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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GACoimisiún fir1 Mhalartán na nUrrús
gu Choimisiún Mhalartán na nUrrús
Finance US regulatory agency established in 1934 to regulate the issuing and trading of securities and issuer's reporting practices.
Airgeadas Gníomhaireacht rialála i Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá a bunaíodh i 1934 le heisiúint agus trádáil urrús a rialáil mar aon le cleachtais tuarascála na n-eisitheoirí.
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
private sector
earnáil phríobháideach
retail industry; retail sector
earnáil miondíola
security equipment
trealamh slándála
minimum sector altitude; MSA
íosairde ceantair
seconding national unit
aonad náisiúnta tionscnaimh
changes in sector classification and structure
athruithe ar aicmiú earnála agus ar struchtúr
second-hand asset; used asset
sócmhainn athláimhe
secondary distribution of income account
cuntas dáilte thánaistigh ioncaim
social security benefits in cash
sochair slándála sóisialta in airgead tirim
encumbrance; security interest
eire; leas urrúis
issuer; issuer of securities; security issuer
eisitheoir; eisitheoir urrúis
Prosecutor for Human Rights
Ionchúisitheoir um Chearta an Duine
Secretary-General; SG
an tArdrúnaí
secret ballot; voting by secret ballot
ballóid rúnda; vótáil le ballóid rúnda
second reading
an dara léamh
recommendation for second reading
moladh don dara léamh
SCP; secondary compensating product
táirge cúiteach tánaisteach
duty of secrecy; obligation of secrecy; secrecy obligation
oibleagáid rúndachta
business secret; commercial secrecy
rún gnó; rún tráchtála
Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Príomh-Rúnaí an Státchiste
Economic Secretary to the Treasury
Rúnaí Eacnamaíoch an Státchiste
CSEC World Congress; World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Comhdháil Dhomhanda i gcoinne Teacht i dTír Gnéasach a Dhéanamh ar Leanaí chun críocha Tráchtála
special security regime
réimeas slándála speisialta
private creditor; private sector creditor
creidiúnaí príobháideach
Local Security Officer; LSO
oifigeach slándála áitiúil
Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector; Directive on privacy and electronic communications; ePrivacy Directive
an Treoir maidir le príobháideachas agus cumarsáid leictreonach; an Treoir maidir le r-phríobháideachas; Treoir 2002/58/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 12 Iúil 2002 maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil agus maidir le príobháideachas a chosaint san earnáil cumarsáide leictreonaí
card consecutive index
innéacs leantach cárta
Federal Security Service; Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation; FSB
FSB; Seirbhís Slándála na Cónaidhme
crime against the peace and security of mankind
coir i gcoinne shíocháin agus shlándáil an chine dhaonna
Federal Social Court; Federal Social Security Court
Cúirt Shóisialta na Cónaidhme
CMVM; Portuguese Securities Market Commission
Coimisiún Mhargadh Urrús na Portaingéile
determinable interest securities; variable yield securities
urrúis toraidh athraithigh
secured by mortgage
urraithe le morgáiste
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury; Patronage Secretary to the Treasury
Rúnaí Parlaiminte an Státchiste
SBO; secondary buy-out
ceannach thar barr amach tánaisteach
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area; BSEC Region
Limistéar Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
CMBS; commercial mortgage-backed security
urrús tráchtálach le taca morgáistí
Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict; SRSG/CAAC
Ionadaí Speisialta an Ard-Rúnaí maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
gender-related persecution
géarleanúint ar bhonn inscne
PABSEC; Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Tionól Parlaiminteach na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
section; section of the budget
roinn; roinn den bhuiséad
listed security; quoted security; security admitted to trading on a regulated market
stoc liostaithe
secret detention
coinneáil rúnda
second basket of the Helsinki Final Act
an dara ciseán d'Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach Heilsincí
secretarial assistant
cuntóir rúnaíochta
senior secretarial assistant
cúntóir rúnaíochta sinsearach
gilt-edged or blue chips securities
urrús gormshlise; urrús órchiumhsach
dematerialisation of securities
dí-ábharú urrús
EAGGF Guarantee Section
roinn ráthaíochta; Roinn Ráthaíochta CETRT
Guidance Section (EAGGF)
Rannóg Treoraíochta an Chiste Eorpaigh um Threoraíocht agus Ráthaíocht Talmhaíochta
International Bureau; International Bureau of Intellectual Property; International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation; International Bureau of WIPO; WIPO Secretariat
an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta EDMI; an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta um Maoin Intleachtúil; Biúró Idirnáisiúnta na hEagraíochta Domhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil
early foreign language acquisition; early foreign language learning; early language learning; early second language acquisition; early second language learning; early stages foreign language learning; early-stage foreign language acquisition; early-stage foreign language learning
luathshealbhú dara teanga
criminal prosecution; prosecution
ionchúiseamh; ionchúiseamh coiriúil
bearer securities
urrús iompróra
fiscal paradise; secrecy jurisdiction; tax haven
tearmann cánach
