre on Small Arms; Regional Centre on Small Arms in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States
Ionad Réigiúnach um Mionairm
borderline result
toradh idir eatarthu
first order decay; first order decay function; first order decay method; FOD method
feidhm an mheathlaithe den chéad ord
mail-order bride
brídeach phostdíola
first-order coefficient
comhéifeacht den chéad ord
second-order coefficient
comhéifeacht den dara hord
cross-border tax identification number
uimhir aitheantais chánach thrasteorann
thyroid disorder
neamhord tíoróidigh
pituitary disorder
neamhord piotútach
orderly default
mainneachtain ordúil
electronic ordering; e-ordering
depth of orders
doimhneacht orduithe
exclusion order
ordú eisiaimh
cross order
EUBAM Libya; European Union Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission in Libya
EUBAM na Libia; Misean Cúnaimh an Aontais Eorpaigh um Bainistiú Comhtháite Teorainneacha sa Libia
BCP; border control post
post rialaithe teorann
cross-border contagion
tógáil trasteorann
decision by reasoned order; reply by reasoned order; simplified procedure
nós imeachta simplithe
lit order
ordú trédhearcach
dark order; non-lit order
ordú neamh-thrédhearcach
First Gender Identity Disorder Unit
an Chéad Aonad um Neamhord Féiniúlachta Inscne
common merit order list
liosta in ord fiúntais coiteann
cross-border FRR activation process
próiseas gníomhachtaithe FRR trasteorann
cross-border RR activation process
próiseas gníomhachtaithe RR trasteorann
shared order book
leabhar orduithe roinnte
bidding zone border
teorainn idir dhá chrios tairisceana
shared border crossing point
pointí trasnaithe teorann roinnte
disorderly default
mainneachtain mhí-ordúil
civil recovery order; CRO
OGS; ordú gnóthaithe sibhialta
border worker; cross-border worker; frontier worker
oibrí imeallchríche; oibrí trasteorann
exclusion order; recommendation for deportation
ordú eisiaimh
threat to public order; threat to public policy
bagairt ar an ord poiblí
border; frontier
imeallchríoch; teorainn
border surveillance
faireachas teorainn
order for escort to the border
ordú tionlacain chun na teorann
border control
rialú teorann
border checks
seiceáil teorann
measure terminating the legal stay of an alien; removal order
beart ionnarbtha; ordú aistrithe
border area
limistéar teorann; réigiún teorann
visa issued at the border
víosa eisithe ag pointe trasnaithe teorann
escort to the border
ionnarbadh; tionlacan chun na teorann
SCIBM; South Caucasus Integrated Border Management Programme; Support to Integrated Border Management Systems in the South Caucasus
Clár Tacaíochta um Bainistiú Comhtháite Teorainneacha sa Chugas Theas; SCIBM
disclosure order
ordú um nochtadh
advance CBR; advance cross-border ruling; CBR; cross-border ruling; cross-border tax ruling
rialú cánach trasteorann
CARPOL; Network of European Union Contact Points for Tackling Cross-Border Vehicle Crime
CARPOL; Líonra Pointí Teagmhála an Aontais Eorpaigh chun an Choireacht Feithicle Trasteorann a Chosc
Cross-border Cooperation Interregional Group
an Grúpa Idir-Réigiúnach um Chomhar Trasteorann
cross-border portability
Inaistritheacht trasteorann; iniomparthacht trasteorann
metrological order; metrological quality
ord méadreolaíoch
porous border
teorainn éadaingean
EBCG; European Border and Coast Guard
an Garda Teorann agus Cósta Eorpach; an Garda Teorann Eorpach; EBCG
EBCGA; European Border and Coast Guard Agency; Frontex
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach um an nGarda Teorann; an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach um an nGarda Teorann agus Cósta; FRONTEX
ping order
placing orders with no intention of executing them
orduithe a dhéanamh gan rún iad a fhorghníomhú
four-tier access control model; four-tier access model; four-tier border security model
samhail rialaithe rochtana ceithre chiseal; samhail slándála teorann ceithre chiseal
European Border and Coast Guard Team; European Border Guard Team
Foireann Eorpach de chuid an Gharda Teorann agus Cósta
