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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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pressure altitude
airde brú
cut-out pressure
brú scoite
cut-in pressure
brú gearr isteach
accreditation; media accreditation; press accreditation
creidiúnú; creidiúnú do na meáin
first Vice-President
an chéad Leas-Uachtarán
Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
Coinbhinsiún chun an Gháinneáil ar Dhaoine agus chun Dúshaothrú Striapachas Daoine eile a Dhíchur
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
Article 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression; Article 19, International Centre Against Censorship; International Centre Against Censorship - Article 19
Airteagal 19: an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta i gcoinne na Cinsireachta
representative vehicle
feithicil ionadaíoch
Lord President of the Council
Uachtarán Tiarna na Comhairle
direct-acting hydraulic pressing
fáscadh hiodrálach dírghníomhach
freedom of expression
saoirse cainte; saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh
fuel pressure regulator; fuel regulator
brúrialtán breosla
brake pressure regulator; brake proportioning valve; load sensing valve; load-proportioning valve
comhla mheasta ualaigh
TPE; transportable pressure equipment
brú-threalamh iniompartha
e-billing; EBPP; eInvoicing; e-invoicing; electronic bill presentment and payment; electronic billing; electronic invoicing
minister-president; regional prime minister
immunocompromised; immunosuppressed
lagaithe maidir le himdhíonacht; sochta maidir le himdhíonacht
Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict; SRSG/CAAC
Ionadaí Speisialta an Ard-Rúnaí maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
Press Centre
ionad preasa; lárionad preasa
presentation; presentation and publication; publication
tíolacadh agus foilsiú na gcuntas
professional representative
ionadaí gairmiúil
cur i láthair
to press
prescribed relative allowance; relative allowance
liúntas gaoil fhorordaithe
presenting and auditing accounts
cuntas a thíolacadh agus a iniúchadh
inflationary pressure
brú boilscitheach
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
Comhaontú Mhaidrid chun cosc a chur ar Fhaisnéis Bhréagach nó Mhíthreorach a bheith ar Earraí faoina dTionscnamh
President in office; President of the Council; President-in-Office of the Council
medicinal product not subject to prescription; non-prescription medicinal product; non-prescription medicine; OTC drug; OTC medicine; over-the-counter drug; over-the-counter medicine
cógas thar an gcuntar
procedure for presenting and auditing accounts
nós imeachta um thíolacadh agus um iniúchadh na gcuntas
as at present constituted
ina chomhdhéanamh láithreach
compression ignition engine
inneall adhainte comhbhrú
imprest account
cuntas óinchiste
administrator of advance funds; imprest administrator
riarthóir óinchistí
pressure vessel
árthach brú
representative ad litem
ionadaí ad litem
Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
an Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha maidir le ceadanna arna ndeonú ar bhonn na s; Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha chun ceadanna bunaithe orthu sin a aithint go c
core pressure vessel; pressure vessel; reactor pressure vessel; reactor vessel; RPV
árthach brú imoibreora
representative democracy
daonlathas ionadaíoch
prequalification; preselection
Protocol to the Conference of the Representatives of the States Parties to the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhdháil d'Ionadaithe na Stát ar Páirtithe iad sa Choinbhinsiún um Iascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-Acmhainní i Muir Bhailt agus sna Beilteanna Danmhargacha
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Sceimhliú a Dhíchur
Convention concerning Protection and Facilities to be afforded to Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking; Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIonadaithe na nOibrithe sa Ghnóthas a Chosaint agus leis na Saoráidí atá le cur ar fáil dóibh ann
an tUachtarán toghaí
International Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Customs Offences
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cúnamh Riaracháin Frithpháirteach chun Cionta Custaim a chosc, a imscrúdú, agus a chur faoi chois
presumption of law
toimhde dlí
day at sea; day present within an area
lá ar muir
Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; Coreper; Permanent Representatives Committee; PRC
Coiste de Bhuanionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát; Coiste na mBuanionadaithe; Coreper
expressed protein
próitéin léirithe
Deputy Permanent Representative; DPR
illegal presence; illegal residence; illegal stay; irregular stay; unauthorised residence
cónaí neamhúdaraithe
Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, held on the basis of the provisions of the Final Act relating to the Follow-up to the Conference; Vienna Concluding Document
Doiciméad Clabhsúir de Chruinniú Vín 1986 d'Ionadaithe na Stát Rannpháirteach sa Chomhdháil maidir le Slándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip, arna chomóradh ar bhonn na bhforálacha san Ionstraim Deiridh a bhaineann leis na torthaí a leanann ón gComhdháil; Doiciméad Deiridh Vín
Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; RGMS
Ionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft; Hijacking Convention; Unlawful Seizure Convention
an Coinbhinsiún chun cosc a chur le hurghabháil neamhdhleathach aerárthaí
present activity
gníomhaíocht láithreach
conclusions of the Presidency of the European Council; European Council Presidency conclusions; Presidency conclusions
conclúidí Uachtaránacht na Comhairle Eorpaí
time prescribed
tréimhse fhorordaithe
to appoint (representative)
express request
expressly and specifically
go sainráite agus go sonrach; go sainráite agus go speisialta
expressed in
arna áireamh de réir
representative ports of importation
calafort allmhairithe ionadaíoch
Civil Aviation Convention; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
an Coinbhinsiún chun Cosc a chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Shábháilteacht na hEitlíochta Sibhialta
Brief for the President of the Council; Note for the President of the Council
Nóta d'Uachtarán na Comhairle
initialled by the President
agus inisealacha an Uachtaráin leis
the details prescribed
sonraí forordaithe
member present in person or represented
comhalta a bheidh i láthair go pearsanta nó a mbeidh ionadaithe ag feidhmiú thar a cheann; comhalta a bheidh i láthair go pearsanta nó trí ionadaíocht
Council Presidency; office of President of the Council; Presidency of the Council
Oifig Uachtarán na Comhairle; Uachtaránacht na Comhairle
the President (CJ)
an tUachtarán
President of the European Patent Office
Uachtarán Oifig Eorpach na bPaitinní
representatives of the Contracting States
ionadaithe na Stát Conarthach
representative centre of consumption
lárionad tomhaltais ionadaíoch
representative period
tréimhse ionadaíoch
the representation (of the parties)
ionadaíocht (na bpáirtithe)
the Contracting States represented and voting
Stáit Chonarthacha a mbeidh ionadaithe acu agus a vótálfaidh
jobs where women are under-represented
poist mar a bhfuil mná faoi ghannionadaíocht
alternate representative
ionadaí malartach
to present evidence
tabhair fianaise ar aird
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organisations of a Universal Character
Coinbhinsiún Vín maidir le hIonadaíocht Stát ina gCaidreamh le hEagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta de Chineál Uilechoiteann
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; Maritime Convention; SUA Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh shábháilteacht na loingseoireachta muirí; an Coinbhinsiún Muirí
Agreement on the Preservation of the Confidentiality of Data concerning Deep Seabed Areas
an Comhaontú maidir le Caomhnú Rúndachta Sonraí a bhaineann le Limistéir de Ghrinneall na Domhainfharraige
measure of protection; precautionary measure; preservation measure; protective measure
beart cosanta; beart um chosaint
overpressing of grapes
rófháscadh fíonchaor
president's private secretariat
rúnaíocht phríobháideach an Uachtaráin
Working Party of Financial Counsellors; Working Party of Financial Counsellors of the Permanent Representations
Meitheal na gComhairleoirí Airgeadais
Conference of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; IGC; Intergovernmental Conference
CIR; Comhdháil Idir-rialtasach
Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staff
an Comhaontú maidir le Stádas Eagraíocht Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh, na nIonadaithe Náisiúnta agus na bhFoirne Idirnáisiúnta
International Press Institute; IPI
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta an Phreasa; IPI
ethical drug; medicinal product subject to medical prescription; POM; prescription drug; prescription medicine; prescription only medicine; prescription pharmaceutical; prescription-only medicinal product; Rx drug
cógas ar oideas amháin; druga ar oideas
silencer; sound moderator; sound suppressor; suppressor
ciúnadóir; tostóir
it shall be presumed that ...
toimhdeofar go ...
express or implied decision
cinneadh sainráite nó intuigthe
International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Scaipeadh Foilseachán Gáirsiúil, agus Gáinneáil orthu, a Dhíchur
Arrangement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications
Comhshocraíocht maidir le scaipeadh foilseachán gáirsiúil a dhíchur
International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le deireadh a chur le góchumadh airgeadra
the consent of the President
toiliú an Uachtaráin
the fees or taxes representing services rendered
na táillí nó cánacha in ionannas le seirbhísí arna soláthar
UNPO; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation
Eagraíocht na Náisiún agus na bPobal gan Ionadaíocht
to hold the office of President
a bheith i seilbh oifig an Uachtaráin
including the votes of the representatives
lena n-áirítear vótaí na n-ionadaithe
International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta chun Gáinneáil ar Mhná agus ar Leanaí a dhíchur
pressure reducing valves and thermostatically-controlled valves
comhla bhrúlaghdaithe agus comhla theasrialaithe
to prescribe interim measures
ordaigh bearta eatramhacha
to present alternative proposals
tograí eile a thíolacadh
the President may be re-elected
féadfar an tUachtarán a atoghadh; tá an tUachtarán inatofa
representatives of the general public
iondaí don phobal i gcoitinne
representative organisation
eagraíocht ionadaíoch
accredited representative of workers
ionadaí creidiúnaithe do na hoibrithe
members representing ...
