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Auxilliary glossaries
NADEFCOL; NATO Defence College; NDC
Coláiste Cosanta ECAT
roll-over protection structure; rollover protective structure; ROPS
ROPS; struchúr cosanta i gcás iompaithe
antiballistic-missile screen; antiballistic-missile shield; antimissile defence shield; antimissile screen; defence shield; defence umbrella; missile-proof shield; space-shield
córas cosanta frithdhiúracán
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
chafing; protection piece
ball cosanta
protection services; services for the protection of public figures
seirbhísí cosanta do phearsana aithnidiúla
ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures; Regional Supplementary Procedures; SUPPS
nósanna imeachta forlíontacha réigiúnacha; SUPPanna
bodyguard; close protection officer; close protection operative; CPO; personal protection officer
garda cosanta
FPI; Front Pembela Islam; Islamic Defenders Front
Fronta na gCosantóirí Ioslamacha
protective clause; safeguard clause
clásal coimirce; clásal cosanta
crop protection product; pesticide; phytopharmaceutical product; plant health product; plant protection product; PPP
táirge cosanta plandaí
procedures for applying...
nósanna imeachta chun ... a chur i bhfeidhm
NATO Agreement on the Communication of Technical Information for Defence Purposes
Comhaontú ECAT maidir le Páirtiú Faisnéise Teicniúla chun Críocha Cosanta
Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures; Import Licensing Code; Tokyo Round Import Licensing Code
an Comhaontú maidir le Nósanna Imeachta um Cheadúnú Allmhairí; Cód Ceadúnaithe Allmhairí
International Plant Protection Convention; IPPC
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Cosanta Plandaí; IPPC
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures; Kyoto Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Custaim a Shimpliú agus a Chomhchuibhiú; Coinbhinsiún Kyoto
Convention concerning Protection of the Right to Organise and Procedures for Determining Conditions of Employment in the Public Service; Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Ceart Eagrúcháin a Chosaint agus le Nósanna Imeachta chun Dálaí Fostaíochta sa tSeirbhís Phoiblí a Chinneadh
falling-object protective structure; FOPS
struchtúr cosanta ar rudaí atá ag titim
Comitology Decision; Council Decision laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission; Decision on Committee Procedure
an Cinneadh maidir leis an nós imeachta coiste; Cinneadh ón gComhairle lena leagtar síos nósanna imeachta maidir le feidhmiú na gcumhachtaí cur chun feidhme arna dtabhairt don Choimisiún
safeguard; safeguard measure
beart coimirce; beart cosanta
justification of the protective measures
cosaint na mbeart cosanta
defence; statement of defence
ráiteas cosanta
provisional, including protective, measures
bearta sealadacha, lena n-áirítear bearta cosantacha
SDI; Star Wars; Star Wars program; Strategic Defense Initiative
SDI; Tionscnamh Straitéiseach Cosanta
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport; Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Uaireanta Oibre agus Sosanna san Iompar de Bhóthar; Coinbhinsiún maidir le hUaireanta Oibre agus Sosanna san Iompar de Bhóthar a Rialáil
measure of protection; precautionary measure; preservation measure; protective measure
beart cosanta; beart um chosaint
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; Diplomatic Agents Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus le Pionósú Coireanna in aghaidh Daoine atá Cosanta ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta, lena n-áirítear Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gníomhairí Taidhleoireachta
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on the Simplification of Procedures for the Recovery of Maintenance Payments
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le nósanna imeachta a shimpliú d'fhonn íocaíochtaí cothabhála a ghnóthú
Convention concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land (1907)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlíthe agus Nósanna an Chogaidh ar Talamh (1907)
protective clothing for surgeons and radiologists and divers' suits
díonéadach do mháinlianna agus do raideolaithe agus cultacha do thumadóirí; éadach cosantach do mháinlianna agus raideolaithe agus cultacha tumadóirí
prompt protective action
beart caomhnaitheach pras; beart cosantach pras
globe artichoke
bliosán cruinn
defendant; defending party; respondent
the defending party having been duly summoned
