Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
deflection of trade; diversion of trade; trade deflection; trade diversion
sraonadh trádála
misapplication of a legally obtained benefit
sraonadh sochair arna fháil go dlíthiúil
full scale deflection
sraonadh lánscála
to avoid deflection of trade
sraonadh trádála a sheachaint
to avoid deflections of trade and distortions of competition
d'fhonn sraonadh trádála agus saobhadh iomaíochta a sheachaint
deflections in trade
sraonadh sa trádáil; sraonta trádála
ballistic deflection error
earráid de thoradh sraonadh balaistíoch
galvanometer deflection
sraonadh galbhánaiméadair
deflection due to drift
sraonadh de dheasca síobtha (fir1)
sraonadh (fir1, gu: sraonaidh, ai: sraontaí, gi: sraontaí)
sraon (br, abr: sraonadh, aidbhr: sraonta)