comhaltaí a ionadaíonn do ...
side by side with the representatives
i dteannta na n-ionadaithe
set out expressly
leag amach go sainráite
Airport Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
Prótacal Aerfoirt; Prótacal maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha foréigin in aerfoirt a fhónann don eitliocht shibhialta idirnáisiúnta, forlíontach don Choinbhinsiún maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh shábháílteacht na heitlíoc
Fixed Platform Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
an Prótacal chun Cosc a Chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Sábháilteacht Ardán Seasta atá Suite ar an Scairbh Ilchríochach; an Prótacal maidir le hArdáin Seasta
tax representative
ionadaí cánach
CNG; compressed natural gas
gás nádúrtha comhbhrúite
presumption of innocence
toimhde na neamhchiontachta
presumption of validity
toimhde bailíochta
call for expressions of interest
glao ar léiriú spéise
presentation of goods to customs
tíolacadh earraí do chustam
President of the Executive Board
Uachtarán an Bhoird Feidhmiúcháin
Vice-President of the ECB; Vice-President of the European Central Bank
Leas-Uachtarán an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh; Leas-Uachtarán BCE
previous Member State to hold the Presidency
an Ballstát ag a raibh an Uachtaránacht roimhe sin
Section President
Uachtarán na Rannóige
Agreement on the Status of the Western European Union, National Representatives and International Staff
an Comhaontú maidir le Stádas Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa, na nIonadaithe Náisiúnta agus na Foirne Idirnáisiúnta
media briefing; press briefing
seisiún faisnéise do na meáin
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level; LAeq; LpAeq
LAeq; leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach A-ualaithe
grape must with fermentation arrested; muté; preserved must
úrfhíon fíonchaor agus é coiscthe ó choipeadh
to take note of any representation
tabhair dá aire aon uiríoll
to preserve products in good condition
táirgí a chaomhnú i ndea-bhail
expressly or in effect
go sainráite nó iarbhír
present its comments thereon
a bharúlacha ina thaobh a thíolacadh
President of the Committee of the Regions
Uachtarán Choiste na Réigiún
first Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions
an chéad Leas-Uachtarán ar Choiste na Réigiún
Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions
Leas-Uachtarán de Choiste na Réigiún
International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta chun an Gháinneáil ar Sclábhaithe Geala a Dhíchur
Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
an Comhaontú maidir le Cigireacht Réamhsheolta
Special Representative; Special Representative of the Secretary-General; SRSG; UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General; UN SRSG
Ionadaí Speisialta Ard-Rúnaí na Náisiún Aontaithe
Agreement on the Status of Missions and Representatives of Third States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
an Comhaontú maidir le Stádas na Misean agus na nIonadaithe Tríú Stát chuig Eagraíocht Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh
International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women of Full Age
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta chun an Gháinneáil ar Mhná Lánaoise a Dhíchur
High Representative; High Representative for Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina; HR
Ardionadaí sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin; Ard-Ionadaí um Chur Chun Feidhme an Chomhaontaithe Síochána maidir leis an mBoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin
EU Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region; European Union Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region; EUSR for the African Great Lakes Region
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh Réigiún Mór-Lochanna na hAfraice
High Representative for the CFSP; High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Ardionadaí don CBES; Ardionadaí don chomhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála
Press Office
an Phreasoifig
Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
OHR; Oifig an Ardionadaí
Palestinian president; president of the Palestinian Authority; president of the Palestinian National Authority
Uachtarán na Palaistíne; uachtarán Údarás na Palaistíne; Uachtarán Údarás Náisiúnta na Palaistíne
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; Terrorist Bombing Convention
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir le buamáil sceimhlitheoireachta a dhíchur
incoming Presidency
uachtaránacht inteachta
members present in person or represented
comhaltaí a bheidh i láthair go pearsanta nó a mbeidh ionadaithe ag feidhmiú thar a gceann
the under-represented sex
an gnéas tearcionadaithe
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Ionadaí ESCE maidir le Saoirse na Meán
under the political guidance of the President
faoi threoir pholaitiúil an Uachtaráin
sequence of the Presidencies
seicheamh na nUachtaránachtaí
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