páirtí na cosanta, arna thoghairm go cuí
provisionally protected patent right
ceart paitinne atá cosanta go sealadach
engineers' protective spectacles
spéaclaí cosanta le haghaidh ealaíne agus ceirdeanna
social protection system
córas cosanta sóisialta
stronger protection measures
bearta cosanta níos déine
sanitary and phytosanitary measures; SPS measures
bearta sláintíochta agus fíteashláintíochta
Dispute Settlement Understanding; DSU; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
an Comhaontú maidir le Rialacha agus Nósanna Imeachta a Rialaíonn Réiteach Díospóidí; an Comhaontú um Réiteach Díospóidí
Agreement on Safeguards; SG Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Bearta Cosanta
ESDI; European Security and Defence Identity
Féiniúlacht Eorpach Slándála agus Chosanta; FESC
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; SPS Committee
Coiste um Bearta Sláintíochta agus Fíteashláintíochta
defence planning
pleanáil cosanta; pleanáil maidir le cosaint
Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
an Comhaontú maidir le Nósanna Imeachta um Cheadúnú Allmhairí
common European defence policy
Comhbheartas Eorpach Cosanta
Preliminary Conclusions on the Formulation of a Common European Defence Policy
Réamhchonclúidí maidir le Foirmliú Comhbheartais Eorpaigh Cosanta
standard of data protection
caighdeán cosanta sonraí
Convention regarding the Deprivation of Civil Rights and Similar Measures of Protection
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Díothú Ceart Sibhialta agus Beart Cosanta Comhchosúil
CDS; Chief of Defence; Chief of the Defence Staff; CHOD
an Ceann Foirne; Ceann Cosanta; Ceann Foirne na bhFórsaí Cosanta; Ceann Foirne Óglaigh na hÉireann; COS
Working Party on Agricultural Questions (Pesticides/Plant Protection Products)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Talmhaíochta (Lotnaidicídí/Táirgí Cosanta Plandaí)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlíthe agus Nósanna an Chogaidh ar Talamh (1899)
EDTIB; European Defence Technological and Industrial Base
bonn tionsclaíoch agus teicneolaíoch na cosanta Eorpaí
EDEM; European Defence Equipment Market
EDEM; Margadh na hEorpa um Threalamh Cosanta
TDI; trade defence instrument; trade remedy
ionstraim cosanta trádála; TDI
matters with defence implications
ábhair a bhfuil impleachtaí cosanta acu
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
sheltered sector
earnáil chosanta
exposed sector; non-sheltered sector
earnáil neamhchosanta
MANPAD system; MANPADS; man-portable air defence system
córas aerchosanta iniompartha
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures; CPM
an Coimisiún um Bearta Fíteashláintíochta
front underrun protection device; front underrun protective device; FUPD
fobharra cosanta tosaigh
CESDP; Common European Security and Defence Policy; Common Security and Defence Policy; CSDP; ESDP; European Security and Defence Policy
an Comhbheartas Slándála agus Cosanta; Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta; CBSC
DCI; Defence Capabilities Initiative
Tionscnamh na gCumas Cosanta
safeguard procedure
nós imeachta coimirce; nós imeachta cosanta
critical defence technology
teicneolaíocht ríthábhachtach cosanta
International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures; ISPM
an Caighdeán Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Bearta Fíteashláintíochta; CIBF
right of defence; rights of the defence
cearta na cosanta
Data Protection Officer; DPO
OCS; Oifigeach Cosanta Sonraí
defence capability; defence capacity
cumas cosanta
Protocol of amendment to the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta um shimpliú agus chomhchuibhiú nósanna imeachta custaim
SecOPs; Security Operating Procedures
Nósanna Imeachta Oibríochtaí Slándála; SecOps
operation having military or defence implications
oibríocht a bhfuil impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta aici
Athena; Athena mechanism; mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
Athena; sásra Athena; sásra riartha chun na costais choiteanna a bhaineann le hoibríochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh, a mbíonn impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta leo, a mhaoiniú
The expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the European Communities with the exception that any pre-financing shall not remain the property of the Community
Déanfar an caiteachas a bhainistiú i gcomhréir leis na nósanna imeachta agus na rialacha is infheidhme maidir le buiséad ginearálta na gComhphobal Eorpach ach amháin nach bhfanfaidh aon réamh-mhaoiniú faoi úinéireacht an Chomhphobail