rúnaí gearr-chlóscríobhaí
deleting the second decimal
an dara hionad deachúlach a scriosadh
sectoral trade adjustments
coigeartuithe trádála earnála
hybrid; hybrid financial instrument; hybrid instrument; hybrid security
ionstraim hibrideach
second home; secondary residence
áit chónaithe thánaisteach; athbhaile
European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta seachas Scéimeanna do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Scéimeanna Slándála Sóisialta do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
Agreement for the Mutual Safeguarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which Applications for Patents have been made
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Frithpháirteach a dhéanamh ar Rúndacht na nAireagán a bhaineann le Cosaint agus a bhfuil Iarratais ar Phaitinní déanta ina leith
Agreement concerning the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen
Comhaontú maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta Bhádóirí na Réine
diseconomy of scale
díbharainneacht scála
Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
an Dara Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
secondary Community legislation; secondary legislation
reachtaíocht thánaisteach
secondary energy
fuinneamh tánaisteach
informal sector
earnáil neamhfhoirmiúil
gilt-edged security; government bond; sovereign bond
banna rialtais
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto
Prótacal Uimh. 4 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint d''fhonn cearta agus saoirsí eile a áirithiú nach raibh san áireamh sa Choinbhinsiún agus sa chéad Phrótacal leis
security for tender; tender security; tendering security
urrús tairisceana
European Code of Social Security
an Cód Eorpach Slándála Sóisialta
Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú Slándála i Réimse an Fhuinnimh Núicléach a bhunú
Convention concerning Equality of Treatment of Nationals and Non-nationals in Social Security; Equality of Treatment (Social Security Convention, 1962
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóir Chomhionann do Náisiúnaigh agus do Neamhnáisiúnaigh i dtaca le Slándáil Shóisialta
European Convention on Social Security
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Shlándáil Shóisialta
Convention relating to Stops on Bearer Securities in International Circulation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Stadanna ar Urrúis Iompróra atá i gCúrsaíocht Idirnáisiúnta
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International System for the Maintenance of Rights in Social Security; Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córas Idirnáisiúnta a Bhunú chun Cearta Slándála Sóisialta a Chaomhnú
internal security
slandáil inmhéanach
security element; security feature
gné shlándála
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; CSCE
an Chomhdháil um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip
confidence- and security-building measure; CSBM
beart tógála muiníne agus slándála; CSBM
international securities identification number; ISIN
ISIN; uimhir aitheantais urrús idirnáisiúnta
food security
slándáil an tsoláthair bia; slándáil bia
UCITS; UCITS fund; undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities
GCUI; gnóthas le haghaidh comhinfheistíocht in urrúis inaistrithe
debt security
ionstraimí fiachais
secondary market
margadh tánaisteach
security; tender guarantee; tender security
ráthaíocht tairisceana
WFS; world food security
sábháilteacht sholáthar bia an domhain; slándáil bhia dhomhanda
energy supply security; security of energy supply; security of supply
slándáil an tsoláthair fuinnimh
non-quota section; non-quota section of the European Regional Development Fund
roinn neamhchuóta de Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa
Recommendation No. R (87) 15 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States Regulating the Use of Personal Data in the Police Sector
Moladh Uimh. R(87)15 an 17 Meán Fómhair ó Choiste na nAirí maidir le húsáid sonraí pearsanta san earnáil phóilíneachta a rialáil
Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, held on the basis of the provisions of the Final Act relating to the Follow-up to the Conference; Vienna Concluding Document
Doiciméad Clabhsúir de Chruinniú Vín 1986 d'Ionadaithe na Stát Rannpháirteach sa Chomhdháil maidir le Slándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip, arna chomóradh ar bhonn na bhforálacha san Ionstraim Deiridh a bhaineann leis na torthaí a leanann ón gComhdháil; Doiciméad Deiridh Vín
to furnish security
urrús a sholáthar
cinema sector
earnáil an chineama
Advisory Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers
an Coiste Comhairleach um Shlándáil Shóisialta d'Oibrithe Imirceacha
convertible debenture; convertible debt security
bintiúr in-chomhshóite; urrús fiachais
claim secured in rem; claim supported by an in rem interest; physical collateral; security in rem; valuable security
urrús luachmhar
social security contributions; social security costs
costais slándála sóisialta; ranníocaíochtaí slándála sóisialta
secondary effect; side effect
to secure the claim
cuir an t-éileamh faoi urrús
to secure a payment
cuir íocaíocht faoi urrús
court of second instance
cúirt an dara céim
collateral security
urrús comhthaobhach
draughtsman - section leader
línitheoir - grúpcheannaire
executive secretary
rúnaí feidhmiúcháin
principal secretary
Secretary-General of the Council; Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union