President of the ECB; President of the European Central Bank
Uachtarán an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
AEM; European Association of Elected Representatives from Mountain Areas
AEM; Comhlachas Eorpach na n-Ionadaithe Tofa ó Réigiúin Shléibhteacha
press offence
cion preasa
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace process; European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace process; EUSR for the Middle East peace process
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh phróiseas síochána an Mheánoirthir
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism; Terrorist Financing Convention
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta chun maoiniú sceimhlitheoireachta a dhíchur; an Coinbhinsiún um Maoiniú Sceimhlitheoireachta
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; NTC; Nuclear Terrorism Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cosc a chur le Gníomhartha Sceimhlitheoireachta Núicléiche; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sceimhlitheoireacht Núicléach
Palermo Protocol; Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
an Prótacal chun gáinneáil ar dhaoine, go háirithe ar mhná agus ar leanaí, a chosc, a chur faoi chois agus pionós a ghearradh ina leith, ar Prótacal é lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta; Prótacal Palermo
Law for the prevention and suppression of money laundering activities
Dlí um ghníomhaíochtaí sciúrtha airgid a chosc agus a chur faoi chois
Secretary-General/High Representative; Secretary-General/High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, of the Council of the European Union; SG/HR
AR/AI; Ardrúnaí/Ardionadaí; Ardrúnaí/Ardionadaí Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh don Chomhbheartas Eachtrach agus Slándála
EU Special Representative; EUSR; special representative
Ionadaí Speisialta AE; ISAE
freedom of expression and information
an tsaoirse chun tuairimí a nochtadh agus faisnéis a fháil
World Press Freedom Day
Lá Domhanda Shaoirse an Phreasa
military delegate; military representative; MILREP
ionadaí míleata; toscaire míleata
representatives of the various economic and social components of organised civil society
ionadaithe ó na heilimintí éagsúla eacnamaíocha agus sóisialta den tsochaí shibhialta eagraithe
fishing pressure
brú iascaireachta
traditional expression
leagan traidisiúnta
EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina; European Union Special Representative in BiH; European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina; EUSR in BiH; EUSR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin
EU Special Representative in Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative in Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative to Afghanistan; EUSR for Afghanistan; EUSR in Afghanistan
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh san Afganastáin
EU Special Representative in FYROM; EU Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; European Union Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; EUSR in FYROM; EUSR in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
rotating Presidency; six-monthly Presidency
Uachtaránacht leathbhliantúil; Uachtaránacht uainíochta
High Level Group of Member States Representatives on Disability; High Level Group on Disability
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Míchumas; Grúpa Ardleibhéil Ionadaithe na mBallstát um Míchumas
PEC; President of the European Council
Uachtarán na Comhairle Eorpaí
certificate representing shares; depositary receipt; depository receipt
admháil taisclainne
Protocol amending the European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism
Prótacal ag leasú an Choinbhinsiúin Eorpaigh chun Sceimhliú a Dhíchur
unity in the international representation of the Community
aontacht maidir le hionadaíocht an Chomhphobail go hidirnáisiúnta
EU Representative on Non Proliferation and Disarmament; Personal Representative of the High Representative on non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction; Secretary General/High Representative’s Personal Representative for non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
Ionadaí AE maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm agus Dí-armáil
AIRAPT; International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta chun Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht Ardbhrú a chur ar aghaidh
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative; EU ambassador; permanent representative; PR
preserved egg
ubh leasaithe
preserved by sugar
leasaithe i siúcra
representative price
praghas ionadaíoch
damage due to pressure
damáiste de bharr brú
fáisc; fáscadh
present value; PV
luach láithreach
pressure hull
cabhail bhrú
gene expression; genetic expression
léiriú na géine
construct vector; expression vector
veicteoir léirithe
immunosuppressant; immunosuppressant agent; immunosuppressant drug; immunosuppressive; immunosuppressive agent; immunosuppressive drug
druga imdhíon-sochtach
presentation of the budget
tíolacadh an bhuiséid
pressed honey
mil bhrúite
static pressure
brú statach
