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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ENscope s
(of an Act)
GAraon fir1
gu raoin, iol raonta
the scope of the Act
raon Achta
such safeguard measures shall be restricted with regard to their scope
déanfar bearta coimirce den sórt sin a shrianadh maidir lena raon feidhme
not wider in scope than is strictly necessary to remedy the sudden difficulties which have arisen
gan a raon a bheith níos leithne ná mar is fíorghá chun na deacrachtaí tobanna atá tagtha chun cinn a leigheas
ENscope s
GAscóip bain2
gu scóipe
Computers, Computer Science 1. The portion of an expression to which the operator is applied. 2. The portion of a computer program within which the definition of the variable remains unchanged. 3. The visibility of a variable or method in program.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht 1. An chuid sin de shlonn ar a bhfeidhmítear an t-oibreoir. 2. An chuid sin de ríomhchlár nach n-athraíonn sainiú na hathróige taobh istigh de. 3. Infheictheacht athróige nó modha i ríomhchlár.
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
GAC-scóp fir1
gu C-scóip
A cathode ray scope on which signals appear as spots,with bearing angle as the horizontal coordinate and elevation angle as the vertical coordinate.
an expanded description of the characteristics of described materials, the functions and activities that produced them, and the types of information contained therein
tuairisc fairsingithe ar thréithe na n-ábhar a bhfuil tuairisc déanta orthu, ar na feidhmeanna agus na gníomhaíochtaí a úsáideadh chun iad a tháirgeadh, agus ar na cineálacha faisnéise atá iontu
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
raon feidhme
creeping functionality; feature creep; focus creep; kitchen sink syndrome; requirements creep; scope creep
leathadh téaltaitheach scóipe
GCT; Gran Telescopio de Canarias; GranTeCan; Great Canary Telescope; GTC
GranTeCan; GTC; Teileascóp Gran Canaria; Teileascóp na nOileán Canárach
audit scope; scope of the audit
raon an iniúchta
ambit; coverage; scope
territorial field of application; territorial scope
raon feidhme críochach
simple metal leaf electroscope
leictreascóp simplí duillí miotail
the meaning or scope of a judgment
brí nó raon feidhme breithiúnais; brí nó scóip breithiúnais
scope of the licence
raon an cheadúnais
material field of application; material scope; scope in relation to subject matter; scope ratione materiae; substantive scope
raon feidhme ábhartha; raon feidhme substainteach
comprehensive safeguards agreement; CSA; full scope safeguards agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Cuimsitheach
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes and the inclusion of the registration number of the means
Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir leis an raon feidhme atá le sciúradh na bhfáltas sa Choinbhinsiún ar úsáid na teicneolaíochta faisnéise chun críocha custaim agus maidir le cláruimhir an mheáin iompai
audit extent; audit scope
raon an iniúchta
space telescope
dissecting microscope; dissection scope; stereo microscope; stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope
micreascóp diosctha; micreascóp steiréascópach
phase contrast microscope
micreascóp paschodarsnachta
refracting telescope; refractor
teileascóp athraonta réalteolaíoch
reflecting telescope; reflector
frithchaiteoir; teileascóp frithchaiteach
C scope
dry gyroscope
gíreascóp tirim
D scope
scóp D
M scope
scóp M
inverted microscope
micreascóp aisiompaithe
funduscope; ophthalmoscope
biomicroscope; corneal microscope; slit-lamp microscope
micreascóp lampa scoiltínigh
cathode ray oscillograph; cathode-ray oscilloscope; CRO
ascalascóp ga-chatóideach
radio telescope
compound microscope
micreascóp comhshuite
economies of scope
barainneacht réimse
geographical scope
raon feidhme geografach
product scope
raon táirge
collimation-telescope system
córas teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
collimation-telescope test
triail teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
epifluorescence microscope
micreascóp eipeafluaraiseachta
melt microscope
microscope hot stage
teochéim mhicreascóip
microscope hot stage melting temperature apparatus
gaireas leáphointe teochéime micreascóip
raon feidhme
scope of an internal model
raon feidhme na samhla inmheánaí
returns to scope
torthaí ar réimse
scope of the register
raon feidhme an chláir
steiteascóp (fir1, gu: steiteascóip, ai: steiteascóip, gi: steiteascóp)
anti-aircraft ring sight telescope
teileascóp fáinnethreorach frith-aerárthaí (fir1)
sighting telescope
teileascóp treorála (fir1)
stereoscopic telescope
teileascóp steireascópach (fir1)
claonscóp (fir1, gu: claonscóip)
comhthreoascóp (fir1, gu: comhthreoascóip, ai: comhthreoascóip, gi: comhthreoascóp)
steireascóp (fir1, gu: steireascóip)
telescope holder
coimeádaire teileascóip (fir4)
to focus the telescope
cuimsigh an teileascóp (br)
to focus the telescope
tabhair an teileascóp chun cruinnis (br)
leictreascóp (fir1, gu: leictreascóip, ai: leictreascóip, gi: leictreascóp)
micreascóp (fir1, gu: micreascóip, ai: micreascóip, gi: micreascóp)
peireascóp (fir1, gu: peireascóip, ai: peireascóip, gi: peireascóp)
scóip (bain2, gu: scóipe)
teileascóp (fir1, gu: teileascóip, ai: teileascóip, gi: teileascóp)
cause the rear of a column to 'telescope '
tabhairt ar dheireadh colúin leacadh ar a chéile