Ardrúnaí Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh; Ardrúnaí na Comhairle
sensitive sectors of Member States' economies
earnálacha íogaire gheilleagair na mBallstát
circular section
gearradh ciorclach
Receiving Section
Rannóg Glactha
sectorial restructuring
athstruchtúrú earnálach
public security
slándáil phoiblí
fixed income security
urrús ioncaim sheasta
transferable security
urrús inaistrithe
second engineer; second engineer officer
dara hoifigeach innealtóireachta
Geneva Liaison Office; Liaison Office of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union; Office for Liaison with the European Office of the United Nations; Office of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities for liaison with the international organisations in Geneva
Oifig Ardrúnaíocht Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh um Idirchaidreamh leis na hEagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta sa Gheinéiv; Oifig Idirchaidrimh Ardrúnaíocht Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh; Oifig Idirchaidrimh na Ginéive
vulnerable population group; vulnerable section of the population
aicme leochaileach sa daonra; grúpa leochaileach sa daonra
principal State counsel; Procurator General; Prosecutor-General; public prosecutor
Príomh-Ionchúisitheoir Poiblí
issuance of securities; issue of securities; securities issue
eisiúint urrús
Convention concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security; Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caighdeáin Íosta na Slándála Sóisialta
Council Secretariat; General Secretariat of the Council; GSC
ARC; Ardrúnaíocht na Comhairle
financial sector
earnáil airgeadais
Convention concerning Social Security for Seafarers; Social Security (Seafarers) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta do Mharaithe
Convention concerning Social Security for Seafarers (Revised); Social Security (Seafarers) Convention (Revised), 1987
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta do Mharaithe (Athbhreithnithe)
second-hand good
earraí athláimhe
money market paper; money market security
urrús margadh airgid
millions of instructions per second; mips
MIPS; na milliúin treoir sa soicind
certainty of law; legal certainty; legal security
deimhneacht dhlíthiúil
sectoral policy
beartas earnálach
social security contribution; SSC
ranníocaíocht slándála sóisialta
food insecurity
neamhdheimhneacht an tsoláthair bia
professional secrecy
rún gairmiúil; rúndacht ghairmiúil
president's private secretariat
rúnaíocht phríobháideach an Uachtaráin
group secretariat
rúnaíocht an ghrúpa
middle management; MM; second line management
International Organisation of Securities Commissions; IOSCO
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Choimisiúin Urrús; IOSCO
CFSP; common foreign and security policy
CBES; comhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála
Final Act of the Second Peace Conference
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach an Dara Comhdháil Síochána
to secure the protection of persons
a áirithiú go gcosnófar daoine; cosaint daoine a áirithiú
contrary to the essential interests of its security
contrártha do leasanna bunúsacha a shlándála
national social security schemes
scéimeanna náisiúnta slándála sóisialta
security grading
grádú slándála
sector of the economy
earnáil den gheilleagar
to secure the co-ordination of measures ...
d'fhonn comhordú na mbeart ... a áirithiú
breach of professional secrecy; disclosure of professional secrets
nochtadh rún gairmiúil
on the grounds of the secrecy or urgency of the measures
ar bhonn rúndacht nó phráinn na mbeart
fish meal and fish oils sector
earnáil na mine éisc agus na n-olaí éisc
secret invention
aireagán rúnda
to keep ... secret
... a choimeád ina rún
manufacturing industry; manufacturing sector
tionscal déantúsaíochta
to prosecute the offender
ionchúisigh ciontóir
to treat the information as a trade secret
déileáil leis an bhfaisnéis mar rún ceirde
specialised section
rannóg shainfheidhme
... which secures the buyer the most advantageous terms ...
... a thugann don cheannaitheoir na téarmaí is mó tairbhe
to secure compliance with ...
a thabhairt go gcomhlíonfar ...
to secure a privileged position
pribhléid a ghnóthú; staid phribhléide a bhaint amach
to prosecute an offence
cion a ionchúiseamh
Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; Helsinki Final Act
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach Heilsincí; Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach na Comhdhála um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip
CFS; Committee on World Food Security
an Coiste maidir le Sábháilteacht Sholáthar Bia an Domhain; CFS
securities lending agreement
comhaontú um iasachtú urrús
well-founded fear of being persecuted; well-founded fear of persecution
faitíos roimh ghéarleanúint a bhfuil bunús maith leis
general government; general government sector; government
rialtas ginearálta
prosecution service; public prosecutor's office; State Counsel's Office; the prosecution
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
second-tier market; unlisted securities market
margadh tánaisteach
Supplementary Agreement for the Application of the European Convention on Social Security
an Comhaontú Forlíontach maidir le cur chun feidhme an Choinbhinsiúin Eorpaigh um Shlándáil Shóisialta
book-entry security; dematerialised security; uncertificated security
urrús i gcuntais reatha; urrús neamhdheimhnithe
debt securities
urrús fiach; urrús fiachais
ICCPR-OP2; Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
