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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roghanna Options
Torthaí beachta Exact matches
(social structure, community, etc.)
GAsochaí bain4
gu sochaí, iol sochaithe
(struchtúr sóisialta, pobal, etc.)
society is fragile
tá an tsochaí leochaileach
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Comhchordacht (1) A reference to arbitration under this Order shall be to an arbitrator appointed by the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
(1) Tarchur chun eadrána faoin Ordú seo, is tarchur é chun eadránaí arna cheapadh ag Uachtarán Dhlí-Chumann Corpraithe na hÉireann. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
reintegration into society; social reintegration
athimeascadh sa tsochaí
NRDS; Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Society
an Cumann um Fhóirithint, Athshlánú agus Forbairt in Nuba
American Society of Allied Health Professions; ASAHP; Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
Comhlachas Scoileanna na nGairmeacha Gaolmhara Sláinte
PSI; Psychological Society of Ireland
Cumann Síceolaithe Éireann; Cumann Síceolaithe na hÉireann
benefit society
cumann comhshochair
mutual association; mutual society; mutual undertaking
comhlacht árachais frithpháirteach
industrialised society
sochaí thionsclaithe
Handicapped people in the European Community Living Independently in an Open Society; HELIOS II; Third Community action programme for disabled people; Third Community action programme to assist disabled people
Daoine faoi Mhíchumas sa Chomhphobal Eorpach ag Maireachtáil go Neamhspleách i Sochaí Oscailte; HELIOS II
the contemporary development of society and technology
forbairt chomhaimseartha na sochaí agus na teicneolaíochta; forbairt na sochaí agus na teicneolaíochta sa nua-aois
information society; IS
an tsochaí faisnéise
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication; SWIFT
an Cumann um Theileachumarsáid Airgeadais Idirbhainc Dhomhanda; SWIFT
civil society; CS
sochaí shibhialta
European Cooperative Society; SCE
Comharchumann Eorpach; SCE
learning society
sochaí foghlama
Statute for a European Cooperative Society
an Reacht maidir le Comharchumann Eorpach
knowledge society; knowledge-based society
sochaí eolasbhunaithe
information society service
seirbhís sochaí faisnéise
inclusive society
sochaí chuimsitheach
civil society organisation; CSO
eagraíocht sochaí sibhialta; ESS
representatives of the various economic and social components of organised civil society
ionadaithe ó na heilimintí éagsúla eacnamaíocha agus sóisialta den tsochaí shibhialta eagraithe
World Summit on the Information Society; WSIS
an Cruinniú Mullaigh Domhanda faoin tSochaí Faisnéise
Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society
an Mheitheal um Theileachumarsáid agus um an tSochaí Faisnéise
Convention on Information and Legal Cooperation concerning "Information Society Services"; Council of Europe Convention No 180 on information and legal cooperation on information society services
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Faisnéis agus Comhar Dlí i ndáil le "Seirbhísí Sochaí Faisnéise"; Coinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa Uimh. 180 maidir le faisnéis agus comhar dlí i ndáil le seirbhísí sochaí faisnéise
Society for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Education; UK Skills; VOTE
an Cumann um Ghairmoideachas agus Gairmoiliúnt a chur chun cinn
American Society of Planning Officials; ASPO
Cumann Oifigeach Pleanála Mheiriceá
co-operative wholesale society; wholesale cooperative
comharchumann mórdhíola
European mutual society
cumann frithpháirteach Eorpach
International Society for Knowledge Organisation; ISKO
an Cumann Idirnáisiúnta um Eagrú Eolais; an Cumann Idirnáisiúnta um Eagrúchán Eolais
breed society
cumann póir
capital risk society; venture capital firm
gnólacht caipitil fiontair
franchised company; franchised corporation; franchised society
cuideachta shaincheadaithe
post-industrial society
sochaí iarthionsclaíoch
Netherlands Society for Industry and Commerce
Cumann na hÍsiltíre um Thionscal agus um Thráchtáil
host society
sochaí óstach
European knowledge society
sochaí eolais Eorpach
CMO; collecting society; collection society; collective management organisation; collective management society
cumann bailithe dleachtanna
information society service provider; ISSP
soláthraí seirbhíse sochaí faisnéise
CNECT; DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology; DG CONNECT; Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology; Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media; Information Society and Media DG
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Líonraí Cumarsáide, an Ábhair Dhigitigh agus na Teicneolaíochta; Ard-Stiúrthóireacht na Sochaí Faisnéise agus na Meán Cumarsáide; AS na Líonraí Cumarsáide, an Ábhair Dhigitigh agus na Teicneolaíochta
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society; Faro Convention