borders package
pacáiste teorainneacha
Smart Order Router; SOR
Ródaire Cliste Orduithe
Smart Order Routing; SOR
Ródúchán Cliste Orduithe
AOR; Automated Order Router
Ródaire Uathoibríoch Orduithe
rapid border intervention
mear-idirghabháil teorann
cross-border access to content
rochtain trasteorann ar ábhar
cross-border accessibility
inrochtaineacht trasteorann
market peg order; pegged-to-market order
ordú pionnála margaidh
midpoint peg order; pegged to midpoint order
ordú pionnála meánphointe
OCO; one-cancels-the-other order
ordú a gcealaíonn a chomhlíonadh ordú eile; ordú OCO
chandelier stop; trailing stop order
stadordú sraoilleach
ordú teagmhais
at-the-open order
ordú tráth oscailte
imbalance order
ordú neamhchomhardaithe
linked order
ordú nasctha
lit sweep order
ordú scuabtha trédhearcach
sequential lit sweep order
ordú scuabtha trédhearcach seicheamhach
primary peg order
ordú pionnála príomha
alternate midpoint peg order
ordú pionnála meánphointe mhalartaigh
limit-if-touched order
ordú "teorann má shroichtear"; ordú LIT
cross-border processing
próiseáil trasteorann
passive only indicator; passive only order indicator
táscaire éighníomhachta amháin
SOIF; strategy order with implied functionality
ordú straitéise le feidhmiúlacht intuigthe; SOIF
implied order
ordú intuigthe
passive order
ordú éighníomhach
aggressive order
ordú ionsaitheach
directed order
ordú cliantstiúrtha
order protection rule; trade-through obligation; trade-through rule
riail tréthrádála
cross-border e-commerce; cross-border electronic commerce
ríomhthráchtáil trasteorann
disclosed order; DQ
ordú nochta
cross-border parcel delivery service
seirbhís beartseachadta trasteorann
hard border
teorainn chrua
Global Compact for Migration; Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
an Comhshocrú Domhanda maidir leis an Imirce; an Comhshocrú Domhanda maidir leis an Imirce Shábháilte, Ordúil agus Rialta
border authority
údarás teorann
external border section
cuid de theorainn sheachtrach
temporary external borders
teorainneacha seachtracha sealadacha
orderly exit; orderly withdrawal
tarraingt siar ordúil
cross-border worker
oibrí trasteorann
cross-border switching
malartú trasteorann
Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives; CESCI
CESCI; Seirbhís Lár na hEorpa do Thionscnaimh Trasteorann
IBMF; Integrated Border Management Fund
an Ciste um Bainistiú Comhtháite Teorainneacha; CBCT
teorainn (bain5, gu: teorann, ai: teorainneacha, gi: teorainneacha)
medical orderly
giolla liachta (fir4)
administrative order
ordú riaracháin (fir)
amending order
ordú leasaitheach (fir)
anticipatory fire order
lámhachordú oirchilleach (fir1)
Army Order
Ordú Airm (fir)
lawfully ordering into arrest
ag ordú go dleathach duine a ghabháil (abr)
advance in combat order
téigh chun cinn in ord comhraic (br)
await further orders
fan go bhfaighfear tuilleadh orduithe (br)
barrack orderly officer
oifigeach sealaíochta beairice (fir1)
barrack orderly sergeant
sáirsint sealaíochta beairice (fir4)
order board
clár orduithe (fir1)
verbal order
ordú ó bhéal (fir)
warning order
ordú rabhaidh (fir)
unit routine order
ordú gnáthaimh aonaid (fir)
unit routine order
ordú gnáthaimh scoileanna aonaid (fir)
camp orderly room
gnósheomra campa (fir4)
camp standing order
buanordú campa (fir)
operating theatre orderly
giolla obrádlainne (fir4)
combat order
ordú comhraic (fir)
confirming order
ordú daingniúcháin (fir)
court martial convening order
ordú comórtha armchúirte (fir)
convening order
ordú comórtha (fir)
orderly corporal
ceannaire sealaíochta (fir4)
dictated order
ordú deachtaithe (fir)
fire direction order
ordú stiúrtha lámhaigh (fir)
emergency demolitions order
ordú práinnscartála (fir)
draft administrative order
dréachtordú riaracháin (fir)
orderly duty
dualgas sealaíochta (fir1)
extract from orders
sliocht as orduithe (fir3)
enemy order of battle
ord catha namhad (fir1)
execution of the order
comhlíonadh an ordaithe (fir)
in extended order
in ord leata (fr.dob.)