an Dara Prótacal roghnach don Chúnant idirnáisiúnta ar chearta sibhialta agus polaitiúla, ar mhaithe le pionós an bháis a dhíothú
Directive 93/22/EEC on investment services in the securities field; Investment Services Directive; ISD
an Treoir um Sheirbhísí Infheistíochta; ISD
European Security and Defence Academy
Acadamh Eorpach um Chosaint agus um Shlándáil
SCR; Security Council resolution; United Nations Security Council resolution; UNSCR
Rún ó Chomhairle Slándála na Náisiún Aontaithe
Section President
Uachtarán na Rannóige
secondment in the interests of the service
iasacht ar mhaithe le leas na seirbhíse
official on secondment; seconded official
oifigeach atá ar iasacht
Directive 2004/17/EC coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors; Utilities Directive
An Treoir maidir le fóntais
SC; Security Council; UN Security Council; United Nations Security Council; UNSC
Comhairle Slándála na Náisiún Aontaithe; CSNA
security clearance; security investigation; security screening; security vetting
criathrú slándála; grinnfhiosrúchán slándála
European Code of Social Security (Revised)
an Cód Eorpach Slándála Sóisialta (Athbhreithnithe)
Black Sea Economic Cooperation; BSEC; Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
BSEC; Eagraíocht na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
nuclear security
slándáil núicléach
(staff of the) State Counsel's Office; prosecution service; public prosecutors
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
demi-sec; leath-thirim
in case of secrecy or urgency
i gcás rúndachta nó práinne
Statute of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
Reacht an Bhinse Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta don Iar-Iúgslaiv
classification level; level of classification; security classification level
leibhéal aicmiúcháin; leibhéal aicmiúcháin maidir le slándáil
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe; OSCE
an Eagraíocht um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip; ESCE
OSCE Permanent Council; PC; Permanent Council; Permanent Council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Buanchomhairle ESCE; Buanchomhairle na hEagraíochta um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip
national security
slándáil náisiúnta
Second Protocol amending the Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Dara Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um laghdú cásanna ilnáisiúntachta agus um oibleagáidí míleata i gcásanna ilnáisiúntachta
Disarmament and International Security Committee; First Committee
an Chéad Choiste; an Coiste um Dhí-armáil agus um Shlándail Idirnáisiúnta
ESDI; European Security and Defence Identity
Féiniúlacht Eorpach Slándála agus Chosanta; FESC
COSCE Working Party; Working Party on Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe; Working Party on OSCE and the Council of Europe
an Mheitheal um an Eagraíocht um Shlándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip agus um Chomhairle na hEorpa; an Mheitheal um ESCE agus um Chomhairle na hEorpa
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
Special Representative; Special Representative of the Secretary-General; SRSG; UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General; UN SRSG
Ionadaí Speisialta Ard-Rúnaí na Náisiún Aontaithe
Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
an Dara Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta ar Phribhléidí agus ar Dhíolúintí Chomhairle na hEorpa
Member State of origin; seconding Member State
Ballstát tionscnaimh
actor of persecution; agent of persecution
gníomhaí géarleanúna
discretionary prosecution; opportunity principle; principle of opportunity; prosecutorial discretion
ionchúiseamh lánroghnach
ICTR; International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violat; Rwanda Tribunal
an Binse Coiriúil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Ruanda
government data; public data; public-sector data; public-sector information
sonraí earnála poiblí; sonraí poiblí; sonraí rialtais
Economic and Financial Committee; Second Committee
an Coiste Eacnamaíoch agus Airgeadais
Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Ot
Reacht an Bhinse Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta do Ruanda; Reacht an Bhinse Chóiriúil Idirnáisiúnta um ionchúiseamh a dhéanamh ar dhaoine atá freagrach i gcinedhíothú agus sáruithe tromchúiseacha eile ar dhlí daoncháirdiúil idirnáisiúnta arna ndéanamh i gcríoch Ruanda agus ar shaoránaigh Ruandacha atá freagrach i
Protocol to the European Convention on Social Security
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Shlándáil Shóisialta
Protocol to the European Code of Social Security
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCód Eorpach Slándála Sóisialta
Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta seachas Scéimeanna do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Scéimeanna Slándála Sóisialta a bhaineann le Seanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
securities settlement system; SSS
córas socraíochta urrús
Protocol on the Tribunal Established by the Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
Prótacal maidir leis an mBinse arna chruthúú ag an gCoinbhinsiún ar Rialú Slándála a bhunú i réimse an fhuinnimh núicléach
ICTY; International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
an Binse Coiriúil Idirnáisiúnta don Iar-Iúgslaiv; an Binse Idirnáisiúnta um Ionchúiseamh a Dhéanamh ar Dhaoine atá Freagrach i Sáruithe Tromchúiseacha ar an Dlí Daonchairdiúil Idirnáisiúnta arna nDéanamh i gCríoch na hIar-Iúgslaive; BCII
