Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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7-clóra-2-meitilaimíni-5-feinil-3H-1,4-beinsidhé-asaipín-4-ocsaíd bain2▼ ainm IUPAC/IUPAC name
gu 7-clóra-2-meitilaimíni-5-feinil-3H-1,4-beinsidhé-asaipín-4-ocsaíde
Computers, Computer Science A basic technology for fabricating integrated active devices employing field-effect transistors in any variety of different configurations. MOS devices tend to have a higher capacitance, which makes them slower than their bipolar counterparts; however, MOS devices achieve a higher functional density with fewer process steps, so fabrication costs are lower.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Bunteicneolaíocht le haghaidh gléasanna gníomhacha comhtháite a dhéanamh ag úsáid trasraitheoirí tionchar réimse i líon mór cumraíochtaí éagsúla. Bíonn toilleas níos mó de ghnáth ag gléasanna MOS, rud a dhéanann níos moille iad ná a macasamhla de ghléasanna dépholacha; is lú costais a bhaineann lena ndéanamh, áfach, toisc nach gá an líon céanna céimeanna próiseála chun dlús feidhmiúil níos airde a bhaint amach iontu.
Imoibríonn an t- alúmanam leis an aer, ach ansin cosnaíonn an screamh ocsaíde a ghintear an miotal ó chreimeadh breise.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
nitrogen oxide; NOX
ocsaíd de nítrigin
nitrogen oxides; NOx; oxides of nitrogen
NO<sub>x</sub>; ocsaídí nítrigine
nitrogen oxides emissions; NOx emissions
astaíochtaí NOx; astaíochtaí ocsaídí nítrigine
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
capture of CO2; carbon dioxide capture; CO2 capture
gabháil dé-ocsaíde carbóin
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha comhiomlána de gháis ceaptha teasa léirithe mar choibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
E 220; sulphur dioxide
dé-ocsaíd sulfair; E-220
boric oxide
ocsaíd bhórach
phosphorus pentoxide
peantocsaíd fosfair
aluminium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd alúmanaim
aluminium oxide
ocsaíd alúmanaim
emission of oxides of sulphur
astú ocsaídí sulfair
SOFC; solid oxide fuel cell
breosla-chill ocsaíde soladaí; SOFC
hydrogen peroxide (including solid hydrogen peroxide)
sárocsaíd hidrigine (lena n-áirítear sárocsaíd hidrigine sholadach)
iron hydro-oxides
hiodrocsaíd iarainn
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
beryllium oxide
ocsaíd bheirilliam
iron oxides
ocsaíd iarainn
aluminium oxide and hydroxide (alumina)
ocsaíd agus hiodrocsaíd alúmanaim (alúmana)
titanium dioxide
dé-ocsaíd tiotáiniam
nitrogen dioxide
dé-ocsaíd nítrigine
sodium/ammonium hydroxide
hidrocsaíd amóiniam; hiodrocsaíd sóidiam
arsenic pentoxide
peantocsaíd arsanaice
titanium oxides
ocsaíd tíotáiniam
vanadic pentoxide
peantocsaíd vanaidiam
carbon charge; carbon dioxide tax; carbon tax; CO2 tax
cáin ar charbón
carbon dioxide intensity; carbon intensity; CO<sub>2</sub> intensity
déine carbóin
carbon dioxide equivalent; CO2 equivalent; CO2e; CO2-eq
coibhéis CO2; coibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
carbon dioxide sequestration; carbon sequestration; CO<sub>2</sub> sequestration
ceapadh carbóin
hydrated basic magnesium carbonate; magnesium carbonate hydroxide; magnesium carbonate hydroxide hydrated; magnesium hydrogen carbonate; magnesium hydroxide carbonate; magnesium subcarbonate (light or heavy)
hidrigincharbónáit mhaignéisiam
carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin
carbon monoxide
aonocsaíd charbóin
FGD; flue gas desulfurisation; flue-gas desulphurisation; SO2 scrubbing; sulfur dioxide scrubbing
díshulfarú gáis mhúcháin; sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair
TCO; transparent conductive oxide
ocsaíd sheoltach thrédhearcach
2,3-dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1,4-dithiin 1,1,4,4-tetraoxide; dimethipin
2,3-déhidrea-5,6-démheitil-1,4-dé-itín 1,1,4,4-teitrea-ocsaíd; démheitipin
E220; sulphur dioxide
dé-ocsaíd sulfair
burned lime; burnt lime; calcium oxide; lime; quicklime
aol; aol beo; oscaíd chailciam
arsenic trioxide; arsenious acid anyhdride; arsenous acid anhydride; diarsenic trioxide; white arsenic
aigéad arsanúil; trí-ocsaíd arsanaice; trí-ocsaíd dhé-arsanach
