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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
previous evidence may be amplified
féadfar cur le fianaise a tugadh cheana; féadfar fianaise níos iomláine a thabhairt
previous system
an córas roimhe seo
previous decision
cinneadh roimhe seo
previous Member State to hold the Presidency
an Ballstát ag a raibh an Uachtaránacht roimhe sin
amplification of previous evidence
cur le fianaise a tugadh cheana; fianaise níos iomláine a thabhairt
repetition of a previous inquiry
athdhéanamh fiosrúcháin a rinneadh roimhe seo
agricultural produce sold under previously concluded contract
táirgí talmhaíochta arna ndíol faoi chonradh atá tugtha i gcrích
adjustments for overprovisions in previous years; prior year corrections of estimated amounts
coigeartuithe toisc rósholáthairtí sna blianta roimhe sin
...not previously declared bankrupt
...nár dearbhaíodh ina fhéimheach roimhe sin
allocation from provisions and reserves for doubtful accounts; release of previous year's provisions; release of previous year's provisions for possible losses; release of provisions; release of provisions for contingencies and depreciation; transfer from provision accounts; transfer from provisions
aistriú ó chuntais soláthairtí
balance brought forward from previous year; balance carried forward from previous year; balance carried over from last year; brought forward from preceding fiscal year; profit brought forward; profit carried forward from previous year; retained earnings; surplus carried forward from previous year
tuilleamh coimeádta
statement of the total amount of the VAT resources base for the previous calendar year; VAT statement
ráiteas CBL
beginning inventory; initial inventory; initial stock; inventory brought forward from previous year; opening inventory; opening stock; starting inventory
stoc tosaigh
previous GAAP
cleachtas cuntasíochta a raibh glacadh leis roimhe seo
previous year's prices; PYP
praghsanna na bliana roimhe
premixed feed; previously mixed feed
beatha réamh-mheasctha
PPSR; previous period surplus reserve
cúlchiste bharrachas na tréimhse roimhe sin; PPSR
country of former habitual residence; country of previous usual residence
an tír a raibh gnáthchónaí roimhe sin orthu ann; tír ina raibh gnáthchónaí air/uirthi/orthu roimhe sin
roimh ré (fr.dob.)
previous address
seoladh roimh ré (fir)
discharge a reservist from his previous engagement
urscaoil cúltacaire óna sheanfhruilíocht