piston compressor; reciprocating compressor
comhbhrúiteoir loine frithingeach
pressure vessel
árthach brú
bank money; deposit money; money of account; representative money; scriptural money
airgead taisce
preservative agent
oibreán leasaitheach
alerce; Fitzroy's cypress; lahuan; patagonian fitzroy
presentation currency; reporting currency
airgeadra tuairiscithe
use value; value in present use
luach úsáide
imprest account
cuntas óinchiste
Debt representation letter
litir uiríll maidir le fiachas
Social net present value
glanluach láithreach sóisialta
express acceptance of an inheritance
glacadh go sainráite le hoidhreacht
office of the President falling vacant
folúntas in oifig an Uachtaráin
decision of the President
breith ón Uachtarán
period prescribed
tréimhse fhorordaithe
determine the points on which the parties must present further argument
na pointí a chinneadh a gcaithfidh na páirtithe breis áitithe a dhéanamh ina leith
prevention from attending the President of the Court
mura féidir d''Uachtarán na Cúirte a bheith i láthair
President of the Chamber
Uachtarán an Dlísheomra
proposal from the President
togra ón Uachtarán
successor to the President
comharba an Uachtaráin; comharba ar an Uachtarán
vacancy in the office of the President
folúntas in oifig an Uachtaráin
Vice-President of the Executive Board; Vice-President of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Leasuachtarán an Bhoird Feidhmiúcháin
President of the Court of Auditors
Uachtarán na Cúirte Iniúchóirí
air pressure sensor
braiteoir aerbhrú
briefing room; press conference room; press room
seomra preasa
press office
press file; press kit; press pack
pacáiste na meán
press communiqué; press release
news conference; press conference
comhdháil nuachta; comhdháil preasa; preasagallamh
pressure face
CAES; compressed air energy storage
stóráil fuinnimh le haer comhbhrúite
preshipment inspection; PSI
cigireacht réamhsheolta
preshipment inspection entity
eintiteas cigireachta réamhsheolta
commercial presence
láithreacht thráchtálach
European Commission President; President of the Commission; President of the European Commission
Uachtarán an Choimisiúin
Vice-President of the Commission; Vice-President of the European Commission
Leasuachtarán de chuid an Choimisiúin
subject to the control of the President; under the authority of the President
faoi réir rialú an Uachtaráin; faoi údarás an Uachtaráin
Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council
Cinneadh ó Ionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát, ag teacht le chéile dóibh i dtionól na Comhairle
PFBC; pressurised fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí brúchóirithe; PFBC
accounting presentation of the results
tíolacadh cuntasaíochta na dtorthaí
braking pressure
brú choscánaithe
anti-oncogene; tumour suppressor gene; tumour-suppressor gene
frith-oncaigéin; géin sochta siada
C.I. engine; compression ignition engine; diesel engine
inneall adhainte comhbhrú; inneall díosail
air pressure brake; compressed air brake
coscán aerbhrú
reduced pressure
brú laghdaithe
exhaust gas turbocharger; turbo; turbo compressor; turbocharger; turbosupercharger
compressed gas
gás comhbhrúite
compressed air reservoir
taiscumar aeir chomhbhrúite
cur i láthair
residue from the pressing
iarmhar an fháiscthe
diplomatic mission; diplomatic representation; foreign mission; mission
ionadaíochtaí taidhleoireachta
present Member States
Ballstáit láithreacha
Presidency; Presidency of the Council
Uachtaránacht na Comhairle
assignation of debts; assignment of present or future debts; charge on assets
sannadh fiachas
co-determination; employee participation; employees' representation in management; participation
preservation period for books and records; retention period
tréimhse choinneála
prescribed dividends
díbhinní forordaithe
method of net presentation
modh léirithe an ghlanmhéid
method of gross presentation
modh neamhchúitimh; modh um olltíolacadh
acquisitive prescription; positive prescription; usucapio
rúradh teideal
extinctive prescription; negative prescription; prescription of a claim
rúradh éilimh
presentation regulations
rialacháin maidir le tíolacadh
to presort
principle of fair presentation
prionsabal an chur i láthair chothroim
reserve prescribed by articles; statutory reserve
cúlchiste reachtúil
current value; present value
luach reatha
letter of representation; management representation letter
litir uiríll; litir uiríll ó lucht bainistíochta
angle of depression; minus angle
uillinn ísle
contour; contour line; isoheight; isohypse; pressure contour
depressed area
ceantar bochtaineachta; limistéar spealta
depression; economic depression
cúlú eacnamaíochta
representative market price
margadhphraghas ionadaíoch; praghas margaidh ionadaíoch
avatar; virtual representation
abhatár; macasamhail fhíorúil
absolute pressure sensor; APS
air compressor intake throttle
scóig iontógála aer-chomhbhrúiteora
air conditioning and pressurization system
córas aerchóirithe agus aer-bhrúchóirithe
air pressure heat test
tástáil teasa faoi aerbhrú
alternobaric vertigo; pressure vertigo
veirtige ailtéarnabarach
altitude decompression sickness
