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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
pace of work; rate of work; speed of work; work rhythm
luas na hoibre
subsonic speed
luas foshonach
accelerate-stop distance available; ASDA
an fad atá ar fáil don luasghearú/stopadh
maximum take-off mass; MTOM
MTOM; uasmhais éirí de thalamh
descending air current
siorradh anuas
withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations
aistarraingtí as ioncam samhailchorparáidí
cruise control; cruise control system
córas luasrialaithe
post-combustion chamber
cuasán iardhó
maximum torque speed
uasluas casmhóiminte
coast-down; coast-down test; coast-down testing
tástáil luasmhoillithe saor-rothlaithe
Tibetan eared-pheasant
piasún cluasach Tibéadach
Great Horned Owl
mórulchabhán cluasach
GPMT; Guinea-Pig Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman method
tástáil uasmhéadúcháin ar mhuc ghuine; tástáil uasmhéadúcháin Magnusson agus Kligman
MESA; MEST; Mouse Ear Swelling Assay; Mouse Ear Swelling Test
measúnacht at chluas na luchóige; tástáil at chluas na luchóige
SAI; Supreme Audit Institution
an tUasfhoras Iniúchóireachta; UFI
cluas mhara
cupped oysters n.e.i.
cuasoisrí nach n-áirítear in áit eile
maximum rate of increase; MRI
uasráta méadaithe
giant pumpkin; squash pumpkin
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
indicative ceiling
uasteorainn tháscach
quasi-capital; quasi-equity; quasi-equity capital
caipiteal cuasachothromais; cuasachaipiteal; cuasachothromas
capital redemption
fuascailt caipitil
refresher training; updating training; upskilling; workplace training
oiliúint leanúna; uasghrádú scileanna; uas-sciliú
low-energy particle accelerator
luasaire cáithníní lagfhuinnimh
under the above acts
faoi na hionstraimí thuasluaite
accelerating tube
feadán luasghéaraithe
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947; Convention concerning the Maximum Length of Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fad Uasta Conarthaí Fostaíochta d''Oibrithe Dúchasacha
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker; Maximum Weight Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Uasmheáchan is ceadmhach d'Oibrí Amháin a Iompar
AFCASOLE; Association of Soluble Coffee Manufacturers of the Countries of the European Union
AFCASOLE; Comhlachas Monaróirí Caife Intuaslagtha Thíortha an Aontais Eorpaigh
linear accelerator
luasaire líneach
crayfish; noble crayfish
cráifisc uasal
American cupped oyster
cuasoisre Meiriceánach
cluasa mara
maximum take-off weight; MTOW
uasmheáchan tráth turgabhála
two-speed Europe; two-tier Europe
Eoraip an dá luas
maximum level for residues; maximum residue level; maximum residue limit; MRL
uasteorainn iarmhar
maximum equilibrium catch; maximum sustainable yield; MSY; potential yield
uastáirgeacht inbhuanaithe; uastoradh inbhuanaithe
neutron velocity selector
roghnóir luas neodrón
addition of sucrose in aqueous solution; sugaring and watering
siúcrós a chur le tuaslagán uisciúil; siúcrú agus uisciú
above; abovementioned; above-mentioned
thuas; thuasluaite
above; above-mentioned; referred to above
thuas; thuasluaite
in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict
in ábhair a bhaineann le tort, míghníomh nó samhail mhíghnímh
zero rate tariff ceilings
uasteorainneacha taraife saor ó dhleacht
to draw up a table of prices
tarraing suas tábla praghsanna
to raise a question
ceist a tharraingt anuas
plane of maximum draught
plána uasdoimhneachta
invert sugar solution
tuaslagán siúcra inbhéartaithe
maximum net power
glanchumhacht uasta
quasi-factoring; recourse factoring
fachtóireacht iontaofa
TDA; top-down approach
cur chuige ó bharr anuas
maximum permissible dose
dáileog uasta is incheadaithe
maximum permissible level of exposure
