Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
earthquake precursor
réamhtheachtaí creatha talún
recurrent audit
iniúchadh athfhillteach
periodic payment by way of a penalty; periodic penalty payment; recurrent fine; recurring fine
íocaíocht phionósach thréimhsiúil
Precursors Directive
Treoir maidir le Réamhtheachtaithe
avocet - Recurvirostra avosetta
drug precursor; precursor
réamhtheachtaí; réamhtheachtaí druga
greenhouse gas precursor; precursor of a greenhouse gas; precursor to a greenhouse gas
réamhtheachtaí gáis ceaptha teasa
non-scheduled precursor chemical; non-scheduled substance
ceimiceán réamhtheachtach neamhsceidealaithe
radionuclide precursor
réamhtheachtaí radanúiclíde
recurrent receipt; recurring receipt
fáltas atréimhseach
nonrecurrent expenses
costais neamh-athfhillteacha; speansais neamh-athfhillteacha
exceptional non-recurring costs
costais neamh-athfhillteacha eisceachtúla
non-recurring expenditures
caiteachas neamh-athfhillteach
non-recurrent receipts
fáltas neamh-athfhillteach
non recurring capital cost
costas caipitil neamh-athfhillteach
RAP; recurring advance payment
réamhíocaíocht athfhillteach; RÍA
parent ion; precursor ion
periodic payment by way of a penalty; periodic penalty payment; recurrent fine; recurring fine
íocaíocht phionósach thréimhsiúil
explosive precursor; explosives precursor
réamhtheachtaí pléascán
SCP; Standing Committee on Precursors
Buanchoiste um Réamhtheachtaithe
European Database on drug precursors
an bunachar sonraí Eorpach maidir le réamhtheachtaithe drugaí
PICS; Precursors Incident Communication System
Córas Cumarsáide maidir le Teagmhais Réamhtheachtaithe; PICS
precursor lesion
lot réamhtheachtach
guarantee of non-recurrence; guarantee of non-repetition
ráthaíocht neamh-atarlaithe
NO<sub>X</sub> precursor
réamhtheachtaí NO<sub>X</sub>
non-recurring expenditure
caiteachas neamhfhillteach (fir1)
recurrent medical treatment
cóireáil liachta aisfhillteach (bain3)
recurrent sick leave
saoire bhreoiteachta aisfhillteach (bain4)
recurring award
dámhachtain aisfhillteach (bain2)
recurring expenditure
caiteachas aisfhillteach (fir1)