breoiteacht dí-chomhbhrúcháin airde
ambient pressure
brú comhthimpeallach
barometric pressure control
rialaitheoir baraiméadrach brú
base pressure
brú ar an mbun
bladder pressure suit
brúchulaith pócaí aeir
boost pressure
brú treisiúcháin; treisbhrú
Boyle's law pressure suit
brúchulaith de réir dhlí Boyle
BMEP; brake mean effective pressure
meánbhrú éifeachtach an choscáin; meánbhrú éifeachtach an choscánaithe
cabin pressure bleed
sceitheadh le haghaidh brúchóirithe an chábáin
capstan pressure suit
brúchulaith thochardach
central suppression unit
láraonad sochtaithe; láraonad sochtúcháin
centre of pressure
brúlár; lár brú
centre-of-pressure travel
gluaiseacht brúláir
chamber pressure
brú cuasáin; brú sa chuasán
chemical pressurization
brúchóiriú ceimiceach
compressed air starter
dúisire aeir chomhbhrúite
compressed air wind tunnel
gaoth-thollán aeir chomhbhrúite
compressibility burble
boirbéal in-chomhbhrúiteachta
compression rib
easna chomhbhrú
compression shock
turraing chomhbhrú
compression wave
tonn chomhbhrú
compressor blade
lann chomhbhrúiteora
compressor bleed
sceith comhbhrúiteora
compressor blow off
séidire comhbhrúiteora
compressor casing
cásáil chomhbhrúiteora
compressor diffuser
idirleatóir comhbhrúiteora
compressor drum
druma comhbhrúiteora
compressor half casing
cásáil dhépháirteach comhbhrúiteora
compressor inlet guide vanes
eití treoracha ionraoin an chomhbhrúiteora
compressor noise
torann an chomhbhrúiteora; torann comhbhrúiteora
compressor stage
ardúch comhbhrúiteora; céim an chomhbhrúiteora
compressor stall
loiceadh comhbhrúiteora
compressor stator
státar comhbhrúiteora
compressor turbine
tuirbín an chomhbhrúiteora
compressor-turbine cold air unit
aonad aeir fhuair tuirbín is comhbhrúiteora
continuous pressure breathing
análú faoi bhrú leanúnach; análú íosathrú brú; brú-análú leanúnach
demand oxygen regulator; oxygen pressure demand regulator
rialtán "ocsaigin ar éileamh"; rialtán ocsaigine ar éileamh
differential pressure
brú difreálach
double entry centrifugal compressor
comhbhrúiteoir lártheifeach dé-iontrála
double entry compressor
comhbhrúiteoir dé-iontrála
external compression intake
aer-iontógáil comhbhrú sheachtraigh; aer-iontógáil de chomhbhrú seachtrach
flight pitot pressure
brú pitot le linn eitilte
free vortex compressor
comhbhrúiteoir saorchuilithe
full pressure suit
brúchulaith iomlán
dynamic pressure; impact pressure
brú turrainge
incompressible flow
sreabhadh do-chomhbhrúite
minimum pressure point
brúphointe íosta
minimum pressure valve
comhla íosbhrú
mixed flow compressor
comhbhrúiteoir sreafa mheasctha
momentum pressure
brú móimintim
pressure suit
representative sample
sampla ionadaíoch
discounted present value of interest subsidies; discounted value of interest subsidies
luach lascainithe na bhfóirdheontas úis
against submission of coupon No.XY; on presentation of coupon No.XY
ar chúpón Uimh. XY a thíolacadh
A-weighted sound level; A-weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú A-ualaithe
acoustic pressure; sound pressure
peak sound pressure
buaicbhrú fuaime
Lp; sound level; sound pressure level; SPL
L<sub>p</sub>; leibhéal fuaimbhrú; leibhéal fuaime
equivalent continuous noise level; equivalent continuous sound level; equivalent continuous sound pressure level; Equivalent Sound Level; Leq; time average sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach
compressor unit
aonad comhbhrúiteora
high-pressure mercury lamp; high-pressure mercury vapor lamp; high-pressure mercury vapour lamp
gal-lampa mearcair ardbhrú
high-pressure sodium vapor lamp; high-pressure sodium vapour lamp
gal-lampa sóidiam ardbhrú; lampa gal sóidiam ardbhrú
employees' representative; workers' representative
ionadaí na bhfostaithe
freedom of the press; press freedom
saoirse an phreasa
die casting; high pressure die casting; HPDC
teilgean dísle ardbhrú
belt filter press; belt press; belt press filter; filter belt press
fáisceán scagbhandaí
pressurised-water reactor; PWR
imoibreoir uisce bhrúchóirithe
high pressure evaporator
galaitheoir ardbhrú
pressure filter
atmospheric pressure aeration
aerú trí bhrú atmaisféarach
force pump; pressure pump
brúchaidéal; caidéal fórsa
medical prescription; medicinal prescription; prescription
oideas; oideas íocshláinte; oideas liachta; oideas míochaine
regulatory T cell; suppressor T cell; suppressor T lymphocyte; T suppressor lymphocyte; T-suppressor cell
T-chill sochta; T-limficít sochta
pressure force; pressure gradient force
fórsa brúghrádáin
layer 6; presentation layer
sraith 6; sraith na láithreoireachta
antifoam; antifoam agent; anti-foaming agent; defoamer; defoaming agent; foam depressant; foam inhibitor
oibreán frithchúrtha
PHWR; pressurised heavy-water-moderated and cooled reactor
imoibreoir a mheasraítear agus a fhuaraítear le tromuisce brúchóirithe
employee representation; work force representation
ionadaíocht fostaithe; ionadaíocht lucht saothair
suppressor; suppressor mutation
sóchán sochta
preservative; preserving agent
commercial representative and traveller
ionadaí tráchtála
advertising pressure
brú fógraíochta
presentation of the balance sheet
cur i láthair an chláir chomhardaithe