bureau of a section; section bureau
biúró rannóige
direct selling of transferable securities
díol díreach urrús inaistrithe
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems; Settlement Finality Directive; SFD
Treoir maidir le Críochnaitheacht Socraíochta; Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le críochnaitheacht socraíochta i gcórais íocaíochta agus socraíochta urrús
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
High Representative for the CFSP; High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Ardionadaí don CBES; Ardionadaí don chomhbheartas eachtrach agus slándála
SECI; Southeast European Cooperative Initiative
SECI; Tionscnamh Comhair Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistance; Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters; Second Protocol to the European Convention on mutual legal assistance
an Dara Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach ar chúnamh frithpháirteach in ábhair choiriúla
Under-Secretary General; USG
AFSJ; area of freedom, security and justice
limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais
MBS; mortgage backed security
urrús morgáiste
second-round effects
éifeachtaí indíreacha
Second Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests
an Dara Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Ariteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le leasanna airgeadais na gComhphobal Eorpach a chosaint
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protoco
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha, a osclaíodh chun a shínithe sa Róimh an 19 Meitheamh 1980, agus don Chéad Ph
Personal Security Clearance; personnel security clearance; PSC; security clearance
imréiteach slándála; imréiteach slándála pearsanra
security package
pacáiste beart slándála
prosecuting/investigating officials specialising in the fight against organised crime
oifigigh ionchúisimh/imscrúdaithe atá ag sainfheidhmiú sa chomhrac i gcoinne na coirpeachta eagraithe
Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission on provisions regarding financing of the Common Foreign and Security Policy
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach idir Parlaimint na hEorpa, an Chomhairle agus an Coimisiún Eorpach faoi fhorálacha maidir le maoiniú an Chomhbheartais Eachtraigh agus Slándála
Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland; Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice
Prótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann; Prótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais
exchange and secondment of personnel
pearsanra a mhalartú agus a thabhairt ar iasacht
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
breach of security; security breach; security violation
sárú díonachta; sárú slándála
central securities depository; CSD
CSD; taisclann lárnach urrús
ESC; EU Securities Committee; European Securities Committee
an Coiste Eorpach um Urrúis
sheltered sector
earnáil chosanta
exposed sector; non-sheltered sector
earnáil neamhchosanta
Private Office; Private Office of the Secretary-General; Private Office of the Secretary-General of the Council
Oifig Phríobháideach; Oifig Phríobháideach an Ardrúnaí; Oifig Phríobháideach Ardrúnaí na Comhairle
Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for the security of information
Comhaontú idir na Páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh maidir le Slándáil Faisnéise
equity security
urrús cothromais
flexicurity; flex-security
solúbthacht agus socracht
Secretary of State
Aire; Aire Stáit
Parliamentary Secretary; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State; PUSS
Fo-Státrúnaí Parlaiminte
government debt security; sovereign debt; sovereign debt instrument
fiachas ceannasach; ionstraim fiachais cheannasaigh; urrús fiachais rialtais
energy security
slándáil fuinnimh
secondary prevention
cosc tánaisteach
human security
slándáil an duine
irregular secondary movement; secondary movement
gluaiseacht thánaisteach; gluaiseacht thánaisteach neamhrialta
financial services sector
earnáil na seirbhísí airgeadais
secured bond
banna urraithe
Political and Security Committee; PSC
an Coiste Polaitiúil agus Slándála
CESDP; Common European Security and Defence Policy; Common Security and Defence Policy; CSDP; ESDP; European Security and Defence Policy
an Comhbheartas Slándála agus Cosanta; Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta; CBSC
Technical Secretariat of the CTBTO
Rúnaíocht Theicniúil CTBTO
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
deputy public prosecutor
leas-ionchúisitheoir poiblí
Deputy Secretary-General of the Council; Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union; DSG
Leas-Ardrúnaí Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh
Secretary-General/High Representative; Secretary-General/High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, of the Council of the European Union; SG/HR
AR/AI; Ardrúnaí/Ardionadaí; Ardrúnaí/Ardionadaí Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh don Chomhbheartas Eachtrach agus Slándála
eco-industry; EGSS; environment industry; environmental goods and services industry; environmental goods and services sector; environmental industry
political and security dialogue
idirphlé polaitiúil agus slándála
second generation Schengen Information System; SIS II
an dara glúin de Chóras Faisnéise Schengen; CFS II
deferral of investigation or prosecution
iarchur imscrúdaithe nó ionchúisimh