HRD; human rights defender
cosantóir chearta an duine
EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders
Treoirlínte AE maidir le Cosantóirí Chearta an Duine
Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States
Cinneadh réime maidir leis an mBarántas Gabhála Eorpach agus na nósanna imeachta um thabhairt suas idir na Ballstáit
Asylum Procedures Directive; Directive 2013/32/EU on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection; Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status
Treoir 2005/85/CE maidir le caighdeáin íosta i ndáil le nósanna imeachta i mBallstáit chun stádas dídeanaí a dheonú nó a tharraingt siar; Treoir 2013/32/AE maidir le nósanna imeachta coiteanna chun stádas cosanta idirnáisiúnta a dheonú agus a tharraingt siar; Treoir maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Tearmainn
4-[(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-phenyl-methyl]-N,N-dimethyl-aniline; crystal violet; Gentian violet; hexamethyl pararosaniline chloride; methyl violet 10B
vialait chriostail
ADIZ; Air Defence Identification Zone
zón aitheantais aerchosanta
SPF; sun protection factor; sunburn protection factor
fachtóir cosanta ar an ngrian; FCG
protective strip
stiall chosantach
defensive cartelisation
cairtéaladh cosantach
arachic acid; arachidic acid; eicosanoic acid; icosanoic acid
aigéad araicise
participation in tendering procedures
rannpháirtíocht i nósanna imeachta tairisceana
breaker strip; protective breaker
stiall chosantach
dike; dyke; embankment; levee
cladán; claífort; fál cosanta; leibhé
protective measures; safeguard measures
bearta coimirce; bearta cosanta
OEM; original exposure method
modh na neamhchosanta tosaigh
Effective protection coefficient
comhéifeacht ghlan cosanta
Nominal protection coefficient
comhéifeacht na cosanta ainmniúla
accused; accused person; defendant
defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly served
cosantóir a ndearnadh doiciméad tionscanta imeachtaí a sheirbheáil air go cuí
service of the application on the defendant
seirbheáil an iarratais ar an gcosantóir
exceptional review procedure
nósanna imeachta eisceachtúla athbhreithniúcháin
bliosán gréine
conveyor; moving pavement; moving sidewalk; moving walkway; pedestrian conveyor; speedwalk; travelator
cosán beo
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; SPS Agreement
Comhaontú maidir le Bearta Sláintíochta agus Fíteashláintíochta a Chur i bhFeidhm; Comhaontú SPS
Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures
cinneadh aireachta maidir le nósanna imeachta um fhógairt
incidental protective effect
éifeacht chosantach theagmhasach
sanitary or phytosanitary measure
beart sláintíoch nó fíteashláintíoch
protected layout-design
dearadh leagan amach cosanta
unwarranted curtailment of the period of protection
ciorrú na tréimhse cosanta gan údar
Decision on notification procedures
Cinneadh maidir le nósanna imeachta um fhógra a thabhairt
rental and maintenance contract
conradh cíosanna agus cothabhála
harmonization of procedures for the exportation of goods
comhchuibhiú na nósanna imeachta le haghaidh onnmhairiú earraí
subcommittee on protective measures
fochoiste um bearta cosantacha
rear underride protection; rear underrun protection; RUP
fobharra cosanta ar cúl
habit survey
suirbhé ar nósanna
to take,as a precaution,the necessary protective measures
na bearta cosantacha is gá a ghlacadh mar réamhchúram
closing procedures; year end procedures
nósanna imeachta clabhsúir; nósanna imeachta deireadh bliana
protection zone
crios cosanta
phytosanitary certificate; plant health certificate
deimhniú sláinte
phytosanitary certificate for re-export; re-forwarding phytosanitary certificate
deimhniú fíteashláintíochta le haghaidh athonnmhairiúcháin
SPC; supplementary protection certificate
deimhniú forlíontach cosanta le haghaidh táirgí íocshláinte
ATP system; automatic train protection system
córas uathchosanta traenacha
thermal protection system; TPS
córas cosanta teirmeach
anti-exposure suit; exposure suit; immersion suit; survival suit
culaith chosantach; culaith fhrithnochta; forchulaith shábháilteachta; tumchulaith
bone-dome; protective helmet
clogad cosanta
body protection equipment; individual protective equipment; personal protecion equipment; personal protective device; personal protective equipment; personal safety equipment; PPE
TCP; trealamh cosanta pearsanta
daily duration of exposure
tréimhse na neamhchosanta laethúla