uasleibhéal nochta incheadaithe
to draw up proposals
tograí a tharraingt suas
date of advance redemption
dáta réamhfhuascailte
to quash the decision; to set aside the decision
neamhnigh an bhreith
in the manner described above
mar a thuairiscítear thuas
initial ceiling
uasteorainn tosaigh
to redeem (government note)
fuascail (nóta rialtais)
to retard the pace of economic development
an luas faoin bhforbairt eacnamaíoch a mhoilliú
upgrading or extension of the classification
uasghrádú nó fadú ar an rúnaicmiú
dissuasive penalty; dissuasive sanction
pionós athchomhairleach
to dilute or dissolve colours
damhnaí dathúcháin a chaolú nó a thuaslagadh
the maximum rate of mobilisation of own resources
uasráta mhóibliú na n-acmhainní dílse; uasráta slógadh na n-acmhainní dílse
solutions of polyurethane
tuaslagán de pholúireatán
on the expiry of the abovementioned derogation
ar dhul in éag don mhaolú thuasluaite
liquid smoke solution
tuaslagán leachtdeataigh
hollow mining drill steel
barraí cuasacha de chruach chun mianaigh a tholladh
public documents drawn up in the territory of a Contracting State
doiciméad poiblí arna tharraingt suas i gcríoch Stáit Chonarthaigh
International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions; INTOSAI
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Uasfhoras Iniúchóireachta
Eswatini; Kingdom of Eswatini; Kingdom of Swaziland; Swaziland
an tSuasalainn; Eswatini; Ríocht Eswatini; Ríocht na Suasalainne
maximum penalty
an pionós uasta
African caracal; Asian caracal; Asian caracal lynx; caracal; desert lynx
lincse chluasdubh; lincse chluasdubh na hÁise
white-eared pheasant, Tibetan-eared pheasant
piasún cluasach bán
brown-eared pheasant
piasún cluasach donn
cluas chaoin Sander
long-eared flying squirrel
iora eitilte cluasach
the classification of these judgements, the drawing up and publication of translations and abstracts
rangú na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú; rangúchán na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú
the maximum value of non-originating materials
uasluach na n-ábhar neamhthionscnaimh
tabhairt suas
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Union; Convention on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Union
an Coinbhinsiún, arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le nós imeachta simplithe eiseachadta idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh; Coinbhinsiún, arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le nós imeachta simplithe eiseachadta idir Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
Convention on Recognition and Updating of Civil Status Records
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAithint agus le Nuashonrú Taifead a bhaineann le Stádas Sibhialta
giant cupped oyster; Pacific cupped oyster
cuasoisre an Aigéin Chiúin; oisre an Aigéin Chiúin
foitheach cluasach
tiripín cluasdearg
Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. Those penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
cinnfidh na Ballstáit na pionóis is infheidhme má dhéantar na forálacha náisiúnta arna nglacadh de bhun na treorach seo a shárú. Beidh na pionóis sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach
Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, th
Socróidh gach Ballstát na smachtbhannaí a bheidh le forchur nuair a shárófar forálacha an Rialacháin seo. Beidh forálacha den sórt sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach. Go dtí go nglacfar, más gá, reachtaíocht ar bith chun na críche sin, ci
consent to surrender
toiliú le tabhairt suas
CBU; cluster bomb; cluster bomb unit
deposit redeemable at notice
taisce infhuascailte ar fhógra
ear shell; European abalone; HLT; ormer; sea ear
cluas mhara choiteann