In accordance with Article 3 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, t
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 3 den Phrótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais
European Public Prosecutor
Ionchúisitheoir Poiblí Eorpach
General Prosecutor's Office; public prosecutor's office; state counsel's office; the prosecution
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
comprehensive concept of security
coincheap cuimsitheach na slándála
Copernicus; European Earth monitoring programme; European Earth Observation Programme; Global Monitoring for Environment and Security; GMES; Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
clár an Aontais um fhaire agus um fhaireachán na Cruinne; Copernicus; GMES; Monatóireacht Dhomhanda don Chomhsaol agus don tSlándáil
securitisation market; securitised market
margadh urrúsaithe; margadh urrúsúcháin
ESDC; European Security and Defence College
Coláiste Eorpach um Shlándáil agus um Chosaint
Director of Public Prosecutions; DPP
an Stiúrthóir Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
Information Security; INFOSEC
INFOSEC; slándáil faisnéise
second line check; second line control; second-line border check
seiceáil ar an dara líne
Security Committee
an Coiste Slándála
sector approach; Sector Wide Approach; SWAp
cur chuige earnála
prosecuting authority; prosecutorial authority
údarás ionchúisimh
EUISS; European Union Institute for Security Studies
EUISS; Institiúid an Aontais Eorpaigh um Staidéar Slándála
CESR; Committee of European Securities Regulators
CESR; Coiste na Rialtóirí um Urrúis Eorpacha
EurAsEC; Eurasian Economic Community
Comhphobal Eacnamaíoch Eoráiseach; EURASEC
revolving securitisation
urrúsú imrothlach
SAA; Security Accreditation Authority
Údarás um Chreidiúnú Slándála
Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security; United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325; UNSCR 1325
Rún 1325 ó Chomhairle Slándála na Náisiún Aontaithe; Rún 1325 ó Chomhairle Slándála na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Mná, an tSíocháin agus an tSlándáil; UNSCR 1325
aviation security
slándáil eitlíochta
code of good administrative behaviour; code of good administrative behaviour for the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union and its staff in their professional relations with the public
cód dea-iompraíocht riaracháin; cód dea-iompraíocht riaracháin d'Ardrúnaíocht Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus a fhoirne ina gcaidreamh gairmiúil leis an bpobal
1373 Committee; Counter-Terrorism Committee; CTC; Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism
an Coiste Frithsceimhlitheoireachta; Coiste na Comhairle Slándála arna bhunú de bhun rún 1373 (2001) maidir leis an bhfrithsceimhlitheoireacht
industrial security
slándáil thionsclaíoch
national security authority; NSA
Údaras um Shlándáil Náisiúnta; USN
network and information security; NIS; security of network and information systems
NIS; slándáil gréasán agus faisnéise
In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European U
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 1 agus le hAirteagal 2 den Phrótacal maidir le seasamh na Ríochta Aontaithe agus na hÉireann i dtaca leis an limistéar saoirse, slándála agus ceartais, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar
International Security Assistance Force; ISAF
Fórsa Cúnaimh Slándála Idirnáisiúnta
secondary nutrient
cothaitheach tánaisteach
national aviation security programme; national civil aviation security programme
an clár náisiúnta um shlándáil eitlíochta sibhialta
SecOPs; Security Operating Procedures
Nósanna Imeachta Oibríochtaí Slándála; SecOps
system-high mode; system-high security mode of operation
modh oibriúcháin slándála ard-rúnaicmithe
physical security
slándáil fhisiciúil
creative industries; creative sector
earnáil na cruthaitheachta; tionscal cruthaitheach; tionscal na cruthaitheachta
Deputy Prosecutor
Europol's computerised tool for secure exchange of information and intelligence; Info-Ex; Information Exchange System
an Córas Malartaithe Faisnéise; Info-Ex; Ríomhuirlis Europol um shlánmhalartú eolais agus faisnéise
federal prosecutor's office
oifig an ionchúisitheora cónaidhme
Security Committee (Information Assurance); Security Committee (INFOSEC)
an Coiste Slándála (INFOSEC); an Coiste Slándála (Ráthú Faisnéise)
health security; public health security
slándáil sláinte
Health Security Committee; HSC
an Coiste Slándála Sláinte
Protocol relating to the establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union
Prótacal a bhaineann le Bunú Chomhairle Síochána agus Slándála an Aontais Afraicigh
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen; IPSC
an Institiúid um Chosaint agus Slándáil an tSaoránaigh
EPPO; European Public Prosecutor's Office
Oifig an Ionchúisitheora Phoiblí Eorpaigh; OIPE
ENISA; European Network and Information Security Agency; European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach um Shlándáil Gréasáin agus Faisnéise; ENISA; Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh um Shlándáil Gréasáin agus Faisnéise
security of information systems; SIS
slándáil córas faisnéise
maritime security
slándáil mhuirí
COSI; Internal Security Committee; Standing Committee on Internal Security; Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security
An Buanchoiste um an gComhar Oibríochtúil sa tSlándáil Inmheánach; COSI
International Ship and Port Facility Security Code; ISPS Code
an Cód Idirnáisiúnta um Shlándáil Long agus Saoráid Chalafoirt; an Cód ISPS