ear defender; ear muff
cosantóir cluas
radiation protection officer; radiation safety officer; radiological health and safety officer
oifigeach cosanta raideolaíochta
protection system
córas cosanta
protective screen
scáileán cosantach
protective and corrective measure proposal
togra do bhearta cosantacha agus ceartaitheacha
aeroplane noise exposure index
treoiruimhir na neamhchosanta ar thorann eitileán
designated employment; protected job
post ainmnithe; post cosanta
chafer; chafing gear; false belly; rubber
trealamh cosanta
safety goggles
gloiní cosanta; spéaclaí cosanta
procedure manual; regulations book; regulations manual
lámhleabhar nósanna imeachta
band tops; overalls; protective trousers
bríste cosanta; rabhlaer
cut off procedures
nósanna imeachta scoithdhátaí
accelerating moving walkway
cosán beo luasghéaraithe
constant speed moving walkway
cosán beo faoi luas seasmhach
acmhainn cosanta i gcás tuairte
moving walkway system
córas cosán beo
service board walk
clárchosán seirbhíse
train protection
córas cosanta traenacha
train protection system
córas cosanta traenacha
flight procedures simulator
ionsamhlóir nósanna imeachta eitilte; ionsamhlóir um nósanna imeachta eitilte
protection ratio
cóimheas cosanta
dog house; doghouse
cásáil chosanta
systems and procedures
córais agus nósanna imeachta
caomhnaitheacht; cosantachas; cosantas
cost of protection
costas na cosanta
active protection measure
beart cosanta gníomhach
passive protection measure
beart cosanta éighníomhach
protective measures against gases
bearta cosantacha in éadan gás
protection measure at release point
beart cosanta ag an bpointe astaithe; beart cosanta ag an phointe astaithe
HDMI; high-density,multichip interconnect
HDMI; idirnasc ilsliosanna ard-dlúis
protective capital resources
acmhainní caipitil cosantacha
migration path
cosán ascnaimh
active pedestrian protection system
córas cosanta gníomhach le haghaidh coisithe
head protecting airbag
mála aeir cosanta cloiginn
lateral protection device; LPD; side guard; side underrun protection device; side underrun protection system
fobharra cosanta taoibh
Practical guide to EC external aid contract procedures; PRAG
treoir phraiticiúil um nósanna imeachta AE maidir le conarthaí cabhrach seachtraí
cosaint; ráiteas cosanta
protective equipment
trealamh cosanta
Jerusalem artichoke spirit; topinambur
biotáille bhliosán gréine; topinambur
Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union on security procedures for the exchange of classified information
Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin maidir le nósanna imeachta slándála um malartú faisnéise rúnaicmithe
Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on security procedures for the exchange of classified information
an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na hIorua agus an tAontas Eorpach maidir le nósanna imeachta slándála um malartú faisnéise rúnaicmithe
subsidiary protection status
stádas cosanta coimhdí
Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union on the security procedure for the exchange of classified information
Comhaontú idir Poblacht na Bulgáire agus an tAontas Eorpach maidir leis na nósanna imeachta slándála um malartú faisnéise rúnaicmithe
Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the security procedures for the exchange of classified information
Comhaontú idir an Úcráin agus an tAontas Eorpach maidir leis na nósanna imeachta slándála um malartú faisnéise rúnaicmithe
exposure class
aicme na neamhchosanta
Regional Protection Programme; RPP
clár cosanta réigiúnaí
defence procurement
soláthar trealaimh cosanta
EU plan on best practices, standards and procedures for combating and preventing trafficking in human beings
Plean AE maidir le dea-chleachtais, caighdeáin agus nósanna imeachta chun gáinneáil ar dhaoine a chomhrac agus a chosc
exposure value
luach na neamhchosanta
performance of the exposure
feidhmiú na neamhchosanta
harmonized phytosanitary measures
beart fíteashláintíoch comhchuibhithe
phytosanitary measure
beart fíteashláintíochta
protection buyer
ceannaitheoir na cosanta
month end and ad-hoc verification procedures
nósanna imeachta ag deireadh na míosa agus faoi choinne fíorúcháin ad hoc
written policies and procedures
beartais agus nósanna imeachta i scríbhinn
Cód Iompair maidir le Soláthar Trealaimh Cosanta
reduction in risk-weighted exposure amounts
laghdú ar shuimeanna neamhchosanta ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
risk-weighted exposure amount
méid neamhchosanta ualaithe de réir riosca