ABP; perlemoen abalone
cluas mhara; cluas mhara phéarlamónach
ABG; giant abalone
ollchluas mhara
ABR; blacklip abalone
cluas mhara dhearg
mangrove cupped oyster
cuasoisre mangróibh
Sydney cupped oyster
cuasoisre Sydney
VDSL; Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line
Líne Dhigiteach Rannpháirtí ar Rí-Ardluas
solution fertiliser
leasachán tuaslagáin
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article 43(1) of the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), amending that Convention
an Prótacal arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal 43(1) den Choinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú (Coinbhinsiún Europol) lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún sin
postponed surrender
tabhairt suas curtha ar athló
Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States
Cinneadh réime maidir leis an mBarántas Gabhála Eorpach agus na nósanna imeachta um thabhairt suas idir na Ballstáit
déan intuaslagtha
stock solution
balanced salt solution; BSS; buffered salt solution; physiologically balanced buffer solution
BSS; tuaslagán salainn cothromaithe
citrate-phosphate dextrose; CPD
CPD; tuaslagadh ciotráit-deastrós-fosfáit; tuaslagadh ciotráite-deastróis-fosfáite
UAS; Union of African States
an tAontas Stát Afracach
dissolved oxygen uptake rate; DOUR; OUR; oxygen uptake rate
ráta ionsúite ocsaigine tuaslagtha
maximum delay for reply
uasaga moille faoi chomhair freagra
maximum repayment term
téarma uasta aisíocaíochta
ceiling of irrigated area
uasteorainn limistéir uiscithe
maximum buying-in price
uasphraghas ceannach isteach
alcohol used as a solvent
alcól tuaslagach
to dissolve
callable security; redeemable security
urrús infhuascailte
redemption date; repayment date
dáta aisíocaíochta; dáta fuascailte
ceiling; upper limit
terminal fall speed
críochluas titime
dissolvent; dissolver; solvent
rated speed
luas rátaithe
extraction solvent
tuaslagóir eastósctha
galloping inflation; rampant inflation; runaway inflation
boilsciú ar luas
cash equivalents; near cash; near-cash assets; near-money; quasi-money
coibhéisí airgid; gar-airgead
solvent control
cóimheastóir tuaslagóra
luasmhoilliú saor-rothlaithe
white-eared pheasant
piasún cluasach bán
brown-eared pheasant
piasún cluasach donn
Long-eared flying squirrel
iora eitilte cluasach
chestnut-eared aracari
arasaraí cluasdonn
capital redemption reserve funds
cúlchiste fuascailte caipitil
credit drawdown; drawdown
tarraingt anuas creidmheasa
drawing up of a deed
gníomhas a tharraingt suas; tarraingt suas gníomhais
clarified solution
tuaslagán gléghlanta
eluting solvent; elution solvent
tuaslagóir ionnalta
leach liquor; leaching liquor; leaching solution; lixiviant
láisteachán; licéar láiste; tuaslagán láiste
diamond pyramid hardness number; DPN; Vickers hardness
cruas Vickers; DPN; uimhir chruais phirimid diamaint
insoluble residue; IR
iarmhar dothuaslagtha
wind speed; wind velocity
luas na gaoithe
mean annual wind speed
meánluas bliantúil na gaoithe
free stream wind speed; free stream wind velocity
luas na gaoithe saorshrutha
induced velocity
treoluas ionduchtaithe
rotational speed
luas an rothlaithe; luas rothlaithe
blade tip speed
luas rinn lainne
tip speed ratio
cóimheas idir treoluas lainne agus treoluas gaoithe
rated wind speed
luas gaoithe rátaithe
start-up speed; start-up wind speed
luas dúisithe; luas gaoithe dúisithe
cut-in speed
luas gearrtha isteach
cut-out speed; furling speed
luas an ghearrtha amach
dissolved gas; dissolved natural gas; solution gas
gás nádúrtha tuaslagtha
aid ceiling; maximum aid intensity
uasteorainn cabhrach; uasteorainn na cabhrach
tariff ceiling
uasteorainn taraife
maximum guaranteed quantity
uaschainníocht ráthaithe
OML; overall migration limit
