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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
SCLC; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
Comhdháil Cheannaireachta Críostaí an Deiscirt; SCLC
Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coinbhinsiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Réalteolaíoch sa Leathsféar Theas a bhunú
ESO; European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere; European Southern Observatory
an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Réalteolaíoch sa Leathsféar Theas; an Réadlann Eorpach sa Leathsféar Theas; ESO
southern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm deisceartach
French Southern and Antarctic Lands; TAAF
Críocha an Deiscirt agus an Antartaigh de chuid na Fraince
SACU; Southern African Customs Union
Aontas Custaim Dheisceart na hAfraice
Common Market of the South; Mercosur; Southern Common Market; Southern Cone Common Market
an Cómhargadh Theas; Mercosur
SADC; Southern African Development Community
Comhphobal Forbraíochta Dheisceart na hAfraice; SADC
southern sea otter or California sea otter
dobhrán mara deisceartach
Southern elephant seal
rón eilifintiúil deisceartach
bald ibis; Southern bald ibis
íbis mhaol
countries of the southern basin of the Mediterranean region; countries of the Southern Mediterranean; SMR; Southern basin of the Mediterranean region; Southern Mediterranean region
tíortha na Meánmhara Theas
COMESA; Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
an Cómhargadh in Oirthear agus i nDeisceart na hAfraice; COMESA
Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Southern Common Market and its Party States, of the other part; Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and Mercosur
an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Mercosur; an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach um Chomhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus an Cómhargadh Theas agus a Stáit Chomhpháirteacha, den pháirt eile
red snapper; southern red snapper
sclamhaire dearg deisceartach
Southern right whale
ceartmhíol mór an deiscirt
CCSBT; Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coimisiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú; CCSBT
southern brown shrimp
séacla donn deisceartach
southern African pilchard
pilséar Deas-Afracach
Southern African anchovy
ainseabhaí Deas-Afracach
southern pink shrimp
séacla bándearg deisceartach
KOB; Southern meagre
grágaire Deisceartach
southern kingcroaker
rí-ghrágaire deisceartach
longtail southern cod
oigheariasc Ramsay
Southern king crab
ríphortán Sileach
Andaman lobster; NEA; Southern langoustine
gliomach andaman
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group; ESAAMLG
ESAAMLG; Grúpa Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice in aghaidh sciúradh airgid
Antarctic Ocean; Austral Ocean; Southern Ocean
an tAigéan Antartach
International Red Locust Control Organisation for Central and Southern Africa; IRLCO-CSA
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Shrianadh Lócaistí Dearga i Lár agus i nDeisceart na hAfraice
southern serow; Sumatran serow
seireo Sumatra
bald ibis; southern bald ibis
íbis mhaol dheisceartach
black-throated finch; Parson finch; southern black-throated finch
glasán píbdhubh deisceartach
black-eyed pea; crowder-pea; southern-pea
pis bhó
DNA blot; Southern blot; Southern blotting; Southern method; Southern technique; Southern transfer
dabú Southern
Australian mud oyster; southern mud oyster
oisre láibe deisceartach
green abalone; southern green abalone
cluas mhara ghlas
SIOFA; Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement
Comhaontú Iascaigh an Aigéin Indiaigh Theas
Southern corridor; Southern Corridor for energy and transport; Southern Gas Corridor
Conair Gháis an Deiscirt
Chilean pudu; pudu; southern pudu
púdú deisceartach
Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity; Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean
an Chomhpháirtíocht le Tíortha na Meánmhara Theas um Dhaonlathas agus Rathúnas Comhroinnte; Comhphairtíocht um Dhaonlathas agus Rathúnas Comhroinnte
Southern Neighbourhood
Comharsanacht an Deiscirt
Region of Southern Denmark
Réigiún na Danmhairge Theas
Southern Kordofan
Kordofan Theas
EU Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean region; European Union Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean region; EUSR for the Southern Mediterranean region
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontas Eorpaigh don Réigiún Meánmhuirí Theas
ESA-IO Region; Region of Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean
réigiún ATT-AI; Réigiún na hAfraice Thoir agus Theas agus an Aigéin Indiaigh
Extended Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coimisiún Méadaithe um Chaomhnú an Tuinnín Ghoirm Dheisceartaigh
Working Group on the Southern Neighbourhood
an Mheitheal um Chomharsanacht an Deiscirt
EUNAVFOR MED; European Union military operation in the Southern Central Mediterranean
EUNAVFOR MED; EUNAVFOR MED Oibríocht SOPHIA; oibríocht mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Mheánmhuir Láir-Theas
A southern Mediterranean Investment Coordination Initiative; AMICI
AMICI; Tionscnamh na Meánmhara Theas chun Infheistíocht a Chomhordú
Economic Resilience Initiative; EIB Resilience Initiative; EIB Resilience Initiative in the Southern Neighbourhood and Western Balkans
Tionscnamh Athléimneachta Eacnamaíoch BEI; Tionscnamh Athléimneachta Eacnamaíoch BEI i gComharsanacht an Deiscirt agus sna Balcáin Thiar
Interim Agreement establishing a framework for an Economic Partnership Agreement between the Eastern and Southern Africa States, on the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, on the other part
Comhaontú Eatramhach lena mbunaítear creat maidir le Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta Eacnamaíche idir Stáit Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile
European hake; hake; southern stock of European hake
colmóir; Merluccius merluccius
Southern hake
colmóir deisceartach; colmóir na Nua-Shéalainne
South Coast spiny lobster; Southern spiny lobster
gliomach spíonach an chósta theas
Southern river otter
dobhrán abhann deisceartach
southern blue whiting
faoitín gorm deisceartach
Headquarters 1 Southern Brigade [Units and Sub-units: Camp Staff]
Ceanncheathrú Chéad Bhriogáid an Deiscirt (bain5)
Southern area
líomatáiste an Deiscirt (fir4)
Southern Brigade
Briogáid an Deiscirt (bain2)
Southern Command
Ceannasaíocht an Deiscirt (bain3)
1 Southern Brigade Band [Units and sub-units: Brigades]
Banna Chéad Bhriogáid an Deiscirt (fir4)
area of Southern Brigade
líomatáiste Bhriogáid an Deiscirt