Creat-Choinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Luach na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha don tSochaí
Collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society; Committee of Inquiry into the collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society; Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society; Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
an Coiste Fiosrúcháin maidir le Cliseadh an Chumainn Árachais ''Equitable Life Assurance Society''; Cliseadh an Chumainn Árachais ''Equitable Life''
Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society; TEN Section
an Rannóg um Iompar, Fuinneamh, Bonneagar agus an tSochaí Faisnéise
low-carbon society
sochaí ísealcharbóin
Action plan on ageing well in the information society; Ageing Well Action Plan; Ageing Well in the Information Society Action Plan
Plean Gníomhaíochta um Aosú Folláin sa tSochaí Faisnéise
TAUS; Translation Automation User Society
Cumann Úsáideoirí Uathaistriúcháin; TAUS
mutual society
cumann frithpháirteach
ECSH; European Civil Society House
Teach na sochaí sibhialta Eorpaí
DG C; Directorate-General C - Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and Information Society, Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport, Energy; Directorate-General for Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and the Information Society, the Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport and Energy
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht C - Iomaíochas, Nuálaíocht agus Taighde, Tionscal agus an tSochaí Faisnéise, an Margadh Inmheánach, Iomaíocht agus Custam, Iompar agus Fuinneamh; DG C
Energy Policies, Atomic Questions, Information Society Unit; Unit 2B - Energy Policies, Atomic Questions, Information Society
an tAonad um Beartais Fuinnimh, lena n-áirítear gnéithe idirnáisiúnta agus ceisteanna admhacha; Aonad le haghaidh Beartas Fuinnimh, lena n áirítear gnéithe idirnáisiúnta agus ceisteanna admhacha
recycling society
sochaí athchúrsála
surveillance society
sochaí an fhaireachais
Western Balkans Civil Society Forum
Fóram na Sochaí Sibhialta um na Balcáin Thiar
Civil Society Facility; Civil Society Neighbourhood Facility; Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility
an tSaoráid Chomharsanachta um Shochaí Shibhialta
EU-China Civil Society Round Table; EU-China Round Table
Cruinniú Comhchéime AE-na Síne; Cruinniú Comhchéime AE-na Síne um an tSochaí Shibhialta
EU-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee; EU-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia JCC
Comhchoiste Comhairleach Shochaí Shibhialta AE-Iar-Phoblacht Iúgslavach na Macadóine
EU-Brazil Civil Society Round Table; EU-Brazil Round Table
Cruinniú Comhchéime AE-na Brasaíle; Cruinniú Comhchéime AE-na Brasaíle um an tSochaí Shibhialta
Revival of Islamic Heritage Society; RIHS
an Cumann um Athbheochan na hOidhreachta Ioslamaí; RIHS
Liaison Group; Liaison Group with European civil society organisations and networks
an Grúpa Idirchaidrimh; an Grúpa Idirchaidrimh le hEagraíochtaí agus Líonraí Eorpacha na Sochaí Sibhialta
society, help and comfort owed by one spouse to another
cúnamh comhpháirteach idir céilí
organised civil society
sochaí shibhialta eagraithe
Civil Society Media Seminar
Seimineár do na Meáin sa tSochaí Shibhialta
EU-Montenegro Civil Society Joint Consultative Committee; EU-Montenegro Joint Consultative Committee
Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-Montainéagró; Comhchoiste Comhairliúcháin AE-Montainéagró i Réimse na Sochaí Sibhialta
Civil Society Dialogue Network; CSDN
an Líonra um Chomhphlé leis an tSochaí Shibhialta
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society
an Coimisinéir um an nGeilleagar Digiteach agus an tSochaí Dhigiteach
Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society; InfoSoc Directive
Treoir 2001/29/CE maidir le comhchuibhiú gnéithe áirithe den chóipcheart agus cearta gaolmhara sa tsochaí faisnéise; Treoir na Sochaí Faisnéise
cohesive society
sochaí chomhtháite
civic space; civil society space; third space
spás na sochaí sibhialta
country roadmap for engagement with CSOs; EU country roadmap for engagement with civil society; EU country roadmap for engagement with CSOs; EU roadmap for engagement with civil society; EU roadmap for engagement with CSOs
treochlár AE le haghaidh rannpháirtíochta le heagraíochtaí na sochaí sibhialta; treochlár AE le haghaidh rannpháirtíochta na sochaí sibhialta
European gigabit society
sochaí ghigighiotáin Eorpach
Civil Society Support Room; CSSR
Ardán Tacaíochta don tSochaí Shibhialta
EUCIS-LLL; European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning; Lifelong Learning Platform; LLLPlatform
Ardán don Fhoghlaim ar Feadh an tSaoil; Ardán-LLL
ENNA; European Network of National Civil Society Associations
ENNA; Líonra Eorpach de Chomhlachais Náisiúnta na Sochaí Sibhialta
Civil Society United Against Torture
an tSochaí Shibhialta Aontaithe i gcoinne an Chéasta
Civil Society Europe; CSE
Sochaí Shibhialta na hEorpa