uasteorainn ascnaimh
headlamp recessed in the body
ceannlampa cuasaithe sa chabhail
technically permissible maximum laden mass
uasmhais ualaithe incheadaithe go teicniúil
technically permissible maximum towable mass
an uasmhais intarraingthe incheadaithe go teicniúil
after-diversity maximum demand
uaséileamh iar-ilíochta
maximum demand; peak demand
buaicéileamh; éileamh uasta
maximum capacity of a thermal unit
toilleadh uasta aonaid theirmigh
maximum capacity of interconnection
uastoilleadh idirnaisc
engine rotational speed; engine RPM; engine speed; engine's revolutions per minute
luas innill
emission cap; emission ceiling
uasteorainn astaíochta
gatherer; gatherer of live bivalve molluscs
annual maximum demand
uaséileamh bliantúil
isotonic solution
tuaslagán iseatonach
aq. sol.; aqueous solution
tuaslagán uiscí
organic solvent
tuaslagóir orgánach
amylodextrin; soluble starch
aimilideistrin; stáirse intuaslagtha
butterfly nut; fly nut; wing nut
cnó cluasach; cnó eiteach
accelerator; particle accelerator
luasaire cáithníní
product upgrading
uasghrádú táirge
acceleration due to gravity; acceleration of gravity; gravity acceleration
luasghéarú de bharr domhantarraingthe
genetically modified higher plant; GMHP
planda uasal géinmhodhnaithe; UPGM
maximum prices
up-dated value
luach nuashonraithe
redemption of bonds
bannaí a fhuascailt
mark-up; trade profit margin
skim pocket; skimming pocket
cuas bearrtha
chest cavity; thoracic cavity
cuas an chliabhraigh
abdominal cavity
cuas an bhoilg
paranasal sinus
allantoic cavity
cuas na hallantóise
higher plant
planda uasal
medium; nutrient solution
tuaslagán cothaitheach
maximum concentration; peak concentration
backward compatibility; downward compatibility
comhoiriúnacht anuas; comhoiriúnacht shiarghabhálach
maximum tolerable dose; MTD
MTD; uasdáileog infhulaingthe
upper control limit
uasteorainn rialaithe
divided chamber; divided combustion chamber
cuasán dó roinnte
dissolved gas
gás tuaslagtha
blank solution; blank test solution
tuaslagán bán
hardness of water; water hardness
cruas uisce
absolute ceiling
acceleration atelectasis
ataileachtáis de bharr luasghéarú
acceleration error
earráid luasghéaraithe
acceleration insensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha nach bhfuil faoi réir luasghéaraithe
acceleration sensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha atá faoi réir an luasghéaraithe
acceleration squared sensitive drift rate
ráta síobtha atá íogair faoi réir luasghéarúcháin chearnaithe; ráta síobtha faoi réir luasghéaraithe chearnaithe
accelerating pump; accelerator pump
caidéal luasghéaraithe
aileron upfloat
ardú comhuaineach na n-ailearán; ardú na n-ailearán; ardú siméadrach na n-ailearán; éirí na n-ailearán; snámh suas na n-ailearán
all burnt velocity
treoluas ag deireadh an dócháin
angle of downwash
uillinn na haershreibhe anuas
angular acceleration sensitivity
íogaireacht luasghéaraithe uilligh
angular accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe uilligh
angular velocity sensitivity
íogaireacht don treoluas uilleach
anti-yaw ailerons; Frise ailerons
ailearán Frise; ailearán frithluascála
aural radio range
cluasraon raidió
best endurance speed
luas seasmhachta is fearr; uasluas seasmhachta
laofacht an mhéadair luasghéaraithe
blast chamber
cuasán dó
blind velocity
treoluas caoch
block-to-block speed
luas ó bhloc go bloc
briseadh suas le linn na heitilte
burner basket
cuasán dó
burnout velocity
luas ag deireadh dócháin
calibrated airspeed; CAS; RAS; rectified airspeed
aerluas coigeartaithe
cannular combustion chamber
cuasán dó fáinneach
cavitation fracture
briseadh cuasaithe
chamber flight
eitilt chuasáin
chamber pressure
brú cuasáin; brú sa chuasán
chamber volume
toirt an chuasáin
characteristic chamber length