security incident
teagmhas slándála
mandatory prosecution; obligatory prosecution; principle of legality
ionchúiseamh sainordaitheach
sectoral rules
rialacha earnála; rialacha earnálacha
EU Representative on Non Proliferation and Disarmament; Personal Representative of the High Representative on non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction; Secretary General/High Representative’s Personal Representative for non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
Ionadaí AE maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm agus Dí-armáil
Prosecutor of the ICTY; Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Ionchúisitheoir don Bhinse Coiriúil Idirnáisiúnta don iar-Iúgslaiv
ESS; European Security Strategy
SSE; Straitéis Slándála na hEorpa
District Prosecutor; Public Prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir ceantair
Chief District Prosecutor; Chief Public Prosecutor
Príomh-Ionchúisitheoir Ceantair
International Ship Security Certificate; ISSC
an Deimhniú Idirnáisiúnta um Shlándáil Long
focal point for maritime security
lárionad um shlándáil mhuirí
benefits system; social security scheme; social security system
córas slándála sóisialta; scéim slándála sóisialta
security sector reform; security system reform; SSR
AES; athchóiriú na hearnála slándála
INSServ; International Nuclear Security Advisory Service
an tSeirbhís Chomhairleach Idirnáisiúnta um Shlándáil Núicléach; INSServ
Computer Security Incident Response Team; CSIRT
CSIRT; Foirne Freagartha do Theagmhais a bhaineann le Slándáil Ríomhairí
bond lending; securities lending; share lending; stock lending
iasacht urrús
longitudinal section
International Securities Self-Regulating Organisation; ISSRO
Eagraíocht Féinrialaithe um Urrúis Idirnáisiúnta
BSEC Council; BSECC; Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
BSECC; Comhairle na nAirí Gnóthaí Eachtracha
Sector Understanding on Export Credits
an Comhaontú Earnála maidir le Creidmheasanna Onnmhairiúcháin
sector with surplus production
earnáil ina bhfuil barrachas táirgeachta
second free-at-frontier offer price
bunphraghas ag an teorainn
insect borer; woodborer; woodboring insect
feithid tollta adhmaid
dissected lean meat
feoil thrua dhiosctha
second quality egg
ubh den dara grád
bank secrecy; banking secrecy
rúndacht bhaincéireachta
pledge; security
second mortgage
morgáiste den dara tosaíocht
remaining life of the security
an chuid atá fágtha de ré an urrúis
value adjustment in respect of transferable security
coigeartú luacha maidir le hurrús inaistrithe
to restructure by substituting securities
athstruchtúrú trí urrúis a ionadú
short-dated security
urrús gearrthréimhse
callable security; redeemable security
urrús infhuascailte
debt evidenced by securities; securitised debt
fiachas urrúsaithe
section width
leithead boinn
secondary structure
struchtúr tánaisteach
disinsection; disinsectisation
non-food section
roinn neamhbhia
commercial section
roinn tráchtála
secured liability
dliteanas urraithe
back scatter cross-section
an trasghearradh den chúlscaipeadh; trasghearradh cúlscaipthe
extinction cross-section
trasghearradh cealúcháin
blues; seconds
organised securities exchange; organised securities market; regulated market
margadh rialáilte
recessive homozygous sector
teascóg homaisigeach chúlaitheach
secondary attack rate
ráta ruaige tánaistí
second-generation migrant
imirceach den dara glúin
pro rata issue of securities
urrúis a eisiúint pro rata
payment in the form of securities
íocaíocht i bhfoirm urrús
debenture; unsecured bond
banna neamhurraithe
unsecured debt
fiachas neamhurraithe
social security policy
beartas slándála sóisialta
craft metal working sector
earnáil na ceardmhiotalóireachta
illiquid security
urrús neamhleachtach
ICSD; international central securities depository
taisclann lárnach idirnáisiúnta urrús
securities borrowing
iasachtaíocht urrús
lodging of security
urrús a thaisceadh
release of the security
scaoileadh an urrúis
secret document
doiciméad rúnda
release of securities
scaoileadh urrús
principles of and general guidelines for the common foreign and security policy
prionsabail agus treoirlínte ginearálta an chomhbheartais eachtraigh agus slándála
acquisition of second homes
áit chónaithe thánaisteach a fháil
midship section coefficient
comhéifeacht lárchuid an bháid
consecutive interpretation; consecutive interpreting
ateangaireacht iaruaineach
Black Sea Economic Business Cooperation Council; BSEC Business Council
Comhairle Ghnó BSEC; Comhairle Ghnó um Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
Secretariat of the WTO
Ardrúnaíocht an WTO
sectoral committee
coiste earnála
seconded national expert; SNE
saineolaí náisiúnta ar iasacht; SNI
Committee for implementation of the multiannual framework programme for actions in the energy sector
Coiste chun an cláir réime ilbhliantúil maidir le gníomhaíochtaí in earnáil an fhuinnimh a chur chun feidhme
oligopolistic sector
earnáil olagaplach
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing; admission of securities to quotation
glacadh le hurrúis ar liostú oifigiúil an stocmhalartáin
national security provision
soláthar slándála náisiúnta
scheme of social security benefits
scéim um shochair slándála sóisialta
acquired drug resistance; secondary drug resistance; secondary resistance
frithsheasmhacht thánaisteach in aghaidh drugaí
Administrative Commission; Administrative Commission of the European Communities on Social Security for Migrant Workers; Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers; CA.SS.TM.