exposure status
stádas na neamhchosanta
minimum risk weighted exposure amount
íosmhéid neamhchosanta ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
fully-adjusted exposure value
luach na neamhchosanta coigeartaithe go hiomlán; luach na neamhchosanta lánchoigeartaithe
weighted average remaining maturity of the exposure
meánaibíocht ualaithe atá ar marthain den neamhchosaint; meánaibíocht ualaithe iarmhair na neamhchosanta
protection provider
soláthraí na cosanta
maturity of the protection
aibíocht na cosanta
economically justifiable demand
éileamh inchosanta ar bhonn eacnamaíoch
chrysanthemum stem necrosis tospovirus; chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus; CSNV
víreas neacróise ghas an chriosantamaim
termination of credit protection
foirceannadh na cosanta creidmheasa
volatility-adjusted exposure amount
méid na neamhchosanta arna choigeartú de réir na luaineachta; méid na neamhchosanta arna choigeartú i bhfianaise na luaineachta
funded protection-adjusted exposure amount
méid na neamhchosanta coigeartaithe de réir na cosanta cistithe
enforceability of credit protection
in-fhorfheidhmitheacht cosanta creidmheasa
equity exposure class
aicme na neamhchosanta ar ghnáthscaireanna
protection purchaser
ceannaitheoir na cosanta
exposure-weighted average risk weight
meánualach riosca ualaithe ó thaobh na neamhchosanta
minimum threshold of unmargined exposure
íostairseach na neamhchosanta gan éarlais
third party protection provider
soláthraí cosanta tríú páirtí
credit protection provider; protection provider
soláthraí cosanta creidmheasa
obligor of the underlying exposure
féichiúnaí na neamhchosanta bunúsaí
realised exposure profile
próifíl na neamhchosanta arna réadú; próifíl na neamhchosanta réadaithe
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals; return directive
an Treoir um Fhilleadh; Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le caighdeáin choiteanna agus nósanna imeachta coiteanna sna Ballstáit i ndáil le náisiúnaigh tríú tír atá ag fanacht go neamhdhleathach a chur ar ais
protection seller
díoltóir na cosanta
European Defence Research and Technology strategy
an Staitéis Eorpach um Thaighde agus Teicneolaíocht i gCúrsaí Cosanta
SASP; Single Authorisation for Simplified Procedures
SASP; údarú amháin do nósanna imeachta simplithe
retail exposure class
aicme na neamhchosana miondíola; aicme na neamhchosanta ar mhiondíol
beneficiary of international protection; internationally protected person; person accorded international protection; person granted international protection
tairbhí cosanta idirnáisiúnta
Data Protection Officer of the European Commission; European Commission Data Protection Officer
Oifigeach Cosanta Sonraí an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh
Defence Package
Pacáiste Cosanta
INFOSAN; International Food Safety Authorities Network
Gréasán Idirnáisiúnta na nÚdarás um Shábháilteacht Bia
protecting mask; protecting masking
masc cosanta
PD; protective dose
dáileog chosantach
Code of conduct for negotiating in the context of codecision procedures; Code of conduct for negotiating in the context of the ordinary legislative procedures
cód iompair maidir le caibidlíocht i gcomhthéacs an ghnáthnós imeachta reachtaigh; cód iompair um chaibidlíocht i gcomhthéacs nósanna imeachta na comhchinnteoireachta
Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions; PRAG
Treoirleabhar praiticiúil do nósanna imeachta conraitheoireachta i leith ghníomhaíochtaí seachtracha AE
overload protector
cosantóir rólódála
EPO; European protection order
Ordú Cosanta Eorpach
beneficiary of subsidiary protection; person enjoying subsidiary protection
tairbhí cosanta coimhdí
IGP&I; International Group of P&I Clubs; International Group of Protection and Indemnity Clubs
an Grúpa Idirnáisiúnta de Chlubanna Cosanta agus Slánaíochta
rós corraigh; rósanna corraigh
capital protected UCITS
GCUI le caipiteal cosanta
excess height of check rail
ró-airde an ráille cosanta
free wheel passage at check rail/wing rail entry
saorghluaiseacht na rothaí ag an tslí isteach chuig an ráille cosanta
environmental protection requirement
ceanglas cosanta comhshaoil
operator protection structure; operator protective structure; operators protection structure; OPS
OPS; struchtúr cosanta oibreora
adjust for consolidation procedures
coigeartú ar nósanna imeachta um chomhdhlúthú
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
Caith lámhainní cosanta/éadaí cosanta/cosaint súile/cosaint aghaidhe.
Use personal protective equipment as required.
