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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
industrial installation
suiteáil thionsclaíoch
cableway installation designed to carry passengers; cableway installation designed to carry persons
suiteáil chábla atá ceaptha chun daoine a iompar
beyond the threshold
lastall den tairseach
installation plaque
plaic shuiteála
crystallised sugar
siúcra criostalaithe
to forestall
tar roimh
semi-industrial installation
gléasra leath-thionsclaíoch; suiteáil leath-thionsclaíoch
specialised installation
suiteáil sainfheidhme
micro-crystalline wax
céir mhicricriostalta
nuclear facility; nuclear installation
gléasra núicléach
port installations and airfields
fearas calafoirt agus aerpháirc
micro-crystalline wax
céir pheitriliam; nó céir mhianrach bhitiúmanach, dríodair phairifíneacha
AGTC; European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations
AGTC; an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Mórlínte Iompair Idirnáisiúnta agus leis na Suiteálacha a bhaineann leo
CHP plant; cogeneration plant; cogeneration power plant; co-generation power station; combined heat and power installation; combined heat and power plant; combined heat and power station
gléasra CTÉ; gléasra teasa agus cumhachta in éineacht; stáisiún CTÉ; stáisiún cumhachta is teasa in éineacht
Protocol on Combined Transport on Inland Waterways to the European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC) of 1991
an Prótacal um Iompar Traschórais ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre a ghabhann le Comhaontú Eorpach 1991 maidir le Mórlínte Iompair Idirnáisiúnta agus leis na Suiteálacha a bhaineann leo (AGTC)
palm oil crystallisation
criostalú ola phailme
installed capacity; installed power
toilleadh suiteáilte
ESTI; European Solar Test Installation
an tSuiteáil Eorpach um thástáil feistí fótavoltacha; ESTI
crystallisation point; crystallising point
pointe criostalúcháin
installation allowance
liúntas suiteála
installed load
lód suiteáilte
criostalú; criostalúchán
storage installation
fearas stórála
installation costs; preliminary expenses; start-up expenses
costais tionscnaimh; réamhspeansais
entire horse; stallion; uncastrated horse
capall neamhchoillte
accelerated stall
loiceadh luathaithe
anti-crystallizing rubber; arctic rubber
rubar frithchriostalúcháin
blade stall
loiceadh lainne
compressor stall
loiceadh comhbhrúiteora
hammerhead stall
ceann casúir
installation penalty
pionós suiteála
installed thrust
sá suiteáilte
stall speed; stalling speed
luas loicthe
in-stream hydrokinetic power facility; in-stream plant; run of river installation; run-of-river hydro-electric power station; run-of-river plant; run-of-river power station
fearas shní na habhann
installation allowance
liúntas suiteála
gas appliance; gas-fired equipment; gas-fired installation
fearas gáis; fearas gásadhainte
fixtures and fitting,building installations
daingneáin agus feisteas, suiteálacha tógála
specialised complex installations
sainsuiteálacha coimpléascacha
specific installations
suiteálacha sonracha
other improvements and installations
feabhsúcháin agus suiteálacha eile
crystalline form; crystalline state; crystalline structure
criostalfhoirm; criostalstruchtúr
far-side stop
stad lastall den chrosbhealach
presence detection installations
braiteoir gafachta bealaigh
test bed; test bench; test installation; test plant; test rig; test stand
binse tástála
crystalline silicon; c-Si
c-Si; sileacan criostalta
contract for deed; land installment contract
conradh um ghníomhas
engine stalling; stalling
loiceadh; loiceadh innill
mc-Si; multicrystalline silicon; polycrystalline silicon; poly-Si; polysilicon
sileacan ilchriostalta; silicean polaichriostalach
installation unit
aonad suiteála
decommissioned installation
suiteáil dhíchoimisiúnaithe
closed-down installation
suiteáil dhúnta
stanchion stall; stanchion-tied stall; tie stall; tied stall
stalla stáinsí
active stall; pitch-to-stall
loiceadh gníomhach
recognised installation
suiteáil aitheanta
installation angle
uillinn suiteála
roadside stall; roadside stand
seastán cois bóthair
installation certification
deimhniú suiteála
loss of lift; stall
incumbent installation
suiteáil atá ann faoi láthair
product benchmark sub-installation
foghléasra le tagarmharc táirge
heat benchmark sub-installation
foghléasra le tagarmharc teochta
fuel benchmark sub-installation
foghléasra le tagarmharc breosla
process emissions sub-installation
foghléasra le hastaíochtaí próisis
crystallised albumin
albaimin chriostalaithe
medical radiological installation
saoráid raideolaíoch leighis
metal scrap recycling installation; metal scrap recycling plant
gléasra athchúrsála dramh-mhiotail
stall strip
stiall loicthe
stall controlled wind turbine; stall-regulated wind turbine
tuirbín gaoithe faoi loic-rialú
installed wind power capacity
toilleadh suiteáilte cumhachta gaoithe
production installation
suiteáil táirgthe
non-production installation
suiteáil neamhtháirgthe
cableway installation
suiteáil chábla-bhealaigh
engine installation effect; installation effect
iarmhairt suiteála innill
nanocrystalline silicon
sileacan nanaichriostalta
administrative installation
feisteas riaracháin (fir1)
accessibility of medical installations
insroichteacht feisteas liachta (bain3)
harbour installation
feisteas cuain (fir1)
oil storage installation
feisteas taisce ola (fir1)
medical installation
feisteas liachta (fir1)
installation of operational significance
feisteas a bhfuil tábhacht oibríochta ag baint leis (s)
feisteas (fir1, ai: feistis, gi: feisteas, gu: feistis)
petrol pump installation
feisteas caidéil pheitril (fir1)
key security installation
lárionad tábhachtach slándála (fir1)
ordnance installation
feisteas ordanáis (fir1)
security of key installations
slándáil ar phríomh-lárionaid (bain3)
supply installation
feisteas soláthair (fir1)
signal installation
feisteas comharthaíochta (fir1)
cuir isteach (br)
feistigh (br, abr: feistiú, aidbhr: feistithe)
stail (bain2, gu: staile, ai: staileanna, gi: staileanna)
ceanrach (bain2, gu: ceanraí, ai: ceanracha, gi: ceanrach)
bullets that fall beyond the target
piléir a thiteann lastall den targaid
bullets that fall beyond the target
piléir a thiteann leastall den targaid