sainfhad cuasáin
characteristic exhaust velocity
sainluas sceite; treoluas ag an bpointe fágála; treoluas sainiúil sceite
characteristic velocity; stage characteristic velocity
constant speed drive; CSD
tiomáint ar luas seasmhach; tras-seoladh tairiseach
constant speed propeller
lián faoi luas seasmhach
Coriolis acceleration
luasghéarú Coriolis
counting accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe comhairimh
critical closing speed
luas criticiúil an dúnta
critical opening speed
luas criticiúil na hoscailte
critical velocity
treoluas criticiúil
cross acceleration
cruise control
cut off velocity
descent velocity
treoluas na tuirlingthe
design airspeed
aerluas dearaidh
divergence speed
luas dibhéirseachta; luas eisréimneachta
effective exhaust velocity
treoluas sceite éifeachtach
EAS; equivalent airspeed
aerluas coibhéiseach
meallta súl; mothú luasghéaraithe
favourable yaw
luascáil fhabhrach
luasc an deireadh ó thaobh go taobh
flutter speed
luas eitligh
free-fall velocity
treoluas saorthitime
fuel accumalator
cnuasaitheoir breosla
hovering ceiling
uas-airde foluana
IAS; indicated airspeed
aerluas léirithe
inertial velocity
treoluas támhúil
integrating accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe suimeála
lateral acceleration
luasghéarú cliathánach
limiting velocity
treoluas teorantach
limit load
linear accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe línigh
maximum all up weight
uasmheáchan iomlán
maximum continuous power
uaschumhacht leanúnach
maximum flying speed
uasluas eitilte
maximum landing weight
uasmheáchan tuirlingthe
maximum Mach number; maximum operating speed
Machuimhir uasta; uasluas oibriúcháin
maximum range
raon uasta
maximum speed
luas uasta; uasluas
micro hardness
minimum control speed
íosluas rialaithe i gcás cliseadh innill
minimum flying speed
íosluas eitilte
counterflow burner; reverse flow combustion chamber
cuasán dó cúlsreabh; cuasan dó cúlsreibhe; cuasán dó go sreabhadh cúltreo; dóire frithshreibhe
stall speed; stalling speed
luas loicthe
rate 1 turn; rate one turn; ROT; standard rate turn
casadh ar ghnáthluas uilleach; casadh ar gnáthluas
force balance accelerometer; torque balance accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe fórsachothromaíochta
yaw moment; yawing moment
móimint luascála
acceleration pickup; accelerometer
méadar luasghéaraithe
work rate; work speed
luas na hoibre
quasi-capital assistance
cúnamh cuasachaipitiúil
due within X days; with maturities up to X days
dlite laistigh de X lá; le haibíochtaí suas go X lá
ear defender; ear muff
cosantóir cluas
luas fuaime
aerial conductor; OHL; open-wire line; overhead cable; overhead conductor; overhead line; overhead power line
cábla lastuas; líne chumhachta lastuas
wage ceiling
uasteorainn pá
income ceiling
uasteorainn ioncaim
water soluble substance
substaint uiscethuaslagtha
occupational exposure limit value; OELV
luach teorann nochta ceirde; uasluach ceirde teagmhas faoi lé
DAF; dissolved air flotation
snámhacht aerthuaslagtha
MAC; maximum allowable concentration
MAC; uas-leibhéal incheadaithe
dissolution relative index
innéacs coibhneasta tuaslagtha
maximum power point tracking; MPPT
rianú pointe uaschumhachta
maximum permissible concentration
tiúchan uasta is incheadaithe
dental treatment
líonadh cuasán
cosolvent; co-solvent
updating conditions
dálaí nuashonraithe (fios gnó)
mixed crystal; solid solution
criostal measctha; tuaslagán soladach
maximum mass
boric acid solution
tuaslagán aigéid bhóraigh
redemption yield; yield to maturity; YTM
toradh go dtí aibíocht; toradh go dtí fuascailt
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
hollow charge
lánán cuasach
hard discount
hard discounter
escape velocity
treoluas éalaithe
dissolving pulp; dissolving wood pulp