Bain úsáid as an trealamh cosanta pearsanta faoi mar a éilítear.
rear protective device; rear underrun protection device; rear underrun protective device; RUPD
gléas cosanta fobharra cúil
low visibility procedures; LVP
nósanna imeachta maidir le drochléargas
Good Plant Protection Practice
dea-chleachtas cosanta plandaí
collar protective device
feiste chosanta choiléir
flight procedures trainer
feiste oiliúna um nósanna imeachta eitilte
institutional protection scheme; IPS
scéim chosanta institiúideach; SCI
ELGD; exposure-weighted average loss-given-default
meánchaillteanas i gcás mainneachtana ualaithe ó thaobh na neamhchosanta
CMDh; Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures - Human
an Grúpa Comhordaithe d'Aitheantas Frithpháirteach agus do Nósanna Imeachta Díláraithe - don Duine; CMDh
Data Protection Unit
an tAonad Cosanta Sonraí
risk-weighted exposure amounts for dilution risk
méideanna neamhchosanta atá ualaithe ó thaobh riosca le haghaidh riosca caolúcháin
risk-weighted exposure amounts for credit risk
méideanna neamhchosanta atá ualaithe ó thaobh riosca le haghaidh riosca creidmheasa
category of exposure
catagóir neamhchosanta
risk to which a credit institution is exposed
riosca a bhfuil institiúid chreidmheasa neamhchosanta air
be exposed to a risk
a bheith neamhchosanta ar riosca
PB Wimberley; protected brush; protected brush catheter; protected-specimen brush; PSB
scuab chosanta eiseamail
distal protected aspirate; DPA
asúch cosanta aimhneasaigh; DPA
Defence Policy and Planning Committee; DPPC
an Coiste Pleanála agus Beartas Cosanta
income protection insurance; permanent health insurance
árachas cosanta ioncaim
stationary fire protection system
córas fosaitheach cosanta dóiteáin
protected zone quarantine pest
lotnaid choraintín na gcriosanna cosanta
protective measures
bearta cosanta
Task Force on Defence Industry and Markets
an Tascfhórsa um Thionscal agus Margaí na Cosanta
crash protection system
córas cosanta i gcás tuairte
Social protection performance monitor; SPPM
an Monatóir ar Fheidhmíocht na Cosanta Sóisialta
phytosanitary transit
idirthuras fíteashláintíochta
regional human rights mechanism; regional human rights protection mechanism
sásra cosanta réigiúnach um chearta an duine; sásra réigiúnach um chearta an duine
certification; phytosanitary certification
deimhniú fíteashláintíochta
phytosanitary risk management plan
plean bainistithe riosca don fhíteashláintíocht
no creditor worse off than under normal insolvency proceedings principle; NCWO; no creditor worse off principle
prionsabal “creidiúnaí ar bith níos measa as ná faoi ghnáthnósanna imeachta dócmhainneachta”
gender transgression
sárú nósanna inscne
disjoint exposure class
aicme neamhchosanta scartha
EU Cyberdefence Policy Framework
Creat Beartais Cibearchosanta AE
Treochlár Straitéiseach Cosanta
Administrative Inquiries and Disciplinary Procedures Service
An tSeirbhís um Fhiosrúcháin Riaracháin agus um Nósanna Imeachta Araíonachta
Working Party on Plant Health (International Plant Protection Convention / Commission on Phytosanitary Measures Affairs); Working Party on Plant Health (IPPC/CPM Affairs)
an Mheitheal um Fholláine Plandaí (IPPC/Gnóthaí CPM); an Mheitheal um Shláinte Plandaí (an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Cosanta Plandaí/an Coimisiún um Bearta Fíteashláintíochta); an Mheitheal um Shláinte Plandaí (IPPC/Gnóthaí CPM)
NORDEFCO; Nordic Defence Cooperation
an Comhar Cosanta Nordach; NORDEFCO
foreign national beneficiary of subsidiary protection status
tairbhí cosanta coimhdí
authorisation; authorisation of a plant protection product
údarú táirge cosanta plandaí
defence supply chain
slabhra soláthair na cosanta
Special Adviser on European Defence and Security Policy
an Comhairleoir Speisialta maidir le Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta
RDPP; regional development and protection programme
clár forbartha cosanta réigiúnaí; clár um fhorbairt agus um chosaint réigiúnach
PELV; protective extra-low voltage
PELV; voltas cosantach rí-íseal
Kurdish People's Protection Units; People's Defence Units; Popular Protection Units; YPG
Aonaid Cosanta na gCoirdíneach; YPG
HPG; People’s Defence Force
Fórsa Cosanta an Phobail; HPG
Women’s Protection Unit; YPJ
Aonad Cosanta Ban; YPJ
GATIA; Self-Defence Group of Imrad Tuareg and Allies
GATIA; Grúpa Féinchosanta Imrad Tuareg agus a Chomhghuaillithe
mandate holder; special procedures mandate holder
sealbhóir sainordaithe; sealbhóir sainordaithe nósanna imeachta speisialta
European Data Protection Seal
an Séala Eorpach Cosanta Sonraí
criminalisation of human rights defenders
coiriúlú chosantóirí chearta an duine
granting international protection
deonú cosanta idirnáisiúnta
EDF; European Defence Fund
an Ciste Eorpach Cosanta
I+R Directive; Interest and Royalties Directive; IRD
an Treoir maidir le hÚs agus Ríchíosanna
protective system
córas cosanta
Commission reflection paper on the future of European defence; Reflection paper on the future of European defence
páipéar machnaimh ón gCoimisiúin ar a bhfuil i ndán do bheartas cosanta na hEorpa
EDIDP; European Defence Industrial Development Programme
an Clár Eorpach Forbartha Tionscal i réimse na Cosanta
data protection regime
córas cosanta sonraí
protector; trust protector
cosantóir; cosantóir iontaobhais
Friends of the Presidency Group (EDIDP); Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Industrial Development Programme)
Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (an Clár Eorpach Forbartha Tionscal i réimse na Cosanta); Meitheal Chairde na hUachtaránachta (EDIDP)
EU Human Rights Defender mechanism; EU Human Rights Defenders mechanism; European Union Human Rights Defenders mechanism
Sásra AE um Chosantóirí Chearta an Duine; Sásra de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh um Chosantóirí Chearta an Duine
cosaint (bain3, gu: cosanta, ai: cosaintí, gi: cosaintí)
Department of Defence
an Roinn Cosanta (bain2)
defence works
oibreacha cosanta (bain)
European Security and Defence Policy
Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta (fir1)
Jerusalem artichoke
bliosán gréine (fir1)
civil defence officer
oifigeach cosanta sibhialta (fir1)
Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923
Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (fir3)
Defence Act, 1954
an tAcht Cosanta, 1954 (fir3)
defensive action
comhrac cosantach (fir1)
air defence
aerchosaint (bain3, gu: aerchosanta, ai: aerchosaintí, gi: aerchosaintí)
air defence commander
ceannasaí aerchosanta (fir4)
air defence regiment
reisimint aerchosanta (bain2)
all-round defence
imchosaint (bain3, gu: imchosanta)
anti-aircraft defences
córacha cosanta frith-aerárthaí (bain)
auxiliary defence service
seirbhís chosanta chúntach (bain2)
seaward defence area
líomatáiste cosanta chun na farraige (fir4)
coast defence artillery
airtléire chosanta cósta (bain4)
coast defence artillery
airtléire cosanta cósta (bain4)
defensive barrage
baráiste cosantach (fir4)
feed belt
cothchrios (fir3, gu: cothchreasa, ai: cothchriosanna, gi: cothchriosanna)
spaced belts
criosanna spásáilte (fir)
subsidiary belt
fochrios (fir3, gu: fochreasa, ai: fochriosanna, gi: fochriosanna)
garda cosanta (fir4)
case for the defence
cás na cosanta (fir1)
Civil Defence region
réigiún Cosanta Sibhialta (fir1)
Civil Defence section
an rannóg Cosanta Sibhialta (bain2)
Civil Defence subsection
forannóg Cosanta Sibhialta (bain2)
conduct of defence
stiúradh cosanta (fir)
nós (fir1, gu: nóis, ai: nósanna, gi: nósanna)
Civil Defence Corps
an Cór Cosanta Sibhialta (fir1)
Council of Defence
an Chomhairle Chosanta (bain4)
Defence Attaché Liaison Office [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Headquarters]