an Coimisiún Riaracháin; an Coimisiún Riaracháin um Shlándáil Shóisialta d'Oibrithe Imirceacha; CA.SS.TM
tobacco sector
earnáil an tobac
leasing in the motor vehicles sector
léasú sam earnáil mótarfheithiclí
dissecting microscope; dissection scope; stereo microscope; stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope
micreascóp diosctha; micreascóp steiréascópach
second messenger
dara teachtaire
secondary school-leaving certificate
secondary boycott
baghcat tánaisteach
secondhand article
earra athláimhe
fisheries sector
earnáil an iascaigh
dairy industry; dairy sector; milk and milk products sector
earnáil na déiríochta; tionscal déiríochta
beef and veal sector
earnáil na mairteola agus na laofheola
sugar sector
earnáil an tsiúcra
automotive industry; automotive sector; motor industry
an earnáil mótarfheithiclí; an tionscal gluaisteán
dealer in securities
déileálaí in urrúis; déileálaí urrús
statistical confidentiality; statistical secrecy
rúndacht staidrimh
benefit; benefit payment; national insurance benefit; social allowance; social benefit; social insurance benefit; social security benefit; social security payment; welfare benefit
íocaíochtaí slándála sóisialta; sochair leasa shóisialta; sochair slándála sóisialta
all practices designed to secure a privileged position
gach cleachtas atá ceaptha chun pribhléid a ghnóthú
disclosure of professional secret
nochtadh rúin ghairmiúil; rún gairmiúil a nochtadh
Guarantee Section
Roinn na Ráthaíochtaí; Roinn Ráthaíochta
Guidance Section
Roinn Treoraíochta
loan or credit secured on real property
creidmheas urraithe
capital yields tax; capital-gains tax; tax on distributions; tax on income from transferable securities
cáin ghnóthachan caipitiúil
trustee securities
urrúis iontaobhaí
investment portfolio; portfolio; securities; securities portfolio; security holding
punann infheistíochta
data security
slándáil sonraí
secret reserves
cúlchistí rúnda
business secret
rún gnó
sectional account; sub-account
marketable security; temporary investment
infheistíocht shealadach; urrús indíolta
marketable security; negotiable instrument; negotiable security
ionstraim shoshannta
shaft cross-section
trasghearradh sloic
public sector
earnáil phoiblí
second service
lactation; milk secretion
lachtadh; tál
certified seed of the second generation; second generation certified seed
síol deimhnithe den dara glúin
second-hand good
earra athláimhe
Secretary General
sense of insecurity
mothú neamhdhiongbháilteachta
clearance guidance sector
teascóg treoraíochta scóipe
error of second kind
earráid den dara cineál
risk of second kind; type ii risk
riosca de chineál ii; riosca den dara cineál
secondary braking system
córas coscánaithe éigeandála
secondary metal
miotal tánaisteach
secondary sample
sampla tánaisteach
aerofoil section
trasghearradh aereiteoige
back course sector
an teascóg chúlchúrsa
blade section
trasghearradh lainne
centre section
closed working section
rannóg oibre iata
cosec antenna
aeróg chomhsheicint
front course sector
an teascóg thulchúrsa
gore section
teascán de ghóire
covered by mortgages; secured by mortgages
arna urrú le morgáistí
advance in current account secured; advance to client secured; advance to customer secured; current account advance secured; current secured loan; loan and advance to customer secured
airleacan urraithe ar an gcuntas reatha
forward dealing in securities
réamhdhéileáil in urrúis
gan urrús; neamhurraithe
earnings on securities; income from securities; securities
ioncam ó urrúis
accumulator; secondary battery; secondary cell; storage cell
cill stórais
sectoral collective agreement
comhaontú comhchoiteann earnála
secondary action; secondary strike; solidarity strike; sympathetic strike; sympathy action; sympathy strike
stailc chomhbhá; stailc dhlúthpháirtíochta
secondary education
meánoideachas; oideachas meánscoile
data secrecy
sicréideacht sonraí
personnel security
slándáil phearsanra
road section
stráice bóthair
second-chance education
oideachas an dara deis
energy economy; energy industries; energy sector
earnáil an fhuinnimh
secondary raw material
amhábhar tánaisteach
social security
slándáil shóisialta
floating point operations per second; FLOPS
FLOPS; oibríochtaí snámhphointe sa soicind
non-bank sector
earnáil na neamhbhanc
grouped packaging; secondary packaging
pacáistíocht thánaisteach
secondary air
aer tánaisteach
gel chromatography; gel filtration; gel filtration chromatography; gel permeation chromatography; GFC; GPC; mol sieve; molecular exclusion chromatography; molecular sieve chromatography; SEC; size exclusion chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht criathair mhóilínigh
underlier; underlying; underlying asset; underlying security; underlying stock
bunsócmhainn; sócmhainn fholuiteach
treasuries; treasury securities
státchistí; urrúis státchiste
secondary prevention
cosc tánaisteach
emission security; EMSEC
slándáil astaíochtaí
security paper
páipéar slándála
Secretary-General; Secretary-General of the United Nations; UN Secretary-General; United Nations Secretary-General; UNSG
Ardrúnaí na Náisiún Aontaithe; ARNA
guaranteed deposits and securities
taiscí agus urrúis ráthaithe
social security and other benefits
slándáil shóisialta agus sochair eile
cash and marketable securities
airgead tirim agus urrúis indíolta; airgead tirim agus urrúis inmhargaidh
owner's personal contributions to social security
ranníocaíochtaí pearsanta slándála sóisialta an úinéara
net loss on disposal of securities
glanchaillteanas as diúscairt urrús
caesarean; caesarean section
gearradh caesarach
second home; secondary residence
áit chónaithe thánaisteach
secondary industry; secondary sector
earnáil thánaisteach
closure by secondary intent; secondary intention
cneasú tánaisteach
secondary infection
galar tánaisteach
International Securities Identifying Number; ISIN
Uimhir Aitheantais Idirnáisiúnta Urrús
cross-section count
comhaireamh tráchta bunaithe ar thrasghearradh
current sectionalisation switch
lasc imdhealaithe srutha
dead section
raon marbh
decision and manoeuvering region; weaving section
treoir-raon ionramhála
fare section point; fare stage
céim táillí
line section
stráice líne
cut section; open cut line
overrun section; signal overlap
fad stop éigeandála
personal safety and security
sábháilteacht agus slándáil phearsanta
power supply section
cuid soláthair chumhachta; cuid soláthair leictreachais
safety and security
sábháilteacht; slándáil
secondary power supply
soláthar tánaisteach cumhachta
sectional fare
táille in aghaidh an teascáin
security personnel
pearsanra slándála