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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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The American Physical Society was founded on May 20, 1899, when 36 physicists gathered at Columbia University for that purpose. They proclaimed the mission of the new Society to be "to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics",
Computers, Computer Science The actual, hardwired memory addresses as opposed to the addresses that memory can refer to, which is called virtual address space.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Na seoltaí cruashreangaithe cuimhne iarbhír i gcomórtas leis na seoltaí ar féidir leis an chuimhne tagairt dóibh, is é sin an spás seoltaí fíorúla.
Computers, Computer Science The output from Physical Design Module. It is a collation of all the documentation that makes up the technical design.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An t-aschur ó Mhodúl an Dearaidh Fhisiciúil. Comhthiomsú is ea é den doiciméadú go léir a chuimsíonn an dearadh teicniúil.
the control established over the physical aspects (such as format, quantity or location) of documents in the physical custody of an archives. Physical control does not necessarily imply legal title
an rialú atá bunaithe ar ghnéithe fisiciúla na ndoiciméad (amhail formáid, cainníocht nó suíomh) atá á gcoinneáil i gcartlann. Ní gá go dtuigtear teideal dlíthiúil a bheith ann mar thoradh ar rialú fisiciúil
Computers, Computer Science The database definition which is to be implemented as a result of the optimization of the Physical Data Model.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An sainiú bunachar sonraí atá le cur i ngníomh mar thoradh ar optamú na Samhla Fisiciúla de Shonraí.
GAsamhail bain3 fhisiceach de shonraí
gu samhla fisiciúla de shonraí, iol samhlacha fisiciúla de shonraí
Computers, Computer Science The Logical Data Model after it has been transformed in Stage 6 to a Physical Model, by applying first a non-specific set of rules for transforming it, and then applying the rules of the target DBMS to that model. Until it has been optimized in one of several possible ways, it is unlikely to meet the performance requirements, and so is not yet a Physical Data Design.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An tSamhail Loighciúil de Shonraí tar éis a trasfhoirmithe i gCéim 6 go Samhail Fhisiciúil, trí thacar de rialacha neamhshonracha a chur i bhfeidhm uirthi i dtosach lena trasfhoirmiú, agus ansin rialacha an DBMS sprice a chur i bhfeidhm ar an tsamhail sin. Go dtí go n-optamaítear í ar cheann amháin de na bealaí éagsúla féideartha, ní dócha go riarfaidh sé ar na riachtanais feidhmíochta, agus mar sin ní Dearadh Fisiciúil de Shonraí é go fóill.
Computers, Computer Science The selected environment on which the new system will be implemented. The term embraces DBMS, with its classifications of storage and performance. Also included are details of hardware products, software development environment (i.e., 3GL, 4GL, and so on) and other software such as TPMS, operating system, etc.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An timpeallacht roghnaithe ar a gcuirfear an córas nua i ngníomh. Cuimsíonn an téarma an DBMS, lena ranguithe stórála agus feidhmíochta. Áirítear leis sin freisin sonraí na dtáirgí crua-earraí, na timpeallachta forbartha bogearraí (e.g. 3GL, 4GL, agus mar sin de) agus bogearraí eile ar nós TPMS, an chórais oibriúcháin, etc.