Oifig Liaison na nAttachéanna Cosanta (bain2)
1 Air Defence Regiment [Units and sub-units: Brigades]
an Chéad Reisimint Aerchosanta (bain2)
island of defence
oileán cosanta (fir1)
ground defence
cóir chosanta talún (bain3)
harbour defence
cóir chosanta cuain (bain3)
outer defence
cóir chosanta fhorimeallach (bain3)
normal field defence
gnáthchóir chosanta machaire (bain3)
defending force
fórsa cosantach (fir3)
defended locality
ionad cosanta (fir1)
defended post
post cosanta (fir1)
cosantóir (fir3, gu: cosantóra, ai: cosantóirí, gi: cosantóirí)
defensive fire
lámhach cosantach (fir1)
defence demonstration
léiríocht chosanta (bain3)
ear defender
cosantóir cluaise (fir3)
echeloned defence system
córas cosanta éisliúnta (fir1)
evidence for the defence
fianaise ar thaobh na cosanta (bain4)
foremost defences
tulchóracha cosanta (bain)
forward defended locality
tulionad cosanta (fir1)
defence fire
lámhach cosantach (fir1)
planned defensive fire
lámhach cosantach pleanáilte (fir1)
defensive flank
cliathán cosantach (fir1)
defence force
fórsa cosanta (fir4)
nós (fir1, gu: nóis, ai: nósanna, gi: nósanna)
inter-play between attack and defence
imirt ar a chéile ag lucht ionsaithe agus lucht cosanta (bain3)
latrine arrangement
socrú i leith losán (fir)
Central Library, Department of Defence
an Phríomhleabharlann, An Roinn Cosanta (bain2)
losán (fir1, gu: losáin, ai: losáin, gi: losán)
defensive lay-out
leagan amach cosantach (fir1)
military member of the Defence Council
comhalta míleata den Chomhairle Chosanta (fir4)
sos (fir3, gu: sosa, ai: sosanna, gi: sosanna)
cosán (fir1, gu: cosáin, ai: cosáin, gi: cosán)
defensive minefield
log mianach cosantach (fir1)
model of a defended harbour
miondealbh de chuan cosanta (bain2)
defensive organisation
eagraíocht chosantach (bain2)
sos (fir3, gu: sosa, ai: sosanna, gi: sosanna)
sos (fir3, gu: sosa, ai: sosanna, gi: sosanna)
rasainilín (fir4, gu: rasainilín, ai: rasainilíní, gi: rasainilíní)
Civil Defence rescue instructor
teagascóir tarrthála Cosanta Sibhialta (fir3)
defence scheme
scéim cosanta (bain2)
Civil Defence School
an Scoil Cosanta Sibhialta (bain2)
defence policy
beartas cosanta (fir1)
land-defence searchlight
solas cuardaigh cosanta talún (fir1)
defensive position
suíomh cosantach (fir1)
defensive post
post cosantach (fir1)
defence sector
teascóg chosantach (bain2)
preparation of defence
ullmhú cosanta (fir)
féinchosaint (bain3, gu: féinchosanta)
privilege of defending officers
pribhléid oifigeach cosantach (bain2)
cosaint (bain3, gu: cosanta, ai: cosaintí, gi: cosaintí)
rosán (fir1, gu: rosáin, ai: rosáin, gi: rosán)
signal for defensive fire
comhartha do lámhach cosantach (fir4)
defensive situation
staid chosantach (bain2)
tint with rosaniline
déan imir le rosainilín (br)
defensive fire task
tasc lámhaigh chosantaigh (fir1)
bósan (fir1, gu: bósain, ai: bósain, gi: bósan)
crios (fir3, gu: creasa, ai: criosanna, gi: criosanna)
bliosán (fir1, gu: bliosáin, ai: bliosáin, gi: bliosán)
cosán (fir1, gu: cosáin, ai: cosáin, gi: cosán)
cosaint (bain3, gu: cosanta, ai: cosaintí, gi: cosaintí)
cosán tarraingthe (fir1)
call a witness in his defence
glaoigh finné chun a chosanta
preparation of defence by accused
ullmhú a chosanta ag an gcúisí
procedure where evidence as to facts given for defence by witnesses (other than accused) but not by the accused
nós imeachta i gcás finnéithe (seachas an cúisí) ach gan an cúisí féin a thabhairt fianaise maidir le fíorais ar son na cosanta
section 10 of the Defence Act, 1954
alt 10 den Acht Cosanta, 1954
spaced belts
criosanna spásáilte
man the defences
gabh na córacha cosanta
put a place in a state of defence
cuir áit i dtreo cosanta
arbitrary defensive fire tasks
tascanna toiliúla lámhaigh chosanta
witness for the defence
finné ar thaobh na cosanta
the dispositions in depth of the defending forces
na cóirithe ar doimhneacht de na fórsaí cosantacha