Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
any of several peptides derived from a protein known as proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and secreted primarily by the pituitary gland with primary function skin darkening
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
follicle stimulating hormone; FSH
hormón falacailspreagthach
follicle stimulating releasing factor; follicle-stimulating hormone releasing factor; follicle-stimulating hormone releasing hormone; FRF; FSH-releasing factor; FSHRF; FSH-RF; FSHRH
hormón scaoilte hormóin fhalacailspreagthaigh
thyroid stimulating hormone; thyrotrophin
hormón tíoróidspreagthach
colony stimulating factor; CSF
toisc spreagtha cille
GCSF; G-CSF; granulocyte colony stimulating factor; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí
interstitial cell stimulating hormone; luteinising hormone
hormón lúitéinitheach
stimulating growth factor
toisc spreagtha fáis; tosca spreagtha fáis
PEGbG-CSF; pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor
toisc spreagtha coilíneachtaí granalaicítí peigealáitithe buaibheacha