the overall appearance, configuration, or shape, derived from a document’s characteristics and independent of intellectual content
an chuma fhoriomlán, an chumraíocht fhoriomlán nó an cruth foriomlán a dhíorthaíonn ó shaintréithe doiciméid, gan spleáchas d’inneachar intleachtúil
GAeochair bain5 fhisiceach
gu eochrach fisicí
Computers, Computer Science A device to locate the target record on the physical disk. It is only known as a pointer.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Gléas chun an taifead sprice a aimsiú ar an diosca fisiciúil. Pointeoir an t-aon ainm a thugtar air.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
physical disability
míchumas coirp; míchumas fisiceach
National Institute for Physical Planning and Construction Research
an Foras Forbartha
bodily injury; physical injury
díobháil choirp
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material; Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities; CPPNM; CPPNMNF
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Fhisiceach Ábhair Núicléach; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Fhisiceach Ábhair Núicléach agus Saoráidí Núicléacha
claim secured in rem; claim supported by an in rem interest; physical collateral; security in rem; valuable security
urrús luachmhar
PE; physical education
physical impairment
lagú fisiceach
physical investment; productive investment
infheistiocht tháirgiúil
analytical physical chemistry
ceimic fhisiceach anailíseach
EFP; exchange against actuals; exchange for physical; exchange of futures for cash; exchange versus cash
malartú le haghaidh sócmhainní fisiceacha
physical security
slándáil fhisiciúil
IGY; International Geophysical Year
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta na Geoifisice
physical product
táirge fisiceach
corporal punishment; physical punishment
pionós corpartha
physical assets
sócmhainní fisiceacha
genome physical map; physical map
mapa fisiceach géanóim
physical inventory
fardal fisiceach
gross physical investment
oll-infheistíocht tháirgiúil
physical work
obair fhisiceach
physical therapy; physiotherapy
layer 1; PHY; physical layer
sraith fhisiciúil
physical vapour deposition; PVD
deascadh fisiceach gaile
physical stock
stoc fisiceach
infrastructural safety measure; physical safety measure
beart sábháilteacht infrastruchtúir
physically separated facilities
saoráidí atá deighilte go fisiceach
right to physical and moral integrity; right to the integrity of the person
an ceart chun sláine an duine
Diet, Physical Activity and Health – a European Platform for Action; EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health; EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
Clár AE maidir le Cothú, Gníomhaíocht Choirp agus Sláinte
damage to physical assets
damáiste do shócmhainní fisiceacha
loss of physical assets
caillteanas sócmhainni fisiceacha
physical congestion
plódú fisiceach
physical inventory
fardal fisiceach
physical settlement
socraíocht fhisiceach
physical capital
caipiteal fisiceach
EU Physical Activity Guidelines
Treoirlínte AE maidir le gníomhaíocht choirp
physical decay of vision
meathlú fisiceach radhairc
European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity; HEPA Europe
an Líonra Eorpach um chur chun cinn na Gníomhaíochta Coirp ar mhaithe le Feabhsú Sláinte; HEPA Eoraip
health-enhancing physical activity; HEPA
gníomhaíocht choirp ar mhaithe le feabhsú sláinte; HEPA
physical transmission right; PTR
ceart fisiceach tarchurtha; PTR
execution core; physical core
cór fisiciúil
physical abuse
drochíde fhisiciúil
physical assault
ionsaí fisiciúil
physical security and stockpile management; physical security and stockpile management of arms; PSSM
PSSM; slándáil fhisiciúil agus bainistíocht stoc-charn armán
physical congestion
plódú fisiceach
physical literacy
inniúlacht fhisiciúil
Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; Special Rapporteur on the right to health
Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir leis an gceart a bheith ag gach duine chun an chaighdeáin is airde sláinte coirp agus meabharshláinte is féidir a bhaint amach; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir leis an gceart chun sláinte
Defence Forces Physical Culture School
Scoil Chorpfhreacair Óglaigh na hÉireann (bain2)
Army School of Physical Culture
Scoil Chorpfhreachair an Airm (bain2)
physical capacity
cumas coirp (fir1)
Defence Forces Physical Culture School [Units and Sub-units: Defence Forces’ Training Centre]
An Scoil Chorpfhreacair Óglaigh na hÉireann (bain2)
physical culture
physical feature
gné na tíre (bain4)
physical fitness
infheidhmeacht choirp (bain3)
physical fitness
bheith slán folláin
loss of mental or physical capacity
cailleadh cumais coirp nó aigne (fir)
physical feature of country
gné tíre (bain4)
physically incapacitated
faoi éagumas coirp (fr.dob.)
Defence Forces' Physical Culture School
Scoil Chorpfhreacair Óglaigh na hÉireann (bain2)
preventable physical unfitness
neamh-infheidhmeacht choirp ab fhéidir a chosc
basic and battle physical training
corpoiliúint bhunaidh agus chatha (bain3)
physical training course
cúrsa corpoiliúna (fir4)
physical training instructor
teagascóir corpoiliúna (fir3)
physical training
corpoiliúint (bain3, gu: corpoiliúna)
physical education
corpoideachas (fir1, gu: corpoideachais)
physical condition of a unit
staid fhisiciúil aonaid
exercises which require physical exertion should alternate with those of a less strenuous nature
bíodh na freachnaimh a iarrann mórfhuinneamh ag sealú na bhfreachnamh nach n-iarrann sin
below Army physical standards
faoi bhun caighdeáin choirp an Airm