respiratory depression
laige riospráide
sochtadh imdhíonachta
express bus
express service; express transit
presence detection installations
braiteoir gafachta bealaigh
weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal ualaithe fuaimbhrú
IMEP; indicated mean effective pressure
meánbhrú éifeachtach léirithe
mean effective pressure; MEP
meánbhrú éifeachtach
stagnation pressure
brú marbhántachta
pressure gauge
brúthomhsaire brúmhéadar
vapour pressure; vapour tension
back-pressure steam turbine; back-pressure turbine; non-condensing steam turbine; steam back pressure turbine
tuirbín cúlbhrú
suppressed carrier single-sideband emission
astú taobh-bhanda shingil iompróra shochta
dewatering press; dewatering screw press; screw press
scriúfháisceán dí-uiscithe
continuous press; screw-type continuous-acting press
fáisceán leanúnach
prescribed period
tréimhse fhorordaithe
wood preservation
leasú adhmaid
compressive force; compressive load
fórsa comhbhrúiteach
line of action; pressure line
deflationary pressure
brú díbhoilscitheach
offer for entry/to; present for entry/to
tabhair ar aird don imréiteach
imprest fund
ciste óinchiste
special accounts representative
ionadaí na gcuntas speisialta
prestige goods
earraí ardghradaim
representative capital goods; representative goods
earraí caipitiúla ionadaíocha; earraí ionadaíocha
institutional advertising; prestige advertising
fógraíocht institiúideach
newspaper advertising; press advertising
fógraíocht nuachtáin; fógraíocht preasa
newspaper advertising; press advertising
fógraíocht nuachtáin; fógraíocht preasa
newspaper campaign; press campaign
feachtas nuachtáin; feachtas preasa
specialized press
preas speisialaithe
BM SR; Business-Marketing service representative
ionadaí seirbhíse don Mhargaíocht Ghnó
steam pressure cooker
brúbhruthaire gaile
press relations
caidreamh preasa
technical representative
ionadaí teicniúil
hypotension; low blood pressure
line pressure
brú líneach
company representative
ionadaí cuideachta
cassette; expression cassette; gene cassette
point of presence; POP
pointe rochtana Idirlín; POP
compression ratio; CR
cóimheas comhbhrú
compression brake; engine brake; engine compression brake; engine compression retarder
coscán innill
breathable air from compressor
aer inanálaithe ón gcomhbhrúiteoir
pressure-reaction application
scéim brú-freagartha
sludge pressing
fáscadh sloda
chemical suppressor
sochtóir ceimiceach
high performance liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; HPLC
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta; HPLC
exhaust backpressure
cúlbhrú sceite
President of the House; President of the House of Representatives; President of the House of Representatives of the States General
Uachtarán Theach na nIonadaithe sna Stáit Ghinearálta
artist's impression
léaráid ealaíontóra
House of Representatives; House of Representatives of the States General; Lower House of the States General
Teach na dTeachtaí
Permanent Delegation; Permanent Mission; Permanent Representation
presubscription account
cuntas réamhshuibscríbhinne
expression; expression of characteristics
léiriú saintréithe
misrepresentation of goods
mífhaisnéis earraí
vehicle presence detection
brath feithiclí
pressure swing adsorption; PSA
asúchán trí aistriú brú; PSA
ICE; intercity express
Internet Protocol Header Compression; IP Header Compression; IPHC
Prótacal Idirlín maidir le Comhbhrú Ceanntáisc
permanent representation to the EU
buanionadaíocht chuig an Aontas Eorpach
deferred pension; deferred retirement pension; dormant pension; frozen pension; paid-up pension; preserved benefits
pinsean iarchurtha; pinsean iarchurtha scoir
manufacturer's representative; representative of the manufacturer
ionadaí don mhonaróir
hydraulic pressure
brú hiodrálach
EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus; European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus; EUSR for the South Caucasus
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh do Chugas Theas
dry vapour pressure equivalent; DVPE
coibhéis galbhrú thirim
media line; press line
DG Communication; Directorate-General for Communication; Directorate-General Press and Communication
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Cumarsáide
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
an Coinbhinsiún ar Éagsúlacht Léirithe Cultúir a Chosaint agus a Chur Chun Cinn
press attaché; press officer
EUSRA; Office of the Special Representative of the European Union for Afghanistan
Oifig Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh don Afganastáin
HID lamp; high intensity discharge lamp; high pressure discharge lamp; HPD lamp
lampa díluchtaithe ard-déine
three-Presidency team; trio Presidency
foireann trí Uachtaránacht
ICR; International Civilian Representative
ICR; Ionadaí Sibhaltach Idirnáisiúnta
Chairman of the European Economic and Social Committee; EESC President; President of European Economic and Social Committee
Uachtarán Choiste Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta na hEorpa
vice-president; vice-president of the European Economic and Social Committee
