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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENpresentation s i léig/obsolete
GAláithriú fir i léig/obsolete
gu láithrithe
action of representing something directly to the mind or thought
cuir i láthair nó os comhair an chomhfheasa go neamh-mheánach
(of drama, TALK, EXHIBITION, ETC.)
GAcur fir1 i láthair
ai cuir i láthair, gi cur i láthair
léiriú fir
gu léirithe, iol léirithe
(dráma, caint, taispeántas, etc.)
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
indicator presentation, such as that of a plan position indicator or a radio direction finder, on which north is at the top of the indicator regardless of the heading of the craft
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
presentation; presentation and publication; publication
tíolacadh agus foilsiú na gcuntas
cur i láthair
the representation (of the parties)
ionadaíocht (na bpáirtithe)
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organisations of a Universal Character
Coinbhinsiún Vín maidir le hIonadaíocht Stát ina gCaidreamh le hEagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta de Chineál Uilechoiteann
Working Party of Financial Counsellors; Working Party of Financial Counsellors of the Permanent Representations
Meitheal na gComhairleoirí Airgeadais
presentation of goods to customs
tíolacadh earraí do chustam
to take note of any representation
tabhair dá aire aon uiríoll
unity in the international representation of the Community
aontacht maidir le hionadaíocht an Chomhphobail go hidirnáisiúnta
presentation of the budget
tíolacadh an bhuiséid
presentation currency; reporting currency
airgeadra tuairiscithe
Debt representation letter
litir uiríll maidir le fiachas
accounting presentation of the results
tíolacadh cuntasaíochta na dtorthaí
cur i láthair
diplomatic mission; diplomatic representation; foreign mission; mission
ionadaíochtaí taidhleoireachta
co-determination; employee participation; employees' representation in management; participation
method of net presentation
modh léirithe an ghlanmhéid
method of gross presentation
modh neamhchúitimh; modh um olltíolacadh
presentation regulations
rialacháin maidir le tíolacadh
principle of fair presentation
prionsabal an chur i láthair chothroim
letter of representation; management representation letter
litir uiríll; litir uiríll ó lucht bainistíochta
avatar; virtual representation
abhatár; macasamhail fhíorúil
against submission of coupon No.XY; on presentation of coupon No.XY
ar chúpón Uimh. XY a thíolacadh
layer 6; presentation layer
sraith 6; sraith na láithreoireachta
employee representation; work force representation
ionadaíocht fostaithe; ionadaíocht lucht saothair
presentation of the balance sheet
cur i láthair an chláir chomhardaithe
Permanent Delegation; Permanent Mission; Permanent Representation
misrepresentation of goods
mífhaisnéis earraí
permanent representation to the EU
buanionadaíocht chuig an Aontas Eorpach
disclosure and presentation
nochtadh agus cur i láthair
fair presentation
cur i láthair cothrom
faithful representation
léiriú dílis
financial instruments: disclosure and presentation
ionstraimí airgeadais: nochtadh agus cur i láthair
framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements
creat i gcomhair ullmhú agus cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais
liquidity presentation
cur i láthair ar bhonn leachtachta
preparation and presentation of financial statements
ullmhú agus cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais
presentation currency
airgeadra tuairiscithe
presentation of financial statements
cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais
reporting currency - measurement and presentation of financial statements under IAS 21 and IAS 29
airgeadra tuairiscithe - tomhas agus cur i láthair ráiteas airgeadais faoi IAS 19 agus IAS 21
reporting currency – translation from measurement currency to presentation currency
airgeadra tuairiscithe - aistriú ón airgeadra tomhais chuig an airgeadra cur i láthair
representational faithfulness
dílseacht ionadaíoch
translation to the presentation currency
aistriú chuig an airgeadra cur i láthair; aistriú chuig an airgeadra tuairiscithe
make representations to the Court
uiríll a chur chun na Cúirte
legal representation of children
ionadaíocht ad litem; ionadaíocht dhlíthiúil do pháistí
representations and warranties
uiríll agus barántaí
customs representation
ionadaíocht chustaim
short presentation
tíolacadh gairid
principle of unity in external representation
prionsabal aontacht na hionadaíochta seachtraí
customs office of presentation
oifig custaim ina dtaispeántar earraí
graphic representation
léiriú grafach (fir)
bronnadh (fir, gu: bronnta, ai: bronntaí, gi: bronntaí)
léiriú (fir, gu: léirithe, ai: léirithe, gi: léirithe)
make representations
déan uiríolla (br)
representation of fire effect
lámhach-éifeacht a shamhail-léiriú
artificial representation of battle conditions
cúrsaí catha a eiseamláiriú go saorga