fire control order
ordú lámhachrialaithe (fir)
brief fire control order
gearrordú lámhachrialaithe (fir4)
normal fire control order
gnáthordú lámhachrialaithe (fir)
formation order
ordú eagair (fir)
fragmentary order
ordú briste (fir)
fire by order
lámhach ar ordú (fir1)
form of order for pursuit
foirm d'ordú tóra (bain2)
order group
grúpa orduithe (fir4)
in haphazard order
in ord fánach (fr.dob.)
incoming orderly officer
oifigeach sealaíochta inteachta (fir1)
last-mentioned order
an t-ordú is déanaí a luaitear (fir)
neglecting to obey an order
faillí i gcomhlíonadh ordaithe (bain4)
numerical order
ord uimhriúil (fir1)
in order of merit
in ord fiúntais (fr.dob.)
pending further orders
go dtí go bhfaighfear tuilleadh orduithe (fr.r.)
mobilisation order
ordú slógaidh (fir)
orderly officer
oifigeach sealaíochta (fir1)
in-coming orderly officer
oifigeach sealaíochta inteachta (fir1)
outgoing orderly officer
oifigeach sealaíochta imeachta (fir1)
operation order
ordú oibríochta (fir)
close order (drill) movements
gluaiseachtaí dlúthoird (druile) (bain)
open order movement
gluaiseacht oird oscailte (bain3)
battle order
cathéide (bain4, gu: cathéide)
by order of the Chief of Staff
le hordú ón gCeann Foirne (fir)
cease fire order
ordú scortha lámhaigh (fir)
ceremonial order
ordú searmóine (fir)
order of Ceremonies
ord na Searmanas (fir1)
close order
dlúthord (fir)
Commanding Officer's order
ordú Oifigeach Ceannais (fir)
daily routine order
ordú gnáthaimh laethúil (fir)
drill order
druiléide (bain4)
duty order
ordú dualgais (fir)
field order
ordú machaire (fir)
fire order
lámhachordú (fir, gu: lámhachordaithe, ai: lámhachorduithe, gi: lámhachorduithe)
indirect fire order
lámhachordú indíreach (fir)
garrison order
ordú garastúin (fir)
order of firing
ord lámhaigh (fir1)
order of march
ord máirseála (fir1)
outline order
ordú imchrutha (fir)
order of priority of release
ord tosaíochta an scaoilte (fir1)
in reverse order
ina mhalairt d'ord
in review order
in ord léirbhreithnithe (fir1)
order of seniority of arms
ord sinsearachta armghéag (fir1)
pursuit order
ordú tóra (fir)
receivable order
ordú inadmhála (fir)
receivable order
ordú inghlactha (fir)
retirement order
ordú scoir (fir)
section commander's order
ordú ceannasaí gasra (fir)
order for trial without preliminary investigation
ordú chun trialach gan réamh-imscrúdú (fir)
detailed domestic order
ordú sonrach inmheánach (fir)
trace type order
ordú i bhfoirm rianaíochtaí (fir)
trace type administrative order
ordú riaracháin i bhfoirm rianaíochtaí (fir)
order book
leabhar orduithe (fir1)
final order
críochordú (fir1, gu: críochordaithe, ai: críochorduithe, gi: críochorduithe)
preliminary order
réamhordú (fir, gu: réamhordaithe)
snap order
sciobordú (fir, gu: sciobordaithe, ai: scioborduithe, gi: scioborduithe)
written confirmatory order
ordú scríofa daingniúcháin (fir)
giolla (fir4, gu: giolla, ai: giollaí, gi: giollaí)
mess orderly
giolla bialainne (fir4)
nursing orderly
giolla altranais (fir4)
room orderly
giolla seomra (fir4)
telephone orderly
giolla teileafóin (fir4)
orderly room
gnósheomra (fir4)
postal orderly
giolla poist (fir4)