leas-uachtarán; leas-uachtarán Choiste Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta na hEorpa
customs representative
ionadaí custaim
EU foreign policy chief; High Representative and Vice-President; High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission; HR; HR/VP
Ardionadaí an Aontais do Ghnóthaí Eachtracha agus don Bheartas Slándála
President of the European Parliament
Uachtarán Pharlaimint na hEorpa
approval of compression ignition (C.I.) engine
cineálcheadú innill adhainte chomhbhrú
site representative
ionadaí láithreáin; ionadaí suímh
European Network of Supreme Courts; EUSJC; Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union
Líonra Uachtaráin na gCúirteanna Breithiúnacha Uachtaracha den Aontas Eorpach
High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina; HR/EUSR
Ardionadaí agus Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin
Conference of Presidents
Comhdháil na nUachtarán
EU Special Representative for Sudan; EU Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan; European Union Special Representative for Sudan; European Union Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan; EUSR for Sudan; EUSR for Sudan and South Sudan
Ionadaí Speisialta AE do Phoblacht na Súdáine agus do Phoblacht na Súdáine Theas; Ionadaí Speisialta an AE don tSúdáin
press remarks; press statement
preasráiteas; ráiteas
Register of Interest representatives
Clár na nIonadaithe Leasa
items representing securitisation positions
míreanna in ionannas le suíomhanna urrúsaithe
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Iceland and Norway to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the f
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Íoslainn agus ón Iorua baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a thugann cúnamh don Choimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Switzerland to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the form of
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Eilvéis baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a chuidíonn leis an gCoimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm Malartú Litreach
media enquiry; press enquiry
fiosrú ó na meáin
Atalanta; European Union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast; Operation ATALANTA
Atalanta; Oibríocht ATALANTA; Oibríocht mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh chun cuidiú le bac agus cosc a chur le gniomhartha píoráideachta agus le robáil armtha amach ó chósta na Somáile agus iad a chur faoi chois
EU Special Representative to the African Union; EU Special Representative to the AU; European Union Special Representative to the African Union; EUSR to the AU
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh chuig Aontas na hAfraice
President-elect; President-elect of the Commission
an tUachtarán toghaí; Uachtarán toghaí an Choimisiúin
European Charter on Freedom of the Press
Cairt Eorpach um Shaoirse an Phreasa
EU Special Representative for the crisis in Georgia; European Union Special Representative for the crisis in Georgia; EUSR for the crisis in Georgia
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh don ghéarchéim sa tSeoirsia
medium-pressure mercury-vapour arc lamp
arclampa gal mhearcair meánbhrú
low-pressure pulsation-free pump
caidéal ísealbhrú gan bhíogadh
prescapular lymph node
nód limfe réamhshlinneáin
prescribed test
tástáil fhorordaithe
asymptotic chamber pressure
brú asamtóiteach cuasáin
brake actuator pressure
brú gníomhróra coscáin
brake chamber pressure
brú cuasáin coscáin
brake retraction force; brake retraction pressure; retraction pressure
brú aistarraingthe coscáin
vapour pressure balance
cothromaíocht galbhrú
compressed air brake system
córas coscánaithe aerbhrú
spring compression chamber
cuasán comhbhrúite sprionga
freezing point depression
ísliú an reophointe
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU
Dearbhú ón Ardionadaí thar ceann AE
mean pressure rise time
meánaga éirí brú
pressure take-off
trasduchtóir brú
comhionadaíochas; comhionadaíocht
Representative items
ítimí ionadaíocha
prescribing; prescription
unpressurised cabin
cábán neamh-bhrúchóirithe
TPMS; tyre pressure monitoring system
córas faireacháin bhrú na mbonn
Office of the Quartet Representative; OQR
Oifig Ionadaí an Cheathairéid
actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits
luach láithreach achtúireach ar shochar scoir geallta
present value of a defined benefit obligation; present value of defined benefit obligation
luach láithreach oibleagáide sochar sainithe
disclosure and presentation
nochtadh agus cur i láthair
fair presentation
cur i láthair cothrom
faithful representation
léiriú dílis
financial instruments: disclosure and presentation
ionstraimí airgeadais: nochtadh agus cur i láthair
framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements
creat i gcomhair ullmhú agus cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais
liquidity presentation
cur i láthair ar bhonn leachtachta
preparation and presentation of financial statements
ullmhú agus cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais
present obligation
oibleagáid láithreach