laíon adhmaid tuaslagtha; laíon adhmaid um thuaslagadh
premiums on the redemption of debentures
préimheanna ar bhintiúir a fhuascailt
explosive; occlusive; plosive
dissolved oxygen; dissolved oxygen concentration; DO
ocsaigin thuaslagtha
aqueous buffer; buffer; buffer solution
maolán; tuaslagán maolánach
Rosai-Dorfman disease; SHML; sinus histiocytosis; sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy
histicíotóis chuasach le liomfadanapaite mhór; histicíotóis cuas le liomfadanapaite mhór
volumetric solution; VS
tuaslagán toirtmhéadrach
accelerating moving walkway
cosán beo luasghéaraithe
acceleration ramp
rampa luasghéaraithe
average vehicle acceleration
meán-luasghéarú feithicle
centrifugal acceleration
luasghéarú lártheifeach
civil speed; posted speed
luasteorainn; luasteorainn atá ar taispeáint
command speed
luas forchurtha
constant speed moving walkway
cosán beo faoi luas seasmhach
crush load
ualach an uastoillte
deceleration ramp
rampa luasmhoillithe
emergency deceleration rate
ráta luasmhoilliúcháin an choscáin éigeandála
entry speed
luas iontrála
exit speed
luas ag an bpointe fágála
full service braking; maximum service braking
full service stop
stad uaschoscánaithe
luas údaraithe uasta
maximum braking distance
achar coscánaithe uasta
maximum gradient
grádán uasta
maximum operating speed; maximum vehicle operating speed
uasluas oibriúcháin feithicle
maximum vehicle acceleration
luasghéarú feithicle uasta; uas-luasghéarú feithicle
maximum vehicle deceleration
luasmhoilliú feithicle uasta; uas-luasmhoilliú feithicle
merge speed
luas coinbhéirsithe
peak acceleration
luasghéarú uasta
round-trip speed
luas dé-aistir
safe stopping distance
achar coscánaithe uasta
schedule speed
meánluas de réir sceidil
nominal vehicle acceleration; normal acceleration; service acceleration
nominal vehicle deceleration; normal deceleration; service deceleration
connecting ramp; superelevation ramp
rampa chun an uasbhealaigh
trip speed
luas an turais
crush capacity; vehicle crush capacity
uastoilleadh feithicle
vehicle follower control
rialú luas na feithicle taobh thiar
lateral velocity
treoluas cliathánach
TAS; true airspeed
maximum take-off power; MTOP
MTOP; uaschumhacht ag éirí de thalamh
supersonic speed
luas forshonach
downward mobility; downward social mobility
soghluaisteacht anuas; soghluaisteacht shóisialta anuas
ceiling of income; upper limit of income
uasteorainn ioncaim
maximisation of profits; maximization of profits
uasmhéadú brabúis
ground speed; groundspeed
detritor; detritus chamber; detritus channel; detritus tank; grit basin; grit chamber; grit tank; sand trap
maximum ahead service speed
uasluas seirbhíse ar aghaidh
maximum astern speed
uasluas ar gcúl
maximum permissible operating draught
uastarraingt oibriúcháin cheadaithe
roll; rolling
yaw; yawing
maximum tolerated dose; MTD
MTD; uasdáileog inghlactha
dissolved organic carbon; DOC
carbón orgánach tuaslagtha
orbital velocity
treoluas fithiseach
QSO; quasar; quasi-stellar object
noble rot
lobhadh uasal
standard alkaline solution
tuaslagán alcaileach caighdeánach
starch solution
tuaslagán stáirse
free speed; idle speed; idling speed; no load engine speed
luas réchasta
redemption capital
caipiteal fuascailte
percentage of redemption
céatadán fuascailte
póstaeir a chur suas
coupon redemption
fuascailt cúpóin
rate of redemption; redemption rate
ráta fuascailte
rate of redemption; redemption rate
ráta fuascailte
redemption center
lárionad fuascailte
redemption level
leibhéal na fuascailte
push down stock; push down store
stoc brú anuas; stór brú anuas
solubility coefficient
comhéifeacht intuaslagthachta
HR; Rockwell hardness
cruas Rockwell; HR
constant speed turbine; constant-speed wind turbine; fixed speed wind turbine
tuirbín gaoithe faoi luas seasmhach