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
1,2-epoxyethane; ethylene oxide; oxirane
1,2-eapocsa-eatán; ocsaíd eitiléine; ocsaíorán
amorphous silicon dioxide; silica; silicium dioxide; silicon dioxide
peroxide index; peroxide value
innéacs sárocsaíde
nitrogen dioxide
dé-ocsaíd nítrigine
magnesium oxide
ocsaíd mhaignéisiam
builder's lime; calcium hydroxide; hydrated lime; lime hydrate; slaked lime
aol hiodráitithe; aol teilgthe; hiodrocsaíd chailciam
CI Pigment White 6; titanium dioxide
dé-ocsaíd tíotáiniam
D<sub>2</sub>O; deuterium oxide; DO; heavy water; HW
ocsaíd deoitéiriam; tromuisce
hydrogen peroxide
sárocsaíd hidrigine
organic peroxide
sárocsaíd orgánach
dinitrogen monoxide; dinitrogen oxide; laughing gas; nitrous oxide
gás gáire; monocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd nítriúil
mononitrogen monoxide; nitric oxide; nitrogen monoxide; NO
aonocsaíd nítrigine; ocsaíd nítreach
alumina; aluminium oxide; aluminum oxide
alúmana; ocsaíd alúmanaim
indium oxide
ocsaíd indiam
ammonia liquor; ammonia solution; ammonia water; ammonium hydrate; ammonium hydroxide; aqua ammonia
tuaslagán amóinia
nitrogen dioxide sensor; NO2 sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde nítrigine
carbon dioxide sensor; CO2 sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde carbóin
SO2 sensor; sulfur dioxide sensor; sulphur dioxide sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde sulfair
zirconium oxide oxygen sensor
braiteoir ocsaigine ocsaíd siorcóiniam
SO2 concentration in ambient air; sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient air; sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient air
tiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
ultra violet fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysis; ultra violet fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysis; UV fluorescence SO2 analysis; UV fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysis; UV fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysis
anailís fluaraiseachta ultraivialaite ar dhé-ocsaíd sulfair; anailís fluaraiseachta UV ar dhé-ocsaíd sulfair
carbon capture; carbon dioxide capture; CO<sub>2</sub> capture
gabháil dé-ocsaíd charbóin
carbon capture and geological storage; carbon capture and storage; carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; carbon dioxide capture and storage; CCS; CO2 capture and storage
gabháil agus stóráil charbóin; gabháil agus stóráil dé-ocsaíd charbóin
carbon dioxide footprint; carbon footprint; CO<sub>2</sub> footprint
lorg carbóin; lorg CO<sub>2</sub>
carbon dioxide geological storage; CO2 geological storage; geological storage of carbon dioxide; geological storage of CO<sub>2</sub>
stóráil gheolaíoch CO2; stóráil gheolaíoch dé-ocsaíd charbóin
carbon dioxide removal; CDR
baint dé-ocsaíde carbóin
tCO2e; tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent; tonne of CO2 equivalent
coibhéis tona dé-ocsaíde carbóin
May form explosive peroxides.
D’fhéadfadh sé sárocsaídí pléascacha a chruthú.
apparatus for carbon dioxide scrubbing; carbon dioxide scrubber
sciúrthóir dé-ocsaíde carbóin
CO<sub>2</sub>-free; free from carbon dioxide
saor ó CO<sub>2</sub>; saor ó dhé-ocsaíd charbóin
ThCO2; theoretical carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin theoiriciúil
3-chloro-6-methyldibenzo[c,f][1,2]thiazepin-11(6H)-one 5,5-dioxide
3-clóraí-6-meitildébheinsi[c,f][1,2]tiasaipín-11(6H)-ón 5,5-dé-ocsaíd
nickel oxide promoted with iron on an alumina support
ocsaíd nicile spreagtha le hiarann ar thaca alúmana
carbon dioxide utilisation; CDU
úsáid dé-ocsaíde carbóin
carbon dioxide evolved; evolved carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin fhabhraithe
carbon dioxide mineralisation; CO<sub>2</sub> mineralisation; mineral carbonation
mianrú CO<sub>2</sub>; mianrú dé-ocsaíde carbóin
dé-ocsaíd (bain2, gu: dé-ocsaíde)
lead oxide
ocsaíd luaidhe (bain2)
lead peroxide
sárocsaíd luaidhe (bain2)
aonocsaíd (bain2, gu: aonocsaíde, ai: aonocsaídí, gi: aonocsaídí)
sárocsaíd (bain2, gu: sárocsaíde, ai: sárocsaídí, gi: sárocsaídí)
ocsaíd (bain2, gu: ocsaíde)
carbon monoxide
aonocsaíd charbóin (bain2)
carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin (bain2)