maximum share dividend
scairdhíbhinn uasta
linear speed; linear velocity; speed; velocity
treoluas líneach
overflow valve; relief valve
comhla fuascailte
ammonia liquor; ammonia solution; ammonia water; ammonium hydrate; ammonium hydroxide; aqua ammonia
tuaslagán amóinia
clamshell bucket
buicéad dhá shluasaid
secondary combustion chamber
cuasán dó tánaisteach
rectangular grit chamber
greanchuasán dronuilleogach
‘a thuaslagann luaidhe’; ‘luaidhe-thuaslagach’
maximum holding temperature
uasteocht imchoimeáid
maximum holding time
uas-aga imchoimeáid
redemption conditions
coinníollacha fuascailte
drop-down menu; pulldown menu
roghchlár anuas
Japanese oyster; Pacific cupped oyster; Pacific oyster
cuasoisre an Aigéin Chiúin; cuasoisre Ciúin-Aigéineach; oisre an Aigéin Chiúin
maximum amount at risk for concluded contract
uasmhéid riosca don chonradh arna thabhairt i gcrích
ACC; adaptive cruise control; intelligent cruise control
luasrialú oiriúnaitheach
ACC; AICC; autonomous cruise control; autonomous intelligent cruise control
luasrialaitheoir uathrialach
inappropriate speed
luas míchuí
portable speed warning system
luasbhraiteoir iniompartha
variable speed limit and enforcement
bunú agus cur i bhfeidhm luasteorann athraithí
upper bumper height
uasairde tuairteora
active gas pedal; active gas pedal control
troitheán luasaire gníomhach
hard core restrictions
ACA-Europe; Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union
Comhlachas Chomhairlí Stáit agus Uas-Dlínsí Riaracháin an Aontais Eorpaigh
business cluster; cluster
braisle; braisle de ghnólachtaí; cnuasach de ghnólachtaí
UASC; UMA; unaccompanied asylum-seeking child; unaccompanied minor asylum seeker
iarrthóir tearmainn mionaoiseach gan tionlacan
clear solution
tuaslagán glé
notice and take down; NTD
fógra agus baint anuas
regional ceiling
uasteorainn réigiúnach
rounding up
cothromú suas; slánú suas
acid solution
tuaslagán aigéid
maximum pesticide residue level
uasleibhéal iarmhar lotnaidicídí
national ceiling
uasteorainn náisiúnta
stock standard solution
buntuaslagán caighdeánach
AQUA Reference Group; ARG; Security Committee (Information Assurance - AQUA Reference Group); Security Committee (INFOSEC - AQUAs)
an Coiste Slándála (INFOSEC - AQUA)
black abalone
cluas mhara dhubh
red abalone
cluas mhara dhearg
pink abalone
cluas mhara bhándearg
green abalone; southern green abalone
cluas mhara ghlas
white abalone
cluas mhara bhán
quasi-equity financing; quasi-equity investment
infheistíocht chuasachothromais
cluster munition
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the surrender procedure between the Member States of the European Union and Iceland and Norway
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIorua maidir leis an nós imeachta um thabhairt suas idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh agus an Íoslainn agus an Iorua
samhail mhíghnímh
maximum credit event payment
uasíocaíocht i gcás teagmhas creidmheasa
quasi-equity; quasi-equity investment instruments
impact speed
luas tuairte
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change
an Tuarascáil Straitéiseach ar Straitéis Liospóin athnuaite i leith Fáis agus Fostaíochta: an Timthriall Nua á sheoladh (2008-2010) Lean de Luas na Leasuithe
conditional surrender; temporary surrender
tabhairt suas choinníollach
maximum certificated take-off mass; maximum certified take-off mass; MCTOM
uasmhais dheimhnithe éirí de thalamh
maximum capital requirement
uasriachtanas caipitil
CCM; Convention on Cluster Munitions
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cnuasmhuinisin
maximum indirect exposure
neamhchosaint indíreach uasta
chamber venus
In accordance with point 34 of the Interinstitutional Agreement on better law-making, Member States are encouraged to draw up, for themselves and in the interest of the Union, their own tables, which will, as far as possible, illustrate the correlation be
I gcomhréir le pointe 34 den Chomhaontú Idirinstitiúideach maidir le reachtóireacht níos fearr, moltar do na Ballstáit, ar mhaithe leo féin agus chun leas an Aontais, a gcuid táblaí féin a tharraingt suas, a dhéanfaidh, a mhéid is féidir, an comhghaol idi
mean fully developed deceleration; MFDD
meán-luasmhoilliú lánfhorbartha
maximum stun to stick interval; maximum stun-to-stick interval
uaseatramh idir stiúdadh agus sá; uaseatramh ó stiúdadh go sá
National Emission Ceilings Directive; NEC Directive; NECD
an Treoir um Uasteorainneacha Astaíochtaí Náisiúnta
holding speed
luas coinneála
cluster recommendation
combustion chamber
cuasán dó; seomra dócháin
deceleration force
fórsa luasmhoilliúcháin
maximum spot-luminance value
uasluach spotlonrais
non-abrasive soap solution
tuaslagán gallúnaí neamhscríobach
flat-bottomed shovel with vertical sides
sluasaid réthónach le taobhanna ingearacha
equimolar solution
tuaslagán cómholarach
clarified sugar solution
tuaslagán gléghlanta siúcra
working standard solution
tuaslagán caighdeánach oibre
extinction maximum
absorption maximum
ionsú uasta
analytical solution; test solution
tuaslagán tástála
aqueous acid solution
tuaslagán uiscí aigéid
downslope; peak downslope
fána anuas
solvent blank
bánán tuaslagóra
Earle's yeast lactalbumin (balanced salt solution); Earle's yeast lactalbumin balanced salt solution; EYL; serum-supplemented lactalbumin hydrolysate medium
tuaslagán salainn cothromaithe de lachtalbaimin ghiosta Earle
Hank's balanced salt solution; HBSS
tuaslagán salainn cothromaithe Hank
fixative solution
tuaslagán fosúcháin
stain solution
tuaslagán ruaimniúcháin
asymptotic chamber pressure
brú asamtóiteach cuasáin
brake chamber pressure
brú cuasáin coscáin
aqueous solubility; solubility in water; water solubility
tuaslagthacht an uisce
diaphragm brake chamber
cuasán scairte coscáin
locking chamber
cuasán glasála
spring compression chamber
cuasán comhbhrúite sprionga
crospovidone; cross linked polyvidone; insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone; poly-[1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)-ethylene]; polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
crospovadón; pola-[1-(2-ocsa-1-piorólaidinil)-eitiléin]; polaiveadón trasnasctha; polaivinilpioróladón dothuaslagtha; polaivinilpolapioróladón
non-polar solute
tuaslagáit neamhpholach
line speed
luas líne
redemption order
ordú fuascailte
upper verification height
uasairde fíorúcháin
maximum static vertical load
uasualach ceartingearach statach
redeem units
aonaid a fhuascailt
liposoluble substance
substaint shailltuaslagtha
steady flight speed
luas eitilte seasta
tabhairt suas
probable maximum loss
uaschaillteanas dóchúil
redemption prohibition
toirmeasc ar fhuascailt
top-down test
tástáil ó bharr anuas
unconditional right to refuse redemption
ceart neamhchoinníollach chun fuascailt a dhiúltiú
construction or upgrade services
seirbhísí forbartha nó uasghrádaithe
solvent system
córas tuaslagóra
maximum filling level test
tástáil an uasleibhéil líonta
solubility limit
teorainn intuaslagthachta
solubiliser; solubilising agent
oibreán intuaslagúcháin
corrective arm of the Stability and Growth Pact; corrective part of the SGP; corrective part of the Stability and Growth Pact; dissuasive arm of the Stability and Growth Pact
an chuid cheartaitheach den Chomhshocrú Cobhsaíochta agus Fáis; gné cheartaitheach an Chomhshocraithe Cobhsaíochta agus Fáis
decision not to draw up an opinion; decision not to draw up an opinion or a report
cinneadh gan tuairim nó tuarascáil a tharraingt suas
redemption request
iarraidh ar fhuascailt